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Angiography of normal and diseased feet in cattle was carried out. In osteomyelitis of distal phalanx there was a narrowing of the digital artery with diminished vascular supply to the affected digit. An area of bone necrosis was found to be avascular. With overgrown hooves, narrowing of both the medial and lateral digital arteries with ill-defined laminar vessels was seen. The vascular pattern in cattle with cork screw claws was characterized by a dilated tortuous digital artery and a crowded arterial network resulting in increased vascular supply in the affected claw. Abrupt stricture of common digital artery, a crowded vascular network in the area of the middle phalanx and filling defects of terminal arches were demonstrated in animals with exostosis  相似文献   

初乳经胃蛋白酶水解处理90分钟后所产生的水解物对离体犊牛小肠上皮细胞有明显的促增殖作用(P<0.01) ,而初乳经胰蛋白酶处理则不表现促增殖活性。初乳酶解物对促进细胞吸收葡萄糖的作用随着酶解处理时间的延长而逐渐增强 ,初乳经胰蛋白酶水解处理90分钟或经胃蛋白酶水解处理150分钟时的产物对细胞吸收葡萄糖的促进作用分别达到最强(P<0.01)。试验结果表明 ,初乳酶解物即小分子蛋白质(肽)具有刺激离体小肠上皮细胞增殖和功能发育的活性。  相似文献   

球痢清等药物对人工感染兔肠球虫病的治疗比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
48只30日龄大耳白杂种兔,试验接种感染兔肠球虫的5种混合孢子化卵囊,将球痢清I、球痢清Ⅱ、莫能霉素和氯苯胍分别拌在饲料中饲喂,以比较其抗兔肠球虫的效果。通过临床观察,分析克粪便卵囊数的变化,记录增重、计算饲料转化率和对每组扑杀兔作病理组织学检查,结果表明:球痢清抑制卵囊产生、减轻肠道病变、增重及饲料转化率的效果明显,与莫能霉素相近,并显著优于氯苯胍。氯苯胍效果较差,几乎与接种不给药组相同。无显著性差异。因此说明氯苯胍不宜单一继续使用。应引入新的高效抗球虫药,并指导正确使用抗球虫药物。  相似文献   

本研究用4头12周龄 ,体重32kg 左右的回—直肠吻合阉公猪 ,测定了回—直肠吻合术后第4、第9、第11、第13、第18周日粮中钠和钾的消化率和代谢率。结果为 :①回—直肠吻合术后第4周~第18周 ,钠的消化率和代谢率都较稳定 ,差异不显著(P>0.05) ,分别稳定在23.11 %和21.38 % ,表明在本试验条件下 ,荷术猪对日粮中钠的消化和代谢处于一个稳定的状态 ;②术后第4周~第18周 ,钾的消化率和代谢率均呈下降趋势 ,钾的消化率从术后第4周的32.72 %下降至术后18周的1.46 % ,钾的代谢率则相应地从30.46 %下降至 -0.77 % ,表明在本试验条件下 ,回—直肠吻合荷术猪体内钾的消化与代谢随着术后时间的延长存在一定的变化  相似文献   

SUMMARY The indirect haemolysis test (IHLT) and the rough antigen complement-fixation test (RCFT) were compared with several conventional tests using serum samples from 9 cows known to be infected with Brucella abortus. In 7 cows all the tests except the RCFT (which was developed to detect antibodies resulting from 45/20 vaccination) became positive and remained so until the cows were autopsied 6 months after infection. In the other 2 cows the Rose Bengal test was occasionally negative and the titre of the serum agglutination test only reached 100 iu briefly. The routine complement-fixation test, the IHLT and the anti-bovine globulin test reached diagnostic levels at most of the weekly test intervals but occasional low titres occurred in them all. Only very low or negative titres were detected by the RCFT.  相似文献   

Alessia  Diana  DVM  PHD  Marco  Pietra  DVM  Carlo  Guglielmini  DVM  Andrea  Boari  DVM  Giuliano  Bettini  DVM  Mario  Cipone  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2003,44(5):566-569
The ultrasonographic findings for four cats with intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy are described. In two cats, intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy was associated with chronic enteritis. In the remaining two cats, intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy affected the intestinal tract proximal to stenosis due to alimentary lymphoma and an intestinal foreign body, respectively. Moderate increased thickness of the affected intestinal wall, measuring 7-8 mm, was evident on abdominal ultrasonographic examination of all subjects. In addition, the ultrasonographic five-layered feature of the intestinal wall was maintained, and only the muscular layer appeared thickened. Abdominal ultrasound allowed a presumptive diagnosis of intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy that was confirmed histologically in all cats.  相似文献   

