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In Brazil, agricultural expansion has increased soil erosion and sediment supply to waterways. As elevated sediment loads often degrade freshwater environments, sediment fingerprinting techniques are increasingly used to identify the sources supplying sediment to riverine and lacustrine environments. In this study, the contribution of various soil types to sediment was investigated in the Guaporé catchment (2,032 km2) in southern Brazil. Soil samples (n = 75) were collected to characterise five soil types: Ferralsols (n = 26), Nitisols (n = 13), Acrisols (n = 8), Leptosols (n = 6) and Luvisols (n = 22). Sediment samples (n = 7) were collected in a trap installed at the catchment outlet. Sediment source contributions were modelled according to soil types with elemental geochemistry and 87Sr/86Sr ratios. 87Sr/86Sr ratios, K, Ti, Co, As, Ba and Pb were selected as the optimal suite of properties discriminating between soil types. Sediment samples were modelled to mainly originate from downstream Acrisols [mean 41%, standard deviation (SD) 2%], Leptosols (mean 34%, SD 4%) and Luvisols (mean 17%, SD 4%). In contrast, contributions of upstream Ferralsols (mean 4%, SD 2%) and Nitisols (mean 4%, SD 6%) were low. These results suggest that soils found in lower parts of the catchment, cultivated with conventional agriculture on steep slopes, were the main source of sediment to the river network. In contrast, soils found in upper parts of the catchment, cultivated with soybean under direct sowing, were less eroded or deposited before reaching the sediment sampling location at the outlet. These findings demonstrate that the management of local and degraded soil sources is important for reducing sediment loads. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用复合指纹法分析剑川双河水库泥沙来源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]定量研究水库沉积泥沙的具体来源,为中国滇西北水土流失区域泥沙来源研究和流域综合治理提供科学依据。[方法]以滇西北剑川县双河水库流域作为研究区,选取林地、草地、耕地及采矿用地4种土地利用类型作为潜在泥沙源头,利用复合指纹法分析双河水库沉积泥沙潜在来源及其贡献百分比。选择27个地球化学因子,通过守恒性检验与Kruskal-Walls H检验并利用逐步判别分析确定最佳指纹因子组合,运用多元线性混合模型计算各泥沙源地贡献百分比。[结果]①共有8个指纹因子(S,Ca,Sr,TP,Cr,Ba,K,Mg)被确认为最佳指纹因子组合,累计贡献率达89.60%;②总体上,泥沙贡献百分比平均值从大到小为:草地(37.28%)耕地(34.62%)林地(27.86%)采矿用地(0.24%);③单位面积上泥沙贡献百分比为:耕地(9.55%)草地(3.78%)采矿用地(1.24%)林地(0.38%)。[结论]复合指纹法适用于双河水库流域泥沙来源判别,耕地仍是土壤侵蚀最为严重的土地利用类型,而草地因面积较大、地表覆盖度较低,也是泥沙贡献较多的土地利用类型。  相似文献   

The identification of sediment sources is important for catchment management, but few studies have been performed in Mediterranean areas. This study uses a multiproxy sediment fingerprinting approach to explore sources and dynamics of fluvial sediments in a rapidly urbanizing Portuguese peri‐urban catchment. X‐ray fluorescence was used to characterize the elemental geochemistry of sediments collected within the stream network after three storm events in 2012 and 2015. A range of statistical techniques, including hierarchical cluster analysis, was used to identify discriminant sediment properties and similarities between fine bed sediment samples of tributaries and downstream sites. Quantification of sediment supply from upstream sub‐catchments was undertaken using established sediment fingerprinting approaches. The geochemistry of the sediments was found to be influenced by both lithology and land‐use changes. In 2012, the sandstone sub‐catchment provided 75% of the <63 μm and 94% of the 63–125 and 125–2000 μm sediment, mostly from an Enterprise Park site undergoing deforestation and construction (covering 5% of the catchment area), with most of the remaining sediment deriving from the construction of a major road (1% of the catchment) in the limestone sub‐catchment. In 2015, planned and accidental retention basins below the Enterprise Park and major road sites, respectively, prevented some sediment from reaching the stream network, thereby reducing their importance as sediment sources. Sediment mobilization in urban areas with paved roads was small in comparison, but characterized by high heavy metal concentrations. The sediment fingerprinting approach adopted shows promise in identification of the main sources of sediments, necessary to underpin improved peri‐urban management strategies. