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 为探究施用烯酰吗啉后不同葡萄叶际微生物群落变化,以田间‘红地球’品种葡萄为研究对象,连续施用农药烯酰吗啉,采集不同组别样品,利用 Illumina Hiseq 高通量测序技术分析葡萄叶际真菌、细菌群落结构变化。基于可操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs)的物种分类分析,共得到葡萄叶际微生物真菌群落共计6个门,23个纲,60个目,131个科,212个属,296个种;细菌群落共计42个门,91个纲,222个目,398个科,846个属,1 469个种。在云南农业大学砂壤土质、篱架式栽培的‘红地球’葡萄基地中发现:(1)葡萄叶际优势真菌有枝孢菌属(Cladosporium)、白粉菌属(Erysiphe)、unclassified -k_-Fungi属和Symmetrospora属;优势细菌有乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)、双歧杆菌属(Bifidobacterium)、拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、毛螺菌属(unclassified-f-Lachnospiraceae)、norank-f-Muribaculaceae属、芽孢杆属(Bacillus)、Blautia属和肠杆菌属(Kosakonia)。(2)经烯酰吗啉处理后,在健康葡萄叶片中其叶际真菌群落丰富度略降低,多样性显著增加,叶际细菌群落丰富度增加,多样性增加,但零星发病叶片中,叶际真菌、细菌群落丰富度和多样性则显著降低。(3)在零星发病葡萄叶片中,相对健康叶片,葡萄叶际真菌群落之间的差异被增大,而葡萄叶际细菌群落的差异被减小。(4)在健康及发病叶片中,相对丰度均上调的真菌为白粉菌属(Erysiphe)、球腔菌属(Mycosphaerella)、线黑粉酵母属(Filobasidium)、黑孢霉属(Nigrospora)、赤霉属(Gibberella)、被孢霉菌(Mortierella)和镰刀菌属(Fusarium),细菌为巨单胞菌属(Megamonas)、链球菌属(Streptococcus)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)和弯曲杆菌属(Campylobacter);相对丰度均下调的真菌为枝孢属(Cladosporium)、壳针孢属(Septoria)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和担孢酵母属(Erythrobasidium);细菌为短小杆菌属(Kosakonia)鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas);推断这些菌对烯酰吗啉较为敏感。(5)施用烯酰吗啉农药对葡萄叶际微生物的影响在健康叶片与零星发病叶片中有差异,且有新的优势菌属出现。  相似文献   

为明确松脂二烯 (pinolene) 提高农药田间防效的机理,研究了其在植物叶片表面的成膜性能。以红叶石楠和山核桃为试材,分别将3%噻虫啉微囊悬浮剂和2%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐微乳剂与松脂二烯桶混后喷施到植物叶片上,通过电镜及光合测定仪,观测了松脂二烯对农药药液在叶片表面的成膜形态及其对光合作用的影响;通过人工模拟降雨和氙灯光照,研究了松脂二烯抗雨水冲刷能力和抗光解能力。结果表明:添加松脂二烯的农药颗粒表面均有一层明显的油状包被。在不同雨水冲刷时间段,添加松脂二烯的噻虫啉处理组植物叶片上的农药保持量均显著高于对照组;松脂二烯和甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐混用,能显著降低甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐的光分解速率;松脂二烯叶片成膜致其光合速率下降5.16%,但与对照无显著差异。本研究结果表明,松脂二烯和农药混用,可增加农药有效成分在植物叶片上的成膜性,且对植物光合作用影响较小,可有效减少农药受雨水冲刷损失和光解速率,延长农药持效期。  相似文献   

Small plots of Lolium perenne were treated between February and September 1979 with benomyl, triadimefon and chlorothalonil and the incidence and relative abundance of sporulating filamentous fungi measured on distinct lesions and senescent areas of leaves.
Benomyl reduced the levels of most saprophytes but increased the levels of the two Drechslera species present. Triadimefon reduced levels of Drechslera species but allowed an increase in levels of Phoma and Epicoccum and in the number of naturally senescing leaves devoid of obvious filamentous fungal growth. In chlorothalonil-treated plots, levels of all filamentous fungi except Epicoccum were reduced and, by controlling Drechslera species, the number of healthy leaves increased.  相似文献   

植物叶片表面特征对美洲斑潜蝇的抗性观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对美洲斑潜蝇生物学特征和植物叶片表面特征初步观察,研究,发现植物叶片表面特征不同,对美洲斑潜蝇抗性存在差异。  相似文献   

