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[目的]探讨生态退化与恢复对土壤保持功能的影响及其作用机理,为三江源区生态保护与建设决策提供一定依据。[方法]通过构建土地覆被状况等来表征三江源区宏观生态系统变化,定量分析生态系统变化对土壤保持功能的影响,并探讨其主要机制。[结果]三江源地区从2000—2010年的生态系统经历了显著的退化和恢复过程。不同覆被类型下土壤保持能力依次为:林地耕地高覆盖度草地中覆盖度草地低覆盖度草地湿地未利用地。在研究区生态退化及恢复的过程中,2000—2010年的单位面积潜在流失量从1.25×10~4 t/hm~2增加到1.50×10~4 t/hm~2,单位面积实际流失量从2000年的3 200t/hm~2增加到2005年的3 500t/hm~2,至2010年持续增加到3 800t/hm~2。在生态恢复过程中,三江源区高覆盖度草地及湿地面积增加,从一定程度上减轻生态系统退化的趋势,三江源区单位面积土壤保持量从2000年的9 300t/hm~2,增加到2005年的1.03×10~4 t/hm~2,直至2010年三江源区单位面积土壤保持量为1.11×10~4 t/hm~2。[结论]土地覆被类型及植被覆盖程度对土壤保持功能有重要影响,三江源的生态退化与恢复过程与源区土壤保持功能变化联系紧密。  相似文献   

Perennial halophytes are known to be one of the most influential parameters in coastal ecosystem affecting ecosystem processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in soil microbial community structure and enzyme activities in different halophyte‐covered soils (Arthrocnemum indicum , Aeluropus lagopoides , Heleochloa setulosa and Suaeda nudiflora ) with control soil (un‐vegetated) that were collected in three seasons (rainy, winter and summer) from intertidal coastal soils of Gujarat, India. Soil microbial community structure was assessed using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiling. Halophytes influenced significantly soil micro‐environment by exerting effects on the soil chemical characteristics, enzyme activities and microbial community structure. The activities of β‐glucosidase, urease and alkaline phosphatase were significantly higher in halophyte‐covered soils than in control soil. Among four halophyte‐covered soils, the highest amounts of total, bacterial, actinomycetes and fungal PLFAs were observed in Arthrocnemum soil. The concentrations of total, bacterial, actinomycetes and fungal PLFAs were also significantly higher in summer and winter seasons than in rainy season, whereas enzyme activities also vary with seasons. The non‐metric multidimensional scaling analysis PLFA profiling revealed that the structure of microbial community significantly differed in all seasons as well as between control and halophyte‐covered soils. These shifts in microbial community were due to the higher abundance of Gram‐positive, total bacterial and actinomycetes PLFAs in summer and winter seasons than in rainy season, whereas abundance of fungal biomarker was significantly higher in rainy season than in other seasons. Among halophytes, significantly higher abundance of Gram‐positive, Gram‐negative and total bacteria was observed in Arthrocnemum , Heleochloa and Suaeda whereas the lowest in control soil. Halophytes exhibited improved soil microbial activities, which is important for healthy ecosystem. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

退化生态系统植被恢复过程中土壤微生物群落活性响应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过分析退化生态系统中主要植被恢复类型对土壤微生物群落活性的影响,探讨敏感和可靠的微生物群落活性响应指标,揭示适合当地生态条件的植被恢复类型。结果表明,沙米荒地、白沙蒿、柠条、沙冬青和人工乔木林地土壤微生物量C,N,P和微生物商、蔗糖酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶均表现出显著差异(P<0.05)。在土壤各层内,除上层人工乔木林地土壤微生物量N相对较高外,柠条恢复草地土壤微生物量C,N,P都相对较高,沙米荒地均较低;土壤微生物商没有明显的趋势;人工乔木林地蔗糖酶和柠条恢复草地脲酶活性相对较高,过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶活性没有明显的变化趋势,沙米荒地的蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性以及白沙蒿草地碱性磷酸酶活性较低。方差分析(ANOVA)显示,蔗糖酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶与土壤有机质、全氮以及微生物量C,N,P之间呈显著相关关系;主成分分析(PCA)表明,土壤微生物量N,C,P和蔗糖酶、土壤微生物商基本反映了研究区植被恢复中土壤微生物群落活性的响应信息。不同植被恢复类型草地中土壤微生物群落活性的变化表明,柠条和人工乔木林是研究区域内适合当地生态条件的植被恢复类型。  相似文献   

