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At the European scale, soil characteristics are needed to evaluate soil quality, soil health and soil-based ecosystem services in the context of the European Green Deal. While some soil databases exist at the European scale, a much larger wealth of data is present in individual European countries, allowing a more detailed soil assessment. There is thus an urgent and crucial need to combine these data at the European scale. In the frame of a large European Joint Programme on agricultural soils launched by the European Commission, a survey was conducted in the spring of 2020, in the 24 European participating countries to assess the existing soil data sources, focusing on agricultural soils. The survey will become a contribution to the European Soil Observatory, launched in December 2020, which aims to collect metadata of soil databases related to all kind of land uses, including forest and urban soils. Based upon a comprehensive questionnaire, 170 soil databases were identified at local, regional and national scales. Soil parameters were divided into five groups: (1) main soil parameters according to the Global Soil Map specifications; (2) other soil chemical parameters; (3) other physical parameters; (4) other pedological parameters; and (5) soil biological features. A classification based on the environmental zones of Europe was used to distinguish the climatic zones. This survey shows that while most of the main pedological and chemical parameters are included in more than 70% of the country soil databases, water content, contamination with organic pollutants, and biological parameters are the least frequently reported parameters. Such differences will have consequences when developing an EU policy on soil health as proposed under the EU soil strategy for 2023 and using the data to derive soil health indicators. Many differences in the methods used in collecting, preparing, and analysing the soils were found, thus requiring harmonization procedures and more cooperation among countries and with the EU to use the data at the European scale. In addition, choosing harmonized and useful interpretation and threshold values for EU soil indicators may be challenging due to the different methods used and the wide variety of soil land-use and climate combinations influencing possible thresholds. The temporal scale of the soil databases reported is also extremely wide, starting from the '20s of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Top predators have been described as highly interactive keystone species. Their decline has been linked to secondary extinctions and their increase has been linked to ecological restoration. Several authors have recently argued that the dingo Canis lupus dingo is another example of a top predator that maintains mesopredators and generalist herbivores at low and stable numbers, thereby increasing biodiversity and productivity. Due to the sensitivity of many Australian species to introduced mesopredators and herbivores, the top predator hypothesis predicts that threatened species will not survive where dingoes are rare or absent. However, several threatened species have survived inside the Dingo Barrier Fence (DBF). We present a new view on the survival of the yellow-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus and the malleefowl Leipoa ocellata inside the DBF where the dingo is considered very rare, or in areas where the dingo is believed to have been eradicated several decades ago. We found that dingoes co-occurred with both threatened species. Dingoes were present at all wallaby colonies surveyed and occurred throughout their range. The most common predator detected in areas inhabited by the wallabies was in fact the dingo, and we found no significant difference between dingo abundance inside compared to outside the DBF. Malleefowl nests were found to be scent marked by dingoes at the three sites that we surveyed, despite these sites being close to human settlement and sheep farms, and in small and fragmented patches of wilderness. These findings provide further evidence for an association between the presence of dingoes and the survival of threatened species, which is in agreement with the top predator hypothesis. The results of this study challenges the current assumption that the presence and ecological consequence of dingoes in sheep country are negligible and we suggest that wildlife managers verify whether dingoes are present before predator control is initiated.  相似文献   

