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Summary The genetic variation among 23 accessions of 5 species in the subgenus Ceratotropis, genus Vigna, were investigated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. A total of 404 fragments amplified with 24 primers were scored and analyzed by cluster analysis. The accessions used were separated into two main groups with an average of 70% differences. Within the main groups, five subgroups were recognized, which are in complete agreement with taxonomic species. Wild forms were always grouped with their most closely related cultivated forms and they showed variation in each species. The largest intraspecific variation was found in V. radiata (mungbean), in which wild forms (V. radiata var. sublobata) were highly different from each other and from cultivated forms. V. angularis (adzuki bean) showed the least variation and thus, was probably differentiated in relatively recent times.  相似文献   

The diversity of components for fourproteinase inhibitors found in species ofthe genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis are described. Trypsin,chymotrypsin, subtilisin and cysteineproteinase inhibitors were analyzedby isoelectric focusing followed by thegelatin replica method. Of these proteinaseinhibitors, trypsin inhibitors showedmost polymorphism both within and betweenspecies. Many trypsin inhibitor componentswere also active to chymotrypsin. Severalaccessions had very low levels or absenceof some inhibitors, such as very low levelsof trypsin inhibitor in two accessions ofthe V. tenuicaulis and absence ofchymotrypsin inhibitors in V.grandiflora and V. subramaniana.Proteinase inhibitor polymorphism broadlyagreed with the taxonomic system for thesubgenus Ceratotropis. Based oninhibitor variation species analyzed couldbe divided into three groups whichcorresponding to sections Aconitifoliae, Angulares and Ceratotropis. Some species have verylittle variation in trypsin inhibitorsdespite wide distribution, such as, V.radiata and V. reflexo-pilosa.Accessions of other species showedconsiderable intraspecific variation fortrypsin inhibitors, such as, V.grandiflora, V. aconitifolia andV. stipulacea. Proteinase inhibitorpolymorphism provides an indication of thespecies that may have contributed a genometo the tetraploid species, V. reflexo-pilosa.  相似文献   

Bruchid beetles or seed weevils are the most devastating stored pests of grain legumes causing considerable loss to mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Breeding for bruchid resistance is a major goal in mungbean improvement. Few sources of resistance in cultivated genepool were identified and characterized, however, there has been no study on the genetic control of the resistance. In this study, we investigated the inheritance of seed resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) and C. maculatus (F.) in two landrace mungbean accessions, V2709BG and V2802BG. The F1, F2 and BC generations were developed from crosses between the resistant and susceptible accessions and evaluated for resistance to the insects. It was found that resistance to bruchids in seeds is controlled by maternal plant genotype. All F1 plants derived from both direct and reciprocal crosses exhibited resistance to the bruchids. Segregation pattern of reaction to the beetles in the F2 and backcross populations showed that the resistance is controlled by a major gene, with resistance is dominant at varying degrees of expressivity. Although the presence of modifiers was also observed. The gene is likely the same locus in both V2709BG and V2802BG. The resistant gene is considered very useful in breeding for seed resistance to bruchids in mungbean.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s powdery mildew, designated Oidium lycopersicum, frequently invaded the tomato crop in Western Europe. All commercial cultivars are susceptible. To screen for resistance in wild species a reliable and efficient disease test was developed. Young plants with two to three true leaves are inoculated at high relative humidity by spraying with a freshly prepared suspension of 2×104 conidia, ml–1. Symptoms are periodically evaluated according to a scale based on the percentage of leaf area with mycelium.One hundred and twenty seven accessions, representing eight wild Lycopersicon species, were screened for resistance to O. lycopersicum. A large variation in resistance was found between species. L. hirsutum was the most resistant species; L. pennellii was moderately resistant; species of the subgeneric group of L. esculentum and of the peruvianum-complex were all susceptible. L. parviflorum was classified separately due to a large variation between accessions. Except for this species, a low variation was found between accessions within species. High levels of resistance were observed in four accessions of L. hirsutum, in one of L. parviflorum and in one of L. peruvianum. This resistance is characterized by a very low disease incidence and a strongly restricted mycelium growth and lack of sporulation.  相似文献   

