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对南京地区5家具有代表性的动物医院中近2年犬尿石症临床病例进行了系统调查,并应用傅立叶红外光谱、扫描电镜结合X-射线能谱对84个自然病例的尿石样品的成分作了分析。结果表明:(1):南京地区犬尿石症的发病率为0.58%~1.31%,其中雄性占54.02%,雌性占45.98%。(2)南京地区犬尿结石有4种类型,即磷酸铵镁(鸟粪石)、草酸钙、尿酸盐和磷酸钙。描述了各种结石的显微结构特征,并讨论了犬尿石症的发病原因。  相似文献   

It was estimated that 23 to 24 dogs per 10,000 in Sweden were operated on for urolithiasis between 1956 and 1982. During this period urinary calculi were confirmed in 2898 dogs of 95 breeds, chiefly in chondrodystrophic and well proportioned (not short legged) miniature breeds. The distribution between the sexes in the period 1956 to 1970 was estimated at 57 per cent male and 43 per cent female in the chondrodystrophic breeds, 74 per cent male and 26 per cent female in the well proportioned miniatures, and 83 per cent and 17 per cent female in the large breeds; in the dalmatian (1956 to 1982) 94 per cent were male and 6 per cent female. Urinary calculi were found at a younger age in the chondrodystrophic breeds (1956 to 1970) than in the well proportioned miniature dogs and in large dogs (P<0–001). It was estimated that five dogs per 10,000 in Norway were operated on for urolithiasis between 1956 and 1970. During this period urinary calculi were diagnosed in 71 dogs of 28 breeds. Seventy-nine per cent were male and 21 per cent were female. Urolithiasis in dogs appears to be chiefly constitutionally dependent. Chondrodystrophic breeds and small breeds are particularly susceptible.  相似文献   

通过南京地区多家大型宠物医院146例犬尿石症流行病学调查,采用化学方法对尿石主要成分进行分析,了解南京地区犬尿石症流行病学特点。结果表明,146例尿石标本中,鸟粪石(磷酸铵镁)成分占52.55%(76/146),尿酸及尿酸盐占17.81%(26/146),磷酸钙占2.74%(4/146),草酸钙占23.29%(34/146),复合型结石占4.11%(6/146)。患尿石症犬的性别倾向、发病部位、平均年龄和饮食习惯对结石的成分及发生部位都有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Canine cystine urolithiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cystine uroliths form as a result of a complex metabolic disturbance in amino acid metabolism and transport. The inheritance of this disease is obscure because it does not follow a standard mendelian pattern. Uroliths are a vexing clinical problem because the recurrence rate is high. Accurate diagnosis of uroliths requires use of crystallographic methods. The renal defect leading to excessive excretion of cystine is variable. The only effective method of prevention of recurrence is use of D-penicillamine, which is poorly tolerated by some dogs.  相似文献   

Canine distal renal tubular acidosis and urolithiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Distal RTA is characterized by decreased distal renal tubular hydrogen ion secretion, decreased ability to acidify urine, hypercalciuria, hyperphosphaturia, hypocitraturia, and metabolic acidosis. Because of the resulting alterations in urine composition and pH, patients with distal RTA are predisposed to urolithiasis and renal calcification. Diagnosis of distal RTA is important because it is a potentially reversible disorder that, left untreated, may cause nephrocalcinosis, recurrent urolith formation, moderate to severe metabolic acidosis, and renal failure.  相似文献   

Canine primary hyperparathyroidism and its association with urolithiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary hyperparathyroidism results from autonomous secretion of parathyroid hormone by a single or multiple parathyroid glands. Clinical signs result from various combinations of hypercalcemia, hypercalcemic nephropathy, urolithiasis, or mobilization of calcium and phosphorus from bone. Following parathyroidectomy, the prognosis for dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism is good if the disorder is diagnosed before renal disease is advanced.  相似文献   

