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Clinical and Pathological Features of Aortic Thromboembolism in 36 Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-six dogs with aortic thromboembolism were identified in a retrospective study conducted using case material from the small animal necropsy service of the University of Pennsylvania, from 1977 through 1992. No age, breed, or sex predisposition was found. Thirty dogs presented with primary complaints referable to the aortic thromboembolus and the duration of signs varied from hours to months. In 16 dogs, the presence of the thromboembolus was confirmed antemortem by ultrasound or angiography. Coagulograms were performed in 11 animals, and were consistent with consumptive hemostatic disorders in 8. The aortic occlusions were determined to be emboli in 11 dogs, associated with cardiac disease (9 dogs) and neoplastic emboli (2 dogs). In 18 dogs, the aortic occlusions were determined to be caused by primary aortic thrombi. Nine of these dogs had renal disease and four dogs had severe atherosclerosis associated with thyroid disease. In seven dogs, it could not determined if the aortic occlusions were due to primary aortic thrombi or due to emboli. In 25 dogs, the aorta was the only vessel occluded; but in 11 dogs, thrombi were identified in vessels outside of the systemic arterial system. In 9 dogs, the pulmonary arteries contained thromboemboli; one dog had thrombi in the portal vein and pulmonary arteries, and one dog a cranial vena caval thrombus. Nine of 11 dogs with multiple vascular thrombi, as well as some of the dogs with primary aortic thrombi, may have had either a propensity for thrombosis (a hypercoagulable state) or an inability to lyse thrombi (a hypothrombolytic state).  相似文献   

Background: Heterobilharzia americana (HA), the causative agent of canine schistosomiasis, is a flatworm with a freshwater snail as an intermediate host. Only case reports or small case series evaluating naturally infected dogs have been published.
Objective: Describe clinical signs in dogs naturally infected with HA.
Animals: Twenty-two dogs naturally infected with HA from 1985 to 2009.
Methods: Retrospective study. All medical records were searched for HA and schistosomiasis. Only dogs with a diagnosis based on identification of ova on histopathology or fecal saline sedimentation were included.
Results: The median age was 3.1 years (1–12). The median duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was 0.63 months (0.03–12). The most common clinical signs were lethargy (91%), weight loss (77%), hyporexia (68%), vomiting (59%), and diarrhea (55%). Eleven of the 22 dogs were hypercalcemic. Hypercalcemia did not resolve without definitive treatment with praziquantel. HA infection was an incidental diagnosis in 7/22 dogs. Diagnosis was obtained via necropsy (4), histopathology (9), and fecal examination (9). Definitive treatment included praziquantel and fenbendazole. Eighteen dogs were diagnosed antemortem and 17 were treated. Twelve dogs were alive for 6 months to 3 years after diagnosis.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: HA infection occurs in younger, larger breed, indoor dogs. Hypercalcemia does not resolve without praziquantel treatment. Prognosis is good and neither hypercalcemic-induced renal failure nor ascites appears to worsen prognosis. Dogs in affected areas or that have traveled to affected areas that present for weight loss, gastrointestinal or liver disease, and hypercalcemia, should be tested.  相似文献   



Thyroid neoplasia is common in dogs, but there are few reports of dogs with ectopic, sublingual thyroid tumors.


To describe clinical features and outcomes of dogs with ectopic, sublingual thyroid neoplasia.


Five hundred and forty‐four dogs with thyroid neoplasia.


This retrospective study reviewed the medical records of dogs referred for thyroid neoplasia between 1995 and 2013. Data extracted included signalment, extent of thyroid disease (eutopic or ectopic; metastasis), serum thyroxine (T4) concentration, treatment, and survival.


