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3种异速生长方程对生物量建模的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用5个树种的1 055株样木的生物量实测数据,对3种常用的异速生长方程的建模效果进行比较分析。结果表明,二元生物量模型M=aDbHc的拟合效果通常要好于一元生物量模型M=aDb;基于组合变量的常用二元模型M=a(D2H)b并不适合于各类生物量的估计,仅对树干生物量和干材生物量的估计是有效的,对其它生物量的估计其效果还不如一元模型;建立树冠、树枝和树叶生物量模型时,采用组合变量D3/H可能是合适的。  相似文献   

Forest biomass estimation at large scale has become an important topic in the background of facing global climate change, and it is fundamental to develop individual tree biomass equations suitable for large-scale estimation. Based on the measured data of biomass components and stem volume from 100 sample trees of two larch species (Larix gmelinii and L. principis-rupprechtii) in northeastern and northern China, an integrated equation system including individual tree biomass equations, stem volume equation and height–diameter regression model were constructed using the dummy variable model and error-in-variable simultaneous equations. In the system, all the parameters of equations were estimated simultaneously, so that the aboveground biomass equation was compatible to stem volume equation and biomass conversion factor (BCF) function; the belowground biomass equation was compatible to root-to-shoot ratio (RSR) function; and stem wood, stem bark, branch and foliage biomass equations were additive to aboveground biomass equation. In addition, the system also ensured the compatibility between one- and two-variable models. The results showed that: (1) whether aboveground biomass equations or belowground biomass equations and stem volume equations, the estimates for larch in northeastern China were greater than those in northern China; (2) BCF of a larch tree decreased with the growing diameter while RSR increased with the growing diameter; (3) the proportion of stem wood biomass to aboveground biomass increased with the growing diameter while those of stem bark, branch, and foliage biomass decreased.  相似文献   

Allometric equations are required for a rapid estimation of commercial timber volume and forest biomass stocks. In order to preserve the forest ecosystem, this study applied a non-destructive sampling approach to measure biophysical properties of living trees. From these measurements, volume and biomass models were developed for 11 dominant tree species in a semi-deciduous natural forest and for Acacia auriculiformis in a plantation located in southern Benin. The observations were combined to develop also generic models applicable to non-dominant tree species. Wood samples of the tree species were collected with an increment borer and analysed in the laboratory to determine species-specific wood densities. The sample size was composed of 243 trees in natural forest and 21 trees in plantation. The measurements were conducted in 30 plots of 50 m × 50 m. The graphical assessment of correlation between model outputs (biomass and volume) and variables (diameter and height) and the statistical analysis confirmed that the logarithmic model with two variables had the best predictions. The assessment also confirmed that the model using diameter only as a variable had good predictions when observations on height were unavailable. The comparative analysis of model predictions showed that the generic model in this study over-estimated biomass by up to 74.80% for certain species and under-estimated biomass by 21.18% for other species. The study shows that there are no statistically significant differences between the wood densities in this research and that published in previous studies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Msekera Regional Agricultural Research Station in eastern Zambia to (1) describe canopy branching properties of Acacia angustissima, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena collinsii in short rotation forests, (2) test the existence of self similarity from repeated iteration of a structural unit in tree canopies, (3) examined intra-specific relationships between functional branching characteristics, and (4) determine whether allometric equations for relating aboveground tree biomass to fractal properties could accurately predict aboveground biomass. Measurements of basal diameter (D10) at 10cm aboveground and total height (H), and aboveground biomass of 27 trees were taken, but only nine trees representative of variability of the stand and the three species were processed for functional branching analyses (FBA) of the shoot systems. For each species, fractal properties of three trees, including fractal dimension (Dfract), bifurcation ratios (p) and proportionality ratios (q) of branching points were assessed. The slope of the linear regression of p on proximal diameter was not significantly different (P < 0.01) from zero and hence the assumption that p is independent of scale, a pre-requisite for use of fractal branching rules to describe a fractal tree canopy, was fulfilled at branching orders with link diameters >1.5 cm. The proportionality ration q for branching patterns of all tree species was constant at all scales. The proportion of q values >0.9 (fq) was 0.8 for all species. Mean fractal dimension (Dfract) values (1.5?1.7) for all species showed that branching patterns had an increasing magnitude of intricacy. Since Dfract values were ≥1.5, branching patterns within species were self similar. Basal diameter (D10), proximal diameter and Dfract described most of variations in aboveground biomass, suggesting that allometric equations for relating aboveground tree biomass to fractal properties could accurately predict aboveground biomass. Thus, assessed Acacia, Gliricidia and Leucaena trees were fractals and their branching properties could be used to describe variability in size and aboveground biomass.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported different estimates for forest biomass carbon (C) stocks in China. The discrepancy among these estimates may be largely attributed to the methods used. In this study, we used three methods [mean biomass density method (MBM), mean ratio method (MRM), and continuous biomass expansion factor (BEF) method (abbreviated as CBM)] applied to forest inventory data to estimate China's forest biomass C stocks and their changes from 1984 to 2003. The three methods generated various estimates of the biomass C stocks: the lowest (4.0–5.9 Pg C) from CBM and the highest (5.7–7.7 Pg C) from MBM, with an intermediate estimate (4.2–6.2 Pg C) from MRM. Forest age class is a major factor responsible for these method-induced differences. MBM overestimates biomass for young-aged forests, but underestimates biomass for old-aged forests; while the reverse is true for MRM. Further, the three methods resulted in different estimates of biomass C stocks for different forest types. For temperate/subtropical mixed forests, MBM generated a 92% higher estimate than CBM and MRM generated a 14% lower than CBM. The degree of the overestimates is closely related with the proportion of young-aged forest within total area of each forest type.  相似文献   

