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2011年3月发生在日本大地震之后的福岛第一核电站(NPP)爆炸事故引起的铯-137(137Cs)的积累与污染,137Cs的半衰期为30.1年,对农业和畜牧业的危害巨大,能够影响人类生活数十年。因此,铯污染备受人们关注。  相似文献   

Dark-colored particles in the coarse fractions of sandy soils were found to concentrate 137Cs. Up to 94% of the fractional 137Cs was associated with these particles in the sand and coarse silt fractions, although their relative mass did not exceed 1–5%. The concentrations of 137Cs in the dark-colored particles were up to 400 times higher than those in the light-colored particles. The high values of the radiocesium interception potential (RIP(K) = 1600–4600 mM/kg) indicate the presence of clay minerals in the dark particles.  相似文献   

Profiles of vertical 137Cs distribution in alluvial meadow soils on the low and medium levels of the Lokna River floodplain (central part of the Plavsk radioactive spot in Tula oblast) 28 years after the Chernobyl fallout have been studied. A significant increase in the 137Cs pool is revealed on the low floodplain areas compared to the soils of interfluves due to the accumulation of alluvium, which hampers the reduction of the total radionuclide pool in alluvial soils because of radioactive decay. The rate of alluvium accumulation in the soil on the medium floodplain level is lower by three times on average. An imitation prognostic model has been developed, which considers the flooding and climatic conditions in the region under study. Numerical experiments have quantitatively confirmed the deciding role of low-mobile forms in the migration of maximum 137Cs content along the soil profile in the absence of manifested erosion–accumulation processes.  相似文献   

Temperate saltmarshes are a potential source of atmospheric methane. We have measured the concentration and emission of methane in typical saltmarsh soils (Salic Fluvisols) and humus-rich saltmarsh soils (Thionic Fluvisols) from the German North Sea coast. We also measured the methane production rates of the latter. The methane content of typical saltmarsh soils reached 12.0 μmol 1?1, although values of 1–4 μmol 1?1 were usual. The sulphate concentrations of the pore-water were about 10 mm , which means sulphate reduction is not limited and methanogenesis would be suppressed. Methane concentrations were generally largest in summer. Independent of the redox potential and the degree of soil development, methane concentrations were smallest in those soils poorest in humus. Methane emission rates were almost zero. In the humus-rich saltmarsh soils, methane concentrations were roughly a thousand times larger than those in typical saltmarsh soils, reaching values of 23 mmol 1?1 The sulphate concentrations of the pore-water were often less than 1 mM, indicating limited sulphate reduction. Methane production was up to 80 μg cm?3 day?1 and was not inhibited when we added sulphate. Methane emission rates reached up to 190 μg m?2 day?1 in summer, with values up to 20 μg m?2 day?1 at other times. The two kinds of saltmarsh soil behave quite differently: the typical saltmarsh soils act as a sink for methane; the humus-rich saltmarsh soils are a source.  相似文献   

The dynamics of 137Cs uptake by crops and the influence of rehabilitation measures on the accumulation of this radionuclide in agricultural products have been estimated by the example of southwestern regions of Bryansk oblast. In 20 yr after the Chernobyl NPP accident, three stages of a decrease in the concentration of 137Cs in the crops can be distinguished. At present (in 15–20 yr after the accident), the rate of the decrease in the concentration of 137Cs in some crops corresponds to the half-decay period of this radionuclide.  相似文献   

The results of the extensive measurements ofCesium-137 (137Cs) in virgin soils, plants,forest litter and lake bottom sediments of AltayRegion in 1992–1995 are presented. Analyses of thevertical soil profiles indicate that 137Cs ispresent in the upper 5–20 cm of the soil. Crops andthe majority of wild plants show no signs ofcontamination with 137Cs even in areas where soilis contaminated. A regional map of 137Csconcentration is presented, which shows a highlyirregular pattern of radio-cesium deposition from thenuclear tests on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Polygonbetween 1949 to 1962. This kind of lateraldistribution of 137Cs in Altay virgin topsoilscannot be accounted for only by the distance from thenuclear testing site, on the contrary, it seems to bepredominantly dependent on the weather conditions anda pattern of rainfall at the time of Semipalatinskexplosions. The article discusses the factors causingthe post-precipitation redistribution of 137Cs inthe soil column and demonstrates that forest litter,lichen and lake bottom sediments can be used assensitive indicators of the historical and currentradioactive contamination.  相似文献   