Of 544 dogs with thyroid neoplasia, 41 (7.5%) dogs had ectopic sublingual thyroid tumors. The clinical features of these 41 dogs were similar to the cohort group of 503 dogs with eutopic or ectopic mediastinal thyroid tumors, but dogs with sublingual tumors were younger and less likely to have metastatic disease (15% versus 30%, P < .05). Of the 41 dogs, 28 received treatment: 21 with surgery (which included partial hyoidectomy in 13), 7 with radioiodine alone, and 13 with surgery followed by administration of radioiodine. Overall median survival was 562 days (range, 1‐1,850 days).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

When compared with eutopic thyroid carcinomas, ectopic sublingual thyroid tumors generally have a less aggressive biologic behavior. Many dogs have prolonged survival, even without treatment, although death because of local tumor invasiveness or metastasis can develop in some dogs. Surgical thyroidectomy, including partial hyoidectomy, is generally effective for control of local disease. Administration of radioiodine, alone or in combination with surgical treatment, is recommended for multifocal disease or metastasis.  相似文献   



Systemic aspergillosis is a manifestation of Aspergillus sp. infection that can result in central nervous system (CNS) involvement with marked alterations in CNS function. Information regarding the clinical presentation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in cases of aspergillosis with CNS involvement is lacking, resulting in a need for better understanding of this disease.


The primary objectives were to describe the clinical features and MRI findings in dogs with CNS aspergillosis. The secondary objectives were to describe clinicopathologic findings and case outcome.


Seven dogs with CNS aspergillosis.


Archived records from 6 institutions were reviewed to identify cases with MRI of CNS aspergillosis confirmed with serum galactomannan enzyme immunoassay (EIA) testing, culture, or supported by histopathology. Signalment, clinical, MRI, clinicopathologic, histopathologic, and microbiologic findings were recorded and evaluated.


Aspergillosis of the CNS was identified in 7 dogs from 3 institutions. The median age was 3 years and six were German Shepherd dogs. Five dogs had signs of vestibular dysfunction as a component of multifocal neurological abnormalities. The MRI findings ranged from normal to abnormal, including hemorrhagic infarction and mass lesions.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Until now, all reported MRI findings in dogs with CNS aspergillosis have been abnormal. We document that CNS aspergillosis in dogs, particularly German Shepherd dogs, can be suspected based on neurologic signs, whether MRI findings are normal or abnormal. Confirmatory testing with galactomannan EIA, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or tissue culture should be performed in cases where aspergillosis is a differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Small bowel volvulus was diagnosed in six dogs. Peracute onset, hematochezia, and lack of vomition were the most prominent clinical features. All affected dogs exceeded 23 kg in body weight. Five of the six dogs were males and two were German shepherd dogs.
There were no diagnostic findings that were specific for intestinal volvulus. Abdominal radiographs in two dogs were interpreted as showing "pathologic" dilatation of bowel. However, it could not be determined whether the dilatation was caused by adynamic ileus or by mechanical obstruction. Results of hematological tests help to differentiate other causes of bloody diarrhea such as hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and parvovirus enteritis.
Prognosis for dogs with intestinal volvulus was poor: all six of the dogs in our series died.  相似文献   



Published information describing the clinical features and outcome for dogs with epiglottic retroversion (ER) is limited.


To describe clinical features, comorbidities, outcome of surgical versus medical treatment and long‐term follow‐up for dogs with ER. We hypothesized that dogs with ER would have upper airway comorbidities and that surgical management (epiglottopexy or subtotal epiglottectomy) would improve long‐term outcome compared to medical management alone.


Twenty‐four client‐owned dogs.


Retrospective review of medical records to identify dogs with ER that underwent surgical or medical management of ER.


Dogs with ER commonly were middle‐aged to older, small breed, spayed females with body condition score (BCS) ≥6/9. Stridor and dyspnea were the most common presenting signs. Concurrent or historical upper airway disorders were documented in 79.1% of cases. At last evaluation, 52.6% of dogs that underwent surgical management, and 60% of dogs that received medical management alone, had decreased severity of presenting clinical signs. In dogs that underwent surgical management for ER, the incidence of respiratory crisis decreased from 62.5% before surgery to 25% after surgical treatment. The overall calculated Kaplan–Meier median survival time was 875 days.