Summary Over 2400 pollinations were made to investigate the crossability relationships between cultivated potatoes, and wild diploid species from Series Tuberosa and Circaeifolia, as well as wild polyploid species in Series Tuberosa and Longipedicellata resistant to potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida pathotypes P4A and P5A. Wild diploids in Series Tuberosa crossed easily with cultivated diploid species, except with Solanum lignicaule where most pollinations failed, and seed set was extremely low (0.2 seeds per pollination or less). It is suggested that this species is 1EBN. S. capsicibaccatum is clearly isolated from Series Tuberosa, but can form hybrids with S. lignicaule, which can act as a bridging species to S. tuberosum haploids. S. gourlayi and S. oplocense can be crossed with both subspecies of S. tuberosum, but S. papita, Series Longipedicellata is reproductively isolated from the tetraploid cultigens. The crossability data are discussed in the light of germplasm utilisation for breeding potato varieties resistant to potato cyst nematode.  相似文献   

Summary The potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) is an important pest of potatoes in the field and in stores in warm environments throughout the world. In this study genetic resistance to potato tuber moth was identified in clones of Solanum sparsipilum (coded MBN) originally developed for resistance to bacterial wilt and root-knot nematode. Resistance to this pest in S. sucrense and S. tarijense as well as S. sparsipilum was exploited in wide crosses with diploid and tetraploid cultivated potatoes, and haploids derived from S. tuberosum; hybrid progenies were produced. Crosses between resistant S. pinnatisectum or S. commersonii and cultivated potatoes failed completely, although S. commersonii did hybridise with two bridging species S. lignicaule and S. capsicibaccatum which are slightly compatible with cultivated potatoes. Resistance to potato tuber moth was transferred to all progenies except those in which S. tarijense was the resistant parent. The development of potatoes resistant to potato tuber moth is discussed in the context of population breeding for the lowland tropics.  相似文献   

Late blight (LB), caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most devastating diseases of the cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) worldwide. Most commercial cultivars of tomato are susceptible to LB. Previously, three major LB resistance genes (Ph‐1, Ph‐2, Ph‐3) were identified and incorporated into a few commercial cultivars of tomato. Reduced effectiveness and potential breakdown of the resistance genes has necessitated identification, characterization and utilization of new sources of resistance. We evaluated the response of 67 accessions of the wild tomato species, S. pimpinellifolium to LB, under multiple field and greenhouse (GH) conditions and compared them with six control genotypes. Sixteen accessions were identified with strong LB resistance in both field and GH experiments. However, 12 accessions exhibited resistance similar to a control line which was homozygous for Ph‐2 + Ph‐3. Genotyping accessions with molecular markers for Ph‐2 and Ph‐3 were not conclusive, indicating that resistance in these accessions could be due to these or other resistance genes. Strong correlations were observed between field and GH disease response and between foliar and stem infection.  相似文献   

A. Hamdi  W. Erskine 《Euphytica》1996,91(2):173-179
Summary Susceptibility to drought stress is a key factor in dry land lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) production in the Mediterranean region of West Asia and North Africa. This study examined the response to drought stress of 121 accessions representing all subspecies of the genus Lens; cultivated, and the wild L. culinaris ssp. orientalis (Boiss.) Ponert, L. culinaris ssp. odemensis (Ladiz.), L. nigricans M.B. Godr. ssp. nigricans Godr. and L. nigricans ssp. ervoides (Brign.) Ladiz. for their potential use in breeding for dry land conditions. Accessions were grown under two moisture regimes (dry land and dry land plus supplemental irrigation) at Breda, Syria during the 1990–91 and 1991–92 seasons. The cultivated lentil had markedly superior seed and straw production than did the wild Lens species. Time to flowering accounted for less than 10% of the variation in yield of wild accessions under rainfed conditions in the two seasons, showing that, in contrast to the cultivated germplasm, drought escape was relatively unimportant in wild lentil. Performance under drought in wild lentil, measured in terms of dry land seed yield or drought susceptibility index (S), was randomly distributed among collection locations with little relation to collection site aridity. Direct selection of wild lentil germplasm for biomass yield under dry conditions is of little value and an evaluation of wild accessions in hybrid combination is needed.  相似文献   

