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The EU Plant Protection Product Directive 91/414/EEC recommends the EPPO/CoE Arthropod Natural Enemies Risk Assessment Scheme for guidance on how to conduct risk assessments for terrestrial non-target arthropods. This scheme is currently in the process of being revised by EPPO/ CoE. A major change will be the recommendation for the generation and use of ’Dose Response’ toxicity data instead of limit test data. In addition, the revised EPPO/CoE Non-target Arthropods Risk Assessment Scheme will replace the current arbitrary 30% threshold trigger value applied to limit test data, with a Hazard Quotient (HQ; = Ratio Application Rate/LC50 on Glass)), comparable to the successful approach adopted in the EPPO/CoE ’Honeybee Risk Assessment Scheme’. However, in order for this new approach to be implemented under 91/414/EEC, an appropriate regulatory HQ trigger value needs to be derived. Such an HQ trigger value has been established by calculating HQ values for the 2 recommended sensitive indicator species (T pyri andAphidius) for a wide range of products and validating opposite robust semi-field/field data. This validation indicated that an HQ trigger value of ≥ 12 forT pyri and ≥ 8 forAphidius spp., should be used to trigger higher-tier risk assessment and/or higher-tier testing for non-target arthropods. As these trigger values were validated with realistic semi-field/ field data they apply for both lethal and sub-lethal effects as well as single and multiple application scenarios. Due to the worst case assumptions used in this HQ validation analysis, no further uncertainty factors need to be applied for in-crop risk assessment. Whilst a small amount of uncertainty exists regarding the comparative sensitivity ofT pyri andAphidius spp. for off-crop non-target arthropod guilds of arthropods, this is balanced by the fact that the off-crop exposure assessment used in the HQ derivation, is at least an order of magnitude higher than that realistically likely in the field. This HQ approach and trigger value is an appropriate and conservative tool for tier 1 risk assessment, which should reduce the number of false positive results leading to unnecessary higher-tier testing.  相似文献   

Five exotic tree species (Acacia angustissima (Mil.) Kuntze, A. mangium Wild, Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Alp., Leucaena hybrid (L×L), and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) were investigated to determine whether parameters of nursery seedling stock quality could be used to predict their field performance in a plantation irrigated with treated waste-water to produce fodder and wood. Plants were grown in the nursery in two contrasting rooting substrates (ordinary nursery soil and sand), predicted to have different effects on resource allocation. Three categories of morphological indicators were measured, i.e., plant dimensions (height, diameter, root length), plant weights (shoot, root and whole plant weights) and indices (sturdiness quotient ‘SQ’, shoot:root dry weight ratio ‘SRR’ and Dickson’s quality index ‘DQI’). In the nursery, all species performed better in the ordinary nursery soil for all growth parameters except root length. Thus ordinary nursery substrate appeared superior to sand in terms of plant quality. However, a follow up at plantation phase revealed that only some morphological attributes or ratios were suitable to predict field performance for the five tested species in irrigated plantation. In addition, the effect of the substrate observed at the nursery stage had disappeared 12 months after out planting due to the availability of water and nutrients provided by the treated waste water used for the irrigation. The results showed that root collar diameter and DQI appeared to be the most appropriate indicators to predict the outplanting performance of the five tested species in a short-rotation irrigated plantation in semi-arid Burkina Faso. The former measure is simpler and non-destructive.  相似文献   