五价锑在中国南方两类典型土壤中的迁移特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过土柱出流实验研究锑在我国南方的红壤和棕色石灰土中的迁移行为,对实验结束后的土柱进行分级提取,得出土壤中不同形态锑的百分比。为分析氧化还原电位对锑迁移的影响,探讨了不同p H条件下锑在覆铁石英砂中的迁移行为。实验结果表明,锑在棕色石灰土中迁移时穿透曲线的峰值(C/C0=0.88)比在红壤(C/C0=0.26)中的高,出流所需时间短;在红壤中迁移时穿透曲线的"拖尾"现象较明显。第二次出流的情况正好相反,锑在红壤中的穿透曲线峰值明显升高C/C0达到0.58,而锑在棕色石灰土中的穿透曲线峰值较第一次明显降低(C/C0=0.70),说明红壤第一次淋洗不彻底,棕色石灰土第一次淋洗比较彻底。土柱实验结束后的土壤中锑主要以铁铝氧化物结合态存在,非专性吸附态、专性吸附态和残渣态含量很少,棕色石灰土中的弱结合态锑含量较红壤中多。不同p H条件下锑在覆铁石英砂中迁移特征为,当p H为4时锑在覆铁石英砂中的穿透曲线对称性较好,"拖尾"现象不明显,随着p H变大穿透曲线对称性变差,"拖尾"现象变明显。  相似文献   

东北黑土中137Cs背景值研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过测定东北黑土背景点样品中137Cs活度,探讨了土壤剖面中137Cs的分布特征,对因风蚀造成背景点土壤表层137Cs的沉积进行了校正,得出了黑土的137Cs背景值,为水蚀风蚀两相侵蚀地区土壤137Cs背景值的确定提供了新思路。结果表明:黑土背景点土壤剖面中137Cs比活度的分布呈指数型,其拟合方程为Cs=76.744e-0.2566h,相关系数达到0.994。剖面中75.7%的137Cs分布在0~5cm的表层中,92.5%的137Cs分布在0~10cm的土壤上层;黑土的137Cs背景值为2463.64Bq/m2,与平坦黑土耕地中137Cs的沉降总量接近,可以利用该背景值进行黑土侵蚀速率的估算。  相似文献   


Radioactive 137Cs concentrations of forage corn (Zea mays L.) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in a double cropping system under continuous cattle farmyard manure (FYM) application were observed for more than 2 years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident in 2011. The experiment field is located 110 km southwest of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and the soil contains 137Cs of 920 Bq kg?1 on average. For crop cultivation, nitrogen fertilizer was applied in addition to FYM. The 137Cs concentrations in corn decreased significantly between 2011 and 2012, but only differed significantly between 2012 and 2013 for the plot with no FYM application. For Italian ryegrass, no significant differences were observed between the harvest in 2012 and 2013 despite the FYM application rate. To minimize corn 137Cs concentrations, the FYM application rate should be more than and equal to 30 Mg ha?1 when FYM is used as the major nutrient source. Exchangeable potassium oxide (K2O) greater than around 0.3 g kg?1 was mostly maintained with the FYM application rates. Corn 137Cs concentration appeared to increase at exchangeable K2O levels below 0.15 g kg?1. These results suggest that continuous FYM application can maintain soil nutrients including K2O and thereby control radioactive Cs transfer from the soil. FYM application rate of 30 Mg ha?1 is within the levels recommended by the prefectural governments around Fukushima Prefecture for crop production before the accident. These levels are sufficient to decrease the radioactive Cs concentrations for corn. However, unlike corn, differences in soil chemical properties by FYM application did not affect 137Cs concentrations in Italian ryegrass in this study, although low exchangeable K2O seemed to increase concentrations of stable 133Cs. Further experiments should be conducted to understand the observed differences between corn and Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪技术,研究了宁南黄土高原阳洼流域土壤137Cs的空间分布和侵蚀特征.研究结果表明,流域137Cs背景值为1 966.99 Bq/m2,流域内不同土地利用方式下土壤137Cs比活度不同,且有比较明显的137Cs比活度分异.流域内林草地土壤剖面137Cs呈现指数分布模式,坡耕地剖面的137Cs则呈均匀分布模式.不同土地利用方式下土壤137Cs的面积活度表现为沟台>林草地>农耕坡地,其中农耕坡地、沟台地土壤侵蚀、沉积表现出较大的变异,变异系数达65%以上.阳洼流域土壤侵蚀模数与137Cs比活度呈现出相反的分布趋势,但都明显具有斑块状和条带状分布的特点.流域土壤以中、强度侵蚀为主,中、强度侵蚀面积占流域总面积的46%,在流域土壤侵蚀防治中坡耕地仍是治理的关键.  相似文献   