The impact of land use on soil organic matter was investigated. Five land cover types (pine forest, olive groves, wheat, wheat/maize cultivation systems, and a shrub pasture) belonging to three land-use categories from the same catchment in the island of Lesvos, Greece, were used. The soils developed under similar pedogenetic processes and accepted similar agricultural practices for at least 30 years. The results showed that the land-use and cover types ranged according to their total soil carbon (C) content as follows: forest > double cultivation > wheat > olive > pasture. Crop plantations contained 31 to 40% less C at their upper 0- to 45-cm layer than forest. Pasture had shallow soils with a small C accumulation but high C concentration, whereas olive groves had the lowest concentrations of both soil C and nitrogen (N). Olive grove soils were the most prone to degradation but possessed the greatest potential for C sequestration.  相似文献   

分析了彭阳县生态环境退化的原因。结果表明,自然因素与人为因素的共同作用导致了该区生态环境的退化。介绍了彭阳县当前生态环境建设中采取的恢复措施:工程措施(拦截坝、“88542”整地措施、鱼鳞坑)与生物措施(物种选择、生物配置)相结合。为宁夏南部黄土丘陵区生态恢复提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

孙波  董元华  徐明岗  曾希柏 《土壤》2015,47(2):204-209
本文概述了我国东南丘陵区红壤退化现状、原因和治理意义,总结了30年来不同阶段红壤退化治理的成果,分析了红壤区域进一步发展现代高效生态农业的途径。论文提出针对红壤区域保障粮食安全、保护生态环境和应对全球气候变化的多重目标,在常规化学农业基础上,充分利用区域水热资源优势,融合生态农业、循环农业和智慧农业等模式的科学理念和优势,创新区域现代高效农业的建设原理、关键技术、配套政策法规和管理体系;针对红壤退化的区域特征,开展流域尺度红壤退化的综合治理和适度规模经营,建立红壤流域智慧农业发展模式,促进红壤区域农业现代化。  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) is one of the most growth restricting nutrients in cereal grain and represents one of the highest input costs in agricultural systems; therefore, environmental and economic considerations require the effective use of N fertilizer in plant production. This study was conducted for three years to better understand wheat plant response to optimize N fertilizer and how to reduce the risk of ground water pollution.

Two of the most important durum wheat cultivars in Southern Italy and four N fertilization levels (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha? 1, indicated as N0, N60, N120, and N180, respectively) were compared in this experiment. During plant growth, fresh and dry matter, plant nutritional state (SPAD readings and stem nitrate content), and N uptake were determined. At harvest, plant N content, N uptake, grain yield, yield components and quality were determined, allowing the calculation of the pre- and postanthesis N uptake and the N utilization efficiency indices. Furthermore, at the beginning and at the end of each year, soil mineral N was measured to calculate mineral N deficit in the soil.

The results indicated that the treatment with 120 kg N ha? 1 of fertilizer ensures a good balance between yield and N utilization. In fact, N180 and N120 showed similar yield (3.01 and 3.07 t ha? 1, respectively) and protein content (13.7 and 13.5 %). Meanwhile, throughout the three-year experiment, N180 presented the highest final mineral N content in the soil at the end of the cropping cycles, increasing the amount of N available for leaching. The N120 treatment showed the same values of N utilization indices as compared to N180, indicating that further doses of N fertilizer did not increase wheat N utilization. Plant N status shows that it is possible to modify the N fertilization to reach its optimum level during plant growth, in accordance with variable weather conditions, and consequently the plants requirements. The mean treatments of the preanthesis N uptake were about 67.5% of the total N uptake, and it was significantly and positively correlated with wheat yield. On the contrary, the postanthesis N uptake showed positive correlation with grain protein content, confirming the importance of late N supply in grains quality. The variation of weather conditions affected winter wheat yield, quality, N utilization and plant N status, but any difference throughout years was found between N180 and N120, confirming that higher N rate did not influence wheat growth, yield, and N uptake.  相似文献   

石羊河流域植被生态系统生态风险评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
区域生态风险评价涉及到多风险因子、多风险受体、多评价终点,强调不确定因素以及空间异质性的特点.以石羊河流域植被生态系统为例,以区域生态系统类型为着手点,计算不同生态系统类型的生态指数、脆弱度和生态损失度,根据不同种类和级别生态风险源的综合风险权重,利用ArcGIS 9.3软件进行叠加分析,形成不同的生态风险区.结果表明,石羊河流域植被生态风险空间差异性较为明显,其中1级风险区主要分布在石羊河流域上游,占全区面积的3.87%,以肃南和天祝2个县最为集中,植被类型多为有林地;2级生态风险区分布多与1级风险区相连,占全区面积的4.38%,植被类型多为灌木林;3级和低风险区主要分布在下游和中游地区,植被类型为草地和耕地.对石羊河开发利用时应当避免在1级和2级风险区进行大规模的土地开发利用,在3级和低风险区进行土地利用时应注意对土地进行保护利用.  相似文献   