In the Sahel region, many woody species are used as fodder because of their high nitrogen content, especially during the dry season, in contrast to grasses and crop residues. Unfortunately, this resource is being threatened by regular pruning, increasing livestock browsing and impeding their natural regeneration. Therefore, there is a need to find appropriate regeneration options to sustain fodder production. Thus, a series of vegetative propagation experiments were conducted to identify the most appropriate multiplication methods of some of the species used as fodder. This series included testing the effects of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and indole butyric acid (IBA) on rooting ability of stem cuttings of 12 species: Afzelia africana, Balanites aegyptiaca, Bauhinia rufescens, Commiphora africana, Faidherbia albida, Ficus gnaphalocarpa, Guiera senegalensis, Kigelia africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Pterocarpus lucens, Pterocarpus santalinoides and Terminalia avicennioides. The series also evaluated the impacts of the size (C. africana) and the age (P. erinaceus) of the cuttings on their rooting success. Pterocarpus santalinoides was revealed to be an easy-to-root species, showing a high percentage of rooted cuttings (up to 88±3%), followed by P. erinaceus, P. lucens and B. aegyptiaca (up to 37±4%, 31±5% and 26±6%, respectively), in contrast to A. africana, cuttings of which did not root at all. The application of NAA and IBA enhanced the number of roots and secondary roots per rooted cutting. Large-diameter cuttings (15–20?mm) of deeply planted C. africana gave the highest percentage of rooted cuttings (78.3±4.4%). Tree pruning improved the rooting capacity of cuttings collected from P. erinaceus with one-month resprouts giving the highest percentage of rooted cuttings (50.0±6.7%). These results indicate that P. santalinoides, C. africana, P. erinaceus, P. lucens and B. aegyptiaca are amenable to vegetative propagation as an alternative to sexual propagation.  相似文献   

Nontimber forest products are a source of income for women in rural African communities. However,these products are frequently damaged by insect pests. The present study investigates the diversity and damage rates of insect pests that attack Carapa procera seeds and Lophira lanceolata fruits. The experiment was set up in western Burkina Faso and, for C. carapa, consisted of pests collected from seeds that had fallen to the ground and from stockpiled seeds. For L. lanceolata, pests were collected from fruits on the trees, and on the ground. The collected samples were sent to the laboratory to estimate the proportion of damaged seeds/fruits and rear the insects. The results showed that Ephestia spp., Tribolium castaneum,Oryzeaphilus spp., and Tenebroides mauritanicus were the pests of Carapa procera seeds and Lophira lanceolata fruits. Ephestia spp. was recorded as the main pest of both C. procera and L. lanceolata, whereas T. castaneum was only detected from seeds of L. lanceolata. For C. procera,the stocks were the most infested(29 %) by Ephestia spp.The infestation rate of fruits of L. lanceolata by Ephestia spp. on trees(31.42 ± 3.75 %) was less than the rate of fruits by T. castaneum on the ground(44.00 ± 3.5 %). The different body sizes of Ephestia spp. may indicate the occurrence of two putative species, one from C. procera and another one from L. lanceolata. This work provides important information that could contribute to the setting up of a local-scale sustainable management framework for oil tree pests in Burkina Faso and surrounding countries.  相似文献   