Conclusion and clinical importance

Our study indicated that a long‐term survival of at least 2 years can be expected in dogs diagnosed with epiglottic retroversion. The necessity of surgical management cannot be determined based on this data, but dogs with no concurrent upper airway disorders may benefit from a permanent epiglottopexy to alleviate negative inspiratory pressures.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dermatophytes were cultured from seventy of 1824 (3.8 per cent) canine samples and 61 of 408 (14.9 per cent) feline samples submitted over ten years. Microsporum canis was the most common species isolated (86/131). M. gypseum (31/70) and M. canis (30/70) were isolated most frequently from dogs whereas M. canis was isolated most frequently from cats (56/61). Both male and female dogs and cats were equally affected by dermatophytosis. There was a higher incidence in both dogs and cats less than one year of age. Mixed breed dogs (19/70), domestic shorthaired cats (39/61) and Persian cats (15/61) were most often affected. M. gypseum had a greater incidence of infection in summer and most often caused localized disease in dogs. In dogs, localized dermatophytosis was more common. Localized infections were most often caused by M. canis in all animals, with the head (23/75), feet (10/75) and tail (7/75) affected most frequently. Résumé— Dos dermatophytes ont été isolés à partir de 70/1824 (3,8 pourcent) prélèvements canins et 61/408 (14,9 pourcent) prélèvements félins collectés sur une période de dix ans. L'espèce la plus souvent isolée était Microsporum canis (86/131). Microspomm gypseum (31/70) et M. canis (30/70) étainet les plus fréquemment isolés chez les chiens, alors qu'il s'agissait de M. canis (56/61) chez les chats. Les mâles et les femelles, chiens ou chats, étaient également représentés. Il y avait une nette incidence des animaux de moins d'un an, tant chez les chiens que chez les chats. Les chiens croisés (19/70), les chats européens (39/61) et les chats Persans (15/61) étaient les plus souvent atteints. L'incidence de M. gypseumétait plus importante l'été et provoquait les plus souvent des lésions localisées les chiens. Les formes localisées étaient plus fréquentes chez les chiens et le plus souvent dues àM. canis dans les deux espèces, avec une atteinte préférentielle de la tête (23/75), des membres (10/75) et de la queue (7/75). Zausammenfassung— Aus siebzig von 1824 Proben von Hunden (3,8 Prozent) und 61 von 408 Proben von Katzen (14,9 Prozent) von einem Zeitraum über zehn Jahre wurden Dermatophyten angezüchtet. Microsporum canis war die am häufigsten isolierte Spezies (86/131). Microsporum gypseum (31/70) und M. canis (30/70) wurden am häufigsten bei Hunden isoliert, M. canis dagegen wurde am häufigsten bei Katzen isoliert (56/61). Männliche wie weibliche Hunde und Katzen waren gleichermaßen von Dermatomykosen betroffen. Sowohl bei Hunden also auch bei Katzen war die Inzidenz bei Tieren unter einem Jahr höher. Am häufigsten erkrankten Mischlingshunde (19/70), Kurzhaarhauskatzen (39/61) und Perserkatzen (15/61). Die Inzidenz der Infektion mit M. gypseum war im Sommer größer, bei Hunden verursachte es mehr lokalisierte Erkrankungen. Bei Hunden überhaupt waren lokalisierte Dermatomykosen häufiger anzutreffen. Lokalisierte Infektionen wurden bei alien Tieren am häufigsten durch M. canis verursacht, am meisten betroffen waren Kopf (23/75), Pfoten (10/75) und Schwanz (7/75). Resumen Se cultivaron dermatofitos de setenta de 1824 (3,8 por ciento) muestras caninas y 61 de 408 (14,9 cor ciento) muestras felinas, sometidas durante diez anos. Microsporum canis fue la mas común de las especies aisladas (86/131). Microsporum gypseum (31/70) y M. canis (30/70) se aislaron mas frecuentemente de perros, mientras que M. canis fue aislado con más frecuencia de gatos (56/61). Ambos, macho y hembra, perros y gatos fueron igualmente afectados por la dermatofítosis. Había una mayor incidencia en perros y gatos menores de un año de edad. Perros de cruce de razas (19/70), gatos domésticados de pelo corto (39/61) y gatos persas (15/61) fueron afectados con más frecuencia. M. gypseum tenía una mayor incidencia de infección en verano, y muy frecuentemente causaba enfermedades localizados en perros. En perros, fue más commún la dermatofitosis localizada. Infecciones localizadas eran más frecuentemente causadas por M. canis en todos los animates, con la cabeza (23/75), pies (10/75) y rabo (7/75) afectados con más frecuencia.  相似文献   