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a severe problem on China's Loess Plateau due to its fine‐grained soils and the increasing frequency of extreme rainfall events. Accordingly, this study used a 100‐year frequency rainstorm dataset to analyse sediment deposition and sources in a 27‐km2 catchment with a dam field area of 0·14 km2 based on the hypothesis that sediments were intercepted by the dam (before collapse) during the rainstorm event and deposited in the dam field. This study applied composite fingerprinting, which revealed the sediment source contributions and estimated sediment deposition. Sediment deposition (626·4 kg m−2) decreased linearly or exponentially with increasing distance from the dam. Composite fingerprints based on the optimal parameters revealed relative sediment contributions of 44·1% ± 25·5%, 37·7% ± 35·0%, 9·0% ± 11·4% and 9·2% ± 11·5% by bare ground, croplands, grassland and forests, respectively. The 5‐year cumulative sediment deposition from normal rainfall was 2·3 × 104 t less than the extreme rainstorm. Bare grounds and croplands were the dominant sediment sources following both the extreme rainstorm and normal erosive rainfall events but varied at different areas of the check‐dam. Erosion patterns and start times depended on land use type, thereby affecting sediment profiles in the dam field. Furthermore, severe erosion from bare ground that were all gully slopes and gully walls occurred throughout the rainfall, whereas grasslands and forest erosion occurred earlier and croplands later. Finally, extreme rainfall promoted mass wasting on slopes, gully slopes and gully walls, which are important in determining extreme rainstorm erosion pattern variation. This study aimed to reveal erosion pattern variation under extreme rainstorm events. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Annualized Agricultural Non‐Point Source (AnnAGNPS) model has been used to estimate runoff, peak discharge and sediment load at the event scale in a Mediterranean watershed. The study area is the Carapelle torrent, Southern Italy (area = 506 km2), where continuous rainfall, streamflow and sediment load data are available. Nineteen flood events have been registered in the period 2007–2009 and were used for the application of the model. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the model at the event scale, in a medium‐size watershed, given the specific conditions of the semi‐arid environments. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to assign the correct parameterization: the mean normalized output variation of the most meaningful input parameters pointed out the influence of the curve number on runoff, peak discharge and sediment load predictions (values greater than 1); the MN Manning's roughness coefficient and K, C and P factors of the universal soil loss equation showed a moderate influence on sediment load simulations (values between 0·5 and 1). The selection of the Soil Conservation Service synthetic storm types has been based on the observed storm events analysis to improve the peak discharge simulations. The model prediction has proved to be good for runoff (R2 = 0·74, NSE = 0·75, W = 0·92) and peak discharge (R2 = 0·85, NSE = 0·70, W = 0·94), and satisfactory for sediment yield (R2 = 0·70, NSE = 0·63, W = 0·91). The relative error is lower for high events; this result is quite interesting in semi‐arid environments, where most of the annual sediment yield is concentrated in a few, severe events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国内主要流域侵蚀产沙模型评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流域侵蚀产沙模型是国际土壤侵蚀研究的重点领域之一,国内以往进行了较多研究,建立了许多模型。正确分析和评价这些模型对于合理地使用它们进行流域侵蚀产沙预报和水土保持规划等工作具有重要意义。从研究方法、模型结构、模型中各参数的确定等方面对我国主要流域侵蚀产沙经验模型和具有一定成因的模型进行了分析,并在此基础上对各模型进行了评价。  相似文献   

基于指纹识别技术计算了东北黑土区典型小流域不同侵蚀产沙源地的泥沙贡献比。通过分析农地、林地、草地表层土以及侵蚀沟样品中的33种物质,使用非参数检验和多元判别分析筛选出包括P、Ce、Ga、Rb和137Cs组成的最优复合指纹因子,并将放射性核素137Cs和210Pbex作为第2组指纹因子,将最优复合指纹因子中的单个因子分别作为单因子,作为第3组指纹因子,分别利用多元混合线性模型、Bayesian模型和单因子解析解等泥沙来源指纹分析方法计算了表层土和侵蚀沟的相对泥沙贡献比。结果表明:基于不同模型不同指纹因子的泥沙来源贡献比结果虽不尽相同,但无重大差别。利用多元混合线性模型计算时,由放射性元素137Cs和210Pbex作为指纹因子计算的泥沙来源(表层土47.5%,侵蚀沟52.5%),与最优复合指纹因子计算的泥沙来源(表层土44.6%,侵蚀沟55.4%)基本一致;利用Bayesian模型计算时,由放射性元素137Cs和210Pbex作为指纹因子计算的表层土和侵蚀沟的泥沙贡献比约各占1/2,而利用最优复合指纹因子计算得到的泥沙贡献比中,表层土(58.8%)多于侵蚀沟(41.2%);以复合指纹因子中单个因子为指纹因子计算解析解,P、Ga、Ce、137Cs 4个因子的判别能力较强,能有效判别泥沙物源区;为保证泥沙贡献比计算结果的精确性,有必要确定各模型的计算精度,并挖掘具体的影响因素,调整参数或算法,为模型改进提供依据。研究发现,面积占比不足1%的侵蚀沟贡献了流域近1/2的泥沙,表明侵蚀沟发育引起的土壤流失不容小觑,应加强对该区侵蚀沟道的治理。  相似文献   