Heritability and gain from selection of traits associated with field resistance to multiple root-knot nematode species were estimated in carrot (Daucus carota L.). Experimental plots were uniformly and simultaneously infested with Meloidogyne incognita race 1 and M. javanica. Forty-seven half-sib families derived from the cv. ‘Brasília’ were evaluated for: (1) percentage of commercial roots with non-galling symptoms (%RNG); (2) percentage of commercial roots with gall symptoms (%RGS) and (3) percentage of non-commercial roots (%NCR). The cultivars ‘Brasília’ (resistant), ‘Carandaí’ (intermediate) and ‘Nova Kuroda’ (susceptible) were employed as standards. Broad-sense heritability estimates were 61.9 % for %RNG; 30.6 % for %RGS and 67.9 % for %NCR. However, the gains from selection were very small for all traits. The genotypic correlation between %RGS and %NCR was –0.38 and the correlation between %RNG and %RGS was 0.13. Selection on increasing %RNG resulted in a negative correlated response on %NCR (genotypic correlation = –0.99) indicating repulsion phase linkage(s) between the genetic factor(s) controlling these traits. The phenotypic correlation of –0.88 between %RNG and %NCR suggested that incomplete penetrance and dosage effects might be involved in the expression of these traits. Selection of superior genotypes (i.e. high %RNG, low %RGS, and low %NCR) can be achieved. ‘Brasília’ was among the genotypes selected for the following cycle of recombination reinforcing the notion that this cultivar is one of the most promising sources of stable, wide-spectrum field resistance to Meloidogyne species in D. carota. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The use of genetic resources could be more effective and efficient if we were able to predict the presence or absence of useful traits in different populations or accessions. We analyzed the extent to which taxonomic, geographic and ecological factors can predict the presence of frost tolerance in wild potatoes. We used screening data for 1646 samples from 87 species that had been collected in 12 countries in the Americas. There was a strong association of frost tolerance with species and to a lesser extent with taxonomic series. There was significant geographic clustering of areas with wild potatoes with similar levels of frost tolerance. Areas with a high level of frost tolerance are the central and southern Peruvian Andes, the lowlands of Argentina and adjacent areas, and a small area in the central Chilean Andes. There is a greater chance of finding wild potatoes with high levels of frost tolerance in areas with a yearly mean minimum temperature below 3 °C than there is in warmer areas. However, temperature is only a weak predictor of frost tolerance. Temperature data alone did not predict observed frost tolerance in eastern Argentina/Uruguay and falsely predicted it in the southwestern United States. Because many wild potato species occur over small areas, taxonomic, ecological, and geographical factors are difficult to disentangle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the major constraints to chickpea production worldwide. The levels of resistance to pod borer in the cultivated chickpea germplasm are moderate, and therefore, we studied the reaction of 32 accessions of wild relatives of chickpea for resistance to H. armigera under greenhouse conditions. Accessions ICC 17257, IG 70002, IG 70003, IG 70012, (Cicer bijugum), IG 69948 (C. pinnatifidum), IG 69979 (C. cuneatum), IG 70032, IG 70033, IG 70038, and IG 72931 (C. judaicum) showed lower leaf feeding, a drastic reduction in larval weight, and poor host suitability index at the vegetative and/or flowering stages of crop growth as compared to the cultivated chickpeas. Based on percentage pods damaged by 5th day (< 52% pods damaged compared to 90% pods damaged in Annigeri), and percentage weight gain by the larvae (< 35% weight gain compared to 366% weight gain on ICCV 2); accessions IG 69979 (C. cuneatum), IG 70003, IG 70022, IG 70016, IG 70013, IG 70012, IG 70010, IG 70001, IG 70018, and IG 70002 (C. bijugum), and IG 72953 (C. reticulatum) showed high levels of resistance to H. armigera. Larvae of H. armigera weighed < 50 mg when reared on C. pinnatifidum (IG6 9948 and IG 70039), and C. judaicum (IG 72931) compared to 301.95 mg on C. arietinum (ICCC 37 – the cultivated chickpea). Larval weights on many accessions of the wild relatives of chickpea were much lower than those on the cultivated chickpeas, indicating the existence of different mechanisms of resistance to H. armigera. There was no pupation and adult emergence when the larvae were reared on accessions of C. pinnatifidum (IG 69948 and IG 70039), and C. judaicum (IG 69980, IG 70032, IG 70033 and IG 72931). The wild relatives of chickpea showing high levels of antibiosis to H. armigera can be used to introgress diverse resistance genes into cultivated chickpea to increase the levels and diversify the basis of resistance to this insect. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Susan J. Turner 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):145-153
Summary Accessions obtained from the Commenwealth Potato Collection were evaluated for resistance to European populations of potato cyst-nematodes (PCN). With over 36% of the current collection assessed, resistance to pathotypes of both Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida were identified in 16 species from Argentina, Bolivia or Peru. Resistance to all PCN pathotypes was particularly prevalent in species from the Andean regions of Bolivia and North Argentina, supporting the hypothesis of co-evolution of the potato and PCN in these regions.  相似文献   