A greenhouse rhizobox experiment was carried out to investigate the fate and turnover of 13C‐ and 15N‐labeled rhizodeposits within a rhizosphere gradient from 0–8 mm distance to the roots of wheat. Rhizosphere soil layers from 0–1, 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–6, and 6–8 mm distance to separated roots were investigated in an incubation experiment (42 d, 15°C) for changes in total C and N and that derived from rhizodeposition in total soil, in soil microbial biomass, and in the 0.05 M K2SO4–extractable soil fraction. CO2‐C respiration in total and that derived from rhizodeposition were measured from the incubated rhizosphere soil samples. Rhizodeposition C was detected in rhizosphere soil up to 4–6 mm distance from the separated roots. Rhizodeposition N was only detected in the rhizosphere soils up to 3–4 mm distance from the roots. Microbial biomass C and N was increased with increasing proximity to the separated roots. Beside 13C and 15N derived from rhizodeposits, unlabeled soil C and N (native SOM) were incorporated into the growing microbial biomass towards the roots, indicating a distinct acceleration of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and N immobilization into the growing microbial biomass, even under the competition of plant growth. During the soil incubation, microbial biomass C and N decreased in all samples. Any decrease in microbial biomass C and N in the incubated rhizosphere soil layers is attributed mainly to a decrease of unlabeled (native) C and N, whereas the main portion of previously incorporated rhizodeposition C and N during the plant growth period remained immobilized in the microbial biomass during the incubation. Mineralization of native SOM C and N was enhanced within the entire investigated rhizosphere gradient. The results indicate complex interactions between substrate input derived from rhizodeposition, microbial growth, and accelerated C and N turnover, including the decomposition of native SOM (i.e., rhizosphere priming effects) at a high spatial resolution from the roots.  相似文献   

[目的]分析3种不同草地退化阶段(轻度退化,中度退化和重度退化)草地植被和土壤理化特性的变化规律,为类似区域退化草地植被恢复提供有效途径。[方法]野外植被调查、土壤取样和室内分析。[结果]草地退化不同阶段草地植物群落组成和物种多样性均有差异,退化对草地土壤理化特性有明显影响。重度退化草地土壤容重显著高于轻度退化草地(p0.05)。轻度和中度退化样地0—10cm土壤空隙度显著高于重度退化草地。重度退化草地的土壤有机质、全碳、全钾、全磷和有效钾均明显小于轻度退化草地(p0.05),但土壤pH值和有效氮含量没有显著变化。[结论]高山草地退化演替对该区土壤物理特性具有显著影响。  相似文献   

小流域生态修复过程中不同森林植被土壤入渗与贮水特征   总被引:42,自引:7,他引:42  
在山东省邹城市刘庄小流域水土保持生态修复区内,对9种森林植被类型的土壤入渗和土壤贮水特征进行了研究。结果表明:①各种森林植被都具有明显的改良土壤水文物理性质、提高土壤入渗和贮水能力的作用,混交林的土壤入渗和贮水能力明显大于单纯林,单纯林的土壤饱和贮水量和土壤稳定入渗率分别比荒草坡地高33%和142%,而混交林的分别比荒草坡地高54%和358%。②各种森林植被对土壤(非毛管)滞留贮水功能的改善程度大于对土壤(毛管)吸持贮水功能的改善,混交林的土壤(毛管)最大吸持贮水量比荒草坡地高37%,而平均土壤(非毛管)最大滞留贮水量比荒草坡地高89%。③霍顿(Horton)入渗模型和通用经验入渗模型都能较好地反映研究地区各种森林植被的土壤入渗过程,但菲刑浦(Philip)模型对入渗过程的拟合效果较差。  相似文献   

