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Most eucalypt plantations are managed in short rotations (6–8 years) and are established in regions with water and nutritional stresses of varying degrees. The mean annual increment in these regions ranges from 20 to 45 m3 ha?1 y?1 depending on the level of environmental stress. Improving natural resource use efficiency by breeding and matching genotypes to sites and using appropriate site management practices is a key challenge to sustain or increase productivity. Climate change is emerging as a driving force behind many of the current issues facing natural resources, and is likely to intensify the water constraint. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has predicted significant increases in surface air temperatures and decreases in rainfall (with more erratic rainfall patterns) over the tropics and subtropics, affecting drier regions in particular. To be truly sustainable, forest management practices must be environmentally friendly, prevent or reduce land degradation, improve biodiversity and increase resilience to climate variation and change. The main efforts should address the problems of water scarcity, low soil fertility and reduced biodiversity. Forest growers should take into account the inherent risks of different forest management systems on the regional water availability and consider reducing forest productivity in order to maintain both ecological and social equilibrium. The design and implementation of management techniques should be adapted to the specific production and protection objectives, which depend on the regional and local edaphoclimatic circumstances, water resources management, protection against soil erosion, diseases, pests, bushfires, strong winds and alien species. This paper addresses the basic requirements for integrating genetic and silvicultural strategies to minimise the water constraints in eucalypt plantations and surrounding water and native vegetation resources. We show several examples of effective forest management actions on the scale of forest stand and watershed in use in Brazil.  相似文献   

桉树人工林在全世界的发展迅速,没有比在中国南部地区更需要一种新的木材和木纤维产品的需求。在桉树迅猛的扩张过程中,人工林可持续的生产力和合理的生态系统管理将扮演至关重要的角色。以往非可持续的农业经营导致了东门林场的土地严重退化,东门项目期间,在这些立地上重新造林证明了土壤营养的缺乏严重影响了退化立地的潜在生产力。1988年在东门进行了一个巨桉(E.grandis)早期施肥试验林植株地上部分不同器官的生物量和养分库的研究,以便更好地了解一些经营管理措施的养分结论。另一方面,林木采伐过程中养分的丧失,枯枝落叶的收集和燃烧使得土壤表面裸露,并加剧了土壤侵蚀。目前,在东门第3代、第4代集约经营的人工林的高生产力证明是高标准的经营管理的结果,林地上枯枝落叶和采伐剩余物的保留,细致的整地,土壤侵蚀的控制以及科学的施肥是关键因素;另外加上改良的遗传材料增强了生产力和收益,也增强了东门桉树人工林土壤可持续经营。一个国际林业研究中心网络得以建立,为了调查研究在同一立地上是否有可能进行连续的种植速生丰产林而对立地土壤和水资源没有损害,研究提供了大量的热带人工林有关立地管理的信息。为了优化集约经营人工林的生产力、收益率及可持续性,在华南地区有必要继续进行土壤和养分研究。  相似文献   

