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Abstract – The possibility to increase the proportion of migrating hatchery‐reared smolts by reducing their food ration was studied. Lake‐migrating, hatchery‐reared salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (Salmo trutta) smolts were either fed normal rations, based on recommendations from the fish‐farming industry, or reduced (15–20%) rations. They were released into the River Klarälven, western Sweden, and followed as they swam downstream to Lake Vänern, a distance of around 25 km. For both Atlantic salmon and brown trout, smolts fed a reduced ration migrated faster than fish fed a normal ration. Furthermore, a higher proportion of salmon smolts fed reduced rations migrated to the lake than fish fed normal rations in 2007 but not in 2006. This difference between years corresponded to greater treatment differences in size and smolt status in 2007 than in 2006. For trout, the proportion of migrating individuals and smolt development did not differ with ration size. Trout migrants fed a normal ration had a higher standard metabolic rate (SMR) than nonmigrants, whereas there was no difference in SMR between migrating and nonmigrating salmon. These results show that it is possible to use a reduced food ration to increase the migration speed of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout and to increase the proportion of migrating Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Abstract – Avian predation on emigrating wild and domesticated sea trout smolts was investigated in a fjord in the western Baltic Sea. In April 1997, 50 domesticated and 50 wild smolts were intraperitoneally tagged with radio-transmitters and released in a small coastal stream. Predation was recorded by signal interception in an estuarine breeding colony of cormorants and herons near the outlet of the stream. Of the 78 emigrating smolts, 51 (65%) were recorded as eaten. Predation rates were significantly higher among small than large smolts and significantly higher among domesticated smolts. The first 2 days after entering the sea, both wild and domesticated smolts suffered a severe daily predation rate (range 20–34%). The results support the hypothesis of a transient period immediately after exposure to full-strength sea water, where smolts experience an elevated risk of predation. A transient increase in postsmolt mortality may be found also in moderately saline environments (20–23 ppt).  相似文献   

The substantial growth of the farmed salmon industry in Europe since the 1970s has highlighted concerns regarding the genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild salmonid stocks. High incidences of salmon × trout hybrids have been recorded in rivers situated near intensive salmon farming in Norway and Scotland, which may be indicative of a breakdown in reproductive isolation between salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. In the present study, salmonid fry and 0+ parr were collected from rivers in western Ireland. Allozyme and minisatellite DNA analysis were carried out on fry to determine the frequency of F1 hybrids from 10 rivers located within 38 km of salmon farms and three rivers at least 80 km from salmon farms. A total of 49 hybrids were recorded from 4135 salmonid fry (frequency = 1.2%). Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that all hybrids arose from Atlantic salmon female × brown trout male crosses. Hybrid parr were recorded from one of the low-risk rivers (1.0%), but were present in seven out of the 10 catchments located within 38 km of salmon farms, with frequencies ranging from 0.7% to 3.1%. The results of the present survey, which represents the first extensive record of the levels of salmon-trout hybridization in Ireland, are discussed in relation to the continued growth of salmon farming in this country.  相似文献   