采用营养液水培番茄幼苗的方式,研究了叶面喷施不同浓度褪黑素(MT)对NaHCO3胁迫(50 mmol·L-1 )下‘里格尔87-5’加工番茄幼苗叶片的光合色素、光合气体交换参数和快速叶绿素荧光动力学特性的影响。结果表明:NaHCO3胁迫(MT0处理)导致番茄幼苗供体侧OEC(放氧复合体)和PSII受体侧受到损伤,PSII反应中心活性、电子传递效率和光化学效率均下降,导致Pn、Gs分别降低了66.21%和82.36%。叶面喷施100~400μmol·L-1 MT可在不同程度上改变NaHCO3胁迫下的番茄幼苗OJIP曲线形状,降低K与J相趋势。MT0分别降低了番茄叶片的最大荧光(Fm)、最大量子效率(Fv/Fm)27.28%和18.53%,而100~400μmol·L-1 MT分别提高了Fm与Fv/F  相似文献   

哈尔滨市人均GDP和大气污染的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据哈尔滨市2007-2012年人均GDP和大气污染指标的统计数据,对人均GDP和大气污染作相关分析.以人均GDP为自变量,大气污染指标为因变量,建立了哈尔滨市环境库兹涅茨曲线.并运用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型对未来5年进行预测.经过研究发现,流量指标的曲线大多近似于环境库兹涅茨曲线的左半段,说明随着经济增长,工业污染物排放量不断增加.而存量指标的曲线大多近似于环境库兹涅茨曲线的右半段,经济增长到一定程度之后环境质量随之变好.预测之后的5年表明,流量指标继续增加而存量指标不断下降,这是经济发展方式转变,一些环保政策得到落实的结果.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增加对植物生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就大气CO2浓度增加对植物光合、呼吸、蒸腾和水分利用效率、植物体内养分含量、生物量、产量的影响,及对C3、C4植物影响的差异等最新研究进展进行了分析综评,并就高CO2浓度与光照、温度、氮素营养水平等环境因子相互作用后植物生长、耐旱性、地理分布等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为探明不同湿润持续时间及叶片温度与黄瓜霜霉病发生的关系,通过观察不同湿润条件下黄瓜霜霉病的初显症时间,计算逐日显症率及累积显症率,并利用热红外成像仪对显症后叶片温度进行连续监测。结果显示,不同湿润持续时间对黄瓜霜霉病的初显症时间、逐日显症率产生影响。叶片湿润持续4 h,黄瓜霜霉病在接种后7.00 d显症;叶片湿润持续12 h,黄瓜霜霉病初显症时间最早,仅为3.25 d。叶片湿润持续时间不同,黄瓜霜霉病初显症时的叶片温度存在显著差异。回归分析表明,初显症时间与最大温差呈显著正相关,与平均温度呈显著负相关。叶片湿润持续4、6 h的病斑出现高峰在显症后第2、3天,逐日显症率分别是37.50%和41.18%,比叶片湿润持续10、12 h的早。显症后期,湿润持续时间4、6、8、10、12 h的病斑累积显症率分别是87.94%、93.71%、90.25%、84.24%和88.36%,差异不显著。表明接种黄瓜霜霉菌Pseudoperonospora cubensis后叶片湿润持续时间越长,潜育期越短,叶片最大温差越小,叶片平均温度越大。  相似文献   

Studies were made on the leaf-inhabiting fungus flora of two plots of flowering sugarbeet. Flowers were removed from plants of one plot as they appeared. Changes in the numbers of micro-organisms on leaves were recorded by leaf washing and leaf homogenization techniques, and were found to follow closely the changes in numbers of pollen grains seen on cleared leaf discs. The main colonizers, grouped into pink yeasts, white yeasts,Cladosporium spp. andAureobasidium pullulans, were all influenced by the natural presence of pollen and reached high numbers on leaves in the plot bearing flowers. Rainfall was not found to influence numbers of pollen grains or micro-organisms greatly, but high temperature led to isolation of smaller numbers of pink and white yeasts. Recovery of populations was swift after hot weather, and may be linked with the high contamination of fieldcollected sugarbeet pollen by components of the microflora. The spectrum of fungi growing from washed leaf discs differed qualitatively from assessments made by washing and homogenization.Rye pollen stimulatesPhoma betae to aggressive infection of sugarbeet leaves on which, due to the prevention of a natural pollen deposit, the development of the leaf microflora is meagre. Sugarbeet plants in both plots were inoculated with conidia ofP. betae with or without added rye pollen. The presence of a dense microflora, associated with a high natural pollen deposit, reduced the incidence of aggressive infection normally stimulated by the addition of rye pollen to inoculum.  相似文献   