Effect of tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) on the patellar ligament has not been described. Our purpose was to evaluate the patellar ligament radiographically and ultrasonographically before and after a TTA. Twenty‐one stifles (20 dogs) were evaluated preoperatively (T0), and at six (n=18) (T1) and 16 weeks (n=17) (T2) postTTA. Radiographically, proximal and distal thickness of the patellar ligament was assessed and a ratio to the total length of the ligament was calculated to compensate for the magnification. Ultrasound evaluation included measurements of the transverse thickness and cross‐sectional area at three different levels, as well as a subjective score of ligament changes. In comparison with T0, all radiographic and ultrasonographic measurements increased significantly, 6 weeks postoperatively (P≤0.04), and did not change 16 weeks postoperatively compared with T1. The subjective score worsened significantly from T0 to T1 and T0 to T2 (P<0.0001), and improved significantly from T1 to T2 (P=0.02). Larger cage size was associated with a more severe increase in radiographic proximal thickness to total length ratio and ultrasonographic middle transverse area at both follow‐up examinations (P0.02). Dogs in which arthrotomy was not performed appeared to have ultrasonographically less changes. In conclusion, patellar desmopathy was a common postoperative sequel to TTA. Surgical trauma, arthrotomy, perfusion injury, complete vs. partial cranial cruciate ligament rupture, larger tibial advancement, postoperative activity or altered insertion angle of the patellar ligament at the tibial tuberosity are suggested causes, that should be elucidated in a larger study cohort.  相似文献   

Gastroscopy with air insufflation was performed in 10 ponies, after which a transcutaneous ultrasound examination of the stomach and duodenum was performed immediately and at 1, 2, and 4 h postgastroscopy, and 24 h after feeding. Stomach measurements included the dorsoventral and craniocaudal dimensions, as well as the stomach depth from the skin surface and stomach wall thickness at the different time periods. Gastric wall folding was observed in one pony, becoming most distinct 2–4 h postgastroscopy. An undulating stomach wall was noted in eight other ponies postgastroscopy. These observations appeared to be a response to the deflation of the stomach as the insufflated air was released gradually. Gas was detected in the duodenum after the gastroscopy. The parameters measured were noted to be useful to evaluate the extent of stomach distension due to air or feed. The ultrasonographic appearance of the stomach can, therefore, be altered by gastroscopy and this should be borne in mind when examining horses with suspected gastric disease.  相似文献   

通过收集回肠食糜测定消化率已成为一种估计氨基酸消化率的通用方法。在本试验中,对用回直肠吻合(IRA)猪替代“桥”式瘘管法(IC)进行了探讨。在这个试验中,12头大约克×长沙大围子猪(45kg)被用于回直肠吻合法测定,并与作为对照的“桥”式瘘管法进行了比较。试验共测定了3种混合日粮和3种单一日粮:大豆饼日粮(SBMD)、菜饼日粮(RSMD)、中国普通日粮(CCCD)、鱼粉(FM)、生大豆(RSB)、单细胞蛋白(SCP)。试验采用6×6拉丁方设计。结果表明,除了SBMD和RSMD的干物质消化率(DMD)、SBMD和CCCD的有机物消化率(OMD)、CCCD的缬氨酸外,IRA和IC两种方法测得的干物质、有机物、粗蛋白、各种氨基酸的消化率相似;除了干物质显著相关(P<0.05)以外,两种方法测得的养分消化率呈极显著相关(P<0.01);荷术猪与未作手术的对照猪在生长上没有不同,盲肠和结肠极显著变轻(P<0.01),而直肠则极显著延长并加重(P<0.01);一般地说,鱼粉的营养物质消化率最高,混合日粮的粗蛋白和各种氨基酸的消化率比大豆和单细胞蛋白高;大豆和单细胞蛋白的营养物质回肠消化率几乎相同。  相似文献   

The clinical and ultrasonographic features of postoperative intestinal entrapment were assessed in five dogs. Four had vomiting and lethargy, and one had peracute collapse and hematochezia. Ultrasonographic findings in four of five dogs were similar, being characterized by focally hyperechoic mesentery and abdominal effusion, surrounding a single loop of amotile and dilated intestine. In some dogs, the affected intestinal loop had a thickened or corrugated wall, or alteration of wall layering. In one dog, the site of entrapment could be directly visualized. In the most severely affected dog, a large volume of echogenic peritoneal effusion was present, as well as fluid dilation of multiple intestinal loops. The ultrasonographic appearance of intestinal entrapment is similar to that of intestinal perforation or infarction by other causes.  相似文献   