In 100 cases of canine urolithiasis the main chemical component was either phosphate (fifty-three), cystine (twenty), oxalate (fourteen) or urate (thirteen). Oxalate and cystine calculi were confined to males, while phosphates predominated in the female. The incidence was higher than average in the Cairn, Dalmatian and Pekingese. The mean age incidence was 5.9 years, and oxalate calculi occurred in an older age group (8.5 years). The incidence of urolithiasis in the patient population was 1.2 per cent. Seventeen animals died within 1 week of admission, generally from uraemia. Few animals were alive 4 years after first admission, but there were few later deaths from, or recurrence, of urolithiasis. Survival rates were similar for each calculus type. The low long-term survival was principally due to other unrelated causes of death. Résumé. Sur 100 cas d'urolithíase caníne, le composant chimique le plus important était soit le phosphate (53), soit la cystine (20), soit l'oxalate (14) ou l'urate (13). Les calculs d'oxalate et de cystine s'observant chez les mâles, alors que ceux composés de phosphate prédominent chez les femelles. La fréquence est plus grande que la moyenne chez les Cairns, les Dalmatiens et les Pékinois. L'âge moyen des sujets atteints est de 5,9 ans, mais les calculs d'oxalate s'observent dans un groupe d'âge plus avancé (8,5 ans). La fréquence d'urolithiase dans la population canine générale était de 1,2%. 17 animaux succombèrent au bout d'une semaine après l'admission, habituellernent par urémie. Quelques animaux étaient vivants 4 ans après la première admission, mais on a noté quelques survies plus longues, la mort survenant par urolithiase; dans d'autres cas, on a noté des rechutes de celle-ci. Les proportions de survie étaient identiques dans tout les groupes chimiques d'urolithiase. Le raccourcissement de la suivie a été essentiellement dû à d'autres causes de mort. Zusammenfassung. In 100 Fällen von Urolithiasis des Hundes war der chemische Haupt-bestandteil entweder Phosphat (53), Cystin (20), Oxalat (14) oder Urat (13). Oxalat- und Cystinkonkremente waren auf männliche Tiere beschränkt, während Phosphate bei den weiblichen Tieren vorherrschten. Die Häufigkeit war bei den Rassen Cairn, Dalmatiner und Pekinese höher. Die mittlere Altershäufigkeit betrug 5,9 Jahre, und Oxalatcalculi traten in einer Gruppe höheren Alters (8,5 Jahre) auf. Die Häufigkeit der Urolithiasis im Patienten-stamm betrug 1,2%. 17 Tiere starben innerhalb 1 Woche nach der Einlieferung, im allgemeinen an Urämie. Nur wenige Tiere waren noch 4 Jahre nach der ersten Beobachtung am Leben, jedoch gab es nur wenig spätere Todesfalle durch Urolithiasis oder durch deren erneutes Auf-treten. Die Überlebenszahlen waren bei jeder Konkrementtype ähnlich. Das geringe langzeitige Überleben war hauptsächlich anderen, damit nicht zusammenhängenden Todesursachen zuzu-schreiben.  相似文献   

