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疾病问题是阻碍肉牛业发展的重要问题。肉牛在养殖生产的过程中,比较容易患传染病、寄生虫病、产科和内科等疾病。如果牛群饲养员对牛舍内部和牛群的活动空间卫生管理不到位,牛群最容易患上腐蹄病和产科疾病。众所周知,传统牛群的饲养是为了农业发展,将牛群应用到田地等役用之中,现在的牛群饲养则是为了人类饮食,摄取丰富的营养。在这种牛群饲养新形势下,牛群大规模的圈养,使得牛群在生长中容易产生一些少见的疾病,如侵袭性疾病和营养性疾病。而现在对牛群饲养方式的不规范性和不确定性,导致牛群管理上混乱,牛群交流频繁,疫病扩散快。  相似文献   

目前,波尔山羊(Boer Goat)已在我国许多省份饲养并且饲养量逐步增多。波尔山羊养殖业能否健康发展,防疫卫生和疾病防制工作很关键。云南省种羊场经过1年多对波尔山羊的饲养管理经验并结合以往绵羊防疫卫生和疾病防制工作,初步总结出了波尔山羊防疫卫生和疾病综合防制技术。防疫工作贯彻“预防为主”的方针,疾病综合防制以预防为主,治疗为铺,防治结合的原则,降低疾病发病率和死亡率,提高种羊健康水平。  相似文献   

规模化肉牛场疫病防制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保障规模化肉牛场健康、安全、高效、优质发展,结合我区生产实践,制定了下列措施,供参考。  相似文献   

对规模化养猪场的流行病学调查表明,目前猪病流行特点表现为逐步缓和和区域发生的繁殖障碍性疾病,持续不断地幼猪腹泻病和不断蔓延扩大了呼吸道疾病,并提出了相应的防制措施。  相似文献   

随着改革开放和经济的发展,传统的养猪模式已向规模化密集型转变,饲养数量和规模越来越大。嘉定区的养猪业经过近十多年的发展,规模化、密集型饲养已成为主要的养殖方式。据统计,全区千头猪场有50多个,5000头以上的猪场有20多个,万头以上的猪场有6个,全区年上市商品猪45万头左右,其中规模猪场占60%左右。从疾病防制方面来说,由于大多规模场实行高密度饲养,其劳动生产率较高,在管理方面造成饲养员和兽医技术人员对猪的群体观察多,个体观察少,因而对疾病的尽早发现、尽早治疗带来了难度。抓好规模猪场的疾病防制是关系到养猪生…  相似文献   

2003 年3 月初广东省江门市某规模化猪场 别猪急性发作呼吸高度困难窒息而死3 月份死 , , ,出场严重的疫情主要表现为保育舍仔猪高度呼 亡55 头死亡率4.3% 4 月份死亡87 头死亡率 , , ; ,吸困难  相似文献   

我国的肉牛养殖方式开始从散养方式向规模化养殖方式转变,但由于我国缺乏系统的肉牛规模化养殖方法,在养殖过程中非常出现一些技术问题。因此,本文对现有的肉牛规模化养殖管理技术进行了分析,提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

1鸡场疫病发生的新特点 1.1集约化养鸡场,由于饲养鸡群数量多.、密度大,有利于传染病的传播、流行,常常造成鸡群大批死亡,损失惨重.从临诊调查来看,以鸡新城疫、传染性支气管炎、马立克氏病、大肠杆菌病、沙门氏菌病、球虫病和巴氏杆菌病等发生最多,造成的损失也最大.  相似文献   

近年来,各地的奶牛养殖业发展很快,养牛数量和规模不断增加,但是由于科学养殖、防疫意识较差,还存在养殖水平低,时有疫病发生,使养殖场户经济效益不高。要想养好奶牛,获得好的经济效益,根据笔者多年的工作经验,应从以下几个方面入手,实行科学的饲养管理和综合防制措施。  相似文献   

张兰 《养殖技术顾问》2014,(10):217-217
随着我国畜牧业的发展,趋向于从大规模的饲养采用自动化、机械化的饲养管理方式。在这种条件下强调搞好卫生防疫工作,是有力地保证畜牧业发展的关键,因此必须建立兽医防疫机构,制定一套严格的卫生防疫制度。  相似文献   

Respiratory diseases of beef cattle under intensified systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Under intensified management systems, the more common diseases of beef cattle include pasteurellosis or shipping fever, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), enzootic or virus pneumonia, and bovine diphtheria. Other respiratory diseases that might be prevalent in the beef management systems of New Zealand include lungworm, atypical interstitial pneumonia, and allergic rhinitis. These will be discussed only in terms of differential diagnosis. No further mention will be made of the exotic diseases contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and haemorrhagic septicaemia or to the respiratory form of bovine tuberculosis which is uncommon in both Canada and New Zealand.  相似文献   

With the further development of economics and politics in China, each industry need to make some change and innovations, in order to catch up with the new situation. State-owned enterprises are also in...  相似文献   

With the further development of economics and politics in China, each industry need to make some change and innovations, in order to catch up with the new situation. State-owned enterprises are also included. This essay will be based on the writer 's actual work : logistics management, dormitory management, fleet management. Firstly will make brief introduction of the current working condition, point out the potential issues, then discuss and try to figure out how to solve and prevent them.  相似文献   

牛传染病的发生和蔓延,常常会造成肉牛的死亡,给养牛业带来巨大的损失.疫病的发生和流行往往是由多种因素造成的,生态环境、卫生条件、饮水水源、人车进出、野生动物、粪便杂物等控制不当都有可能传播疫病.  相似文献   



In a previous publication dealing with the active immunity of mice to Salmonella typhimurium, it was shown that, by varying the interval of time between vaccination and challenge, two phases of increased resistance were observed (Jonas, 1967a Jonas, W. E. 1967a. Studies on the immunological aspects of salmonellosis of mice. Active immunity. N.Z. vet. J., 15: 2730. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Phase I resistance occurred from 3 to 11 days after vaccination and phase II from 15 to 21 days.  相似文献   

Dwarfism in beef cattle: diagnosis and control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

辽育白牛——肉牛新品种培育   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
<正>辽育白牛是辽宁省牛育种中心(省畜牧业经济管理站)组织育种基点县的畜牧技术推广部门,以夏洛莱牛为父本、本地黄牛为母本级进杂交后,采用开放式育种体系,坚持档案组群,在第4代的杂交群中选择优秀个体进行横交和有计划  相似文献   

The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) (Round 2) for Tennessee collected baseline data on the preventive (as opposed to therapeutic) use of drugs from 60 beef cow-calf herds selected by a random, stratified, two-stage sampling plan. Counties were selected randomly with replacement for three herd-size strata, and herds were selected within countries by an area-frame method. Data were collected during monthly interviews for 1 year (1987–1988).

Tennessee beef cattle were medicated with 31 drugs to prevent diseases. The drugs most frequently used were anthelmintics and insecticides. The diseases against which preventive drugs were most frequently used were external parasites, intestinal parasites, ‘pink eye’ (keratoconjunctivitis), anaplasmosis, and respiratory infections. Ivermectin was the most frequently used anthelmintic and the most frequently used drug. Levamisole, fenbendazole, and thiabendazole were also frequently used anthelmintics. The most frequently used insecticides were the organophosphates (including fenthion, dichlorvos, and stirofos). Antimicrobials seldom were used, suggesting that prophylactic antimicrobial use in Tennessee beef cattle may not be a major public-health concern.  相似文献   

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