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芒果畸形病是世界范围内影响该作物最重要的病害之一,由于果树生产力下降而造成严重的经济损失。2006年4月,西班牙在南部阿萨尔基亚(Axarquia)地区的芒果果园首次发现芒果畸形病症状。症状包括营养嫩枝发育异常,节间缩短,小叶,花序簇生成团状。  相似文献   

何胜强  郭青 《植物医生》1998,11(3):10-10
芒果疮痂病及其防治何胜强郭青(广东南海动植物检疫局,528200)(广东省南海商检局,528200芒果(MangiferaeindicaL.)是著名的热带水果,其味甜美,营养丰富,商品价值高,全世界适生地区广泛种植,我国广东、广西、福建、四川攀西以及...  相似文献   

芒果Mangifera indica L.是我国著名的热带水果, 近年来细菌性病害发生严重。2020年-2021年对广西百色地区的芒果病害进行调查发现, 一种细菌性坏死病与细菌性黑斑病混合发生, 一般发病率30%~60%, 严重可达90%以上。本研究先后从该地区不同芒果坏死病组织中分离得到泛菌属的21株细菌。根据形态、生理生化特性、16S rDNA、fusA、gyrB、leuS、pyrG、rlpB和rpoB的多基因系统发育分析、致病性测定等方法将21个菌株分别鉴定为Pantoea vagans、P. anthophila、P. dispersa 和P. cypripedii。其中P. anthophila、P. dispersa 和P. cypripedii引起芒果细菌性坏死病是中国首次报道。  相似文献   

何胜强  罗燕 《植物检疫》1999,13(3):19-22
芒果MangiferaindicaL.原产于印度,是世界著名的热带水果,深受各国人民喜爱。随着我国人民生活水平不断提高,近年来从广州口岸进口芒果的数量逐渐增多,从1996年12月1日至1998年6月30日经南海南港进境的芒果共计约2万t,产地有菲律宾...  相似文献   

生物除草剂的研究概况   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
强胜 《杂草科学》1996,(2):11-14,10
生物除草剂的研究概况强胜(南京农业大学杂草研究室210095)生物除草剂的研究是杂草生物防除方面最活跃的领域,它是在人们控制下施用杀灭杂草的人工培养繁殖的大剂量生物制剂。其具有二个显著的特点,其一是经过人工大批量生产而获得大量生物接种体;其二,淹没式...  相似文献   

我国烟蚜生物防治的研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓勇强 《广西植保》2007,20(3):19-21
综述了捕食性、寄生性、真菌及细菌等天敌对烟蚜的控制作用,并阐明了各类天敌联合作用在烟蚜生物防治中的重要性。  相似文献   

结合国内外相关报道,介绍了黄瓜根结线虫病的病原种类、发病症状、发生规律及防治策略等方面的研究概况.  相似文献   

罗明荣 《植物保护》1991,17(1):25-26
芒果扁喙叶蝉(Idioscopus incertus(Baker)是广西右江河谷地区芒果的主要害虫之一。近年来随着芒果种植业的发展,此虫的为害日趋严重。据1986年3月对田东、田阳、百色3县(市)23个果园总面积为179.6亩的抽样调查,受害面积148.5亩,占调查面积的82.68%,其中因受害严重导致完全失收的23亩,占12.8%。为此,我们于1986—1987年,对芒果扁喙叶蝉进行了观察和防治试验。现将结果整理如下: 一.发生及其习性观察 (一).发生世代及其周年消长动态 据1986—1987年两年的室内饲养观察,  相似文献   

我国白蚁研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国白蚁研究概况韦成礼(广西农业大学南宁530005)白蚁的危害及防治方面,在我国二千余年之前就有了记载,如《吕氏春秋、情小篇》曾记载:“巨防容蝼而漂邑杀人,突泄一烟而焚宫烧积”。刘向的《说苑、谈丛》也有记载:“蠹蠡仆柱梁,蚊虻走牛羊”。随后各个历史...  相似文献   

Fusarium mangiferae is a major causal agent of mango malformation disease (MMD) worldwide. Rapid and accurate detection of the causal pathogen is the cornerstone of integrated disease management. In this paper, a real-time fluorescence loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay (RealAmp) was developed for quantitative detection of F. mangiferae in China. The LAMP primer set was designed based on a RAPD marker sequence and positive products were amplified only from F. mangiferae isolates, but not from any other species tested, showing a high specificity of the primer sets. The detection limit was approximately 2.26 × 10−4 ng/μl plasmid DNA when mixed with extracted mango DNA. Quantification of the pathogen DNA of MMD in naturally collected samples was no significant difference compared to classic real-time PCR Additionally, RealAmp assay was visual with an improved closed-tube visual detection system making the assay more convenient in diagnostics.  相似文献   