Objective evaluation of patellar ligament changes following tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) for cranial cruciate ligament injury has not been published to date. In this study, the patellar ligament was evaluated using radiographs and high-resolution ultrasound in 31 stifles (29 dogs) preoperatively and at 1 month (n=31), 2 months (n=18), and 6 months (n=13) postTPLO. A ratio of the thickness of the proximal to distal patellar ligament was determined for all radiographs evaluated. Ultrasound evaluation included proximal, middle, and distal mid-sagittal thickness and transverse thickness, and transverse area measurements. Subjective grading (0 being normal through a scale of 3) of the ultrasound changes was also performed at each evaluation. Significant thickening of the distal patellar ligament was noted postoperatively as evidenced by thickness and area measurements and a decreased radiographic ratio (P < 0.01). Preoperative patellar ligament thickness and area were similar at the proximal, middle and distal sites. Ultrasound-derived thickness and area measurements of the distal patellar ligament were increased at 1 and 2 months (P < 0.01). The radiographic ratio was significantly decreased at 1, 2 and 6 months (P < 0.01). Subjectively, all patellar ligaments scored a 0 preoperatively and 16/31 received a score of 2 or 3 during follow-up evaluation. Additionally, these dogs had ultrasonographic and radiographic changes consistent with distal patellar ligament thickening. Body weight (kg) and postoperative TPLO angle had a significant influence on 1-month postoperative distal patellar ligament area using a stepwise logistic model (P < 0.05). Patellar ligament desmitis is a common postoperative sequela to the TPLO procedure, however its clinical significance (i.e., correlation with a residual lameness) was not evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

本研究选用了12窝0~56天仔猪,随机等分成17、21、28、35天断奶4个处理组(处理1、2、3和4),每处理3个重复,每重复1窝仔猪。试验期间,实行三阶段饲养,7天开始补饲,7~28、29~42、42~56天分别采食日粮I、II、III。处理1、2、3、4分别于18、22、28、36,22、28、36、43,28、36、43、50和18、22、28、36、43、50天剖杀,每次每个重复1头,共计54头。剖杀取得的十二指肠、空肠前段、空肠后段和回肠样品用于测定仔猪肠黏膜水解酶、糖原和上皮间淋巴细胞(IEL)、杯状细胞(GC)数。结果表明:处理1、2仔猪小肠黏膜碱性磷酸酶活性低于处理3、4同周龄仔猪;随着周龄增加,仔猪小肠黏膜α-醋酸萘酯酶活性增强,至5周龄时达到高峰;断奶越早,仔猪十二指肠腺及肠腺糖原阳性反应较弱。仔猪小肠各段IELs处理3显著高于其它3组(P<0.05),而处理2则显著低于其它3组(P<0.05)。断奶越早、日龄越小的仔猪肠GCs显著升高(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The medical records of 11 cats with full‐thickness intestinal biopsies and histopathologic confirmation of segmental mucosal fibrosis were reviewed. All cats received an abdominal ultrasonographic evaluation. The sonographic feature of a small intestinal mucosal hyperechoic band paralleling the submucosa was present in all cats. Other intestinal sonographic findings included wall thickening, and altered wall layering (increased mucosal echogenicity, thickened submucosa, and/or muscularis layer). None of the cats had complete loss of wall stratification. All cats had clinical signs related to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract at the time of presentation. Three of the 11 cats had palpably thickened small intestinal loops, 3/11 abdominal pain, and 2/11 abdominal fluid. Histopathologically, mucosal fibrosis was associated with inflammatory cell infiltrates in all cats. In those cats with histopathologic evidence of mural fibrosis, all cats had a visible hyperechoic band through several intestinal segments. We speculate that the hyperechoic mucosal band represents the zone of mucosal fibrosis. Independently and prospectively, we reviewed the clinical presentation of 35 cats having this visible hyperechoic mucosal band on ultrasound. Twenty‐four of these 35 cats had clinical signs related to the digestive system at the time of record. Our study suggests that the hyperechoic mucosal band represents fibrosis, and in presence of concurrent GI signs, further diagnostic tests may be warranted.  相似文献   

