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Two groups, each of 9 Jersey cows, were vaccinated subcutaneously with reduced doses of Brucella abortus strain 19 vaccine (measured by the number of bacteria in the vaccine dose) early in their second pregnancy. Ten weeks later they were challenged, along with a similar group of non-vaccinated cows, by conjunctival instillation of a virulent strain of B. abortus biotype 1. Cows in Group 1 received 1/20th and those in Group 2 received 1/400th the recommended dose of strain 19. Marked reduction in the serological response to vaccination was seen only in Group 2. Four cows in Group 1 excreted strain 19 after parturition, one of them aborted and another calved prematurely with heavy infection of the placenta and foetus with strain 19 in both cases. Resistance to challenge was similar in both vaccinated groups, and higher than previously demonstrated after conventional calfhood vaccination with strain 19. It is concluded that pregnant cows can be effectively vaccinated by the subcutaneous administration of a dose of strain 19 vaccine containing approximately 3 x 10(8) organisms without undue interference with subsequent serological tests or inconvenience resulting from persistence of strain 19 infection.  相似文献   

Ten Jersey heifers aged 14 to 23 months were vaccinated with 2.25 times 108 cells of living Brucella abortus strain 19 vaccine. They and 10 similar non-vaccinated heifers were subsequently mated and when about 6 months pregnant were challenged by the conjunctival application of a virulent culture of B. abortus. The serological response to vaccination was much less than is usually seen following vaccination with the normal dose of strain 19, especially when the indirect haemolysis test was used. A persistent vaccinal reaction was observed in one heifer. Significant resistance to infection was demonstrated which was greater than that previously observed in calfhood vaccinates given the full dose but less than that shown by cows given the smaller dose in early pregnancy. The effectiveness of strain 19 vaccination appears to be related to the age of the animal at vaccination.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Groups of female calves were vaccinated subcutaneously with the standard dose of Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19) or with B. abortus 45/20 (S45/20). These calves and non-vaccinated control calves were mated at 15 months of age and challenged by way of the conjunctival sac with B. abortus strain 544 (S544). The incidence of abortion, stillbirths, weakling calves and healthy calves was observed after challenge and specimens were collected for culture at parturition and slaughter. Fifteen healthy calves were born to 18 animals vaccinated with S19, 12 were born to 18 animals vaccinated with S45/20 and 2 were born to 8 animals that were not vaccinated. B. abortus was isolated from 5 of the animals vaccinated with S19, 13 of the animals vaccinated with S45/20 and 9 of the 12 animals that were not vaccinated. Only one of the 5 infected animals vaccinated with S19 was vaccinated as an adult.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A group of 4 cows was vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19, followed 8 weeks later by a single dose of B. abortus 45/20 vaccine. A similar group received 2 doses of B. abortus 45/20 vaccine 8 weeks apart. The antibody responses of the groups were compared by testing whole serums and separated IgM and IgG fractions by the Rose Bengal Plate (RBP) agglutination and the complement fixation tests (CFT) using rough and smooth B. abortus antigens. Animals that had received B. abortus strain 19 responded to the 45/20 vaccine with increased titres to the smooth antigen. These relevant antibodies were predominantly of the IgG class. Standard CFT and RBP test antibodies could be detected in IgM and IgG fractions after the primary inoculation with B. abortus strain 19 vaccine.  相似文献   