In order to determine genetically diverse parents for the generation of mapping populations segregating for resistance to ascochyta blight in wild Cicer species, the genetic diversity between a selection of resistant and susceptible accessions was assessed using molecular markers. Twenty Cicer accessions — comprising eight C. reticulatum accessions, six C. echinospermum accessions, five C. bijugum accessions, and one C. arietinum accession — were compared using a combination of seven RAPD primers and seven ISSR primers. A total of 231 polymorphic bands were scored and used to determine the genetic distances between accessions using Jaccard similarity coefficients. The most genetically diverse parents for the generation of intraspecific and interspecific populations segregating for resistance to ascochyta blight are reported. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A. Lebeda 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):521-523
Summary The natural infection of Erysiphe cichoracearum on 29 accessions of five wild Lactuca species (L. serriola, L. saligna. L. virosa, L. aculeata and L. dentata) and on one hybrid of L. serriola x L. sativa has been investigated for two and three years, respectively. No infection was observed on L. serriola (PI 255665), L. saligna (LSA/92/1 and LSA/92/2), L. virosa (LVIR/26 and LVIR/57/1) and L. dentata (PI 234204). The level of susceptibility of the control cultivars of L. sativa was found to be moderate (Fila) to fairly high (Hilde).  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-one accessions of 3 wild Lactuca species which could be hybridised with L. sativa, the cultivated lettuce, were inoculated at different stages of plant development with 3 multivirulent isolates of Bremia lactucae. Nineteen sources of resistance to B. lactucae, not attributable to the previously recognised resistance factors 1–11 were identified. Two lines of L. serriola showed similar resistance patterns as lines carrying R11. The resistance of some accession was incomplete particularly at the seedling stage and this phenomenon may be race specific.Tests on segregating F2 populations of crosses between 2 different L. serriola accessions and L. sativa cultivars showed that the resistance in one line (LSE/18) appears to be inherited as a single dominant gene, which is sometimes incomplete in expression and allelic to either Dm6 or R7. The segregation patterns for resistance in PI 281876 did not give readily interpretable ratios.To assess the frequency of occurrence in B. lactucae populations of virulence factors to overcome this novel resistance, 11 of the novel sources of resistance were inoculated with numerous collections of the pathogen from the UK, Czechoslovakia and elsewhere and found to show a high level of resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Verticillium wilt (V. albo-atrum Reinke & Berthold or V. dahliae Kleb) threatens potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production in most growing areas of the world. Genetic resistance offers the most cost-effective and environmentally-sound control measure. However, there is a dearth of genetic and breeding information on resistance to verticillium wilt in potato, because of obscure parentage of some standard cultivars and the complex segregation at the tetraploid level. The wide range of genetic variability in wild relatives of potatoes can be potentially useful as a source of disease resistance, such as verticillium wilt resistance. Six diploid, wild, interspecific Solanum hybrids involving resistant x resistant and susceptible x resistant crosses, were assayed for verticillium wilt resistance under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their potential as sources of verticillium wilt resistance. The cross between S. gourlayi Oka. and S. chacoense Bitt. and its reciprocal had the most resistant progenies based on mean colony counts. No simple mode of inheritance can be proposed based on the observed segregation ratios. However, the continuous distributions observed on verticillium wilt disease response among hybrid families indicate that inheritance of resistance may be polygenic and complex. In addition, skewness of colony count distributions toward the resistance parents were characteristic of all resistant x susceptible crosses suggesting that resistance may be dominant. By contrast, the susceptible x susceptible cross showed a more normal distribution. Overall, the cross between S. gourlayi and S. chacoense showed the most potential as a source of verticillium wilt resistance.  相似文献   