Past land‐use changes, intensive cropping with large proportions of root crops, and preferred use of mineral fertilizer have been made responsible for proceeding losses of soil organic C (SOC) in the plough layer. We hypothesized that in intensive agriculturally managed regions changes in SOC stocks would be detectable within a decade. To test this hypothesis, we tracked the temporal development of the concentrations and stocks of SOC in 268 arable sites, sampled by horizon down to 60 cm in the Cologne‐Bonn region, W Germany, in 2005 and in 2013. We then related these changes to soil management data and humus balances obtained from farmers' surveys. As we expected that changes in SOC concentrations might at least in part be minor, we fractionated soils from 38 representative sites according to particle size in order to obtain C pools of different stability. We found that SOC concentrations had increased significantly in the topsoil (from 9.4 g kg?1 in 2005 to 9.8 g kg?1 in 2013), but had decreased significantly in the subsoil (from 4.1 g kg?1 in 2005 to 3.5 g kg?­1 in 2013). Intriguingly, these changes were due to changes in mineral‐bound SOC rather than to changes in sand‐sized organic matter pools. As bulk density decreased, the overall SOC stocks in the upper 60 cm exhibited a SOC loss of nearly 0.6 t C (ha · y)?1 after correction by the equivalent soil mass method. This loss was most pronounced for sandy soils [?0.73 t SOC (ha · y)?1], and less pronounced for loamy soils [?0.64 t SOC (ha · y)?1]; silty soils revealed the smallest reduction in SOC [?0.3 t SOC (ha · y)?1]. Losses of SOC occurred even with the overall humus balances having increased positively from about 20 kg C (ha · y)?1 (2003–2005) to about 133 kg C (ha · y)?1 (2005–2013) due to an improved organic fertilization and intercropping. We conclude that current management may fail to raise overall SOC stocks. In our study area SOC stocks even continued to decline, despite humus conservation practice, likely because past land use conversions (before 2005) still affect SOC dynamics.  相似文献   

利用^137Cs示踪方法,对宁南黄土高原阳洼流域纵断面土壤^137Cs分布及相关影响因子进行了初步研究。结果表明:流域纵断面^137Cs面积活度随坡面海拔和水平距离的变化,表现为一种不规则的波动振荡趋势。随海拔降低,纵断面上、中部^137Cs面积活度逐步下降,有明显的土壤侵蚀发生;坡面下部^137Cs面积活度最高,泥沙沉积的再分布现象明显。流域内林草地剖面土壤^137Cs呈指数型分布,坡耕地、梯田^137Cs在耕层内呈均一分布,其分布模式与各土地类型土壤有机质的分布状态完全一致。相关分析表明,两者在P〈0.01水平达到极显著相关(r^2=0.336,n=417)。土壤^137Css的损失和土壤有机质的移动具有相同的物理路径和运移机制;农耕坡地土壤^137Cs面积活度随坡度增加有逐步降低的趋势;土地利用方式、坡度、耕作活动是影响纵断面土壤^137Cs空间异质性的主要因素。^137Cs示踪方法是研究土壤侵蚀空间分布的一种有效工具。  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪方法,对宁南黄土高原阳洼流域纵断面土壤137Cs分布及相关影响因子进行了初步研究。结果表明:流域纵断面137Cs面积活度随坡面海拔和水平距离的变化,表现为一种不规则的波动振荡趋势。随海拔降低,纵断面上、中部137Cs面积活度逐步下降,有明显的土壤侵蚀发生;坡面下部137Cs面积活度最高,泥沙沉积的再分布现象明显。流域内林草地剖面土壤137Cs呈指数型分布,坡耕地、梯田137Cs在耕层内呈均一分布,其分布模式与各土地类型土壤有机质的分布状态完全一致。相关分析表明,两者在P<0.01水平达到极显著相关(r2=0.336,n=417)。土壤137Cs的损失和土壤有机质的移动具有相同的物理路径和运移机制;农耕坡地土壤137Cs面积活度随坡度增加有逐步降低的趋势;土地利用方式、坡度、耕作活动是影响纵断面土壤137Cs空间异质性的主要因素。137Cs示踪方法是研究土壤侵蚀空间分布的一种有效工具。  相似文献   