In recent years, Eucalyptus globulus planted along field boundaries has come to dominate the central highland landscape of Ethiopia. Although evidence is scanty, there is a perception that this practice adversely affects crop productivity. An on-farm trial was conducted on Pellic Vertisol at Ginchi to determine the production potential of eucalypt boundaries and their effect on the productivity of adjacent crops of tef (Eragrostis tef) and wheat (Triticum sp.). The experiment comprised three stand ages, four field aspects and six distances from the tree-crop interface, using a split-split plot design with three replicates. Wood production rates ranged between 168 kg ha−1 y−1 (four years old) and 2901 kg ha−1 y−1 (twelve years). Thus eucalypt boundaries planted on a hectare of land would satisfy 50 to 75% of the annual biomass energy requirement of a rural household of five persons. Significant depression of tef and wheat yields occurred over the first 12m from the tree line: the reduction was 20 to 73% for tef and 20 to 51% for wheat, equivalent to yield losses of 4.4 to 26% and 4.5 to 10% per hectare respectively. Nevertheless, in financial terms, the tree component adequately compensated for crop yield reduction and even generated additional income. Therefore, eucalypt boundaries have great potential to satisfy the rising demand for wood, without requiring a major change in land use on the highland Vertisols. The greater availability of wood will reduce the demand for dung and crop residues for fuel, and thus may contribute to improved soil management on croplands while relieving the increasing pressure on indigenous forest and woodlands.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):193-206
Atmospheric deposition was assessed at two sites over a four-year period in post-canopy-closure (mature) Eucalyptus stands in the northern Dukuduku and southern KwaMbonambi commercial plantation forestry areas of Zululand, South Africa. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude and relevance of nutrient addition with rainfall, throughfall and stemflow to commercial forestry in this region. Canopy cation exchange was used with rainfall and canopy drainage to derive wet, dry and total atmospheric deposition. Nutrient concentrations measured in the rainfall, throughfall and stemflow varied widely throughout the study period, and between sources and sites. Rainfall was slightly acidic at both sides, but became less acidic upon passing through the tree canopies. Canopy exchange and collection of dry deposition resulted in increased cation concentrations under the tree canopy, while the canopy generally absorbed nitrogen (N), from the rainfall, reducing the below canopy concentrations. Atmospheric deposition was shown to be responsible for large quantities of nutrients added to the eucalypt stands at each site. Annualised deposition averaged across all years at each site amounted to N, calcium, magnesium, and potassium (K) fluxes of 11.0, 6.0, 2.7 and 10.2 kg ha?1 y?1 at Dukuduku and 10, 10.6, 7.5 and 18.8 kg ha?1 y?1 at KwaMbonambi, respectively. Organic N fluxes contributed a further 8.1 kg ha?1 y?1 at Dukuduku and 7.1 kg ha?1 y?1 at KwaMbonambi to the total N deposition. Although K deposition values were high, additions of all other nutrients, although also high, were within the ranges reported in local and international research. Over the course of a full rotation, the atmospheric deposition levels recorded at these sites may have potential to supply a large proportion of the nutrients that are lost during stem-wood harvesting. This study adds value to understanding of nutritional sustainability of fast-growing plantation forests, demonstrating the importance of atmospheric deposition as a nutrient addition source to plantation-grown eucalypts along the Zululand coastal plain.  相似文献   


Coppicing is a widely adopted management system for forest plantations; however, little information is available pertaining to responses to fertilizer application. Our objective was therefore to assess the effect of individual and conjunct omissions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, and Cu on the growth of a highly productive Eucalyptus urophylla?×?E. grandis hybrid clone, managed for coppicing at the second rotation, in two soils of contrasting fertility in southeastern Brazil. Two commercial sites of approximately 7 years of age, one in an Arenosol and the other in a Ferralsol, were harvested and the experiments installed. At the Arenosol site, the yield from the fertilizer treatment in the coppice system (R2) was the same as determined for the first rotation (high forest; R1), at approximately 40 m3 ha?1 year?1 at 6 years old. In contrast, the yield from the fertilizer treatment in R2 at the Ferralsol site was 11% lower compared with R1. Despite some alterations in leaf nutrient concentrations, other than for K at the Arenosol site (where the K omission treatment reduced wood volume at 6 years by 21%), no yield reduction was found for any no-fertilizer treatments. Due to the widely distributed root system already established in coppiced plantations, ensuring a large volume of soil exploration, coppiced eucalypts only responded to K application. This is due to low soil K availability and the high K demand in eucalypt plantations.


