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灌区量水设施分析研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对国内外灌区量水设施进行了综述,比较了各种量水设施的应用范围和优缺点,从骨干渠系的水工建筑牧师是水、灌溉渠系水量流量自动化实时调控技术、低水头损失多功能量水设备技术及田间配不系统量水设施的装配式和标准化等方面,研究了量水设施及技术的发展趋势,提出了适合我国灌区研究推广量水设施的几点设想。  相似文献   

乌中灌区是贵州省的大型灌区之一,灌区工程多修建于上世纪50至70年代。至今,大多渠道老化难以正常工作,渠系老化率平均达0.55;灌区有效灌溉面积锐减,现状有效灌溉面积为设计灌溉面积的37%-54%,其中改种占相当比例;灌溉水利用系数较低,在0.39—0.42之间。本文以5个典型样点灌区为例,分析渠系老化对农田灌溉的影响。  相似文献   

Water resources allocated to the agricultural sector in the Yellow River basin are being reduced due to severe water scarcity and increased demand by the non-agricultural sectors. In large-scale irrigation districts, the application of water-saving practices, e.g., improving the canal system, using water-saving irrigation technology and adjusting cropping patterns, is required for the sustainable agricultural development and the river basin environmental equilibrium. Adopting water-saving practices leads to lowering the groundwater table and to controlling salinity impacts related to excessive irrigation. However, assessing the effects of water-saving practices on the groundwater system requires further investigation. The Jiefangzha Irrigation Scheme of the Hetao Irrigation District is used as a case study for analyzing the temporal and spatial dynamics of the groundwater table. A lumped parameter groundwater balance model has been developed with this purpose and to assess impacts of various water-saving practices. The model was calibrated with monthly datasets relative to the non-frozen periods of 1997-1999 and validated with datasets from 2000 to 2002. Results indicate that canal seepage and deep percolation account for respectively 48% and 44% of the annual groundwater recharge. Groundwater discharge by direct evaporation and plant roots uptake represents 82% of the total annual groundwater discharge. After validation, the model was applied to assess the impacts of various canal and farm irrigation water-saving practices. It was observed that improvements in the canal system (e.g., canal lining, upgrading the hydraulic regulation and control structures, improving delivery schedules) might lower the groundwater table by 0.28-0.48 m, depending upon the level of implementation of these measures. Higher declines of the groundwater table are predicted when water-saving technologies are applied at both the canal and the farm systems. That decline of the water table favours salinity control and reduces capillary rise, thus reducing the groundwater evaporation and uptake by plant roots; that reduction may attain 128 mm. However, predictions may change depending on the way how water-saving measures are applied, which may be different of assumptions made; therefore, there is the need to perform a follow-up of the interventions in order to update predictions. Results indicate the need for appropriate research leading to improved irrigation management when the decline of the groundwater level will reduce groundwater contribution to vegetation growth.  相似文献   

近年来,黄河水资源日趋紧缺,断流天数不断增加,断流时间不断提前,断流距离不断上延;同时,灌区用水量逐渐增加,水的供需矛盾突出。因此,在引黄灌溉时,借助于微机技术,及时对黄河来水与渠首可引水量进行预测,成为灌区用水管理中亟待解决的问题。好位山灌区在这方面的经济及做法。  相似文献   

灌溉模式多是井渠双配套,导致工程重叠,土地占压多,引沙量大,且浪费有限的水资源。为实行开源节流,地表水与地下水联合应用,在引黄灌区部分区域开展纯井灌溉是非常必要的。茌平县阁三里位于位山引黄灌区中游,周围引黄条件好,却一直利用地下水实行纯井灌溉。该井灌区(以下简称试区)拥有丰富的地下水动态及水文地质资料,开展阁三里纯井灌水均衡及效益研究,对于指导当前水资源合理调度及工程规划具有重要意义。该文通过系统地分析研究,证明在引黄灌区内部分区域开展纯井灌是必要的、合理的、成功的。  相似文献   

Using an ADCP to determine canal seepage loss in an irrigation district   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seepage from earthen irrigation canals represents substantial water loss in irrigation districts. Historically, the determination of canal seepage was accomplished using the inflow-outflow method with propeller and electromagnetic type flow meters. This method was difficult, time consuming, and limited by measurement device accuracy. In recent years, advances in technology have lead to the widespread use of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) for discharge measurements in streams and rivers. Even though ADCP use has become widespread for stream discharges, studies to determine canal seepage using this new technology are limited. Using an ADCP, extensive field measurements were conducted in the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. This paper describes the ADCP measurement protocol used to measure irrigation canal seepage and presents predictive equations for determining canal seepage based on flow rate and canal geometry.  相似文献   