The article presents a critical evaluation of agroforestry systems as regards their potential to increase primary production in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa. The suggestion that trees would always and everywhere be profitable for the region will be counterproductive, the basis for disappointments and a waste of money. One has to consider carefully which properties of woody species could serve which objective, where and under what circumstances.Primary production is limited by water availability in the north Sahelian zone only, elsewhere in the region nutrient availability is critical. Woody species influence the water balance via rainfall interception, the influence on evapotranspiration and the influence on water infiltration. The ultimate result for grasslands and crops depends upon local conditions; positive effects of windbreaks should be particularly attributed to protection against mechanical stress. Processes that influence nutrient availability under trees are those acting via redistribution, those reducing nutrient losses and those increasing soil fertility. Of the latter processes, serious limitations exist in the region concerned: nitrogen fixation is limited by phosphorus shortage mainly and deep rooting is very limited and so is possible uptake of minerals from deep soil layers.The positive influence from woody species on soil fertility and primary production varies with average annual rainfall and soil type; its importance increases more than proportionally with rainfall going south. This positive influence is basically linked to the redistribution of nutrients and water, the internal nutrient cycling and the related enlarged plant-litter-soil nutrient cycle. Taking advantage of its effects is difficult and risks further depletion of soil fertility. Moreover, since woody species generally compete with the herb layer, it will be difficult to develop agroforestry in such a way that the positive influences are not overridden by negative ones. The potential to increase nutrient availability by agroforestry systems is limited and windbreaks are more beneficial under conditions which are rare in the region.More research is needed to determine under which conditions introduction of woody species may be beneficial.
Le potentiel de l'agroforesterie pour augmenter la production primaire dans les zones sahélienne et soudanienne de l'Afrique de l'Quest
Résúme Une évaluation critique de l'agroforesterie est présentée, en ce qui concerne la possibilité d'augmenter la production primaire dans les zones sahélienne et soudanienne de l'Afrique de l'Quest. La supposition que dans cette région des arbres seraient toujours et partout avantageux, n'est pas productive, mais plutôt une cause de déceptions et un gaspillage de ressources. Il faut se demander quelles propriétés des espéces ligneuses pourraient servir quels objectifs, oú et sous quelles conditions.Seulement dans zoneone nord-sahélienne la production primaire est limitée par la disponibilité en eau; ailleurs c'est la disponsibilité des éléments nutritifs qui est la plus déterminante. Des espéces ligneuses influencent le bilan d'eau par l'interception de la pluie, par des modifications de l'evapotranspiration, et par une amélioration de l'infiltration d'eau. La conséquence pour les pâturages et les cultures dépend des conditions locales; les avantages de brise-vents dépendront notamment de la protection contre le stress mécanique. Des processus influençant la disponibilité des éléments nutritifs souls les arbres sont ceux agissant par la redistribution, par la diminution des pertes et par l'augmentation de la fertilité. Les derniers processus ont des limitations sérieuses dans la zone: la fixation d'azote est surtout limitée par le manque de phosphore et l'enracinemment profond paraît limité et ainsi la possibilité de profiter d'une disponibilité éventuelle de minéraux en profondeur.L'influence positive des espéces ligneuses sur la fertilité du sol et la production primaire varie avec la pluviosité annuelle et le type de sol; son importance accroît plus que proportionnelle avec la pluviosité vers le sud. Cet influence positive est liée à la redistribution des éléments nutritifs et de l'eau, au recyclage interne des éléments nutritifs et le cycle agrandi y en être la conséquence, de ces éléments en plante-litière-sol. Pour profiter de ses effets est difficile et on risque l'épuisement supplémentaire des éléments nutritifs. En plus, suite à la concurrence entre les espéces ligneuses et la strate herbacée, c'est difficile à développer l'agroforesterie d'une telle façon que les avantages ne seront pas surpassés par les inconvéniences. Des brise-vents sont avantageux sous des conditions qui sont rares dans la zone.Plus de recherche est nécessaire pour déterminer les conditions sous lesquelles l'introduction des espéces ligneuses peut être profitable.

江山是浙江省的西南门户和钱江源头之一,地处浙闽赣三省交界,素有东南锁钥、入闽咽喉之称,属浙江省重点林区县(市).秀美的山川、丰富的自然资源孕育了向往生态、热爱绿化的江山人民,他们一代接一代地妆扮着江山大地,让江山这块神奇的绿洲在浙西大地上越来越炫耀.  相似文献   