关于我国人工林长期生产力的保持   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了保持我国人工林的长期生产力和提高森林质量,达到可持续经营的目的。作者在以往研究工作的基础上,广泛收集了国内外有关成果与资料,概括论述了我国人工林森林生产力的现状、不能保持生产力的原因与机理以及长期保持人工林生产力的技术对策。按第八次清查的全国森林资源数据,每公顷蓄积量为89.79 m^3,其中天然林为104.6 m^3,人工林为52.76 m^3,人工林森林生产力明显低于天然林;我国优势树种人工林每公顷蓄积量也不高,如杉木为69.8 m^3,马尾松为56.2 m^3,落叶松为58.6 m^3,这些数据比日本2002年3月公布的人工林相似树种的数据低很多,如日本针叶树蓄积量为227.97 m^3·hm-2,柳杉为295.83 m^3·hm-2,落叶松为189.88 m^3·hm-2。关于年生长量,按全国第七次资源清查的中龄林与近熟林的数据做统计:杉木人工林5.2~4.2 m^3·hm-2,马尾松为3.2~1.8 m^3·hm-2,柏木为3.4~3.2 m^3·hm-2;但按作者掌握的我国重点或示范性、试验性小面积人工林生长量看,却很高,按我国编制的速生丰产林标准的生长量数据看比较高。我国大面积人工林生产力不高,短周期经营的杨树、桉树人工林也不高,主要原因是:(1)纯林化与针叶化严重。按第八次全国森林资源统计,纯林占人工林的85%,而且针叶化明显,人工乔木林10个优势树种中针叶林比例高达56.9%。人工纯林结构简单,生物多样性低,生物学上缺乏稳定性。人工纯林特别是针叶纯林,抗性低,抗自然灾害和大气污染能力均差,人工纯林维护地力的能力也弱。(2)集约育林的技术措施:立地控制技术未得到推广,适地适树适品种原则在育林中未能认真贯彻;密度、植被、地力控制技术也执行不力,大面积上的人工林仍属于粗放经营;连作引起林地土壤理、化、生物特性恶化,土壤质量衰退,导致林木生长不良,林分生产力逐代下降;造林作业造成水土流失,如杉木造林,传统的育林技术未得到明显改进,福建尤溪炼山后进行的3年观测结果表明,炼山和水土流失损失的有机质高达989.35 kg·hm-2,养分586.26 kg·hm-2。桉树在砖红壤进行的机耕整地,水土流失也很严重,不合理的造林作业,最终导致土壤质量与森林生产力下降。短周期培育人工林带来了2个重要问题,一是对林地肥力要求高,二是如何利用无性系才能保持长期生产力。短周期经营采用的无性系,生长速度快,生长量大,轮伐期短,养分需求量大,如刚果12号W5无性系,通常利用地上部分,以5~7 a的轮伐期计,消耗的养分达571.75 kg·hm-2,我国培养短周期人工林的土壤质量本底原本普遍不高,如果采取连作,土壤有机质养分会明显下降,土壤质量衰退,并对其功能产生危害。我国杨树、桉树等人工林要达到短周期持续经营,还需要实行多无性系造林。我国人工林长期生产力保持的技术对策,应采取先进的集约育林措施,包括遗传控制、立地控制、密度控制、植被控制与地力控制。  相似文献   

Cocoa cultivation is generally considered to foster deforestation. Contrary to this view, in the forest–savannah interface area in Cameroon, farmers have planted cocoa agroforestry systems on Imperata cylindrica grasslands, a soil-climate zone generally considered unsuitable for cocoa cultivation. We undertook a survey to understand the agricultural and ecological bases of this innovation. Age, cropping history and marketable cocoa yield were assessed in a sample of 157 cocoa plantations established on grasslands and 182 cocoa plantations established in gallery forests. In a sub-sample of 47 grassland cocoa plantations, we inventoried tree species associated with cocoa trees and measured soil organic matter levels. Marketable cocoa yields were similar for the two types of cocoa plantations, regardless of their age: 321?kg?ha?1 in cocoa plantations on grasslands and 354?kg?ha?1 in cocoa plantations in gallery forests. Two strategies were used by farmers to eliminate I. cylindrica prior to the establishment of cocoa plantations, i.e., cropping oil palms in dense stands and planting annual crops. Farmers then planted cocoa trees and fruit tree species, while preserving specific forest trees. The fruit tree and forest tree densities respectively averaged 223 and 68 trees?ha?1 in plantations under 10?years old, and 44 and 27 trees?ha?1 in plantations over 40?years old, whereas the cocoa tree density remained stable at 1,315 trees?ha?1. The Shannon–Weaver index increased from 1.97 to 2.26 over the same period although the difference was not statistically significant. The soil organic matter level was 3.13?% in old cocoa plantations, as compared to 1.7?% in grasslands. In conclusion, our results show that the occupation of grasslands by cocoa agroforestry systems is both an important example of ecological intensification and a significant farmer innovation in the history of cocoa growing.  相似文献   