A survey was conducted in 1998 to determine the status and impact of mango malformation in Egypt. In the El Giza, Ismailîa and Sharkaia Governerates, disease incidence and severity ranged from 20 to 100% and from 5 to 60%, respectively. In contrast, 75 km to the south in the El Faiyûm Governerate, incidence and severity were lower, 3-5 and 0.1 to <1%, respectively. Based on these figures and recent production statistics, it is estimated that malformation causes losses in Egypt of at least E35 million/year. When malformation was managed in El Giza, Ismailîa and Sharkaia by removing affected vegetative and floral terminals, the mean disease incidence and severity were lower than in non-managed orchards (69 versus 29% and 29 versus 6%, respectively). Thirty-nine isolates of the pathogen, Fusarium mangiferae, recovered during the survey were sexually incompatible with the B, C and D mating populations of the Gibberella fujikuroi complex; 10 of these were also incompatible among themselves. Four vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were detected among 43 of the isolates from this and a previous survey. VCG was generally not correlated with farm, governerate or host cultivar, and in three instances, isolates from two different VCGs were recovered from the same tree. RAPD analyses divided isolates into two genetically distinct clusters: Group I contained isolates in VCGs 1, 2 and 4; Group II contained isolates in VCG 3. The VCG and RAPD data support the conclusion that isolates of the pathogen from the Nile Delta were probably responsible for the recent appearance of the disease in El Faiyûm.  相似文献   

Floral malformation caused by Fusarium mangiferae is a serious threat to mango cultivation in various countries. Different long-term measures suggested to control it were found to be unsuccessful. Present studies clearly showed strong antifungal activity of a concoction brewed from Datura stramonium, Calotropis gigantea, Azadirachta indica (neem) and cow manure (T1) followed by methanol-water (70/30 v/v) extracts of Datura stramonium, Calotropis gigantea and Azadirachta indica (T2) against Fusarium mangiferae. Optimal control of floral malformation was found in trees sprayed with T1 followed by T2 at bud break stage and again at fruit set stage when compared with the control. All the malformed buds or panicles completely dried two days after foliar spray with T1 or T2. In the trees treated with T1 at fruit set stage, flower abscission was observed from the fourth day after spraying and all flowers dropped by the ninth day without requiring any manual de-blossoming, whereas in the control, the malformed panicles remained green and competed with the growing fruits for plant nutrients. In vitro culture of fresh malformed tissues in MS media along with T1 or T2 showed no growth of any fungus in the media. However, in vitro culture of the completely dry malformed tissues in MS media after foliar treatment with T1 or T2 revealed growth of F. mangiferae on the twenty fifth day indicating that the concoction-brewed compost (T1) or methanol-water (70/30 v/v) extracts (T2) could not completely eliminate the pathogen but helped in controlling malformation by suppressing the activity of F. mangiferae. Mango trees sprayed with T1 and T2 revealed significant differences in percent fruit set and retention when compared with the control. This could be due to observed higher levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese in T1, followed by T2 when compared with T3 (control). Among the different fruit quality parameters analysed, the total flavonoids were found to be significantly higher in T1 and T2 when compared with T3. The study proved that the concoction-brewed compost (T1) is effective, inexpensive, easy to prepare and constitutes a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to control floral malformation in mango when it is sprayed at bud break stage and again at fruit set stage. In this present study, exogenous treatment of emerging buds with (Tc) further proved that with increase in the number of malformed panicles/tree the number of buds developing into healthy panicles/tree decrease.  相似文献   

<正>芒果畸形病是芒果生产中重要的病害之一,主要表现为花畸形和芽畸形,受害果园常因畸形花絮无法挂果而造成减产,我国攀西地区的部分果园株发病率高达100%,给当地的芒果产业带来严重经济损失。该病自1891年首次在印度发现后,陆续在世界芒果产区发生危害~([1])。引起芒果畸形病的病原菌有Fusarium mangiferae、F.mexicanum、  相似文献   

基于Illumina HiSeq~(TM)2000平台,对健康与感病杧果顶芽的转录组进行测序,采用BLAST软件将获得的Unigene与NCBI-nr、Swiss-Prot、KEGG和COG数据库进行比对,根据基因功能注释后分析杧果病健组织的差异表达基因(DEGs),并对DEGs进行GO和Pathway富集分析。结果表明:2个样品共获得119 815条Unigene,N50为1 546 bp,平均片段长度为880 bp;鉴定了29 878个DEGs,对随机挑选的11个差异表达基因进行了qRT-PCR验证,结果与转录组一致。以corrected P-value≤0.05为阈值的代谢途径有22条,其中大多数代谢途径与植物的抗逆响应密切相关;153个DEGs参与了淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径,DEGs主要是编码糖类异构酶、水解酶和转移酶等,参与葡萄糖水解、细胞碳水化合物、丙酮酸盐和核苷酸代谢等生物进程;在抗氧化生物过程中,编码活性氧代谢相关酶且log_2Ratio10或-10以上的DEGs有20个,14个属上调表达,表明活性氧代谢在杧果与病原互作过程中起到重要的调解作用;F.mangiferae侵染杧果后,以log_2Ratio10或-10为筛选条件,共获得酚类代谢相关差异表达基因53个,其中40个DEGs上调表达,推测杧果可能是通过合成加固细胞壁的木质素或生成抑菌作用的酚类化合物来提高对病原菌的抵抗能力;杧果与F.mangiferae互作过程中,钙信号传导、SA信号途径和丝裂原活化蛋白信号传导途径相关基因表达下调,造成了下游植物抗病基因RPM1的表达受到抑制,这可能是杧果畸形病的主要成因之一。  相似文献   