基于自动化控制、网络通信和测量等技术,设计并研发了能够实现信息采集-处理-决策-信息反馈-监控-共享一体化的灌区闸门测控设备,并在甘肃省景电灌区进行了应用和验证.结果表明:渠道闸门一体化测控系统实现了灌区流量数据自动监测、收集和计算分析,提高了计量精度;能够对数据进行存储、查询与展示,实现了数据的共享,形成了灌区水资源管理数据库;实现了渠道流量远程自动控制与调节,提高了管理水平和管理效率;实现了智能手机远程操作,提高了办公效率.灌区闸门测控一体化测控系统的实施减少了灌区现场维护的次数,降低了设备运行成本,极大地提高了灌区水资源管理效率.研究成果可为中国大型灌区水资源科学管理提供有力的技术支撑,对闸门量水测流技术进步进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

黄河下游灌区农田排水再利用效应模拟评价   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在田间试验观测基础上,采用SWAP模型分析黄河下游簸箕李引黄灌区农田排水再利用下的土壤盐分季节性变化以及地下水位对土壤盐分剖面分布的影响,模拟农田排水补灌对作物产量的效应。研究结果表明,咸排水补灌引起的土壤盐分积聚主要在冬小麦生长期,夏玉米生长期内并不明显,有效地控制地下水位有助于减少土壤盐分累积量,维系作物根区的盐分平衡。利用含盐量为4mg/cm3以下的农田排水在冬小麦生长后期水分亏缺阶段进行补灌,可在基本不影响随后夏玉米产量的基础上,不同程度地改善冬小麦产量。对缺水严重的黄河下游引黄灌区,农田排水再利用是缓解水资源供需矛盾、改善作物产量的一种有效水管理措施。  相似文献   

针对西北干旱区灌区生态环境脆弱、水资源短缺、复杂不确定性等问题,以石羊河流域红崖山灌区为例,耦合2型模糊集、模糊可信度约束规划和多目标规划等理论方法,构建了基于2型模糊集的多目标农业-生态水土资源优化配置模型。模型以灌溉水损失最小、生态植被灌溉水满意度最大、生态植被灌溉水费用最小和主要粮食作物经济效益最大为目标,对红崖山灌区10个决策单元的地表水、地下水和粮食作物种植面积进行优化配置。求解模型得到不同可信度水平和不确定性程度下的水土资源优化配置方案。结果表明:耦合2型模糊集的模型能够提供丰富的配置方案,水量对可信度水平的敏感性高于不确定性程度,作物种植结构对可信度水平不敏感。以不确定性程度参数为0.5、可信度水平为0.7时为例,生态植被均通过地表水灌溉,作物通过地表水、地下水联合灌溉,玉米的产量和经济效益均大于小麦。相比前人研究,本研究考虑生态植被灌溉需求,优化结果更加真实合理。本研究可为决策者提供较为符合灌区实际的配置方案,为西北干旱区灌区现代化建设提供科学指导。  相似文献   

随着西部大开发的不断深入,重庆水利信息化的建设也取得了长足的进步。以大型灌区龙溪河灌区的重要组成部分-西山灌区为基点,探讨了灌区信息化建设中管理信息管理如何集成水资源优化调度模型和地理信息系统。  相似文献   

灌溉水利用系数综合测定法实例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
灌溉水利用系数是衡量农业节水效果的关键指标。目前各地区统计出的灌溉水利用系数差异极大。很多数据明显的存在错误,难以作为比较与衡量的标准。影响灌溉水利用系数正常测定的主要原因是传统测定方法存在测定工作量巨大、测定条件难以保证等。通过开展对灌溉水利用系数资料的搜集、整理并对灌区进行实地调研,在了解目前灌区灌溉水利用系数测量中存在问题及原因的基础上,对灌区灌溉水利用系数测量计算方法进行了分析研究,提出了测定灌溉水利用系数的综合测定计算方法。该方法既克服了传统测量方法中工作量大,需要大量人力、物力才能完成的缺点,又弥补了只测量典型渠段而引起较大误差的不足,而且能反映出灌区渠系用水情况、灌溉工程质量及灌溉用水管理水平等。以漳河灌区为例进行了应用分析。  相似文献   

引黄灌区合理补偿农业成本水价对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理补偿农业成本水价是提高灌区经济收入、保证灌区实现良性运行、促进灌区可持续发展的根本,对于保障国家粮食生产安全,推动农业的可持续发展具有非常重要的现实意义。选择河南省人民胜利渠引黄灌区为试点,开展合理补偿农业成本水价综合对策和措施研究。对人民胜利渠灌区农业水价的成本构成和水费征收方式进行了研究,分析了水费征收中存在的主要问题,在此基础上,提出了合理补偿农业成本水价的综合对策与措施。研究成果对于合理计算农业成本水价、保证灌区正常运行、进一步提高引黄灌溉的社会经济效益具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