Amphibian declines and extinctions are a worldwide concern. Conservation priorities for amphibians should target threatened taxa (taxonomic targets) and regions with high levels of species endemism (geographical targets). Does published research on amphibian conservation reflect the global taxonomic and geographic priorities? I surveyed six years (2000-2005) of 10 conservation and herpetological journals (Amphibia-Reptilia, Animal Conservation, Applied Herpetology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biological Conservation, Conservation Biology, Copeia, Herpetologica, Journal of Herpetology and Oryx), and analyzed all articles on amphibians. Attention indexes were calculated for orders, threatened species and biogeographic realms. I also examined how well research from tropical developing nations (with high levels of richness and endemism) are represented in the international literature. Attention indexes results show that the most studied amphibian order is Caudata, whereas Gymnophiona is the least studied one. The same trend is observed for threatened species, with threatened Caudata species receiving proportionally more attention than threatened Anura and Gymnophiona. The biogeographic realms that receive most attention by amphibian conservationists are: Oceania, Nearctic and Palearctic. However, the Neotropical, Afrotropical and Indomalayan are the regions with higher species diversity. Forty-one countries contributed articles, but the majority of amphibian conservation research is conducted by North American and western European researchers. There is urgent need for capacity building in tropical developing nations. Amphibians are more threatened and are declining more rapidly than either birds or mammals. However, amphibian conservation is still misplacing its focus in lower-biodiversity regions and non-threatened species. If such trends are not changed, the consequences for the persistence of amphibians worldwide may be dire.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, tropical timber production in many Asia–Pacific countries has been akin to the symmetric logistic distribution curve, or ‘Hubbert Curve’, observed in the exploitation of many non-renewable resources—a rapid increase in production followed by a peak and then decline. There are three principal reasons why logging of native tropical forests resembles the mining of a non-renewable resource: the standard cutting cycle of 30–40 years is too brief to allow the wood volume to regenerate; tropical logging catalyses considerable deforestation; and the bulk of logging is undertaken by multinational corporations with little interest in long-term local sustainability. Unless something fundamental changes, we believe tropical forests will continue to be overharvested and cleared apace, leading to an inevitable global decline in tropical timbers of non-plantation origin. It has become common these days to speak of ‘peak oil’. In the tropics, we suggest that we should also begin to discuss the implications of ‘peak timber’.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - The basis for the present energy dilemma is described. The current solution to the inadequate petroleum and natural gas supplies and possible long-term solutions...  相似文献   

Reducing tillage intensity offers the possibility of moving towards sustainable intensification objectives. Reduced tillage (RT) practices, where the plough is not used, can provide a number of environmental and financial benefits, particularly for soil erosion control. Based on 2010 harvest year data from the nationally stratified Farm Business Survey and drawing on a sub‐sample of 249 English arable farmers, we estimate that approximately 32% of arable land was established under RT, with 46% of farms using some form of RT. Farms more likely to use some form of RT were larger, located in the East Midlands and South East of England and classified as ‘Cereals’ farms. Application of RT techniques was not determined by the age or education level of the farmer. Individual crops impacted the choice of land preparation, with wheat and oilseed rape being more frequently planted after RT than field beans and root crops, which were almost always planted after ploughing. This result suggests there can be limitations to the applicability of RT. Average tillage depth was only slightly shallower for RT practices than ploughing, suggesting that the predominant RT practices are quite demanding in their energy use. Policy makers seeking to increase sustainable RT uptake will need to address farm‐level capital investment constraints and target policies on farms growing crops, such as wheat and oilseed rape, that are better suited to RT practices.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) represents one of the largest reservoirs of carbon on the global scale. Thus, the temperature sensitivity of bulk SOM and of different SOM fractions is a key factor determining the response of the terrestrial carbon balance to climatic warming. We condense the available knowledge about the potential temperature sensitivity and the actual temperature sensitivity of decomposition in situ, which ultimately depends on substrate availability. We review and evaluate contradictory results of estimates of the temperature sensitivity of bulk SOM and of different SOM fractions. The contradictory results demonstrate a need to focus research on biological and physicochemical controls of SOM stabilisation and destabilisation processes as a basis for understanding strictly causal relationships and kinetic properties of key processes that determine pool sizes and turnover rates of functional SOM pools. The current understanding is that temperature sensitivity of SOM mineralisation is governed by the following factors: (1) the stability of SOM, (2) the substrate availability, which is determined by the balance between input of organic matter, stabilisation and mineralisation of SOM, (3) the physiology of the soil microflora, its efficiency in substrate utilisation and its temperature optima and (4) physicochemical controls of destabilisation and stabilisation processes, like pH and limitation of water, oxygen and nutrient supply. As soil microflora is functionally omnipotent and most SOM is of high age and stability, the temperature dependence of stable SOM pools is the central question that determines C stocks and stock changes under global warming.  相似文献   

<正>Soil organic matter (SOM), which associates carbon (C) to key plant nutrients, has been stored in soil for thousands of years. Scientists have long recognised its positive impact on key environmental functions such as food production and climate regulation. As soon as a virgin land (forest or grassland) is cultivated, there is a tendency for the soil to lose its SOM, and we still largely misunderstand the underlying mechanisms, leading to inappropriate decisions being taken to fight soi...  相似文献   