Eucalypt plantations in India are an important source of fiber for paper making and fuel for local villagers. Large areas of land have supported eucalypt plantations for several rotations, and productivity has generally been declining through successive rotations. In 1997, we initiated a project to examine site management options as a way to improve the productivity of these sites. We established a large experimental infrastructure at each of four sites in Kerala, consisting of up to five separate fully randomized block experiments at each site, examining interrotation management options (organic matter manipulation, N and P fertilizer input, legume cover cropping, weed control). Two of the sites were typical lowland plantations with Eucalytus tereticornis, and the other two sites were typical upland plantations with Eucalytus grandis. Following treatments, we monitored plantation productivity and impacts on soil and nutrient cycling for one full rotation (6.5 years). We found it is possible to increase the volume growth of E. grandis by up to 48%, and E. tereticornis by up to 268% through a combination of optimum site practices (mostly weed control and nutrient addition), but productivity responses are dependent on site-specific factors. Key outcomes of this research are presented, with special reference to application in the broader context of tropical eucalypt plantations.  相似文献   

The removal or maintenance of harvest residues in eucalypt plantations may influence site quality and productivity. Removal of slash from the site may facilitate further management operations and provide a valuable energy resource, but effects on site productivity and sustainability for a rotation time span were not yet assessed under Mediterranean conditions. Therefore, a study was carried out to assess the effects of slash (harvest residues plus forest floor litter) management and soil preparation options on stand productivity and understory vegetation dynamics, hypothesizing that those options influence tree growth, forest floor dynamics and understory biomass and diversity. An experiment was installed in West Central Portugal, consisting on: removal of slash without soil preparation (R); broadcast of harvest residues on the soil surface without soil disturbance (S); as in S, but concentrating the woody debris between tree rows (W); incorporation of slash into the soil by harrowing (I); removal of slash followed by harrowing (RH); and as in I followed by ripping (IS). The experiment was monitored for a rotation time span (140 months). Maintenance of slash followed by deep soil disturbance led to the highest wood production, but differences between treatments were not significant (p > 0.05). Forest floor load and understory biomass were also similar between treatments. Ground vegetation played an important role on nutrient cycling in early rotation stages, such effect being irrespective on slash management options. Incorporation of slash into the soil followed by ripping is probably the best option to match production and environmental sustainability of eucalypt plantations in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

In the humid and temperate areas of southern Europe, forest plantations are dominated by fast-growing species (Eucalyptus globulus, Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaster), which are grown on acidic soils with low reserves of available nutrients. In this study the amounts of nutrients exported from the plantations under different regimes and intensities of harvesting were evaluated and, on the basis of the results obtained, silvicultural management methods aimed at improving the nutritional status of the plantations were proposed. We found high ratios between nutrients exported by harvesting and those available in soil stores, indicating limitation for P, Ca and Mg over the long term, which is consistent with frequently found deficiencies of these nutrients. Current harvesting practices (removal of stem wood and bark) result in high rates of export of P, K, Ca and Mg, especially in eucalypt plantations, because of the high productivity and low nutrient efficiency of this species. Comparison of the amounts of nutrients exported by harvesting, with natural inputs (rainfall and weathering) and outputs (stream water), suggests that intensive exploitation of these plantations may result in negative budgets, especially if whole tree harvesting is carried out. The application of fertilizers containing P, Ca and Mg should be encouraged in all cases to favour the return of nutrients, especially where logging residues are extracted. The cost of harvesting in terms of nutrients can also be reduced by careful selection of the tree species planted and of the tree fractions harvested and by reducing the intensity of harvesting.  相似文献   

