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The Zoige alpine peatlands cover approximately 4,605 km2 of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and are considered to constitute the largest plateau peatland on the Eurasian continent. However, the Zoige alpine peatlands are undergoing major degradation because of human activities and climate change, which would cause uncertainty in the budget of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) and carbon (C) storage in global peatlands. This study simultaneously investigates the CH4 and CO2 emission fluxes and C storage at three typical sites with respect to the peatland degradation gradient: peatland, wet meadow and dry meadow. Results show that peatland degradation would increase the CO2 emission and decrease the CH4 emission. Moreover, the average C emission fluxes were 66.05, 165.78 and 326.56 mg C m?2 hr?1 for the peatland, wet meadow and dry meadow, respectively. The C storage of the vegetation does not considerably differ among the three sampling sites. However, when compared with the peatland (1,088.17 t C ha?1), the soil organic C storage decreases by 420 and 570 t C ha?1 in case of wet and dry meadows, respectively. Although the C storage in the degraded peatlands decreases considerably, it can still represent a large capacity of C sink. Therefore, the degraded peatlands in the Zoige alpine area must be protected and restored to mitigate regional climate change.  相似文献   

Ants are important soil engineers, affecting the structure and function of ecosystems. To address the impacts of ants (Camponotus herculeanus ) on the properties of an alpine meadow ecosystem of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, we investigated the effects of ant mounds on plant biomass, soil physicochemical properties, microbial diversity, and functions. We found that the total biomass of plant community was significantly greater in ant mound periphery. Plant species richness in ant mounds was reduced compared with that of control plots without ant mounds. Significant changes in physicochemical properties of soil were also observed. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, total potassium, and available potassium increased in ant mound soil due to the excavation activities by ants as well as the accumulation of organic matter and other nutrients during mound construction. For example, roots/soil contents (g/g) and soil moisture in ant mound soils were lower than those in controls. Microbial community composition and microbial biomass were clearly changed in ant mound soils. BIOLOG analysis further indicated that the functional diversity of the microbial community of ant mound soil increased and differed from that of controls. This study indicates that ant‐induced modification of soil properties indirectly influences plant biomass and species composition, and ant mounds have different microbial communities from those of control soil. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Establishing soil quality changes following clear‐felling is important for guiding the sustainable management of forests. In this study we identified changes after 4, 5, 10 and 17 yr in soil physical and chemical properties from clear‐felling in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. These properties were also compared with those of soil from an adjacent primary forest. The results show that: (i) bulk density at 0–20 and 20–40 cm soil layer continuously increased; (ii) soil C and total N in the 0–20 cm soil layer continuously declined following clear‐felling; and (iii) available soil nutrients and exchangeable cations were significantly influenced by clear‐felling. Almost all soil properties showed deteriorating trends within a short time from clear‐felling and subsequent seasonal grazing by cattle. Therefore, improved management is imperative for sustaining soil quality and maintaining the long‐term nutrient balance in clear‐cut stands. The cessation of anthropogenic activities such as grazing should be the main strategy for soil restoration in clear‐felled areas.  相似文献   

Rangeland management can affect plant diversity and plant functional groups of native grassland communities. To improve pasture for livestock grazing from the existing poisonous and ruderal vegetation in the ‘black soil land’ grassland in the headwaters of the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers (HAYYR) of the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, three treatments (fencing‐FT, artificial seeding with local grasses‐ST and abandonment‐AT) were applied during a 5‐year period (2000–2005). Plant diversity and groups (sedges, grasses and dwarf shrubs) in the treated plots were compared with non‐treated control plots. Results showed that (1) FT promoted an increase in forbs species, but there was no change in the other plant functional groups; (2) with ST, species richness of forbs decreased but grass species increased indicating that sowing local grasses could change plant composition of black soil land in the short‐term, and increase the proportion of grasses and, thus, forage for grazing and (3) AT, after plowing, was similar to CK plots, with forbs being the dominant plant functional group for the 5 years. In conclusion, the goal to alter black soil land cover from poisonous and ruderal plants to more useful plants for livestock grazing by either fencing, artificial seeding or abandonment was not successful in the long term. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent evidences from some irrigated areas worldwide, such as Central Asia, suggest that water used for irrigation contains magnesium (Mg2+) at levels higher than calcium (Ca2+). Excess levels of Mg2+ in irrigation water and/or in soil, in combination with sodium (Na+) or alone, result in soil degradation because of Mg2+ effects on the soil's physical properties. More than 30 per cent of irrigated lands in Southern Kazakhstan having excess levels of Mg2+ are characterized by low infiltration rates and hydraulic conductivities. The consequence has been a gradual decline in the yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), which is commonly grown in the region. These soils require adequate quantities of Ca2+ to mitigate the effects of excess Mg2+. As a source of Ca2+, phosphogypsum—a byproduct of the phosphorous fertilizer industry—is available in some parts of Central Asia. In participation with the local farming community, we carried out a 4‐year field experiment in Southern Kazakhstan to evaluate the effects of soil application of phosphogypsum—0, 4·5, and 8·0 metric ton per hectare (t ha−1)—on chemical changes in a soil containing excess levels of Mg2+, and on cotton yield and economics. The canal water had Mg2+ to Ca2+ ratio ranging from 1·30 to 1·66 during irrigation period. The application of phosphogypsum increased Ca2+ concentration in the soil and triggered the replacement of excess Mg2+ from the cation exchange complex. After harvesting the first crop, there was 18 per cent decrease in exchangeable magnesium percentage (EMP) of the surface 0·2 m soil over the pre‐experiment EMP level in the plots where phosphogypsum was applied at 4·5 t ha−1, and a 31 per cent decrease in EMP in plots treated with phosphogypsum at 8 t ha−1. Additional beneficial effect of the amendment was an increase in the soil phosphorus content. The 4‐year average cotton yields were 2·6 t ha−1 with 8 t ha−1 phosphogypsum, 2·4 t ha−1 with 4·5 t ha−1 phosphogypsum, and 1·4 t ha−1 with the control. Since the amendment was applied once at the beginning, exchangeable Mg2+ levels tended to increase 4 years after its application, particularly in the treatment with 4·5 t ha−1 phosphogypsum. Thus, there would be a need for phosphogypsum application to such soils after every 4–5 years to optimize the ionic balance and sustain higher levels of cotton production. The economic benefits from the phosphogypsum treatments were almost twice those from the control. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dryland agro‐ecosystems in sub‐Saharan Africa provide the resource base for some of the fasted growing populations today. However, rainfall variability and poor soils make these systems inherently vulnerable, and land degradation reduces their capacity to cope with disturbances. In this paper we propose a theoretical framework for interpreting dynamics and resilience in such systems, where two aggregate variables, the agricultural soil water index and the ecosystem insurance capacity, are particularly important. We apply the framework to the case of the Makanya catchment in Tanzania and conclude that the studied area has moved towards an increasingly degraded state, where ecosystem services other than food have been lost, over the past 50 years. Three main drivers behind this are identified; a) institutional changes affecting strategies for natural resource management, b) increased dry‐spell frequency, and c) high population growth. We suggest that the reason for the dramatic effects is that these changes occurred simultaneously, reducing the adaptive capacity of the local population. However, several trends in the area today indicate that there is a window of opportunity for positive change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large areas of traditional slope cropland were recently converted to other land‐use types in the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. In this study, we selected four representative conversion options of slope croplands, i.e., pastureland rotated with cropland (cultivated with Medicago sativa L. and rotated with Triticum aestivum L.), shrubland and woodland (afforested with Hippophae rhamnoides L. and Pinus tabulaeformis), and grassland (native herbage Stipa breviflora) to study the effect of land‐use conversion by comparing with traditional cropland. Compared with slope cropland, the relative effects of different conversion options on surface runoff and soil erosion were assessed over a 14‐year measurement period. Observations showed that distinct features and consequences of vegetation succession were found among the conversion options. Plots of shrubland had the highest vegetation coverage with dense undergrowth; natural herbaceous and subshrub species gradually spread into plots of grassland resulting in higher vegetation cover. Neither bushes nor herbs colonized the plots of Pinus tabulaeformis, which resulted in a higher percentage of bare soil. Significant differences in runoff generation, sediment yield and conservation efficiencies among the selected conversion options were detected through an analyses of variance (ANOVA). Compared with cropland, total runoff and sediment decreased by 65 per cent and 95 per cent in shrubland, 41 per cent and 92·5 per cent in grassland, 18 per cent and 77 per cent in woodland, and 12 per cent and 58 per cent in pastureland, respectively. The ranking of soil and water conservation efficiencies was shrubland > grassland > woodland > pastureland > cropland. Based on the effectiveness of soil and water conservation, shrubland and grassland are highly recommended as promising options for cropland conversion projects. However, pastureland and woodland are not suggested as potential options for slope‐cropland conversion because of low soil and water conservation in the long term. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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