Development pressure on reserve networks in densely populated countries may lead to the decision to allow for replacement compensation. Replacement ratios used for specifying replacement compensation are usually based on expert judgment. In contrast, we propose a method to estimate replacement ratios based on the set covering framework. The method is applied to presence-absence data of vascular plants of the dry grassland inventory of Switzerland. For the replacement of 60% of a patch’s high conservation value species by the same vegetation type (“in-kind” compensation), the estimated replacement ratios are <5 for most vegetation types. These ratios are comparable with replacement ratios usually used in practice. Our replacement ratio estimates for replacement by another vegetation type (“out-of-kind” compensation) are considerable higher than proposed by the literature. For oligotroph dry grassland associations, the replacement rations are extremely high, so that these associations have to be considered irreplaceable. The estimated replacement ratios provide a good starting point for designing compensation measures for unavoidable losses in a reserve system. However, additional biodiversity conservation goals should be considered when designing replacement compensation in practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To illustrate the effect of common mistakes when using 24-hour national dietary survey data to estimate the prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes. DESIGN: Raw data on nutrient intake from the Australian 1995 National Nutrition Survey were adjusted for within-person variance using standard techniques and corrected for underreporting using the criteria of Goldberg et al. The distributions for six nutrients were compared with current dietary reference values from the UK, USA and Australia. SETTING: A national sample of the Australian population with a 61.4% response rate. RESULTS: Adjusting for within-person variance reduced the range of nutrient intakes to 66-80% of the raw data range and the proportion with intakes below the estimated average requirement (EAR) by up to 20%. Excluding underreporters further reduced the proportion below the EAR by up to 10%. Using the dietary reference values from different countries also resulted in some markedly different estimates. For example, the prevalence of low folate intakes ranged from < 1 to 92% for adult women depending on the reference used. Except for vitamin A and protein, the prevalence of low intakes was invariably higher for women than for men. CONCLUSIONS: Estimates of the prevalence of low nutrient intakes based on raw 24-hour survey data are invariably misleading. However, even after adjustment for within-person variance and underreporting, estimates of the prevalence of low nutrient intakes may still be misleading unless interpreted in the light of the reference criteria used and supported by relevant biochemical and physiological measures of nutritional status.  相似文献   

In India, conservation of biodiversity goes hand in hand with human welfare, as millions of people live adjacent or within protected areas and depend upon forests products. The high density and biomass requirements of these households could result in the degradation of forests and loss of biodiversity. We assessed the collection of forest products among households in five sites in the Western and Eastern Ghats of peninsular India: the Kogar region of the Central Western Ghats, the Bandipur and Sigur regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of the southern Western Ghats and Similipal Tiger Reserve of the northern Eastern Ghats, and tested whether extraction pressure on forests was associated with the proportion of agricultural households, wage labour and population density. We also examined whether data on loss of cover as stated by the State of the Forest Reports was supported by field data. The regions differed in land use: Kogar, KMTR and Similipal were primarily agricultural regions, whereas households engaged in wage labour or in running small businesses were predominant in Sigur and Bandipur. Fuel-wood was collected ubiquitously for household use in all sites, used mainly for domestic requirements and secondarily for generating income. Green leaves for making fertilizer and fodder were collected for household use and did not enter the market. Cattle manure for the global organic coffee industry was a major forest product in Bandipur and Sigur. Extraction pressure on forests was positively associated with the availability of wage labour and was negatively with the proportion of agricultural households. Data from official sources seem inadequate to measure forest degradation in protected forests. Accurate estimation of forest condition through field assessments and remote sensing, and understanding the socio-economic variables associated with forest loss and degradation are needed for the sustainable management of Indian protected areas.  相似文献   



Although it is well-known that catchment suspended sediment yields (SY; tons per square kilometre per year) can vary significantly from year to year, little information exists on the magnitude and factors controlling this variability. This is crucial to assess the reliability of average SY values for a given measuring period (MP) and is of great geomorphic significance. This paper aims to bridge this research gap.  相似文献   

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