Malformation is a destructive disease of mango, Mangifera indica . Its causal agent possesses the morphological features of Fusarium subglutinans , a species whose taxonomy and nomenclature has recently been in a state of flux. Genetic diversity was examined among 74 F. subglutinans -like isolates from malformed mango in Brazil, Egypt, Florida (USA), India, Israel and South Africa. With nitrate-nonutilizing ( nit ) auxotrophic mutants, seven vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were identified. Three of the VCGs were found in a single country, and VCG diversity was greatest in Egypt and the USA where, respectively, four and three different VCGs were found. RAPD profiles generated with arbitrary decamer primers were variable among isolates in different VCGs, but were generally uniform for isolates within a VCG. In PCR assays, a 20-mer primer pair that was developed previously to identify F. subglutinans from maize (mating population [MP]-E of the Gibberella fujikuroi complex) also amplified a specific 448 bp fragment for isolates of F. sacchari from sugarcane (MP-B) and what was probably F. circinatum (pine, MP-H). With the exception of three isolates from Brazil, it did not amplify the fragment from F. subglutinans -like isolates from mango. A second pair of 20-mer primers was developed from a unique fragment in the RAPD assays. It amplified a specific 608 bp fragment for 51 of 54 isolates from mango (all but the three Brazilian isolates). It also amplified a smaller, 550 bp fragment from isolates of F. nygamai (MP-G), but did not amplify DNA of isolates of any other taxon of Fusarium that was tested.  相似文献   

Mango malformation, caused by the fungus Fusarium mangiferae , is one of the major diseases of this crop occurring worldwide. This study was conducted to investigate aspects of the epidemiology, survival and spread of the pathogen in general and specifically in seedlings, the majority of which are cultivated in infected orchards in Egypt. Survival of conidia of a representative isolate (506/2) declined very rapidly in soil under summer conditions (1·6 weeks for 50% population decline), but significantly less in controlled and winter conditions (17·9 and 15·0 weeks, respectively, for 50% population decline). Likewise, inoculum survival in naturally infected panicles on the soil surface declined faster than in those buried at 30-cm depths. Natural infections were evaluated on fruits and seeds in a heavily infected and a healthy orchard. In infected trees, the skins of all sampled fruits within a 2-m radius of infected panicles were infected, but the pathogen was not detected in the seeds, seed coats or flesh. The pathogen was not detected in any parts of fruits from a healthy orchard. Vegetatively malformed mango seedlings, growing under infected trees bearing infected panicles, were sampled in two locations in Egypt to determine whether infection in seedlings was systemic (evenly distributed within plant tissue) or whether the pathogen originated from malformed panicles. According to PCR-specific primer amplification, the pathogen was detected in 97% of seedling apical meristems, declining gradually to 5% colonization in roots. It was concluded that inoculum of the pathogen originates from infected panicles and affects seedlings from the meristem, with infections descending to lower stem sections and roots. Minor infections of roots may occur from inoculum originating from infected panicles, but the pathogen is not seedborne.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management programs for mango must be based on sampling and on economic thresholds, and must take into account the effects of cultural practices, horticultural sprays and disease control on pest and natural enemy interactions. An analysis of the mass of information available on the different mango pests,viz., fruit flies(Bactrocera sp.,Ceratitis sp.,Anastrepha sp.), mango seed weevil(Sternochetus mangiferae), thrips(Frankliniella spp.), gall midges(Procontarinia sp.), scales, mites and mealybugs is given, as well as different examples for future entomological research.  相似文献   

Mango malformation disease (MMD), caused by Fusarium mangiferae, is a major constraint to mango production, causing significant yield reduction resulting in severe economic impact. The present study characterizes fungal localization in planta during initiation and development of vegetative and floral malformation. Young mango trees were artificially inoculated with a green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐expressing strain of F. mangiferae. Shoots and buds were sampled periodically over a period of more than a year and localization of the GFP‐expressing fungi was determined using confocal microscopy. Fungal localization appears to be epiphytic: mycelia remained in close contact with the plant surface but did not penetrate the tissue. In vegetative malformation and in young inflorescences, the fungus was confined to protected regions between scales, young leaf bases and buds. Fungal colonization was only very rarely detected on open leaves or on exposed shoot sections. In developed flowers, mycelia were localized mainly to protected regions at the base of the flower organs. Upon development of the inner flower organs, specific mycelial growth occurred around the anthers and the style. Mycelial penetration through the stylar tract into aborting carpels was observed. For several months, mycelia were confined to the surface of the organs and were not detected within plant tissues. Only at later stages, transient saprophytic growth of the fungus was detected causing the malformed inflorescences to senesce and collapse, concurrent with dispersion of conidia. Implications of the present study on MMD in natural field infections are discussed.  相似文献   

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