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绵羊哥伦比亚食道口线虫病流行规律调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
绵羊哥伦比亚食道口线虫病流行规律调查宗泽君,汪作民,李文志,梁春燕,夏国忠(内蒙古赤峰市畜牧兽医科学研究所,024031)绵羊哥伦比亚食道口线虫病在我国的多数省区流行严重,危害养羊业的发展,笔者于1983~1985年在巴林右旗巴彦他拉苏木对该寄生虫病...  相似文献   

黑龙江省铁力市某林业经营所,王某的养羊场,饲养小尾寒羊56只,于2013年3月5日开始发病,小尾寒羊出现不愿吃草料,下痢,贫血,有的羊体温升高等症状,发病羊有8只。发病初期,请当地兽医进行诊治,用了氟哌酸拌料,注射青霉素、链霉素和安乃近,并给羊饮用混有复方阿莫西林的水,治疗3d,病情不见好转,死亡羊4只,  相似文献   

2019年3月某养猪户饲养的3头生猪发生食欲不振,消瘦并有死亡现象,经抗菌消炎无明显疗效,后经剖检与镜检确诊为猪食道口线虫病。该文针对猪食道口线虫病向大家介绍一下治疗方法以及预防措施。  相似文献   

<正>猪食道口线虫病是由食道口属(Oesophagostomum)的多种线虫寄生于猪的结肠引起的一种疾病,以腹痛、腹泻或下痢、高度消瘦、粪便中带有脱落的黏膜为主要临床特征[1]。该病主要发生在潮湿的夏季和封舍后的冬季。仔猪易感,成年猪只有在食道口线虫大量寄生或继发细菌感染后才可表现出临床症状。2015年1月份,北京市昌平区某养殖场的210头猪出现消瘦、贫血、腹泻等临床症状,经流行病  相似文献   

正食道口线虫病是由毛线科的食道口线虫引起的。寄生在猪体内的食道口线虫,目前发现的有三种,即有齿食道口线虫、长尾食道口线虫、熊氏食道口线虫。由于食道口线虫寄生在猪的大肠里,它们的幼虫寄生在大肠肠壁里,使肠壁发生结节病变。因此,本病也称为结节虫病。1病原1.1有齿食道口线虫头囊膨大,无侧翼膜,食道漏斗小,颈乳突位于食道膨大部的两侧。口囊浅,囊壁平直。雄虫体长8~9mm,交合刺长1.0~1.14mm。雌虫体长8~11.3mm,阴门在肛门前方0.208~0.388mm,阴唇稍隆起,阴唇向前,长0.10~0.15mm。  相似文献   

2016年3月上旬,北京麋鹿生态实验中心1只1岁左右雄性麋鹿出现精神沉郁、进行性消瘦、腹泻等症状,症状持续半个月左右,于2016年3月25日死亡,通过临床症状、病理剖检和实验室诊断,最终确诊为哥伦比亚食道口线虫感染。  相似文献   

食线虫真菌防治家畜胃肠道线虫研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然界,食线虫真菌本身作为动物胃肠线虫的天敌而存在,它们在世界各地各种各样的环境中被发现。目前,利用食线虫真菌对动物寄生线虫的生物防治已取得初步成果,论文介绍了食线虫真菌在家畜胃肠道线虫生物防治方面的研究进展,重点阐述了捕食线虫性真菌对家畜寄生线虫的体内外杀虫试验和田间试验的现状。诸多研究表明,鞭式达丁屯氏菌(Duddingtonia flagrans )由于能通过动物的消化道,因而对控制家畜胃肠道线虫病最具应用潜力。建议今后在规模化生产生防制剂关键技术上取得突破,使其尽快用于畜牧业生产。  相似文献   

正猪食道口线虫病治疗方法有:1硫化二苯胺(吩噻嗪)0.2~0.3 g/kg体重,混于饲料中喂服,共用2次,间隔2~3 d。猪对此药较敏感,应用时要特别注意安全;2敌百虫0.1 mg/kg体重,做成水剂混于饲料中喂服;30.5%福尔马林溶液灌肠,将患猪后躯抬高,使头下垂,身体对地面垂直,将配好的福尔马林液2 L,注入直肠,然后把后躯放下,注后患猪很快排便。注入越深,效果越好;4左噻咪唑10····  相似文献   

<正>1犬的食道口线虫1.1病原食道口线虫病是由食道口线虫寄生于犬的食道壁而引起的疾病,是犬类的常见病。发病原因是:食道口线虫寄生在犬的食道壁并在食道壁周围形成大小不等的结缔性组织包囊,压迫食道,引起食物通过受阻而引起。1.2症状因食道口线虫不断地刺激食道壁,造成病犬反射性地呕吐。当线虫发展为成虫时,成虫往往穿破包囊,在移行时而损伤邻近的大血管,引起病犬大出血而突然死亡。有的成虫也  相似文献   