The growth, technical quality and nutritional status of pure and mixed silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) plantations were studied 21 and 22 years after planting on afforested organic soil arable land and on upland forest soil. In mixtures, 50% of both birch species was planted. Silver birch trees grew better, but had higher mortality than downy birch trees on both sites. Mortality of both species was highest, and the difference in their growth smallest, on organic soil. In pure stands on organic soil, downy birch dominant height, diameter and mean volume were 96%, 92% and 82% of those of silver birch and on mineral soil 87%, 84% and 60%, correspondingly. On mineral soil, silver birch had a higher mean annual increment (MAI) (5.8 m3 ha?1a?1) than downy birch (3.9 m3 ha?1a?1), but on organic soil the MAI of both species was similar (3.3–3.4 m3 ha?1 a?1). Planting birches in mixture did not affect the growth of the trees on organic soil. On mineral soil, the mean diameter and mean volume of silver birch trees were higher in mixed than in pure plantations. The technical stem quality of both tree species was low. On mineral soils, pure silver birch is more productive than mixture, but on peat soil the higher growth of silver birch could contribute to increased productivity and downy birch would ensure sufficient survival for future timber production.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):201-212
Forest plantation growers in Vietnam commonly burn residues after harvesting and often apply suboptimal amounts of nutrients during plantation establishment. We examined whether the retention of forest residue, and application of phosphorus fertiliser at higher rates, can increase rates of growth. A factorial combination of residue management (burning vs retention) and phosphorus fertiliser application at planting (15 vs 100 kg ha?1) treatments were applied at a steeply sloping site in northern Vietnam. Two adjacent experiments were established, one with Acacia mangium and the other with a Eucalyptus hybrid (Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus pellita). Standing volume and leaf area index in A. mangium were greater following burning; this was mostly attributable to the significantly higher survival rate of seedlings. Burning of residues was associated with increases in the number of large branches per tree, and a higher crown damage index (CDI). In the Eucalyptus hybrid, diameter and height responses to the higher rate of fertiliser were observed at age 6 and 12 months, but not beyond. High phosphorus application also led to higher CDI. Standard fertiliser treatment, applied in amounts equivalent to 17, 15 and 8 kg ha?1 of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively, was adequate to meet the early growth requirement of eucalypt and acacia plantations at this site. The relatively low amounts of harvest residue and high fertility levels at the site may have masked more significant responses of trees to the silvicultural treatments applied in this study. On steep slopes, especially if soil is poorly fertile, harvest residue retention with adequate weed and termite control may be preferential to burning as it is closely correlated with reducing factors that negatively impact productivity, i.e. water run-off and soil erosion.  相似文献   

Tropical plantation forests are meeting an increasing proportion of global wood demand and comprehensive studies assessing the impact of silvicultural practices on tree and soil functioning are required to achieve sustainable yields. The objectives of our study were: (1) to quantify the effects of contrasting organic residue (OR) retention methods on tree growth and soil nutrient pools over a full Eucalyptus rotation and (2) to assess the potential of soil analyses to predict yields of fast-growing plantations established on tropical sandy soils. An experiment was set up in the Congo at the harvesting of the first rotation after afforestation of a native herbaceous savanna. Six treatments were set up in 0.26 ha plots and replicated in 4 blocks, with OR mass at planting ranging from 0 to 46.5 Mg ha−1. Tree growth over the whole rotation was highly dependent on OR management at planting. Over-bark trunk volume 7 years after planting ranged from 96 m3 ha−1 in the treatment with forest floor and harvest residue removal at planting to 164 m3 ha−1 in the treatment with the largest amount of OR. A comparison of nutrient stocks within the ecosystem at planting and at the end of the rotation suggested that nutrient contents in OR were largely involved in the different response observed between treatments. OR management treatments did not significantly modify most of the nutrient concentrations in the upper layers of the mineral soil. Conventional soil analyses performed before planting and at ages 1 and 3 years were unable to detect differences between treatments despite large differences in tree growth. In contrast, linear regressions between stand aboveground biomass at harvesting and OR mass at planting (independent variable) showed that OR mass was an excellent predictor of stand yield (R2 = 0.99). A large share of soil fertility comes from organic material above the mineral soil in highly weathered sandy soils and OR mass at planting might be used in conjunction with soil analyses to assess the potential of these soils to support forest plantations.  相似文献   