In the Sahel zone, there is an increasing interest of farmers in conserving and enriching tree diversity on their farms as a source of food and income. Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. is one of the tree species farmers maintain on their farms. Even though the local variety of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. was ranked as one of the most preferred species, it produces small fruit whereas farmers are interested in varieties producing bigger and tasty ones. A factorial experiment in a split split-plot design was carried out to assess the performance of three introduced cultivars of Indian jujube in Burkina Faso. Investigated factors were irrigation (irrigated with 30 l plant−1 week−1, non-irrigated), rock phosphate containing 25% P2O5 (0 and 150 g P plant−1) and cultivar (Gola, Seb, Umran, and local variety as control). Eighteen months after planting, Umran responded positively to irrigation and rock phosphate treatments by displaying the tallest height (313 cm) and the biggest collar diameter (6.4 cm). Gola gave the largest crown diameter (316 cm) at 18 months and the highest fruit production at the first (15.3 kg tree−1) and second (71.6 kg tree−1) fruiting seasons in the irrigated and fertilized treatment. The local variety was less productive compared to the introduced cultivars. In terms of income generation irrigated and fertilized Gola and irrigated Umran showed the highest potential after two fruiting seasons with net revenues of F CFA 2,526,915 and F CFA 1,930,546 per hectare respectively. Therefore, Umran and Gola may be recommended in intensive sub-Saharan peri-urban systems while Seb needs further investigation to improve its water and nutrient use efficiency through either better timing of water and fertilizer application or symbiotic association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Previously published hypothesis concerning the potential impact of alley farming on maize yields are re-examined relative to the humid regions of West Africa. When more realistic assumptions regarding the availability of organic nitrogen are used, it is concluded that alley farming may have potential in a wider range of maize yield environments in West Africa than previously proposed. A pragmatic approach to alley farming research is proposed, and the importance of on-farm research in the development of ‘farmer friendly’ alley farming is stressed. (Former Agronomist, International Livestock Centre for Africa, P.M.B. 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria)  相似文献   

Journal of Pest Science - Classical biological control, i.e., the introduction of natural enemies from an invasive pest’s area of origin, has been proposed repeatedly to control the spotted...  相似文献   

Three browse species, Afzelia africana Sm., Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss., and Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. were investigated as agroforestry system components in a subhumid zone of West Africa. The foliation, flowering and fruiting of ten trees per species were recorded every 15 days for 2 years. The total foliage biomass at maximum availability was determined by complete pruning of 75 trees. The chemical composition of the foliage and the proportion of trees pruned on the pasture were determined. The phenological phases of the species began in the dry season and ended at the end of the rainy season. Afzelia africana and Pterocarpus erinaceus were totally defoliated during 2–6 weeks while K. senegalensis replaced the foliage progressively and earlier. The crude protein content was significantly different (123 g, 102 g and 92 g kg−1 dry matter (DM) for Afzelia africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus and K. senegalensis, respectively). The foliage biomass per tree of K. senegalensis, Pterocarpus erinaceus and Afzelia africana differed significantly (41 kg, 30 kg and 21 kg DM ha−1, respectively) while Pterocarpus erinaceus had the highest available foliage biomass per ha. The trees of Afzelia africana were intensively pruned. There was a significant relationship found between foliage biomass and circumference of the crown for Afzelia africana (R 2 = 82%) and Pterocarpus erinaceus (R 2 = 81%). Relationships were also found between circumference of the branches and foliage biomass. In conclusion, the trees are important potential fodder and nitrogen sources for animals in the agrosilvopastoral system and the phenological differences make the fodder available during a long period of time.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cocoa growing systems in the humid tropics is debatable. Socio-economic and technical data were obtained from 1,171 cocoa farmers and 1,638 cocoa plantations to assess the long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforests in central Cameroon since the beginning of the twentieth century. On-site, we estimated the age of the cocoa trees and measured their density in a sub-sample of 402 cocoa plantations. We inventoried associated woody species in 45 cocoa plantations from this sub-sample. Our results revealed a high Shannon index for the cocoa plantations (2.6) and showed that an average of 25 tree species per cocoa plantation had been planted with the cocoa trees at a density of 120 trees ha−1. Surveys indicated that there had been no mineral fertilization. Nearly 70% of the cocoa agroforests were over 40 years old, and all farmers continuously regenerated their cocoa tree stands. Irrespective of the cocoa plantation age, the cocoa tree density remained over 1,000 plants ha−1, and fermented dried cocoa yields were 255 kg ha−1 on average. Cocoa agroforests occupied 60% of the cultivated area on farms and cocoa sales accounted for 75% of total farm income. Almost a third of the farmers were from the area and under 40 years old. In conclusion, our results show that the farmers’ agroforestry practices, in addition to the fact that the cocoa tree stands were continuously regenerated and passed down between generations of farmers, could explain the long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforests in central Cameroon.  相似文献   