The number and the size of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using the Isohaara fishway was elevated by increasing the fishway discharge and by changing the type of the pass entrance. The fishway is intended to help fish bypass a hydroelectric station located close to the mouth of the large, regulated River Kemijoki, in northern Finland. Multi-sea-winter (MSW) salmon returned to the river mouth during peak flows in early June but did not use the fishway until 1 month later. Their number in the fishway was positively correlated with the tailwater level. One-sea winter (1-SW) salmon, which arrived approximately one month later, started to enter the fishway without corresponding delays. In autumn, a high tailwater level and a small drop at the fish entrance seemed to be needed for the successful passage of these small-sized salmon and sea trout, Salmo trutta L.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The timing of the smolt migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was investigated during 1972–2002 in the Simojoki, a river flowing into the northern Baltic Sea. The onset of the smolt run was positively correlated with the river water temperature; a rise in water temperature above 10 °C being the main proximate environmental triggering factor. There was also a weaker correlation between the decreasing river discharge in the spring and the onset of the smolt migration. The duration of the main run was shorter in the years when the onset of the smolt run was delayed. No differences were found in the onset timing or in the duration of the smolt run between wild smolts and semi-wild smolts released into the river as parr. A polynomial equation fitted to the annual data on the survival of Carlin-tagged wild smolts and the sea surface temperature (SST) in June off the river mouth appeared to follow a dome-shaped pattern. Survival was lower in cold early summers (SST <9 °C) than in those with an average SST (9–11.9 °C), and lower again, although not significantly, in warm early summers (SST ≥12 °C). Too low and probably also too a high water temperature in early summer could thus be one of the underlying reasons for the fluctuations observed in postsmolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract Current models estimating the impact of red-breasted mergansers, Mergus serrator L., on salmon, Salmo salar L., fisheries in Scotland fail to take account of any annual variation in the proportion of the diet that is smolts. During the 1987–1990 smolt runs, the annual variation in the diet of mergansers was estimated from the stomach contents of birds shot on two Scottish rivers. The proportion of salmon in the diet was greatest early in the smolt run (76–91% by weight), and contained proportionately more smolts than later in the run, when coarse fish were more prominent. There was little annual variation in the proportion of the diet that was juvenile salmon. However, the proportion of these fish that were smolts, was twice as great in some years than in others and this appeared to be independent of estimated annual smolt production in the rivers.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The swimming performance of wild and hatchery-reared smolts of two salmonid species was investigated. Wild Atlantic salmon smolts (WS) and brown trout smolts (WT) of equal size were caught in fish traps during migration. Hatchery-reared smolts of both species (HS and HT for salmon and trout respectively) were first generation offspring from wild broodstock. The swimming performance of individual smolts from the four groups (WS, HS, WT, HT) was tested three consecutive times using a swimming flume with water flowing at a start rate of 0.16 m·s−1 and a constant acceleration rate of 0.167 cm·s−2 (10 cm·s−1·min−1). Wild caught smolts of both species performed significantly better than those reared in hatchery conditions. The WS group were observed to maintain an average swimming speed ( U burst) that was 30% faster than the HS group, whereas the wild trout smolts were superior to HT by approximately 25%. Repeated measures revealed species-specific exhaustion patterns. Brown trout smolts maintained consecutive U burst indicating significant stamina compared with Atlantic salmon smolts that were found to be exhausted by the initial trial.  相似文献   

Passage of fish through hydropower dams is associated with mortality, delay, increased energy expenditure and migratory failure for migrating fish and the need for remedial measures for both upstream and downstream migration is widely recognised. A functional fish passage must ensure safe and timely passage routes that a substantial portion of migrating fish will use. Passage solutions must address not only the number or percentage of fish that successfully pass a barrier, but also the time it takes to pass. Here, we used radiotelemetry to study the functionality of a fish bypass for downstream‐migrating wild‐caught and hatchery‐released Atlantic salmon smolts. We used time‐to‐event analysis to model the influence of fish characteristics and environmental variables on the rates of a series of events associated with dam passage. Among the modelled events were approach rate to the bypass entry zone, retention rates in both the forebay and the entry zone and passage rates. Despite repeated attempts, only 65% of the tagged fish present in the forebay passed the dam. Fish passed via the bypass (33%), via spill (18%) and via turbines (15%). Discharge was positively related to approach, passage and retention rates. We did not detect any differences between wild and hatchery fish. Even though individual fish visited the forebay and the entry zone on multiple occasions, most fish passed during the first exposures to these zones. This study underscores the importance of timeliness to passage success and the usefulness of time‐to‐event analysis for understanding factors governing passage performance.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, there has been increasing pressure from user groups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, to manage Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., on a river-specific basis. The requirement to maximize benefits to users while ensuring that conservation goals are met has resulted in an initiative to develop river-specific target spawning requirements. In Newfoundland, anadromous juvenile Atlantic salmon make widespread use of lacustrine habitat for rearing. Depending on the river, lacustrine habitat can account for a substantial proportion of total production. Therefore, target spawning requirements for a number of rivers in several management areas were derived in terms of the contribution of both riverine and lacustrine habitats. The approach adopted, and derivations of associated parameter values, are reviewed, and limitations and research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Spawning time and size of wild and nonnative cultured female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were studied in the River Vosso, Norway. Cultured immigrants were smaller, and peak spawning occurred 21 and 26 days earlier relative to wild salmon in 1991 and 1992, respectively. It was calculated that hatching and initial feeding of offspring of cultured females peaked 12 and 9 days earlier in spring 1992 and 19 and 8 days earlier in spring 1993 relative to offspring of wild females. Spawning time of the cultured salmon is similar to most Norwegian salmon populations and to cultured fish in other streams. In the River Vosso it also overlaps with that of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.), which may increase hybridization. The early time of breeding in nonnative fish indicates local adaptation in this trait in wild salmon. The consequences of early breeding of cultured fish are unpredictable in relation to spring temperatures but probably reduce their relative breeding success. The smaller size may also reduce the success of cultured females.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., culture in north-western Europe has given rise to concerns regarding the biological consequences of fish farm escapes on wild salmonid populations. Canthaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment additive to farmed salmon feed which is passed from females to their progeny, may be used as an indicator of the numbers of escaped farmed salmon which spawn in the wild. In the present study, thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to screen emergent Atlantic salmon fry sampled from seven river catchments in Ireland for canthaxanthin. The incidence of fry containing canthaxanthin at greater than trace levels (<5% of total carotenoid pigment) was 0–4%, with an average of 1.7%, among the seven rivers sampled, indicating that the progeny of farmed salmon were present at similarly low frequencies. Canthaxanthin was detected at trace levels in an unexpectedly high proportion (35%) of salmon fry. Canthaxanthin was present at levels exceeding trace amounts in 24% of 21 non-anadromous brown trout, Salmo trutta L., sampled from six Irish rivers and present at trace levels in a further 57% of the fish, indicating that dietary canthaxanthin is freely available to salmonids in Irish rivers. The widespread presence of trace levels in salmon fry may be attributable, at least in part, to the increased sensitivity of the HPLC methods and to rapid dietary uptake during early post-emergence feeding.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We compared timing of smolt migration for two populations of naturally spawned Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , originating from an upper catchment (River Tummel) and a lower catchment (River Almond) tributary of the River Tay, Scotland. Smolts from the upper tributary began migration earlier than those from the lower tributary. On both occasions when fry derived from River Isla (lower tributary) stock were transferred to a location in the upper catchment, smolt migration was later than for native fish. Similarly, when fry from Tummel and Isla stocks were stocked in a common, upper catchment location, Isla origin fish migrated at a later date, in both of the two following smolt years. These differences are indicative of a genetic basis for the timing of smolt migration and suggestive of local adaptation. Mounting evidence points towards local genetic adaptation for the timing of expression of behaviours associated with migration. These aspects of variation should be accommodated in management theory and practices.  相似文献   

