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骡鸭早期生长曲线的研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
骡鸭具有生长速度快、瘦肉率高、味道鲜美等特点,深受人们喜爱。骡鸭既适合集约大规模饲养,又适合农村传统分散放牧饲养,是目前生产中较好的一种肉用品种。Gompem非线性生长模型是当前使用较多的用以描述动物生长发育规律的生长曲线模型。该模型具有精确度高、拟合度好、动物生长发育描述准确等特点,因而在研究动物生长发育规律时广泛为人们采用。此次试验对骡鸭的早期生长发育进行了研究,并利用Compertz模型对骡鸭生长曲线进行了拟合。从而建立骡鸭生长模型,为骡鸭生产提供依据。 相似文献
骡鸭生产性能初报 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以番鸭、樱桃谷鸭、金定鸭三个品种为素材进行杂交 ,生产出三个杂交组合的骡鸭分别称为番樱骡鸭、番金骡鸭、番樱金骡鸭。对生产性能进行观察 ,提出以下结果 :番樱骡鸭的生长速度快于番樱金骡鸭 ,极显著快于番金骡鸭 (P <0 0 1)。番樱金骡鸭的生长速度极显著快于番金骡鸭 (P <0 0 1)。番樱金骡鸭的屠宰性能好于番金骡鸭 ,显著好于番樱骡鸭 (P <0 0 5 )。番金骡鸭的屠宰性能好于番樱骡鸭。番樱骡鸭胸肌率最高为 15 6 1% ,高于番樱金骡鸭 ,极显著高于番金骡鸭 (P <0 0 1)。番金骡鸭腿肌率为 6 5 9%高于番樱金骡鸭高于番樱骡鸭。番樱骡鸭为肥肝生产的最佳骡鸭杂交组合。胸肌中水分含量以番樱为最高。腿肌中脂肪含量番金骡鸭最高。胸肌中蛋白质含量番金鸭最高 相似文献
发展骡鸭生产的技术要点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 生产骡鸭的技术原理 生物学上不同种、不同属、甚至血缘关系更远的动物之间进行交配,这种繁殖方法称为远缘杂交。远缘杂交比种内杂交具有更强大的杂交优势,是畜牧业上一种重要的生产方式。目前在家畜中所进行的远缘杂交工作,大都是种间杂交,例如:驴(E.Asinus)与马(EquusCaballus)的杂交是种间杂交,用公驴配母马的杂交种称为骡,其役用性能、抗病力、生活力均超过双亲;又如:普通牛(BosTaurus) 相似文献
骡鸭(土鸭)是番鸭和麻鸭的杂交商品鸭,具有生长速度快、瘦肉率高等优良特点,是天柱畜牧经济的支柱产业,年饲养量达350万羽以上。骡鸭生产突出的问题是死亡率居高不下,2004年全县16个乡镇疫情定点调查资料表明,死亡率达26%以上。通过对我县雷寨、兰田、润松等地养鸭专业户的调查,结合临床诊疗结果分析,影响骡鸭成活率的因素主要有以下几个方面,其相应的防制技术措施如下。1影响骡鸭成活率的主要因素饲养管理方面因素,科学饲养管理推广力度不足,多数养鸭户缺乏育雏技术,是影响骡鸭成活率的主要因素。1·1鸭苗选择鸭苗好坏直接影响成活率和生长… 相似文献
骡鸭生产性能观察及上市日龄探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
天柱骡鸭俗称“土鸭”,又称半番鸭.以前多用天柱黑番鸭与三穗麻鸭进行杂交,无繁殖能力,但其生长发育快,饲料报酬高,肉料比平均1:2.4~2.6,耐粗饲,瘦肉率高,肉质细嫩,味美肉香,行动较迟缓,属肉用型鸭.近年来,天柱骡鸭饲养量不断上升,骡鸭常年产量在280万只左右,骡鸭生产已成为天柱的一大支柱产业;但骡鸭加工屠体欠美观,屠宰后胴体常残留有黑色毛囊,其黑色毛囊的残留不同程度地影响了骡鸭胴体的感观度和深加工产品的外观质量. 相似文献
应用番鸭作父本与北京鸭作母本的种间杂交后代──骡鸭进行鸭肥肝生产性能研究,测定了骡鸭在笼养和地面平养条件下对肥肝生产性能的影响,结果表明:笼养组骡鸭的肥肝重极显著地高于地面平养组(490.0g与391.1g,P<0.01),料肝比笼养组也显著低于地面平养组(25.45:1与44.48:1,P<0.01),屠宰性能差异不显著。 相似文献
骡鸭是用公番鸭与母家鸭(樱桃谷鸭、金定鸭、高邮鸭和北京鸭等)杂交产生的后代,经属间杂交多代自然形成的品种。它食性杂,耐粗饲、采食量少、抗病力强,是当今世界上优良的肉用型鸭,瘦肉率达82%~85%。其肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,特别是硒元素和维生素E。它符合当前人们时兴的营养、保健和价廉的消费时尚。 相似文献
A total of 84 farmers in 31 villages of Guadalcanal, Western, Malaita and Central Provinces of the Solomon Islands were surveyed
to obtain baseline information on the current feeding practices and farmer attitudes to village poultry production. Farming
of village chickens in the Solomon Islands is conducted on a small scale. Most surveyed farmers thought chickens were easy
to care for, provide food for the family and was a good cash income enterprise. Some farmers were interested in keeping local
chickens, but found it difficult to obtain the birds. The main feed sources are fresh coconut, copra meal, fish meal, mill
run, food scraps and forage sources from the range. Some villagers believe that chickens only need to eat household scraps
and did not provide drinking water. Many villagers lacked the knowledge of managing a village poultry enterprise. Some chicken
houses were built by using bush materials or by purchasing construction materials. Farmers indicated they would like the government
to provide funds for establishing a smallholder poultry enterprise and to provide information on feeding and management of
birds. 相似文献
MB Allworth M McQuillan SR McGrath CS Wilson M Hernandez-Jover 《Australian veterinary journal》2023,101(3):121-126
Frothy bloat, associated predominantly with grazing legume-based pastures, is considered the second most costly disease in beef cattle in southern Australia, costing $84.4 M annually. It frequently results in the sudden death of cattle. In response to concerns from cattle producers, an online survey was conducted in southern Australia in late 2020 to determine the impact of bloat, identify risk factors and determine the efficacy of current preventive measures. For 217 responses, over two-thirds (70%) of producers reported bloat occurring in the previous 12 months, with estimated morbidity