Reliable data on the contribution of forests to the livelihoods of households in the Congo Basin are not always readily available to governments and decision-makers. This paper assesses the value of forest resources on livelihoods in Cameroon, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Central Africa Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Data were collected using the Forest Poverty Linkages Toolkit, between 2012 and 2014 on stratified samples of 616 Bantu and indigenous people’s households in 15 villages. The study reveals that forest resources account for 48% to 63% of the total revenue of rural households. In Bantu households, estimates of the gross income from the forest per capita/day range from $US 0.18 to $US 1.3. This value is about double that received by indigenous people except in Congo. Non-cash income is about twice as high as cash income. On average, cash income reaches only about 23% of the World Bank $1.25 a day income level for chronic poverty. However, non-cash income - about twice as high as cash income – mitigates these profound poverty levels to some extent. The paper concludes by considering the importance of the findings for policy-making in Central Africa and the Congo Basin, and more widely. It is suggested that much more data of this kind is need to shape appropriate approaches to sustainable forest management, with a better understanding of the economic security and the livelihood resilience of the chronic poor increasingly kept in mind.  相似文献   

Studies on stem profile of teak (Tectona grandis) hardly exist. This can be possibly attributed to the occurrence of forks that is prevalent on teak trees. Stem profile model was therefore developed for teak in West Africa, which took into account the occurrence of forks. Trees were destructively sampled from Moist Evergreen Forest (MEF), Moist Semi-deciduous Forest (MSDF), Dry Semi-deciduous Forest (DSDF) and Savannah ecological zones in both Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire for the study. A single set of parameters could be used explicitly to predict stem profile of any teak tree, irrespective of country, eco-climatic zone, edaphic variables, site index, tree age, stand density and tree competition. The model efficiency and root mean square error (in relative diameter) were calculated to be 0.97 and 0.053, respectively. The relative position of the forks along the stem bole, with respect to total tree height, was highly variable and did not follow any particular trend, except higher value for the first fork in the Moist Evergreen Forest zone. However, average tree height to the first fork decreased along the ecological gradient from MEF, MSDF and DSDF to Savannah. The extent of diameter reduction due to the forks could be predicted. Relative tree form for zero-forked, one-forked and two-forked trees was calculated to be 0.39, 0.36 and 0.33, respectively. Relative loss of stem volume due to one fork and two forks was estimated to be 6.5 and 13.9%, respectively. The measured stem volume when related to the corresponding predicted value yielded coefficient and intercept not significantly different from unity and zero, respectively, with an r2 value of 0.97.  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

In the past, the conservation of biodiversity has been mostly understood in terms of the management of protected areas and natural forests, ignoring the possible role of farm areas and the ways through which rural communities have promoted biodiversity in their subsistence agricultural production systems. The present study focused on the floristic diversity within traditional agroforestry parkland systems around the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin and showed the diversity of tree species in the area as well as socio-economic factors which affect the practice of this farming system. We used questionnaires and interviewed a total of 118 households to collect data. Respondents were interviewed on their farms and during the interview; we inventoried the number of tree on the farm and determined the farm size. Twenty-one tree species belonging to 14 botanical families were recorded during the surveys and the average stand density of the woody component of farmlands was 7.97 ± 5.43 stems/ha. A number of both native and exotic tree species occurred in the parkland agroforestry systems with dominance of indigenous tree species. Species richness varied with the size of household where households with small land holding conserve more tree species in their field than households with large land holdings. 64% of households surveyed were making deliberate efforts to plant tree species on their farmlands. The most important reasons which determined household ambitions to conserve woody species on farmland were tree products contribution to food and medicine. Results also showed that respondents who noticed that trees were decreasing in the wild conserve more tree species on their farmlands. This research highlights the role of traditional agroforestry practices to support tree species richness and provides evidence of the farms’ role as biodiversity reservoirs.  相似文献   