Ten microorganisms of the epiphytic microflora of wheat leaves in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, were evaluated under greenhouse conditions as potential biocontrol agents of the pathogensAlternaria triticimaculans, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera tritici-repentis andSeptoria tritici in two application sequences (prior to or together with the pathogens). The antagonists significantly reduced the expression of the diseases on wheat plants compared with control plants not inoculated with the antagonists. Maximum percentage of reduction of the necrotic lesion area (NLA) (40–55%) ofS. tritici resulted whenCryptococcus sp.,Rhodotorula rubra andPenicillium lilacinwn were sprayed on leaves prior to inoculations with the pathogen.Bacillus sp.,Cryptococcus sp.,Fusarium moniliforme var.anthophylium,P. lilacinum andR. rubra reduced significantly (34–52%) the NLA ofB. sorokiniana in both of the application sequences. The best antagonistic effect againstA. triticimaculans was shown byAspergillus niger, Bacillus sp.,Chaetomium globosum, F. moniliforme var.anthophylium andNigrospora sphaerica, with a NLA reduction from 21% to 35% in the co-inoculation or in the sequential application. All microorganisms exceptN. sphaerica performed better than the control againstD. tritici-repentis. The area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) of the pathogens appeared to progress similarly, but at lower values, in treated plants than in untreated controls. The two yeasts and the bacteria decreased AUDPC to 50–55% ofS. tritici andB. sorokiniana compared with the control in both application sequences, whereas the maximum efficacy againstA. triticimaculans was reached byN. sphaerica andA. niger for the sequential application and byF. moniliforme var.anthophylium for the co-inoculation. If the parasitism occurs also in nature, application of antagonists for biological control might provide the opportunity to compete with the pathogens and regulate their colonization in wheat leaves.  相似文献   

In Ehime Prefecture, Japan, lettuce leaf spot (Septoria lactucae) caused huge losses in marketable lettuce yields. To explore potential measures to control disease outbreaks, the effects of inoculum density, leaf wetness duration and nitrate concentration on the development of leaf spot on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were evaluated. Conidia were collected from diseased plants in an infested field by single-spore isolation and were used to inoculate potted lettuce plants with different conidial concentrations. Lesions developed on inoculated lettuce plants at inoculum concentrations from 100 to 106 conidia/ml. The disease was more severe when the inoculum exceeded 102 conidia/ml, and severity increased with increasing concentrations. Assessment of the relationship between disease development and the duration of postinoculation leaf wetness revealed that symptoms appeared when the inoculated plants remained wet for 12 h or longer. The number of lesions and total nitrogen content in the lettuce leaves both increased when nitrate was applied.  相似文献   

Xing  ChangJie  Wang  ShiWei  Zhang  CuiFang  Guo  Tong  Hao  HongLong  Zhang  ZhuoYa  Wang  Sheng  Shu  JiaMing 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2023,130(1):115-124
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - To explore the effect of leaf scorch on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of walnut leaves, we used the FMS-2 pulse-modulated chlorophyll...  相似文献   

盐碱地不同施氮量对土壤微生物区系与食葵产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古河套灌区盐碱食葵田进行大田试验,以不施氮肥为对照(CK),设置了75 kg·hm~(-2)(N1)、150kg·hm~(-2)(N2)、225 kg·hm~(-2)(N3)、300 kg·hm~(-2)(N4)、375 kg·hm~(-2)(N5)五个氮肥施用水平,研究了不同氮肥施用量对土壤微生物区系和食葵产量的影响。结果表明:(1)盐碱地施用氮肥可提高土壤微生物数量和细菌优势菌菌群多样性,各处理0~20 cm土层根区土壤微生物数量大小顺序为N4N3N5N2N1CK,各施肥处理较CK差异极显著(P0.01);(2)盐碱地施用氮肥可促进食葵生长发育,提高产量,随氮肥施用量由低到高,食葵长势和干物质积累呈逐渐增加趋势,产量与施氮量呈抛物线型关系,各处理产量分别较CK提高0.06%、36.27%、61.95%、105.36%和85.03%;(3)适量施氮可抑制土壤积盐,食葵收获后,各处理积盐量大小顺序为N2CKN5N3N1N4;(4)土壤微生物的数量和优势菌菌群数与氮肥施用量、食葵根干重呈正相关关系,与土壤含盐量和积盐量呈负相关关系。综合试验结果,内蒙古河套灌区中度盐碱地食葵生产中氮肥适宜施用量为300 kg·hm~(-2)。  相似文献   