Forest managers are increasingly required to enhance the productivity and profitability of plantation management while simultaneously reducing the negative ecological effects associated with forest operations. NuBalM (from Nutrient Balance Model) is presented here as a decision support tool that has the potential to assist forest managers in meeting these requirements in Pinus radiata D. Don (radiata pine) plantations. NuBalM incorporates nutrient dynamics and allocation into projections of growth, allowing management techniques to be optimised for productivity and nutrient pool retention over single or multiple rotations.NuBalM was developed using data from biomass, nutrient allocation and soil nutrient dynamics studies conducted in New Zealand radiata pine plantations. The capability of NuBalM to predict stem wood mass based on nitrogen supply and demand was tested against data from multiple trial sites established to examine the effects of variations in stocking, thinning and fertilization regimes. NuBalM satisfactorily predicted stem wood masses across a range of stand ages, with the exception of a trial examining ultra-high applications of nitrogen fertilizer. With the exclusion of the data from this trial, the predicted stem wood masses underestimated the observed figures by a mean value of 1.1 ± 1.0 t ha−1 (95% CI, n = 92).The utility of NuBalM as a tool to predict biomass allocation in radiata pine and nitrogen pools in the forest floor and soil was assessed using comprehensive biomass, nutritional and site data collected from two radiata pine trial sites subjected to differences in organic matter removal at site establishment. NuBalM performed acceptably, generating accurate estimates of stem mass (mean overestimate of 5.5 ± 7.4 t ha−1, 95% CI, n = 6) and total above ground biomass (mean overestimate of 3.1 ± 9.6 t ha−1, 95% CI, n = 6). The effects of organic matter removal and fertilization on total nitrogen pools were also predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy (mean overestimate of 52 ± 53 kg N ha−1, 95% CI, n = 9).From these results we conclude that NuBalM can be utilised to provide projections of productivity and nitrogen pools in radiata pine plantations, and enables the effects of various management practices to be predicted with a reasonable degree of confidence.  相似文献   

Afforestation and ecological restoration have often been carried out with fast-growing exotic tree species because of their high apparent growth and yield. Moreover, fast-growing forest plantations have become an important component of mitigation measures to offset greenhouse gas emissions. However, information on the long-term performance of exotic and fast-growing species is often lacking especially with respect to their vulnerability to disturbance compared to native species. We compared carbon (C) storage and C accumulation rates in vegetation (above- and belowground) and soil in 21-year-old exotic slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) and native Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) plantations, as well as their responses to a severe ice storm in 2008. Our results showed that mean C storage was 116.77 ± 7.49 t C ha?1 in slash pine plantation and 117.89 ± 8.27 t C ha?1 in Masson pine plantation. The aboveground C increased at a rate of 2.18 t C ha?1 year?1 in Masson pine and 2.23 t C ha?1 year?1 in slash pine plantation, and there was no significant difference in C storage accumulation between the two plantation types. However, we observed significant differences in ice storm damage with nearly 7.5 % of aboveground biomass loss in slash pine plantation compared with only 0.3 % loss in Masson pine plantation. Our findings indicated that the native pine species was more resistant to ice storm because of their adaptive biological traits (tree shape, crown structure, and leaf surface area). Overall, the native pine species might be a safer choice for both afforestation and ecological restoration in our study region.  相似文献   