Clamot  G.  Rivoal  R. 《Euphytica》1984,33(1):27-32
Summary Three dominant genes A, B and C are involved in the resistance of Avena sterilis I. 376 to Heterodera avenae. When associated, genes A and B are responsible for the high level of resistance in I. 376. In the absence of the first two genes, gene C confers intermediate resistance characterized by the presence of a limited number of cysts on the roots. Only the completely recessive genotype allows the nematode to develop normally.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes simple, routine polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis of allozyme patterns surveyed in wild populations of four Lactuca species, obtained from the Wellesbourne Vegetable Gene Bank. Using multivariate statistical techniques, four allozyme bands were identified, which distinguished the four species, and an additional two bands, which were related to the resistance of Lactuca species to the lettuce root aphid.  相似文献   

Wild Lycopersicon accessions were screened for resistance to the Fusarium wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) race 1 and race 2. In total, four isolates of each race were used. Among 17 accessions of six Lycopersicon species tested, a wide genetic variation for wilt resistance was observed. Most accessions were highly susceptible, some showed intermediate resistance, but one accession of L. cheesmanii (G1.1615 = PI 266375) and two accessions of L. chilense (G1.1556 and G1.1558) were highly resistant to Fol races 1 and 2. The resistance in the latter three accessions equalled or was higher than the resistance determined by the known I-genes, that have been widely used in breeding programmes. These newly found resistant accessions provide breeders with more opportunities for Fusarium disease resistance and may contribute to our understanding of Fusarium disease resistance gene organisation and evolution.  相似文献   

Carla Ceoloni 《Euphytica》1980,29(3):547-553
Summary Barley in Italy has recently been seriously affected by Rhynchosporium secalis. The pathogenic variation of the fungus was studied and 17 races were differentiated on 13 barley cultivars carrying most of the currently known genes for resistance. RC 1, the most virulent and most frequent race, was virulent on 10 out of the 13 differentials and the remaining races proved to be less virulent variants of RC 1. Atlas (C.I. 4118), Atlas 46 (C.I. 7323) and Osiris (C.I. 1622) were the only three differentials resistant to all the analyzed single-spore isolates.Differential cultivars previously assumed to have identical resistance factors did not react in the same way to all the Italian races, thereby revealing either undisclosed differences in the genes described or the presence of additional unidentified ones.Our findings were compared with previous data about virulence of scald populations from different countries, on the basis of tests with common differentials: fundamental differences were found between the Italian population and those of other countries with regard to virulence patterns.The susceptible reactions to race RC 1 of most barley cultivars grown in Italy indicate the urgent need for resistance genes to be incorporated in the cultivated material. Seventy-one barley accessions, known as sources of resistance in different parts of the world, were screened for their behaviour to races RC 1 and RC 13. Twenty-two appeared resistant to both of them.  相似文献   

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