This study investigated the cumulative impact of weirs on the downstream migration of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts in the River Foyle, Northern Ireland. In spring of 2013 fish were released in two tributaries of similar length; one tributary (impacted) had seven low‐head weirs along the migration pathway and the other was devoid of such structures (un‐impacted). Salmon smolts fitted with acoustic transmitters were monitored via a passive acoustic telemetry array during downstream migration. In 2014 the study was repeated only in the impacted tributary. Overall freshwater survival rates were high (>94%). There was no significant difference in mortality, movement pattern, delay or travel speeds between rivers or between years at any phase of migration. Escapement of salmon smolts through Lough Foyle (a marine sea lough) to the open ocean was low, approximately 18% in each year. Escapement did not differ between impacted and un‐impacted rivers. This study showed no postpassage effects of weirs on mortality, migration speed or escapement of downstream migrating smolts. This suggests that the elevated mortality at low‐head obstacles described in other studies is not inevitable in all river systems. Migration through rivers with natural riffle‐pool migration may result in similar effects as those from low‐head weirs. Causes of apparent high mortality in the early part of marine migration in this study, are unknown; however similar studies have highlighted the impact of fish predators on smolts.  相似文献   

Three hundred and one parr of wild salmon, Salmo salar L., from three river systems in Denmark were examined in December 2005 and August 2006 for gyrodactylid infections. The species determination was done by morphological analyses of the opisthaptoral hard parts and molecular analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region using PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing. Five species of the genus Gyrodactylus were found: Gyrodactylus derjavini, Gyrodactylus teuchis, Gyrodactylus truttae, Gyrodactylus arcuatus and Gyrodactylus salaris. The parasite species G. derjavini dominated over G. teuchis and G. truttae and only one specimen of G. arcuatus and one specimen of G. salaris were recovered. This specimen of G. salaris had the same mutation in the ITS-region as a previously described non-pathogenic Danish G. salaris variant. The prevalence of gyrodactylids on the salmon ranged from 0% to 100% but the mean abundance never exceeded 12.8.  相似文献   

The timing of smolt migration is a key phenological trait with profound implications for individual survival during both river descent and the subsequent sea sojourn of anadromous fish. We studied relationships between the time of smolt migration, water temperature and light intensity for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta). During 2006–2012, migrating smolts descending the southern Norway River Storelva were caught in a rotary screw trap located at the river mouth. The date of 50% cumulative smolt descent correlated significantly with the date when the river temperature exceeded 8°C for both Atlantic salmon and sea trout smolts. In 2010, smolts of both species were passive integrated transponder (PIT)‐tagged, and the diel timing of their migration was precisely documented. The degree of night migration decreased in both species as the river temperature rose, and at temperatures above 12–13°C, more smolts migrated during day than during night. A multinomial model was fitted for estimating temperature and species effects on probabilities of migration during night, daytime, dusk and dawn. Atlantic salmon smolts preferred migrating under lower light intensities than sea trout smolts during early, but not late spring when both species migrated during bright daylight. In accordance with the early‐season tendency to migrate at night, Atlantic salmon smolts migrated more during darker hours of the day than sea trout. In both species, smaller smolts migrated under dark conditions than during light conditions. Most of the findings on thermal, light and temporal effects on the observed smolt migration pattern can be explained as adaptations to predation avoidance.  相似文献   