Effects of leaf susceptibility and seed treatment with the systemic fungicides tebuconazole (Raxil) or difenoconazole (Dragon) on Altenaria macrospora in Pima cotton were examined under glasshouse conditions and in the field. In the absence of fungicide, the susceptibility of cotyledons to Alternaria- induced shedding increased with seedling age. Effects of seed treatment with fungicide were evident even on the third true leaves, and persisted up to 39 days after planting. Disease suppression was determined both by the fungicide and also by the susceptibility of the host tissue: seed treatment suppressed Alternaria-induced shedding of cotyledons for 18 days, but not 29 days after planting In a field trial, disease progress was delayed by 20-24 days in plots planted with treated seeds. The effect persisted for up to 86 days after planting. Alternaria-induced defoliation at later stages of the season was not affected by the seed treatment. No significant differences in disease control were detected between the two fungicides.  相似文献   

The photolytic behaviour of the insecticide imidacloprid on the surface of tomato leaves as a result of exposure to natural sunlight was investigated. Photodegradation in sunlight was rapid and the degradation products (⩾10%) were similar to those found in plant degradation studies.  相似文献   

为了探究溴氰菊酯乳油液滴在蕹菜Ipomoea aquatica Forsk叶片表面的叠加凝并行为及其动态接触角变化规律,采用纤维细度分析仪和光学接触角测量仪,观测蕹菜各分割部分的叶面形貌特征,测定了25 mg/L溴氰菊酯乳油的表面张力、液滴叠加凝并前后动态接触角及铺展直径等润湿参数,并依据幂次法则对液滴叠加铺展驱动力成因进行分析。结果显示:25 mg/L溴氰菊酯乳油的表面张力为29.02 mN/m;当垂直方向碰撞速率为0.082 6 m/s时,蕹菜叶面5 μL等体积液滴会以2种方式发生叠加凝并,即滚入底部吸入凝并和直接顶部吸入凝并,两种方式从叠加开始至凝并形成新液滴的时间分别为0.035 2 s和0.025 1 s;前者凝并成新液滴后接触角减小12.9%,而后者的接触角均有不同程度的增加,最大增幅达27.4%;两种方式叠加凝并形成新液滴的铺展直径随时间的变化分别呈线性关系和符合幂函数关系 (幂值α < 0.1),据此推测前者(滚入底部吸入凝并方式)是完全由表面张力梯度导致的超铺展行为,后者(直接顶部吸入凝并方式)是由动态表面张力主导驱动的铺展行为,前者药液在蕹菜叶片表面的铺展效果优于后者。  相似文献   

为了研究开封市大气降尘中的重金属污染情况,文中以开封市三个主要功能区商业区、工业区、居民区为研究地点,采集了开封市鼓楼、第三大街、金康苑等六个地区的共计200个样品。并分别在同一地点的四个季节进行了采样以作横向对比分析。采用微波消解系统对样品进行前处理,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-AES)测定样品中的重金属。分析结果表明:(1)开封市大气降尘重金属中Zn、Cr和Mn含量比开封市土壤背景值低,Al、Cd、Cu、V和Pb含量均高于背景值。其中Al、Cu和Pb的增幅相对较大,其它元素增幅相对较小,其余的2种重金属含量值与土壤背景值相差不大。(2)商业区、居民区与工业区降尘中重金属相比,商业区降尘Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu和Zn含量显著高于居民区、工业区,而Al和Mn、V含量各区域相差不大。(3)降尘中重金属Cd在商业区为很强的潜在生态危害,Cd在三个功能区均表现出相对较高的潜在生态危害,Al、Mn、Cr、V和Cu在各功能区均表现出较低的潜在生态风险。潜在生态风险顺序为:工业区>居民区>商业区。(4)全年中各重金属含量总体呈现出冬季、秋季含量比春季和夏季高的特征。  相似文献   

Rice crops grown under irrigated conditions were inoculated withPyricularia oryzae during early growth stages to study the effect of leaf blast on yield formation. The inoculations led to severe epidemics of leaf blast around maximum tillering, characterized by the presence of typical blast lesions and an accelerated senescence of heavily infested leaf tissue. Leaf blast led to a prolonged tillering and a delay in flowering and maturity.Crop growth rate and leaf area formation declined sharply during establishment of the disease and continued to be reduced till maturity. This resulted in a marked reduction of total dry matter production and grain yield. Dry matter distribution was not affected. Leaf blast reduced spikelet number, 1000 grain weight, and the fraction filled grains. From this last observation it was concluded that the reduction in grain yield was exclusively source determined.Nitrogen uptake of the inoculated crops before flowering was reduced compared to the N uptake of the control crop, but shoot N content of the inoculated crops at flowering was higher. Uptake of nitrogen after flowering was negligible in both healthy and inoculated crops. Redistribution from vegetative tissue was therefore the main source of N for grain growth. The higher N content of the shoot organs in the inoculated crops during ripening led to the conclusion that the reduced N uptake was not responsible for the yield reduction observed. Consequently, the reduction in grain yield was solely determined by a reduced carbohydrate supply.  相似文献   

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