Canine congenital heart disease: epidemiology and etiological hypotheses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review of published cases of congenital heart disease in the dog from 1800 to 1970 revealed a total of 255 affected dogs, with twenty-three different anatomic defects of the cardiovascular system. The breed and sex distributions of the defects reported in the literature are compared with those found in a university veterinary clinic population during a 13-year period. In the veterinary clinic population, 290 dogs with congenital heart disease had twenty-one different types of anatomic defects. In both the literature and the clinic populations the most common defects of clinical importance were patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis, fibrous subaortic stenosis, persistent right aortic arch, ventricular septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot. Cardiovascular malformations reported in the literature but not found in the clinic population included anomalous caudal vena cava, persistent truncus arteriosus, transposition of the great arteries, endocardial fibroelastosis and ectopia cordis. Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve, double outlet right ventricle, and congenital cardiac conduction disturbances without gross malformations were found in the clinic population but not reported in the literature. In the literature and the clinic population, the frequency of congenital heart disease was similar in males and females, except in the case of patent ductus arteriosus, which in both groups was found more often in females. The breed distribution of congenital heart disease in the veterinary clinic population and the literature suggests that purebred dogs are more susceptible than dogs of mixed breeding. In both groups, certain breeds appear to be predisposed to certain anatomic defects. Résumé. Un examen des cas publiés de maladies de coeur congénitales chez le chien de 1800 à 1970 révéla un total de 255 chiens affectés, avec vingt-trois défauts anatomiques différents du système cardio-vasculaire. La distribution, selon la race et le sexe, des défauts signalés dans les publications est comparée avec les défauts trouvés dans une population de clinique vétérinaire d'université sur une période de 13 ans. Dans la population de la clinique vétérinaire, 290 chiens avec une maladie de coeur congénitale avaient vingt-et-un défauts anatomiques différents. Dans la population des publications ainsi que dans la population de la clinique, les défauts les plus communs d'importance clinique étaient: canal artériel de Botal ouvert, sténose pulmonaire, sténose sous aortique fibreuse, crosse continue de l'aorte droite, défaut de la cloison interventriculaire et tétralogie de Fallot. Les malformations cardio-vasculaires signalées dans les publications mais qui n'ont pas été trouvées dans la population de la clinique comprenaient: veine cave caudale anormale, tronc artériel continu, transposition des grandes artères, fibroélastose endocardiaque et ectopie du coeur. L'anomalie d'Ebstein de la valvule tricuspide, le ventricule droit à double issue et les perturbations de conduction cardiaque congénitales sans marormation macroscopique ont été trouvés dans la population de la clinique mais n'ont pas été signalés dans les publications. Dans les publications et dans la population de la clinique, la fréquence des maladies de coeur congénitales était identique chez les mâles et les femelles, sauf dans le cas du canal artériel de Botal ouvert, qui, dans les deux groupes, a été trouvé plus souvent chez les femelles. La distribution selon la race des maladies de coeur congénitales dans la population de la clinique vétérinaire et les publications indiquerait que les chiens de race pure sont plus susceptibles de les avoir quc les chiens d'origine mixte. Dans les deux groupes, certaines races semblent prédisposées à certains défauts anatomiques. L'utilisation des études de la population de la clinique vétérinaire dans la formulation d'hypothèses étiologiques est discutée et des preuves sont données pour soutenir l'hypothèse que le canal artériel de Botal ouvert, la crosse continue de l'aorte droite et la tétralogie de Fallot sont causés par des facteurs génttiques à lésions spécifiques trouvés dans certaines races. Zusammenfassung. Eine Überprüfung der veröffentlichten Fälle angeborener Herzkrankheiten der Hunde in der Zeit von 1800 bis 1970 ergab insgesamt 255 erkrankte Hunde mit 23 verschiedened anatomischen Defekten des cardiovasculären Systems. Die Verteilung der in der Literatur erwähnten Defekte nach Rassen und Geschlecht wird mit der Verteilung bei den Patienten einer Universitätstierklinik in einer Periode von 13 Jahren verglichen. Unter den in der Tierklinik behandelten Tieren befanden sich 290 Hunde mit angeborenen Herzkrankheiten, die 21 verschiedene Typen anatomischer Defekte reprasentierten. Sowohl bei den Fällen in der Literatur als auch bei denen der Klinik waren die häufigsten Defekte von klinischer Bedeutung offener Ductus arteriosus, Pulmonalstenose, fibröse Subaortenstenose, persistierender rechter Aortenbogen, ventriculärer Septumdefekt und Fallotsche Tetralogie. Cardiovasculäre Mi β bildungen, von denen in der Literatur berichtet wurde, die aber im Material der Klinik nicht anzutreffen waren, bestanden aus anomaler Vena cava caudalis, Truncus arteriosus persistens, Verlagerung der groβen Arterien, endocardialer Fibroelastosis und Ectopia cordis. Ebsteins Anomalie der Tricuspidalklappe, doppelte Öffnung des rechten Ventrikels und kongenitale Herzleitungsstörungen ohne makroskopische Mi β bildungen wurden im Krankengut der Klinik gefunden, waren aber nicht in der Literatur genannt. In der Literatur und im Krankengut der Tierklinik war die Häufigkeit kongenitaler Herzerkrankungn ungefähr gleichmäβ ig auf männliche und weibliche Tiere verteilt, mit Ausnahme der Fälle von offenem Ductus arteriosus, der bei weiblichen Tieren öfter gefunden wurde. Die Verteilung der kongenitalen Herzerkrankungen nach den Hunderassen bei den Tierklinik-patienten und in der Literatur 1äβt annehmen, daβ reinrassige Hunde häufiger solche Erkrankungen aufweisen als gemischtrassige Hunde. In beiden Gruppen scheinen bestimmte Rassen für bestimmte anatomische Defekte prädisponiert zu sein. Die Verwendung der Tierklinikbefunde für die Formulierung ätiologischer Hypothesen wird besprochen und Material zur Unterstützung der Hypothese dargestellt, daβ offener Ductus arteriosus, Pulmonalstenose, fibröse Subaortenstenose, persistierender rechter Aortenbogen und Fallotsche Tetralogie von läsionsspezifischen Erbfaktoren verursacht werden, die bei bestimmten Rassen anzutreffen sind.  相似文献   