Data from 42,224 cattle from 694 herds collected during the brucellosis eradication campaign were used to examine the effects of calfhood strain 19 vaccination. The prevalence of infection in vaccinated herds was 1.8% compared with 9.1% in non-vaccinated herds (p< 0.005). The mean titre in the former group was lower (p< 0.001). Vaccinated herds required 3.3 herd tests to achieve a provisionally free status compared with 4.8 in non-vaccinated herds (0.001 < p < 0.005). Vaccination did not significantly reduce the number of herd tests in herds with less than 100 breeding females. In tests after the initial herd test only 0.5% reactors were found in vaccinated herds compared with 6.9% in non-vaccinated herds (p< 0.005). There were 0.9% false positive to the Rose Bengal plate test in non-vaccinated and 2.1% in vaccinated animals (p< 0.005) in non-infected herds. In infected herds this percentage was 3.0% and 4.2% respectively by (p< 0.05). In the non-infected herds there were 0.04% false positives to the complement fixation test out of 10,506 non-vaccinated cattle tested and 0.2% out of 24,734 vaccinated cattle.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Groups of heifer calves were vaccinated subcutaneously with the standard dose of strain 19 at the age of 3 to 5 weeks or 5 months. Twelve months after primary vaccination a group of the younger vaccinates were revaccinated with a small dose of strain 19 via the conjunctival sac. The effectiveness of vaccination was assessed by challenge with virulent B. abortus after 5 to 6 months of pregnancy. Animals vaccinated at 3 to 5 weeks, but given no intraconjunctival boost, were not effectively protected, but the group receiving the boost were at least as resistant as those which received the subcutaneous dose at 5 months. The intraconjunctival boost caused only slight and transient serological responses in a few animals.  相似文献   

Three newborn calves were inoculated intracerebrally with bovine ephemeral fever virus strain 525. The 2 that lacked detectable neutralising antibody to bovine ephemeral fever vaccine developed fatal encephalitis after 4 and 7 days respectively. The third calf which had a low level of maternal antibody remained healthy and developed antibody that became undetectable after 6 months. Bovine ephemeral fever virus strain 525 was reisolated from the brains of both dead calves by intracerebral inoculation of suckling mice. Homogenates that were prepared from the brains of the calves failed to produce disease or to induce antibody formation in susceptible calves when inoculated intravenously. Strain 525 of BEF virus has been shown to possess a degree of neurovirulence for laboratory animals that has not been reported for other strains (Tzipori and Spradbrow 1974). Although this strain is unable to produce viraemia in calves after I/V inoculation, the present study shows that strain 525 can multiply in the brain tissues of calves and cause death after I/C inoculation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Two-week-old chickens, free of detectable maternal antibody to Newcastle disease virus (NDV), or with low levels of maternal antibody, were vaccinated with the V4 strain of NDV. Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibodies were determined at intervals after vaccination. Two hundred chickens were vaccinated by exposure to an aerosol, a dose of 106 50% embryo infectious doses (EID50) being allowed per chicken. Forty unvaccinated chickens were placed in direct contact with vaccinated chickens. Most of the vaccinated chickens and the incontact chickens had developed HI antibodies of titre ≥ 8 within 2 weeks of vaccination. The HI antibodies in many chickens persisted for at least 8 weeks. Control chickens in a shed 15 metres from the shed containing the vaccinated chickens did not develop HI antibodies to NDV. NDV could be isolated from some vaccinated chickens for 15 days after vaccination. An aerosol dose of 105EID50 per chicken failed to induce a serological response in 2 groups of 40 chickens each. HI antibodies were produced in 1 of 2 groups, each of 40 chickens, vaccinated with 106EID50 and in both of 2 groups of 40 chickens each vaccinated with 107EID50. Duplicate groups of 40 chickens were vaccinated with 106EID50 of V4 virus per chicken administered either as an aerosol, a coarse spray or a droplet placed in the conjunctival sac. HI antibodies were produced in all the groups of chickens.  相似文献   

The sedative effects in horses of the new α2-agonist medetomidine were compared with those of xylazine. Four ponies and one horse were treated on separate occasions with two doses of medetomidine (5 mμ/kg bodyweight and 10 μg/kg bodyweight) and with one dose of xylazine (1 μg/kg bodyweight) given by intravenous injection. Medetomidine at 10 μg/kg was similar to 1 mg/kg xylazine in sedative effect but produced greater and more prolonged ataxia. Ataxia was so severe following 10 μg/kg of medetomidine that one animal fell over during the study. Medetomidine (5 μg/kg) produced less sedation but a similar degree of ataxia to 1 mg/kg xylazine.  相似文献   

Xylazine, when administered to calves separated from the cow at birth, in a dose recommended to cause recumbency, had the desired sedative effect within five minutes. When the same dose was administered to calves reared naturally on their dams, i.e. suckled, the sedative effect was greatly attenuated. The results suggest that the early-weaning of calves and its associated rearing procedures can modify the pharmacology of the central nervous system; in particular their response to a sedative such as xylazine.  相似文献   

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