The sediment budget is a key concept and tool for characterizing the mobilization, transfer and storage of fine sediment within a catchment. Caesium‐137 measurements can provide valuable information on gross and net erosion rates associated with sheet and rill erosion that can be used to establish the slope component of a catchment sediment budget. However, there is a need to validate the use of 137Cs measurements for this purpose, because their reliability has sometimes been questioned. The study reported focuses on a small (3·04 ha) steepland (mean slope 37%) catchment in Southern Italy. It exploits the availability of information on the medium‐term sediment output from the catchment provided by the construction of a reservoir at its outlet in 1978 and the existence of estimates of soil redistribution rates derived from 137Cs measurements made on 68 replicate soil cores collected from the slopes of a substantial proportion of the catchment in 2001, to validate the use of 137Cs measurements to construct the slope component of the catchment sediment budget. An additional 50 replicate soil cores were collected from the catchment slopes for 137Cs analysis, to complement the data already available. Nine cores collected from the area occupied by the reservoir were used to estimate the mean annual sediment input to the reservoir. In the absence of evidence that the poorly developed channel system in the catchment was either a significant sediment source or sink, it was possible to directly compare the estimate of net soil loss from the catchment slopes (7·33 Mg ha−1 y−1) with the estimate of sediment output from the catchment provided by the reservoir deposits (7·52 Mg ha−1 y−1). Taking account of the uncertainties involved, the close agreement of the two values is seen as providing a convincing validation of the use of 137Cs measurements to both estimate soil redistribution rates and as a basis for constructing the slope component of the sediment budget of a small catchment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Man‐made and natural sediment sinks provide a practical means for reducing downstream reservoir sedimentation by decreasing soil erosion and enhancing the rate of sedimentation within a catchment. The Minizr catchment (20 km2) in the northwest Ethiopian highlands contains numerous man‐made soil and water conservation (SWC) structures such as soil bunds (Erken), fanya juu ridge (Cab) and micro‐trenches and natural sediment sinks such as wetlands, floodplains and grassed waterways. These sediment sinks reduce downstream sedimentation into the Koga reservoir, located at the catchment outlet, however, a large quantity of sediment is still reaching the reservoir. This study evaluates the function and effectiveness of both man‐made SWC structures and natural sediment sinks in reducing sediment export from the Minizr catchment. SWC structures and natural sediment sinks were digitized using Google Earth Imagery. Sediment pins and vertical sampling through the deposit were used to quantify the amount of deposited sediment. In addition, inflow and outflow of suspended sediment data were used to calculate the sediment‐trapping efficacies (STE) of man‐made SWC structures (soil bunds and fanya juu ridges) and natural sediment sinks. Results reveal that 144 km soil bunds and fanya juu ridges trapped 7,920 Mg y−1 (55 kg m−1 y−1) and micro‐trenches trapped 13·26 Mg y−1, each micro‐trench on average trapped 23 kg y−1. The 17 ha floodplain located in the centre of the catchment trapped 9,970 Mg y−1 (59 kg m−2 y−1), while a wetland with a surface area of 24 ha, located near the outlet of the catchment, trapped 8,715 Mg y−1 (36 kg m−2 y−1). The STEs of soil bunds and fanya juu ridges, wetlands and floodplains were 54%, 85% and 77%, respectively. Substantial differences were observed between the STE of grassed and un‐grassed waterways at 75% and 21%, respectively. Existing man‐made and natural sediment sinks played an important role in trapping sediment, with 38% (26,600 Mg y−1) of transported sediment being trapped, while 62% (43,000 Mg y−1) is exported from the catchment and thus enters the Koga reservoir. Therefore, additional catchment treatment measures