为了揭示植被退化对湿地土壤碳矿化过程的影响,以甘南尕海4种不同植被退化梯度的湿地(未退化(UD)、轻度退化(LD)、中度退化(MD)及重度退化(HD))为研究对象,采用室内恒温培养和碱液吸收法研究不同土层土壤有机碳(SOC)矿化速率和累积矿化量,结合一级动力学方程,分析土壤半矿化分解时间(T1/2)、有机碳矿化潜势(C0)等参数对植被退化的响应。结果表明:(1)不同植被退化梯度湿地SOC矿化速率在培养期内呈现出基本一致的变化趋势,表现为,培养初期(0~4天)矿化速率快速下降,且数值较高,培养中后期缓慢下降(4~41天)并趋于平稳;各培养温度下,不同植被退化梯度湿地土壤在各土层有机碳矿化速率大小均为UD>LD>MD>HD。(2)在整个培养期间,各植被退化梯度湿地土壤有机碳矿化速率均随土层加深而降低,表层0-10 cm的矿化速率(1.14~16.23 mg/(g·d))均显著高于10-20 cm(1.05~2.85mg/(g·d))和20-40 cm土层(0.94~1.26 mg/(g·d))。(3)4种植被退化梯度湿地在不同温度下的土壤有机碳累积矿化量均值排序为5°C(34.54 mg/g)<15°C(46.67 mg/g)<25°C(58.28 mg/g)<35°C(86.46 mg/g)。(4)一级动力学方程的C0值随植被退化程度增加呈递减趋势,而C0/SOC随着温度的升高而降低。因此,植被退化能显著降低高寒湿地土壤有机碳矿化速率,而气候变暖能够显著增加湿地土壤有机碳矿化量。  相似文献   

探讨东北漫岗丘陵水土流失类型区生态退化的主导驱动力因子,为该地区生态修复工程的建设提供科学依据,以辽宁西部北票市生态修复区为典型研究区域,利用1998年、2003年和2008年三期土壤侵蚀遥感解译数据以及相关统计年鉴资料,采用主成分分析与多元回归分析方法,对研究区生态退化的主导驱动力因子进行了研究。主成分分析结果表明,影响生态退化的驱动力因子排序为土地垦殖率>人均养畜量>人均经济林面积>人口密度>人均粮食产量>地面坡度>年均降水量>人均耕地面积>人均农业产值,其中,体现农业结构状况的土地垦殖率、人均养畜量和人均经济林面积等社会经济因子,对该地区生态退化的影响较为明显。多元回归分析结果表明,超载放牧、土地资源的过渡开发等社会经济因子(人为因素)是导致该地区水土流失与生态退化的主导驱动因素,而作为自然环境因子的地面坡度是发生水土流失与生态退化的前提和基础。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) application, through an easily available and cheap source urea, on potassium (K) displacement and its availability in K-deficient maize-growing soils of rainfed subtropics. The greatest amount of K was displaced (11.22 kg ha?1) by N application at the rate of 80 kg N ha?1 (treatment T4). Amount of N fixed to displace K (11.10 kg ha?1) was also greatest in the same treatment. Displaced K was positively related to nonexchangeable potassium (NEK) release. Nitrogen application through urea at 80 kg ha?1 helped not only in meeting N requirement of maize crop in these N-deficient soils but can also satisfy the K requirements (as these soils are low in K) of these soils. Potassium displacement also increased the production efficiency of the maize crop by promoting its relative production efficiency index (RPEI) from suitability class V to class III.  相似文献   

西北地区生态环境存在问题与生态修复对策   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
杨新民  李玲燕 《水土保持研究》2005,12(5):98-100,106
生态环境退化是当今世界面临的重大问题之一,分析了西北地区生态退化的原因及过程,强调了生态修复的原则,指出生态修复是治理水土流失的必要途径,它与传统的封山育林有所不同;提出了西北地区生态修复中的几点建议。  相似文献   

伊犁河流域杨树—小麦复合系统水分生态效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对伊犁河流域新垦区杨麦复合及单作系统水分生态特性进行了试验研究。结果显示:(1)小麦需水关键期,灌水后1~2d,两系统麦田0—44cm土层土壤湿度增加了5%左右,复合系统土壤剖面下层(110—154cm)土壤含水量增幅较单作地大。(2)复合系统在水平方向上S2测点小麦吸水根分布最少,垂直方向上20—30cm土层杨树与小麦根系分布最多,两种植物对水分、养分吸收的竞争最激烈。(3)单作小麦千粒重比复合小麦高4.56%,复合型麦田S12测点处小麦千粒重为S2测点处的1.11倍。(4)复合型比单作型小麦的蒸腾速率日均值低30.8g/(m2.h),比麦田100cm3土面日蒸发量低1.07g/d,比日均温低0.46℃左右,比土温低0.24℃~1.20℃。研究结果从水分利用角度为杨麦复合立体经营模式在伊犁河流域水土开发区的可行性和持续性发展提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