讨论了陕西与宁夏二省 (区 )大型灌区骨干工程、田间配套工程情况 ;土壤盐渍化发展与治理措施效果 ;井渠结合灌溉、管理体制改革经验等。分析了灌溉定额偏大及土壤盐渍化等问题的成因与危害。针对各灌区存在的实际问题 ,提出了解决的对策与措施  相似文献   

内陆干旱灌区灌溉调度决策系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现灌区科学管水、合理配水及优化调水,根据新疆玛纳斯河流域灌区的实际特点,开发了内陆干旱灌区灌溉实时优化调度决策支持系统。介绍了该系统的主要功能、组成、结构、主要特点、系统数据源与数据库设计。该系统以Windows简体中文版为操作系统,利用Power Builder、Visual Basic 6.0软件开发工具设计标准化数据库接口及应用程序界面。  相似文献   

宁蒙引黄灌区田间节水潜力计算方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄河干流宁蒙大型自流引黄灌区为研究对象,采用分项法以及两种计算顺序对宁蒙引黄灌区田间节水潜力进行了计算,分析了不同计算顺序对田间节水潜力计算结果的影响,并采用综合法对分项法计算结果进行了验证,表明计算方法可靠。  相似文献   

灌区节水改造对塔里木河流域治理的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对塔里木河“四源一干”及流域大型灌区存在主要问题分析的基础上,探讨了大型灌区建戌节水改造,对工业及城镇生活需水增长、灌溉及周边生态环境用水、流域综合治理和社会经济可持续发展的作用,深入阐明大型灌区续建配套与节水改造对区域水资源合理配置生态及环境发展的重大意义。  相似文献   

渠系网络图在大型灌区规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渠系规划是大型灌区续建配套与节水改造规划的重要内容。简要介绍了渠系网络图的特点、绘制的方法和绘制的意义,通过在灌区规划中的应用表明,采用这种图形能从整体上直观清晰地反映灌区灌排渠系布置情况,既便于规划中有关设计参数的推求,又便于灌区管理人员参考。  相似文献   

根据《水利工程供水价格管理办法》等国家有关政策,以灌区实际供水成本资料为依据,剖析归集灌区供水生产过程中发生项成本和费用;按照补偿成本、公平负担的原则,科学测定灌区工程农业供水成本价格,合理测算灌溉用水终端水价;并根据灌区主要农作物成本收益资料,采用灌溉水费承受指数分析方法,客观分析农民水费经济承受力。在此基础上,提出铜山源水库灌区灌溉水费补偿机制,以期为浙江稳步实行农业终端水价改革提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the proposed optimisation model is applied to optimise water management in the Bembézar system, a small hydrological basin belonging to the Guadalquivir River basin in southern Spain that supplies water to the Bembézar River Irrigation District.In order to apply the model, the irrigation methods and performance in the irrigation district have been analysed through a set of field irrigation evaluations. Cropping patterns, crop productivity and other relevant agronomic and economic data have been collected.The influence of irrigation uniformity and the type of distribution of irrigation water on the crop yields, as well as the relationship between crop yields and irrigation scheduling have been analysed using the proposed model.A deterministic analysis has been carried out in the irrigation district in order to compare optimum water and cropping patterns management with actual ones.In order to account for the randomness of both climatic and water availability variables, a stochastic data generation has been carried out which considers the correlation between these hydrological series. The system is then analysed in a stochastic environment. Several simulations of the optimisation process have been carried out using generated data on climatic and water availability variables.The result of this analysis demonstrates that when only the satisfaction of the internal demands is considered, high quantities of water are allocated to the irrigation districts resulting in low economic benefits per unit of water used and lower irrigation efficiency. This situation has been compared with the solution provided by the hypothesis of a proposed water market in which it is possible to transfer part of the water of the system to other alternative uses at a fixed price. In this second hypothesis, water consumption in the irrigation districts was reduced.  相似文献   

针对黄河水微灌泥沙含量高、极易堵塞灌水器的难题,开展了黄河宁夏段泥沙特性、高效节水灌溉工程配套沉沙、调蓄水池水质净化,组合过滤器泥沙去除、水质净化研究。在对大量工程运行效果监测研究的基础上,提出了不同蓄水池规模、黄河水进入蓄水池沉淀时间、组合过滤器水质净化效果,同时结合宁夏引扬黄灌区特点,推荐黄河水微灌水质净化处理模式为渠道→预沉池→调蓄池→泵站前池→加压泵站→首部砂石+叠片过滤器或筛网+叠片过滤器→输水管网→配水管网→灌水器,可为宁夏高效节水灌溉工程建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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