are required as an integrated catchment scale sediment trapping approach to help reduce sediment loads entering Koga reservoir. Moreover, to maximize the effectiveness of sediment trapping measures, avoid structural failure and ensure their sustainability, regular maintenance is needed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Transport of suspended sediment (SS) and phosphorus (P) via surface runoff from soils to surface waters is a major problem of water quality degradation in many European rivers and in other parts of the world. This problem is especially serious during wet periods, which can produce twice the P loads of dry periods. In this study, the SS load and particulate phosphorus (PP) exported from a small catchment located in NW Spain (in which cultivated soils had different degrees of vegetation cover) were analyzed during two rainy periods of February 2006 and February 2007. The SS and PP loads were calculated from the data of discharge, and SS and PP concentrations were measured in water samples collected at the catchment outlet. SS and PP loads were higher in 2006 than in 2007, while there was higher rainfall and stream flow in 2007. Differences in the degree of vegetation cover in the cultivated fields with good connectivity with the stream, which was the main source area of sediment in this catchment, explain the differences in SS and PP loads between the two periods. Soil losses caused during both rainy periods were low (0.02 Mg ha?1); however, they may be detrimental to quality of the stream water due to the P linked to soil particles. PP concentrations were above the critical values of P for eutrophication during the study periods, highlighting the need to take conservation measures to reduce soil erosion and sediment delivery to watercourse.  相似文献   

Simulated results of water yield, sediment yield, surface runoff, subsurface runoff, peak flow, evapotranspiration, etc., in the Teba catchment, Spain, using SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins model are presented and the related problems are discussed. The results showed that water yield and sediment yield could be satisfactorily simulated using SWRRB model. The accuracy of the annual water yield simulation in the Teba catchment was up to 83.68%, which implied that this method could be effectively used to predict the annual or interannual water yield and to realize the quantification of geographic elements and processes of a river basin.  相似文献   

Runoff is the key factor to understand the land degradation causing high risk of soil erosion and can reduce the water available for human societies and ecosystems. The dynamics of runoff and suspended sediment transport are not completely understood. In this study, we examined the trends, breaking point and regime changes for the runoff and sediment load at different temporal scales using 50 years of continuous observational data from a highly erodible sub‐catchment with an area of 7,325 km2 in the Beiluo River basin on the Loess Plateau, China. At the annual scale, the runoff and sediment load declined significantly (p < 0·05) with decreasing rates of −0·23 mm y−1 and −164·9 Mg km−2 y−1, respectively. Abrupt changes in the runoff and sediment load series were detected between 1979 and 1999; thus, the data were divided into intervals of 1960–1979, 1980–1999 and 2000–2009. The flow duration curve analysis indicated increasing low‐flow values and decreasing daily runoff and sediment discharge peaks, which suggested that soil and water conservation measures reduced the volume of runoff and the sediment load. This led to a more uniform runoff regime. At the flood event scale, we investigated the relationship between runoff and the suspended sediment load based on 123 flood events, which showed clearly that the magnitude and frequency of hyper‐concentrated sediment flows decreased in 2000–2009 compared with 1960–1999. The annual erosive rainfall exhibited non‐significant changes throughout the entire study period. We conclude that soil and water conservation measures (e.g. afforestation, grassing, terraces and check dams) have played major roles in the changes in runoff and the sediment load in the Beiluo River catchment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国北方地区水土保持措施减沙水代价分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水土保持措施是减少河流泥沙的主要措施。水土保持措施在减少土壤侵蚀的同时也会减少地表径流和地表水资源量。根据目前我国北方地区水土保持对径流量和泥沙量的研究结果,比较分析了在坡面和沟道上梯田、造林、种草和坝地等水土保持措施减沙水代价,并对不同流域尺度水土保持综合措施减沙水代价进行了综合分析。研究表明,同一区域不同水土保持各单项措施减沙水代价不同;同一措施和综合措施减沙水代价存在明显的区域分异,通过选择减沙水代价较小的水土保持措施的类型和区域配置,可以在减少相同泥沙量的同时,相对增加河流水资源量。  相似文献   