退化高寒草地土壤养分、酶活性及生态化学计量特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为探究不同退化高寒草地土壤特性的变化规律。对祁连山康乐、皇城和天祝试验点退化高寒草地(轻度退化草地、中度退化草地和重度退化草地)土壤养分含量及其生态化学计量学特征进行测定分析。结果表明:(1)各试验点土壤pH、电导率、含水量和有机质含量均随着土层深度的增加而降低,在0—20cm土层中,土壤pH呈现出升高趋势,电导率呈现出先升高后降低趋势;在20—40cm土层中,土壤pH呈现出先升高后降低趋势,电导率呈现出先降低后升高趋势,土壤含水量和有机质含量在0—20,20—40cm土层中均随着退化程度的加剧而逐渐降低。(2)不同草地土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷和全钾含量均随退化程度的加剧和土层深度的增加而逐渐降低,且各样地间差异显著(p0.05)。(3)在不同退化草地土壤不同土层中,C/N变化范围为19.10~40.48、C/P变化范围为87.85~121.97和N/P变化范围为4.10~6.76。(4)随草地退化程度加剧,土壤纤维素酶活性呈先上升后降低趋势,脲酶、中性磷酸酶、脱氢酶、蔗糖酶和氧化还原酶呈降低趋势。(5)通过土壤理化、酶活性及生态化学计量比间相关性和主成分分析表明,土壤理化、酶活性和土壤生态化学计量比指标可以敏感地反映出不同退化草地土壤质量状况。综上,祁连山不同程度退化高寒草地土壤已逐步恶化,应加强对该地区草地合理利用和科学管理。  相似文献   

丹江口库区水土保持生态补偿标准的定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 合理确定生态补偿标准是建立生态补偿机制的关键和难点。以南水北调中线工程水源地丹江口水库为例,通过分析水土保持生态建设成本及生态服务价值,基于效益所得决定成本分担模式,对外部区域应承担的生态补偿标准进行定量核算。结果表明:丹江口水库水土保持生态建设总成本为27.37亿元/a,水土保持生态建设近期项目发挥效用后,在水源区实现的生态服务价值为15.82亿元/a,体现在下游区域生态服务价值为12.85亿元/a,其他区域为4.06亿元/a;按照生态成本构成与生态服务价值受益层面,确定外部区域应承担的生态补偿费用为14.15亿元/a。研究结果可为水土保持生态建设生态效益定量评价提供借鉴,为水源地生态补偿机制的建立提供理论依据。  相似文献   

[目地] 分析计算内蒙古自治区不同典型分区的植被生态需水量,为该区域水资源管理和生态保护提供科学建议。[方法] 以Penman-Monteith公式为基础,利用实测与多源遥感数据,对1990—2020年内蒙古自治区4个典型区域(西部地区、中部地区、东部地区、东北部地区)植被生态需水量(ecological water requirement,EWR)和单位面积植被生态需水量(ecological water requirement for vegetation per unit area,ET)进行反演,并分析其时空变化的主导因素。[结果] ①时间上,30 a间EWR呈现先降后升的趋势,就区域总量来看西部地区较为稳定,维持在3.00×1010 m3左右;中部与东部地区在6.00×1010 m3左右,变化幅度较大,年间最大变幅超1.00×1010 m3;东北部地区高,且稳定在1.00×1011 m3左右。②空间上,总体呈现出自西向东逐渐升高的态势且东西差异巨大,东北部区单位面积植被生态需水量(ET)均值较西部地区高近250 mm。[结论] 降水蒸发主导下的气候因素与土地覆盖类型变化主导下的人为因素是内蒙古自治区植被生态需水量变化的关键因素,后者影响程度要大于前者。  相似文献   

Water deficit is a serious problem for most agricultural crops, especially in arid–semiarid regions, and limits sustainable development. Production can be improved by reducing evapotranspiration and loss of infiltrated water by the use of a plastic cover. We monitored soil moisture fortnightly over 1 yr using a neutron probe near four trees in an olive grove (Olea europaea, var. Arbequina), two of which had a plastic cover buried in the topsoil around them. These trees were monitored using three neutron probe access tubes per tree to compare the behaviour of soil moisture over time with two other identically instrumented and nearby trees with no cover. Analysis was based on the resultant moisture profiles. The plastic cover retained moisture and increased soil water residence time. During the dry season, the amount of water retained in the plots was at most 15–20% greater in the mid‐season and at least 5–6% greater at the end of season than in the central part of the plots near the trunk. The plastic cover was effective to ca. 50 cm with maximum water content near the soil surface. During the wet season, the cover did not affect soil water. Soil moisture was greater near the tree trunk as a result of stemflow and throughfall.  相似文献   

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