The present study was an effort to understand the amount of litter fall and its subsequent decomposition and quantify the release of available nutrients and soil physicochemical characteristics in plantations of four forest tree species(Lagerstroemia parviflora, Tectona grandis, Shorea robusta and Michelia champaca) in the Chilapatta Reserve Forest of the Cooch Behar Wildlife Division in the Terai zone of West Bengal, India. The most litter(5.61 Mg ha~(-1))was produced by T. grandis plantation and the least(4.72 Mg ha~(-1)) by L. parviflora. The material turnover rate to the soil through decomposition from total litter was fastest during the first quarter of the year and subsequently decreased during the next two quarters. The material turnover rate was only 1 year, which indicates that more than90% of the total litter produced decomposed within a year.The available primary nutrient content in litter varied across the four plantations over the year. The plantations generally did not significantly influence the soil physical characteristics but did significantly influence the availability of primary nutrients and organic carbon at two depths(1–15 and16–30 cm) over the year. The availability of soil primary nutrients in the four plantations also increased gradually from the first quarter of the year to the third quarter and then decreased during the last quarter to the same level as in the first quarter of the year at both depths. The availability for soil organic carbon in the plantations followed a similar trend. The amount of litter produced and the material turnover in the soil in the different plantations differed, influencing the nutrient availability and organic carbon at the plantations. The amount of soil organic carbon was highest for T. grandis(2.52 Mg ha~(-1)) and lowest for L. parviflora(2.12 Mg ha~(-1)). Litter is the source of soil organic matter,and more the litter that is produced by the plantations, the higher will be the content and amount of soil organic carbon in the plantation.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):311-318
Average wood density of 38-year-old Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze, a Brazilian native forest species, was found to increase with faster growth and lower stocking, while decreasing from pith to bark. A complete randomised block design was planted with five blocks. Ten trees were harvested in each of three spacing treatments. We hypothesised that the stand stemwood production would not significantly differ depending on tree spacing. However, tree growth would be higher in the wider spacing and wood density would be higher in the narrower spacing. The diameter growth of trees was higher at 3 m × 2.5 m than at 3 m × 2 m and 3 m × 1.5 m. Nevertheless, this higher individual tree growth at 3 m × 2.5 m did not compensate for the greater tree stock density at 3 m × 1.5 m with stand stemwood production at 38 years of 530 m3 ha?1 and 649 m3 ha?1, respectively. These results suggest that C. legalis, which can produce up to 17 m3 ha?1 y?1 of medium-to high-density timber – about 800 kg m?3 – is a promising native species for forest plantations in Brazil.  相似文献   

The impacts of wood harvest, biomass removal and inter-rotation site management practices on productivity of Acacia mangium in South Sumatra were studied over 12 years across successive rotations. The productivity measured as MAI increased from 29.4 m3 ha?1 year?1 in the first to 48.0 m3 ha?1 year?1 in the second rotation. Whole tree harvesting (total stem, branches and leaves) caused a 21 % reduction in volume compared to harvesting merchantable wood alone in the next rotation. The rates of nutrients accumulation in trees were highest during the first year of growth, and declined from age 2 years. Significant amounts of nutrients were recycled through litter fall from 1 year after planting. Results highlight the importance of management which promotes nutrient supply on stand growth. Removal of slash and litter lowered soil pH, by about 0.1 unit. A small reduction was also found in soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the top soil during the first 3–4 years but values returned to pre-harvest levels by the end of the rotation. Extractable soil phosphorus and exchangeable cations decreased by the end of second rotation but these measures underestimate the nutrient pools available for A. mangium. These findings along with results from other studies have helped to implement operations which promote conservation of site resources for sustainable production in the region.  相似文献   

The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6–7 years from highly weathered soils. A better understanding of the dynamics of tree requirements is required to match fertilization regimes to the availability of each nutrient in the soil. The nutrition of Eucalyptus plantations has been intensively investigated and many studies have focused on specific fluxes in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. However, studies dealing with complete cycles are scarce for the Tropics. The objective of this paper was to compare these cycles for Eucalyptus plantations in Congo and Brazil, with contrasting climates, soil properties, and management practices.The main features were similar in the two situations. Most nutrient fluxes were driven by crown establishment the two first years after planting and total biomass production thereafter. These forests were characterized by huge nutrient requirements: 155, 10, 52, 55 and 23 kg ha?1 of N, P, K, Ca and Mg the first year after planting at the Brazilian study site, respectively. High growth rates the first months after planting were essential to take advantage of the large amounts of nutrients released into the soil solutions by organic matter mineralization after harvesting. This study highlighted the predominant role of biological and biochemical cycles over the geochemical cycle of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations and indicated the prime importance of carefully managing organic matter in these soils. Limited nutrient losses through deep drainage after clear-cutting in the sandy soils of the two study sites showed the remarkable efficiency of Eucalyptus trees in keeping limited nutrient pools within the ecosystem, even after major disturbances. Nutrient input–output budgets suggested that Eucalyptus plantations take advantage of soil fertility inherited from previous land uses and that long-term sustainability will require an increase in the inputs of certain nutrients.  相似文献   

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