秃尾河流域暴雨洪水产沙特性的研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
用秃尾河流域实测降雨洪水泥沙资料 ,对流域的暴雨洪水泥沙特性做了较为全面系统的分析 ,阐明了秃尾河流域泥沙来源 ,揭示了冻融侵蚀、风蚀和水蚀的共同作用是导致高含沙水流发生的机理 ,以及次暴雨洪水泥沙输移比小于 1的特性 ,为多沙粗沙区流域治理提供了科学依据  相似文献   

As one of the best‐known areas in the world, the Loess Plateau, has long been suffering from serious soil erosion. The present paper reviewed the historical variation of climate, vegetation cover, and environment changes in order to understand the causes of severe soil erosion. Documentary evidence indicated that climate changes and vegetation cover were the dominant natural factors influencing the soil erosion rates during the Holocene. Intensive human activities consisting of warfare, population growth, deforestation, and soil and water conservation measures were responsible for the changes of soil erosion during the anthropogenic period. Spatial and temporal changes of specific sediment yields presented significant decrease within the last several decades, which resulted from decreasing rainfall, large scale soil and water conservation measures, agricultural irrigation, and reservoir construction. Different phase of soil conservation measures demonstrated the development of policies and techniques on soil erosion control. Effective strategies of soil and water conservation, consisting of terracing, afforestation, natural rehabilitation, and check‐dams construction, were carried out on the Loess Plateau during the past six decades. The progress of soil conservation measures confirmed that the check‐dams systems might be suitable for Loess hilly Plateau, and natural vegetation rehabilitation is the best way for soil erosion control and should be implemented in other regions with emphasis of improving the quality of conservation measures based on natural rehabilitation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major constraint to crop production on smallholder arable lands in Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Although different agronomic and mechanical measures have been proposed to minimize soil loss in the region and elsewhere, soil management practices involving biochar‐inorganic inputs interactions under common cropping systems within the framework of climate‐smart agriculture, have been little studied. This study aimed to assess the effect of different soil and crop management practices on soil loss characteristics under selected cropping systems, typical of the sub‐region. A two‐factor field experiment was conducted on run‐off plots under different soil amendments over three consecutive cropping seasons in the semi‐deciduous forest zone of Ghana. The treatments, consisting of three soil amendments (inorganic fertilizer, biochar, inorganic fertilizer + biochar and control) and four cropping systems (maize, soyabean, cowpea, maize intercropped with soyabean) constituted the sub‐plot and main plot factors, respectively. A bare plot was included as a soil erosion check. Seasonal soil loss was greater on the bare plots, which ranged from 9.75–14.5 Mg ha?1. For individual crops grown alone, soil loss was 31%–40% less under cowpea than under maize. The soil management options, in addition to their direct role in plant nutrition, contributed to significant (p < 0.05) reductions in soil loss. The least soil loss (1.23–2.66 Mg ha?1) was observed under NPK fertilizer + biochar treatment (NPK + BC) over the three consecutive cropping seasons. Biochar in combination with NPK fertilizer improved soil moisture content under cowpea crops and produced considerably smaller bulk density values than most other treatments. The NPK + BC consistently outperformed the separate mineral fertilizer and biochar treatments in biomass yield under all cropping systems. Biochar associated with inorganic fertilizers gave economic returns with value–cost ratio (VCR) > 2 under soyabean cropping system but had VCR < 2 under all other cropping systems. The study showed that biochar/NPK interactions could be exploited in minimizing soil loss from arable lands in SSA.  相似文献   