Soil compaction and related changes of soil physical parameters are of growing importance in agricultural production. Different stresses (70, 230, 500, and 1000 kPa) were applied to undisturbed soil core samples of eight typical soils of a Saalean moraine landscape in N Germany by means of a confined compression device to determine the effect on (1) total porosity/pore‐size distribution, (2) saturated hydraulic conductivity, and (3) air conductivity to assess the susceptibility towards compaction. Different deformation behaviors after exceeding the mechanical strength particularly resulted from a combination of soil characteristics like texture and initial bulk density. The saturated hydraulic conductivity, as an indicator for pore continuity, was largely affected by the volume of coarse pores (r² = 0.82), whereas there was no relationship between bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity. Since coarsely textured soils primarily possess a higher coarse‐pore fraction compared to more finely textured soils, which remains at a high level even after compaction, only minor decreases of saturated hydraulic conductivity were evident. The declines in air conductivity exceeded those in hydraulic conductivity, as gas exchange in soils is, besides the connectivity of coarse pores, a function of water content, which increases after loading in dependence of susceptibility to compaction. A soil‐protection strategy should be focused on more finely textured soils, as stresses of 70 kPa may already lead to a harmful compaction regarding critical values of pore functions such as saturated hydraulic conductivity or air capacity.  相似文献   

宁南黄土高原阳洼流域137Cs分布及侵蚀特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用137Cs示踪方法,对宁南黄土高原阳洼流域土壤137Cs分布及土壤侵蚀进行了初步研究。结果表明:流域137Cs基准值为(1 966.99±112.06)Bq/m2。流域内林草地土壤剖面137Cs呈指数型分布,坡耕地137Cs在耕层内呈均一分布。受坡位影响,坡耕地上坡137Cs质量活度为中、下坡的25.14%~27%。流域内坡耕地土壤侵蚀最高,平均为3 889.95 t/km2,自然荒坡最小,仅为坡耕地的17.83%,坡耕地是流域泥沙的主要侵蚀溯源区。阳洼流域土壤侵蚀存在明显的空间格局,不同土地类型下土壤137Cs面积活度、土壤侵蚀模数呈斑块状镶嵌分布,以靠近流域西南边界、中部及东南部区域土壤侵蚀模数最大,平均侵蚀速率在3 405.59~7 080.73 t/(km2.a),沉积与侵蚀明显区域间有过渡区域。坡度是影响该流域土壤侵蚀空间变化的主导因子,但土壤侵蚀速率并不简单随坡度增加而增大,它还受土地利用方式、坡位、降雨等因素影响。  相似文献   

The levels of radioactive contamination by artificial radiocesium (137Cs) were evaluated in sediments and the commonest species of water plants. Specimens were collected from a range of biotopes along the Pinios River and its tributaries, during the years 1998 and 2010. The 137Cs concentrations within the above period clearly indicate that this radionuclide still decrease in the River Pinios. A marked decrease is also observed in comparison to our previous results in 1993. 137Cs concentration activities in the sediment are higher than in the plant material. In general, roots showed greater 137Cs concentration than leaves, while stems showed the lowest concentration. Significant differences in 137Cs concentrations were found among different species growing under similar environmental conditions. 137Cs content in collected aquatic plants was in the descending order: Ceratophyllum demersum L. > Myriophyllum spicatum L. > Paspalum pasalodes Scribner > Cladophora glomerata L. > Cyperus longus L. > Potamogeton nodosus Poiret. A comparison of the studied stations indicated that the southwest side of Thessalia plain, where the first two initial sampling stations of the Pinios River and the tributaries Enipeas and Kalentzis are situated, was highly contaminated. Low 137Cs concentrations were observed in the Titarisios tributary, originated from the northeast part of Thessalia plain, behind Mt. Olympus and the last sampling stations of the Pinios River.  相似文献   