食线虫真菌作为病原线虫的自然天敌,能够通过捕捉、寄生、产生毒素和胞外酶侵染的方式杀死线虫。胞外酶(包括丝氨酸蛋白酶、几丁质酶和胶原蛋白酶)作为重要的毒力因子在侵染线虫过程中能够降解线虫角质层和虫卵卵壳,在线虫生物防治中显示出巨大的应用潜力。本文对近年来食线虫真菌胞外酶的研究概况及与之相关的分子生物学研究进展进行了综述,并对食线虫真菌胞外酶应用于线虫生物防治的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether anthelmintic-resistant Oesophagostomum spp. populations occur in Danish swine herds. A controlled field trial on selected sow herds suggested resistance to pyrantel citrate in a herd where faecal egg count depression in response to treatment was only 28.3%. This was confirmed by subsequent experimental infection of pigs where the suspected resistant Oesophagostomum isolate was compared with a susceptible worm isolate. After treatment with the recommended dose of the drug, worm burdens of the suspected isolate were only reduced by 42.6% (p greater than 0.05) in contrast to the susceptible isolate, which was reduced by 94.6% (p less than 0.01). Differential counts of the resistant isolate suggested that O. dentatum might be more resistant than O. quadrispinulatum. The resistant isolate originated from a herd, where the anthelmintic had been administered four times a year over a period of 7 years. The potential for development of anthelmintic resistance in Oesophagostomum spp. under management practices in our country is discussed in the light of the current views on predisposing factors.  相似文献   

猪食道口线虫Cold-SSCP鉴别方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食道口线虫病是由食道口科食道口属(Oe-sophagostomum)的多种线虫寄生于动物肠道引起的,严重感染时可引起结肠炎。目前,此病在世界各国及我国各地牛、羊、猪中普遍存在,给畜牧业生产造成较大经济损失,而且国外也有食道口线虫感染人的报道[1]。因此,对食道口线虫的研究,除对畜牧  相似文献   

基于猪有齿食道口线虫和四棘食道口线虫IGS rDNA序列的遗传变异情况,于种内保守、种间差异明显的序列片段设计1对引物,建立了区分2种猪食道口线虫的熔解曲线分子鉴定方法。研究结果显示,该方法可通过熔解曲线差异而准确鉴定猪食道口线虫2个种,与其他线虫和吸虫无交叉反应,特异性良好;能检测猪食道口线虫单虫卵样品和FTA卡片的DNA模板。该研究为猪食道口线虫种类准确鉴定提供了一种新的准确、敏感、特异且快速的分子手段。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌表面抗原研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
布鲁氏菌表面最主要的抗原是脂多糖(LPS)和外膜蛋白(OMPs),R-LPS是R型布鲁氏菌主要的表面抗原,S型布鲁氏菌的S-LPS已被证明是一个主要的毒力因子,它的O链部分含有布鲁氏菌表面绝大多数的抗原位点,是一个很重要的保护性抗原;OMPs被认为是布鲁氏菌表面潜在的抗原结构,在光滑型布鲁氏菌表面,由于OMPs受到了LPS-O链的干扰,致使它的抗原性没有充分地表现出来,但在绵羊布鲁氏菌表面却出现了不同的情况。未来几年,对OMPs的研究将成为该领域的热点,尤其是对Omp25突变体的研究。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病(布病)是一种严重的人兽共患病。作为布病的病原,布鲁菌能够耐受宿主体内的各种杀菌机制并持续的生存。当布鲁菌侵入宿主体内后,必须适应抗体免疫的环境,而这依赖于布鲁菌对自身基因表达的巧妙调控。Hfq蛋白是一个RNA伴侣分子,对于介导sRNA的转录后调控发挥着重要的作用。在多种细菌中,对Hfq蛋白的功能都进行了深入的研究,目前已经发现该蛋白与细菌基因的表达调控、细菌对多种应激环境的适应能力以及致病菌的毒力均有着密切的关系。论文对Hfq蛋白的结构,对sRNA的调控功能,特别是布鲁菌Hfq蛋白调控功能的研究现状及在布病疫苗研发中的应用进行系统的介绍,为布鲁菌基因的表达调控和布病防控技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The full potential of anthelmintics now available for single dose treatment is not achieved because the devising system for worm control in piglets/weaners is not efficiently applicable in practice. Therefore an in-feed medication programme for growing young pigs, allowing only one feed lot to be handled by the farmer, was tested in two studies. Study A Feed containing 0.0225% thiophanate was continuously fed almost ad lib. to piglets from birth right up to about 25 kg body weight when ready for fattening. This control measure effectively prevented A. suum and Oesophagostomum from becoming established during the whole pre-fattening period, thus allowing "worm-free" weaners to be produced. -33% of animals receiving unmedicated feed harboured mature Oesophagostomum already at an age of 63 days when first examined. Three out of 97 unmedicated pigs were then A. suum egg-count positive. At the same time all medicated pigs, except one with a low Oesophagostomum egg output, were egg-count negative. All medicated were still egg-count negative at 23-29 days after the withdrawal of the feed. About 30% of unmedicated pigs were then shedding eggs of A. suum and Oesophagostomum respectively. At 45-49 days after the withdrawal of the medicated feed 8% of previously medicated pigs and 43% of unmedicated pigs were A. suum egg-count positive. The corresponding figures for Oesophagostomum egg-count positive pigs were 6% and 40% respectively. The acquisition of worm infections by previously medicated pigs most probably was made in the fattening unit after the withdrawal of the thiophanate medicated feed. Study B In this study it was further substantiated that in-feed medication of pigs with thiophanate prevents A. suum from becoming established. All treated pigs were A. suum egg-count negative at Day 43 and 46 after the withdrawal of the medicated feed whereas about 62% of untreated control pigs were shedding A. suum eggs at the same time. This finding justify the proposal that the in-feed medication performed prevented larval migration. Furthermore it was shown that the in-feed medication must proceed right up to the transfer of piglets to the fattening unit in order to achieve its full potential. Farrowing pens may be heavily contaminated with infective Oesophagostomum larvae at the end of the pre-fattening period resulting in sudden and heavy nodular worm infections after the withdrawal of the medicated feed.  相似文献   

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