Elucidating the links between catchment and channel geomorphic processes helps the understanding of landscape evolution and the geomorphic development of river basins, and then the land degradation processes. In this study, we analyse suspended sediment dynamics and its relationship with rainfall, discharge and in‐channel sediment storage in a highly dynamic Mediterranean montane catchment (the River Isáben, Southern Pyrenees, NE Iberian Peninsula). The aim is to assess hydrological controls on and temporal patterns of the suspended sediment load. High loads in this basin occur as a consequence of intense erosion in badlands located in the middle of the catchment. This study focuses on a reach located downstream from the main badland areas, where rainfall, discharge (Q), sediment transport (SSC) and in‐channel sediment storage were monitored for a 1‐year period. Marked seasonality in water and sediment load was observed; whereas most of the discharge occurred in winter and spring, most of the sediment was transported during summer and autumn. Q‐SSC hysteretic loops revealed the importance of sediment availability (whether stored in the channel or originating from wider catchment source areas) in the river's sedimentary response. Clockwise loops dominated during winter and spring, whereas counter‐clockwise loops occurred mostly in summer and autumn, when in‐channel storage reached its maximum. There were significant correlations between rainfall intensity in the sediment source areas, in‐channel sediment storage and sediment yield. These correlations emphasize the importance of understanding sediment availability when analysing the temporal dynamics of sediment transport, especially in catchments where different source areas (slopes and riverbed) may contribute to the load to differing degrees and at different times of the year. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The flow–sediment relationship is important to understand the soil erosion and land degradation processes in severe eroded areas. This study researches on variations of streamflow, sediment load, and flow–sediment relationship on multi‐temporal scales (annual, flood season and, monthly scales) in a highly erodible catchment of Chinese Loess Plateau. The results demonstrated that the streamflow, sediment load, sediment concentration, runoff coefficient, and sediment coefficient all experienced evident reductions, and the decrease in the middle and downstream stations was more significant compared with the upstream stations. The land use changes and implementation of soil and water conservation measures played major role for the streamflow and sediment load reductions with respect to precipitation change, and the runoff coefficient and sediment coefficient linearly decreased with the percentage of conservation measure area. The runoff‐sediment yield relationship on annual, flood season, and monthly scales could be generally characterized by the linear function, and the slopes during the post‐change period was lower than those during the pre‐change period of sediment load. The sediment concentration–streamflow discharge relationship represented consistent form over the entire study period, and the logarithmic function was appropriate to describe the relationships on the three timescales. The decrease of sediment concentration contributed greatest (60·7%) to sediment reduction compared with runoff productivity of rainfall (30·2%) and precipitation (9·1%). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在黔中喀斯特高原农林复合生态系统峰丛谷地小流域,利用137Cs和磁化率双指纹因子对碳酸盐岩表层土壤(坡地和坝地)、深层土壤(沟道和洞穴/裂隙)以及碎屑岩夹层岩屑3类来源开展指纹特征分析,通过多元混合模型对流域暴雨过程侵蚀悬移质泥沙进行指纹复合示踪,并计算小流域地表及地下出口输出泥沙的主要来源及相对贡献率。结果表明:137Cs和磁化率在碳酸盐岩表层土壤、深层土壤以及碎屑岩夹层岩屑3类来源存在显著差异,流域内表层土壤、深层土壤和碎屑岩夹层岩屑的137Cs和磁化率平均含量分别为3.39 Bq/kg和310.07×10-8 m^3/kg、0.50 Bq/kg和180.69×10-8 m^3/kg、0 Bq/kg和7.02×10-8 m^3/kg。表层土壤、深层土壤和碎屑岩夹层岩屑对流域地表出口泥沙的相对贡献分别为16.2%,4.3%和79.5%,拟合优度为99.97%;表层土壤、深层土壤和碎屑岩夹层岩屑对流域地下出口泥沙的相对贡献分别为<0.1%,37.9%和62.1%,拟合优度为83.80%。喀斯特流域泥沙来源区别于其他碎屑岩流域具有的特点为:(1)碳酸盐岩风化表层土壤来源少,对河流泥沙贡献小,主要贡献于地表河流。(2)无论流域地表出口还是地下出口,河流泥沙来源主要为流域中碳酸盐岩所夹的少量(地面物质组成<10%)的碎屑岩夹层岩屑。(3)深层土壤略有贡献,地下河流贡献比例高于地表河流。另外,137Cs和磁化率可作为双指纹示踪物较好地示踪喀斯特小流域地表、地下河流泥沙来源和确定相对贡献率。  相似文献   

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