The essential activities for programmes of cystic echinococcosis control are the census of all dogs from the program and identification of parasitised animals. Currently, in South America evaluations and epidemiological surveillance are based on the administration of arecoline hydrobromide. This method has the disadvantage of increasing environmental pollution and risk for operators and owners of treated dogs. A genus-specific ELISA capture method has been employed for recently issued faeces and the confirmation of positive examination was performed by dog autopsies. Our work presents an alternative method based on collection of dry field-dispersed faeces, followed by serological diagnosis by Copro-ELISA and confirmation by Copro-Western blot. If Copro-ELISA were used to define positive samples of dry faeces, the Copro-Western blot assay would provide 70% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Global efficiency of the system using dry faeces would reach 76%, allowing epidemiological surveillance to be oriented to analysis of surface units instead of dog as measurement unit.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty specimens of urinary calculi from 150 cats were analyzed by at least 1 of 4 quantitative methods. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) was the predominant mineral substance encountered, with 104 (69%) of the calculi being composed entirely of struvite and 23 (15%) being composed partially of struvite. Most (93%) of the calculi were located in the urinary bladder. Growth of bacteria was observed in samples from calculi or urine from 30 (41%) of 74 cats. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were isolated from the urine or calculi from 17 cats (45% of bacteria isolated). Ten other bacterial species were isolated. Median and mean ages of the cats were 5.0 and 5.1 years, respectively. Domestic short-hair and domestic longhair breeds predominated. Fifty-seven percent of the calculi came from females, 43% from males. The distribution by gender did not differ significantly (P greater than 0.2) among the 3 groups (domestic shorthair, domestic longhair, and other). However, the distribution of struvite calculi differed significantly (chi 2 = 15.5, P less than 0.001) by age and gender; among cats less than or equal to 2 years of age, males predominated 2:1 over females, and among cats greater than 2 years of age, females predominated by nearly 3:1 over males. When compared with the general population, females greater than 2 years old were significantly (chi 2 = 15.4, P less than 0.001) overrepresented.  相似文献   

本试验旨在应用尿沉渣镜检、扫描电镜观察、X-射线能谱分析和傅立叶变换红外光谱分析等方法研究结石成分及特点,并结合饲养管理进行致石原因分析。本试验选取39例经手术获得的尿结石样本,其中1例为肾结石,33例为膀胱结石,2例为尿道结石,3例为膀胱与尿道结石。检查显示,临床采集的39例尿石样品:草酸钙结石4例(约占10.3%),尿酸盐结石9例(约占23.1%),磷酸铵镁与磷酸钙混合结石26例(约占66.6%)。并对3种结石的形态学、能谱及红外光谱特点进行观察,分析发病与其生活饮食的关系。为临床犬结石的诊断、治疗和预防提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Thirty canine urinary calculi, most of which had been qualitatively classified as struvite calculi, were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis at the University of Missouri Research Reactor. Measurements of sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, chloride, potassium, and calcium were possible, using a dual irradiation procedure. Magnesium was used to calculate the percentage of struvite mineral, Mg(NH4) (PO4) X 6H2O, in the calculi by making use of the stoichiometric relationship of the element magnesium to the mineral. For those calculi containing greater than 80% struvite, the mean elemental concentrations were found to be 0.12% Na, 9.35% Mg, 0.0033% Al, 12.1% P, 0.02% Cl, 0.85% K, and 2.05% Ca. A new method for determination of silicon in urinary calculi also was discussed. Two calculi were found to contain 45.0% and 37.3% silicon, and 1 mixed calculus was composed of 1.4% silicon.  相似文献   

Structure and composition of canine urinary calculi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chemical constituents of 171 specimens of canine urinary calculi have been analysed by infrared spectroscopy. The analysis revealed that 46 per cent of the total contained struvite as the major component; 26 per cent contained cystine; 16 per cent were found to be composed of whewellite and, or, weddellite; 8 per cent of urates; 3 per cent of calcium phosphate (apatite and, or, brushite) and 1 per cent of silica. A series of selected samples was also studied by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). This examination revealed structures similar to human stones. Potassium and complex urates containing two or more cations were commonly found in many areas of ammonium urate and sodium urate calculi. Moreover, EDAX analysis detected a calcium enriched urate in several zones of urate calculi.  相似文献   

The case study presented here illustrates the diagnosis and management of calcium oxalate urolithiasis in a Bichon Frise, a breed at increased risk for this type of stone. If the Bichon Frise had persistent hypercalcemia, we would have evaluated serum concentrations of ionized calcium, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D to identify an underlying cause. Because his urine was alkaline, additional potassium citrate was not provided. Likewise, as a fortified diet was fed to him, vitamin B6 therapy was not considered. This case study illustrates the benefits of radiographic evaluation immediately following surgery and during follow-up examinations. If we had postponed radiographs until the patient developed clinical signs, additional surgical procedures may have been required.  相似文献   

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