This paper reports for progress of research onGliricidia sepium conducted by the Humid Zone Programme (HZP) of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) at Ibadan in Southwest Nigeria in the period 1982–1986. It examines the biological characteristics of the species, with respect to growth, flowering and seed production, and analyses its potential for improving crop production (through soil fertility maintenance) and livestock production (through production of improved fodder). Integration ofGliricidia into cropping systems is necessary for optimum realisation of its crop improvement quality. The alley farming system is presented in the paper as one means of achieving sustainability in crop production through integration of trees, such asGliricidia, into cropping systems. The use ofGliricidia in Intensive Feed Gardens, for production of leguminous fodder is also described as an alternative production system. The paper finally reports on experiences with local farmers in on-farm research and development for the integration ofGliricidia andLeucaena into local farming systems. It ends with a suggestion for more research, targetted specifically at improvement of the species and its utilisation.  相似文献   

In the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Piliostigma reticulatum (DC) Hochst and Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach) are precursor species of fallow land colonization and they are used by rural villagers. The present study aimed to assess the contribution of Piliostigma species to soil quality improvement. We quantified organic carbon, total nitrogen, soil microbial biomass, soil basal respiration and metabolic quotient from soil samples taken under and outside Piliostigma canopies. We used one-way ANOVA to test for differences in the above parameters between locations (beneath and outside Piliostigma canopies). We recorded increased total organic carbon under Piliostigma from 31%-105% and in total nitrogen from 23%-66%. Microbial biomass was13%-266% higher beneath canopies as compared to outside canopies. Basal respiration was also higher beneath canopies. The chemical elements varied by class of soil texture. Metabolic quotient (qCO2 ) was significantly correlated to clay (r=0.80) and silt (r=0.79) content. Piliostigma stands produced abundant litter due to their leaf biomass. Thus, they contribute to improved total organic carbon and total nitrogen content in the different phytogeographic zones and improve soil fertility  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):77-88
Estimating tree volume and biomass constitutes an essential part of the forest resources assessment and the evaluation of the climate change mitigation potential of forests through biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration. This research article provides stem volume and biomass equations applicable to five tree species, namely Afzelia africana Sm. (Caesalpiniaceae), Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae), Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae), Dialium guineense Willd. (Caesalpiniaceae), Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. (Ebenaceae) in natural protected tropical forests and, in addition, Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae) in plantations. In addition to the tree species specific equations, basic wood density, as well as carbon, nitrogen, organic matter and ash content were determined for these tree species in tropical conditions in West Africa. One hundred and sixty-two sample trees were measured through non-destructive sampling and analysed for volume and biomass. Stem biomass and stem volume were modelled as a function of diameter (at breast height; Dbh) and stem height (height to the crown base). Logarithmic models are presented that utilise Dbh and height data to predict tree component biomass and stem volumes. Alternative models are given that afford prediction based on Dbh data alone, assuming height data to be unavailable. Models that include height are preferred, having better predictive capabilities. Ranges in carbon, nitrogen and ash contents are given as well. The successful development of predictive models through the use of non-destructive methods in this study provide valuable data and tools for use in determining the contribution of these major African rainforest tree species to global carbon stocks, while ensuring the preservation of this valued African resource. This study needs to be expanded to further regions and tree species to complete a full inventory of all tree species, emphasising the relevance of African trees to carbon stocks at a global scale.  相似文献   

Means have to be found for rural people to supply both their own needs and those of the urban dwellers, without further loss of natural resources. Some examples from around the humid tropics suggest that complex agroforests may be able to achieve this goal. In West Africa, the concepts of the cocoa (Theobroma cacao) farm and compound garden, coupled with the domestication of indigenous trees for the production of improved non-timber forest products, need to be developed. There are numerous candidate species both for domestication and for inclusion in multi-strata systems. Research is needed on the development of various forms of multi-strata agroforests, coupled with short-term tree fallows especially to rehabilitate degraded land. More ecologically-oriented studies are required to build sustainable and productive multi-strata agro-ecosystems, while domestication requires greater understanding of the needs of the food and pharmaceutical industries and the development of marketing infrastructures. Incentives are required to promote entreprenurism in rural communities, especially near urban centres. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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