Abstract – Upstream passage of adult sea trout ( Salmo trutta ) in a nature-like bypass channel was investigated in the Tirsbæk brook, Denmark, in autumn and winter 1999/2000. Sea trout were caught by electrofishing up- and downstream of the weir at which the bypass was situated. Fish were tagged with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and released downstream of the weir. Automatic PIT-tag logging stations were positioned downstream, in the lower part, and at the upstream exit of the bypass to investigate the passage success of the fish. The bypass was neither size- nor sex-selective in the size ranges investigated. The majority (68%) of fish approached the bypass at night. Over 90% of tagged upstream-searching fish located and entered the bypass channel, but only about half of them passed through. The inefficiency is suggested to be because of a combination of the length of the bypass channel and inadequate flow in the bypass channel.  相似文献   

Abstract  Hatchery-reared salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts are generally stocked during daylight hours, but the natural migration of smolts tends to occur at night. Recapture rates and timing of migration were compared between Atlantic salmon smolts stocked during the day and during the evening. Timing of release had no significant effect on the number of smolts recaptured, but had a strong effect on nocturnal behaviour. When stocked in the evening (but not during the day) hatchery-reared smolts moved almost exclusively during the night. This study suggests that timing the release to coincide with the natural time of smolt migration may provide valuable acclimatisation and facilitate nocturnal smolt passage.  相似文献   

Abstract— Habitat utilization of juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and Arctic charr was investigated in two lakes in northern Norway during the icefree season. Both the vertical distribution and the distribution among different habitat types were studied by gillnetting with small mesh sized gillnets (8-15 mm) in different habitats. Salmon and trout were predominantly caught in the littoral and sublittoral zones (0-6 m depth). Access to shelter seemed to be the most important factor determining the horizontal distribution of small salmon and trout. Most of these fish were caught in stony or vegetated habitats, while few salmon and trout were caught on sandy locations or in the pelagic zone. In one of the lakes, there were significantly higher catch rates of salmon than of trout in the stony littoral (0-3 m), while in the other lake there were no significant differences in spatial distribution between these two species. Charr were primarily found in the profundal, sublittoral or pelagic zones of the lakes.  相似文献   

Abstract In terms of the spawning migration of adult salmon, Salmo salar L., water flow is often considered the primary factor controlling river entry and fluctuations in flow controlling when the fish subsequently migrate upstream. However, water temperature has also been suggested to modify the spawning migration of salmon, particularly their movements within estuaries and the timing of freshwater entry. Freshwater temperature is more likely to impact salmonid biology than flow, particularly in relation to temperature dependant metabolic costs, time of spawning and fecundity. Therefore, temperature may be more of a factor regulating salmonid populations in fresh water than flow itself. This study focuses on two aspects of the impact of temperature on salmonids in fresh water: first, how salmon may modify their behaviour to adapt to changes in temperature and second the potential relationship between temperature, environmental conditions (e.g. water quality) and physiology (e.g. maturation and olfaction) in regulating adult migration.  相似文献   

The performance of all‐female diploid (AF2N) and triploid (AF3N) Atlantic salmon were compared in fresh water, under commercial production conditions in 1995 and 1996 year classes. The performance of the 1996 year class was also assessed for 14 months in a commercial sea farm. Freshwater mortality was higher in the triploid groups. The majority of losses occurred in the early stages of egg development and during the first feeding period, when the incidence of non‐feeding fry was consistently higher. In growth studies, although diploid fry were significantly heavier during first feeding there were no significant differences in weight between groups some 8 months after fertilization or in presmolt growth periods from February to April in 1996 and 1997. Smolting rates were high (range 93.5–95.3%) and the incidence of deformities was low (< 1%) in both groups. Marine survival was lower in the triploid group, largely as a consequence of higher losses sustained during a period of chronic stress, when triploid losses were 9% higher. Growth patterns were similar for the first 11 months in sea water. Although graded triploid salmon were heavier in January 1998 (AF3N 1.62 ± 0.033 kg, AF2N 1.46 ± 0.36 kg, P < 0.05), when the fish were harvested in May 1998 diploid salmon were significantly heavier than triploid salmon although there was no significant difference in weights after evisceration (AF3N 2.40 kg ± 0.04 AF2N 2.49 kg ±0.03). The increase in weight of the diploids between winter and harvest reflects the growth spurt that occurs in maturing fish in the spring. Overall yields of triploid salmon in salt water were lower as a result of inferior survival.  相似文献   

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