Summary The depth of ploughing has increased in West Germany during the last three decades. Before the 1960s, the depth of the Ap horizon rarely exceeded 25 cm; in the early 1980s it reached about 35 cm on average but it has remained constant since that time. In 1989, the total N content of 105 plots in the southern Niedersachsen loess area was measured after deepening of the plough layers. The N content of the samples was compared with that of earlier samplings (1) before deeper tillage in the 1960s, the 1970s, and the 1980s; and (2) in 1983. Directly after the deeper ploughing, the N content of the topsoil decreased, presumably due to dilution with the subsoil material. Mass balance calculations for total N in 1989 showed that the phase of N accumulation can take 20 years or more. Within two decades, up to 2000 kg N ha-1 was immobilized in the soil organic matter. Recent incubation experiments with disturbed soil indicated that the N mineralization capacity was reestablished in all soils and is now similar to that of the early (1960s and 1970s) and more recent (1980s) deepened plough layers. Undisturbed soil material incubated in plastic tubes showed a significantly reduced net mineralization at water contents above 65% of the waterholding capacity, particularly in the lower part (15–30 cm) of the Ap horizon. This study suggests that N accumulated in the deep plough layers cannot contribute noticeably to net N mineralization in loess soils during the growing season.  相似文献   

华北平原作为我国的粮食主产区,土壤水分是制约作物生长的主要限制因子.本文首次运用土壤水分指数数据,对华北平原土壤水分以及灌溉特征进行空间分析,旨在为区域尺度农田旱情以及农作物产量的实时监测与预报提供相关参考.研究基于1993-2002年华北平原逐旬降雨数据和主动微波遥感反演的土壤水分指数数据,应用地统计分析方法,分析典型干旱年(1999年)该区表层土壤水分时空变异特征,并提取和分析小麦生长期内的灌溉信息;通过对逐句的降水和土壤水分数据的空间叠置分析,提取区域内的灌溉信息.结果表明:1999年降水量比多年(1993-2002年)平均量少约140mm;1999年土壤水分变化与降水变化整体保持一致,低于多年平均水平,春季和夏季,土壤水分减少尤为明显,土壤干旱非常普遍;小麦生长期内,大部分地区均存在不同程度的灌溉,其中中部地区灌溉次数最少,占研究区面积的65%左右的南部和北部地区灌溉次数多为2~3旬次.采用降水量和遥感水分监测数据,可以分析土壤水分变化的原因,提取灌溉的范围和时间特征,并可为旱情遥感监测提供科学参考.  相似文献   

Parallel analyses of Hapludalfs of Ostholstein and Glossudalfs of Berlin showed us that differences in the clay content of soil horizons are the result of clay migration. But the sandy epipedon of the Glossudalfs was formed by wind blown sand together with frost action under periglacial conditions also.  相似文献   

The results of the study are presented on the distribution and migration of radiocesium in mountainous (580–620 m a.s.l.) landscapes in the northeast of Honshu Island (Tohoku Region, Miyagi Prefecture) subjected to radioactive contamination after the nuclear accident at Fukushima-1 NPP. In July 2014, the average contamination density with radiocesium (134Сs and 137Сs) over the territory (150 km to the northwest from NPP) was equal to 16 kBq/m2. This contamination is estimated at the acceptable level according to both Japanese and Russian standards and legislation. Three years after the accident, radiocesium is found to be unevenly distributed by the biogeocenosis components, i.e. 45% in litter, 40% in plants, 10% in soil, and 5% in roots. As for the distribution of total radiocesium (Cs tot = 134Сs + 137Сs) by the profile of volcanic podzolic-ocherous soil (Dystric Aluandic Andosols), its maximal content (about 80%) was found in the surface layer (0–2.5 cm), with the specific activity ranging from 250 to 10070 Bq/kg and sharply decreasing with the depth. Radiocesium amount in the soils of forest ecosystems was on average by 20% higher than in meadow ecosystems. Accumulation of radionuclides in soils of lower and middle parts of a slope with an insignificant vertical migration was found to be the most general regularity. The air dose rate did not exceed the maximal permissible level, and the snow cover acted as an absorbing and scattering screen.  相似文献   

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