In the llama, signs of colic are obscure and may be exhibited as persistent sternal recumbency and anorexia even in the presence of a surgical lesion. Diagnostic methods for evaluation of abdominal disorders are limited. As a result, surgical intervention may be prolonged and increase the risk of mortality and postoperative complications. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of computed tomography to evaluate the llama intestinal tract. Eighteen hours prior to the computed tomography scan, six llamas were given barium sulfate (15%) via an orogastric tube. Following induction of general anesthesia, the llamas were positioned in sternal recumbency, and 10 mm contiguous slices were obtained from the diaphragm to the tuber ischiadicum. Structures that were consistently identified included the first, second, and third compartments (C1, 2, and 3), small intestine, spiral colon, and ascending colon. C1 was easily identified in the cranial aspect of the abdomen due to its large size relative to the other compartments and characteristic saccules. C2 was located cranial, ventral, and to the right of Cl, while C3 was visualized as a tubular structure to the right and ventral to C1 and C2, C3 was traced caudally until it turned dorsally and continued cranially to a dilated ampulla in the right cranial abdomen delineating the entrance to the small intestine. The spiral colon was identified consistently in the left ventral caudal abdomen. Structures that could not be conclusively identified included the cecum and mesenteric lymph nodes. Computed tomography allowed a consistent evaluation of the major intestinal structures associated with colic in the llama. Thus, computed tomography is a potentially valuable noninvasive diagnostic tool to effectively evaluate the abdominal cavity and differentiate medical from surgical lesions in the llama.  相似文献   

用黄鸡小肠细胞进行了 β-胡萝卜素和黄体素的体外吸收试验 ,研究类胡萝卜素浓度、胆盐和游离脂肪酸对这两种类胡萝卜素吸收的影响。结果发现 :β-胡萝卜素和黄体素的吸收均呈浓度依赖性 ;牛磺胆酸钠极显著促进黄鸡离体小肠细胞类胡萝卜素的吸收(P<0.01) ,其促进 β-胡萝卜素和黄体素吸收的最佳浓度分别为3mM和10mM ;游离脂肪酸极显著促进了类胡萝卜素的吸收(P<0.01) ,其中油酸对类胡萝卜素的促吸收作用大于硬脂酸 ,促进 β-胡萝卜素和黄体素吸收的最佳油酸/硬脂酸比率分别为100 :0和3 :1。牛磺胆酸钠和游离脂肪酸影响 β-胡萝卜素吸收的动态变化模式与它们对黄体素的显著不同  相似文献   

日粮添加谷氨酰胺对早期断奶仔猪小肠酶的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
选用大长北仔猪40头 ,21日龄断奶 ,随机分为试验组和对照组。按等氮等能的原则配制日粮 ,试验组日粮添加1.2 %的谷氨酰胺。分别在35日龄和49日龄每组屠宰5头性别相同的仔猪 ,以研究日粮添加谷氨酰胺对早期断奶仔猪小肠酶的影响。试验结果表明 ,日粮添加谷氨酰胺可缓解仔猪49日龄时小肠乳糖酶活性的降低 ;可显著增加35日龄和49日龄十二指肠粘膜和组织中亮氨酰氨基肽酶的活性 ;35日龄时试验组仔猪空肠亮氨酰氨基肽酶的活性也明显增加 ,但与对照组相比差异不显著 ;49日龄时试验组仔猪空肠亮氨酰氨基肽酶的活性与对照组无明显差异 ;仔猪回肠亮氨酰氨基肽酶的活性无论在35天和49天都无显著的变化。日粮添加谷氨酰胺可增加肠道亮氨酰氨基肽酶的活性 ,对乳糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性无明显的影响  相似文献   

A cross‐sectional study was performed on acutely vomiting dogs to compare the accuracy of radiography and ultrasonography for the diagnosis of small‐intestinal mechanical obstruction and to describe several radiographic and ultrasonographic signs to identify their contribution to the final diagnosis. The sample population consisted of 82 adult dogs and small‐intestinal obstruction by foreign body was confirmed in 27/82 (33%) dogs by surgery or necropsy. Radiography produced a definitive result (obstructed or not obstructed) in 58/82 (70%) of dogs; ultrasonography produced a definitive result in 80/82 (97%) of dogs. On radiographs, a diagnosis of obstruction was based on detection of segmental small‐intestinal dilatation, plication, or detection of a foreign body. Approximately 30% (8/27) of obstructed dogs did not have radiographic signs of segmental small‐intestinal dilatation, of which 50% (4/8) were due to linear foreign bodies. The ultrasonographic diagnosis of small‐intestinal obstruction was based on detection of an obstructive lesion, sonographic signs of plication or segmental, small‐intestinal dilatation. The ultrasonographic presence or absence of moderate‐to‐severe intestinal diameter enlargement (due to lumen dilatation) of the jejunum (>1.5 cm) was a useful discriminatory finding and, when present, should prompt a thorough search for a cause of small‐intestinal obstruction. In conclusion, both abdominal radiography and abdominal ultrasonography are accurate for diagnosing small‐intestinal obstruction in vomiting dogs and either may be used depending on availability and examiner choice. Abdominal ultrasonography had greater accuracy, fewer equivocal results and provided greater diagnostic confidence compared with radiography.  相似文献   

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