and mortality rates of 3.7% and 5.0% respectively. Bloat was associated with clover or clover-dominant paddocks (79%) and was not associated with grass or grass-dominant pastures or low clover pastures (92%) nor grazing crops (27%). For bloat that occurred in the past 12 months, cattle were very commonly grazing on clover or clover-dominant paddocks (90%) and occasionally lucerne-dominated paddocks (7%). Two-thirds of producers reported having preventive measures in place when losses occurred. Bayesian Network analysis confirmed that grazing clover-based pastures for more than 7 days, yearling cattle and the months of July–September were the main risk factors for bloat occurrence, with pasture type (clover) being the most important. Conversely, no clear relationship between weather conditions and bloat occurrence was evident. This survey highlights the known risk of clover-based pastures for causing bloat in cattle, and that losses occur in many cases despite preventive measures being used. This suggests that current methods for preventing bloat in cattle are suboptimal. 相似文献
猪布鲁氏菌病是由猪布鲁氏杆菌(B.suis)引起的流产、睾丸炎等为特征的人畜共患病,危害畜牧业健康与公共卫生安全。为了了解延平区规模猪场种猪布鲁氏菌病感染情况,2013年对23个规模猪场901份血清样品采用琥红平板疑集试验和试管疑集试验进行初检和确诊。结果表明:被检的23个规模猪场有1个猪场检出阳性,被检血清中1份样品阳性,猪场阳性率为4.3%,样品阳性率为0.1%。 相似文献
为了解副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus parasuis,HPS)在我国规模化猪场中的流行情况及耐药情况,本试验对2017年全国20个省市疑似HPS感染的样品进行细菌分离培养、PCR鉴定分型和药敏试验。结果表明:从6 287份样品中共分离出563株HPS,分离率为8.42%。对其中115株HPS进行分型,得到血清型1型7株、2型2株、4型26株、5/12型38株、6型1株、7型2株、9型1株、10型1株、13型7株、14型16株、15型1株,未定型13株,可见4型、5/12型和14型HPS为我国规模化猪场中主要流行血清型。在HPS感染病例中,HPS单纯感染占比为57.93%,其与链球菌和大肠杆菌最易混合感染,比例分别为17.47%和10.34%。耐药性试验结果显示:HPS对氨苄青霉素和强力霉素的耐药率最高(均为55.56%),但对多黏菌素B、氟苯尼考、头孢类较为敏感,其中89株受试HPS均对多黏菌素B敏感,可见多黏菌素可作为对抗HPS感染的最后一道防线。 相似文献
规模化猪场脑心肌炎病毒感染的血清学调查 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
脑心肌炎病毒(EMCV)可引起猪的脑炎、心肌炎和母猪繁殖障碍,该病已在世界上多个国家暴发和流行。我国对EMCV及其所致疾病的研究工作还处于起步阶段,为了揭示EMCV在我国规模化猪场的感染情况,我们应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对2005-2006年间采集自全国13个省市46个规模化猪场的3250份血清样本进行了EMCV抗体检测,结果显示,各省阳性率在39.64%~90%之间,平均抗体阳性率为72%,监测的46个猪场都存在EMCV感染,猪场感染阳性率为100%;对不同生长阶段猪群检测结果表明,EMCV抗体阳性率随猪龄的增长而升高,且不同生长阶段猪抗体阳性率差异极显著;成年公猪的抗体阳性率高于成年母猪。本项调查表明,我国规模化猪场已经普遍感染EMCV,这应引起我国养猪业警惕,并做好该病的综合防控。 相似文献
Monau P. I. Visser C. Nsoso S. J. Van Marle-Köster E. 《Tropical animal health and production》2017,49(6):1265-1271
Tropical Animal Health and Production - A total of 153 communal farmers in four agro-ecological regions of Botswana were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The aims of the survey were to... 相似文献
James B. Kliebenstein Carrol L. Kirtley Lloyd A. Selby 《Preventive veterinary medicine》1983,1(4):357-369
Swine producers in the Missouri Mail-In-Record program provided information on herd health problems, death losses and health maintenance expenditures in their swine herd for the years 1978 and 1979. Swine health problems and death losses dampen profits for swine producers. During the study period approximately one-third of all pigs raised by Missouri Mail-In-Record swine panel producers were affected by health problems. It is important for swine producers to keep health problems under control. Important health problems for swine producers were scours, pneumonia, salmonellosis, TGE, and influenza. Important death causal factors were crushing or trauma, scours, lack of milk, and pneumonia. Health problems and death losses were most severe during the first quarter of the year. The major swine health expenditure was for services which were farmer administered. On a relative basis smaller producers depended more on veterinarians for seervices than did larger producers. Also, producers that had more than one type of production technology (pasture, confinement, etc.) tended to have larger animal health expenditure levels. 相似文献