Clinical Use of Fatty Acid Supplements in Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Fatty acids in membrane phospholipids are metabolized by cellular enzymes into a variety of eicosanoids that function in the regulation of normal physiology and serve as mediators of inflammation. Fatty acid supplements can alter the types of eicosanoids produced. Many investigations using fatty acids in the treatment of nutritional deficiencies, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, cardiovascular, neoplastic, ocular and musculoskeletal diseases of dogs have been conducted over the past decade. Additional studies are needed to determine the optimal levels of linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and/or eicosapentaneoic acid in the diets of dogs for the maintenance of normal homeostasis and for the treatment of inflammatory, degenerative and neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

Ninety-three unhealthy dogs (including some with diabetes mellitus or insulinoma) of different ages, sex and breeds were divided into 10 groups according to their pathology. Serum fructosamine concentrations were determined using a commercial colorimetric nitroblue tetrazolium method. Diabetic dogs had the highest fructosamine concentrations (454.85±149.34 mol/L). Dogs with insulinoma had significantly lower fructosamine concentrations (202.80±31.22 mol/L), similar to those with leishmaniosis (202.83±99.83 mol/L). Fructosamine concentrations in non-healthy dogs, except those with diabetes mellitus, insulinoma or leishmaniosis, were within the reference limits previously reported.  相似文献   

Objective- To determine whether intertrochanteric osteotomy (ITO) can prevent the progression of degenerative joint disease (DJD) in dysplastic hip joints.
Study Design- The results of ITO were assessed retrospectively by using owner questionnaires, physical examination, and radiographic evaluation.
Animals- Eighteen client-owned dogs (29 coxofemoral joints were evaluated).
Methods- Lameness was scored according to a grading system. A scoring system was also developed to assess radiographically evident osteoarthritis on a ventrodorsal projection of the coxofemoral joints in extension.
Results- Twenty-nine ITO were performed in 18 dogs with varying degrees of hip dysplasia. The dogs were lame on 19 of 29 rear limbs on physical examination before surgery. In 22 of the 29 hip joints, palpation caused signs of pain. The median age at the first and second surgical procedure was 14.5 months and 18 months, respectively. Follow-up evaluation was performed on average at 9.77 (FU I), 22.52 (FU II), and 47.50 months (FU in) after surgery. Based on the owners' evaluation, there was a tendency toward improvement after surgery. The results of the physical examination at the preoperative examination and at the three follow-up examinations did not differ significantly. The follow-up radiographic scores showed significantly worse DJD than the preoperative scores.
Conclusions- ITO does not prevent progression of DJD in the dysplastic hip.
Clinical Relevance- Knowledge of the long-term effects of ITO is essential for surgeons trying to achieve improvement in dogs with hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

Prostatectomy in dogs with clinical prostatic disease has been associated with a high incidence of urinary incontinence. In this study, urodynamic alterations after prostatectomy in 10 dogs without clinical prostatic disease were evaluated. Measurements of residual urine volume, simultaneous urethral pressure profilometry and electromyography, and carbon dioxide cystometry were made before and 14 and 20 weeks after prostatectomy. Voiding was observed daily for 20 weeks after prostatectomy. All dogs remained continent for 20 weeks after prostatectomy, and only minor urodynamic abnormalities were noted. Castration had no effect on urodynamic changes associated with prostatectomy. Prostatectomy produced minimal functional changes in dogs without clinical prostatic disease.  相似文献   

寒冬季节,气温偏低,万物收藏,冬生阴冷,猪只抵抗力下降,集约化饲养条件下,呼吸道传染病成为重要疾病,PRDC(呼吸道综合症)是由多种病原、细菌、病毒混合感染和继发感染所致。加上环境因素、营养因素、应激反应等因素的共同作用,大大增加了本病的复杂性和诊病防控上的难度,务必正确诊断,综合治理,才能使猪少病少死乃至不病不死,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

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