Above-ground biomass production in seedling and semi-mature individual plants of Sesbania sesban varieties were compared to non-destructive measurements of stem allometrics. The results indicate that measurements of stem characteristics (diameter and total height) are suitable for estimating biomass of S. sesban varieties and therefore useful in the selection of particular varieties for inclusion in short-rotation agroforestry systems in arid- and semi-arid regions. Less labour-intensive methods for accurately assessing the productivity of agroforestry species, such as the use of allometric regressions, could significantly increase the number of individual plants that could be screened in any particular trial. A multiple polynomial regression accurately estimated above-ground biomass in all plants ranging in age from six weeks to eighteen months (r 2=0.99;p<0.001).  相似文献   

Regressive models of the aboveground biomass for three conifers in subtropical China—slash pine (Pinus elliottii), Masson pine (P. massoniana) and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)—were established. Regression analysis of leaf biomass and total biomass of each branch against branch diameter (d), branch length (L), d 3 and d 2 L was conducted with functions of linear, power and exponent. A power law equation with a single parameter (d) was proved to be better than the rest for Masson pine and Chinese fir, and a linear equation with parameter (d 3) is better for slash pine. The canopy biomass was derived by adopting the regression equations to all branches of each individual tree. These kinds of equations were also used to fit the relationship between total tree biomass, branch biomass, foliage biomass and tree diameter at breast height (D), tree height (H), D 3 and D 2 H, respectively. D 2 H was found to be the best parameter for estimating total biomass. However, for foliage biomass and branch biomass, both parameters and equation forms showed some differences among species. Correlations were highly significant (P<0.001) for foliage biomass, branch biomass and total biomass, among which the equation of the total biomass was the highest. With these equations, the aboveground biomass of Masson pine forest, slash pine forest and Chinese fir forest were estimated, in addition to the allocation of aboveground biomass. The above-ground biomass of Masson pine forest, slash pine forest and Chinese fir forest was 83.6, 72.1 and 59 t/hm2 respectively, and the stem biomass was more than the foliage biomass and the branch biomass. The underground biomass of these three forests which estimated with others’ research were 10.44, 9.42 and 11.48 t/hm2, and the amount of carbon-fixed were 47.94, 45.14 and 37.52 t/hm2, respectively. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006, 17(8): 1382–1388 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   


The gorilla and elephant populations of Kahuzi-Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have recently suffered from intensive commercial and subsistence poaching. In just four years, the highland sector of the park lost more than 95% of its elephant population and about 50% of its gorilla population. This tragedy was precipitated by the recent political and economic crises in the region. Many factors contributed to increased hunting of wildlife for food known as “bushmeat.” Among the principal factors were starvation and economic desperation in local communities, the spread of small arms, and the collapse of park protection during the civil wars. The incentive to hunt gorillas in the park may have developed gradually with the collapse of the Mobutu regime, the influx of refugees, and the two subsequent civil wars. Local re sentments felt toward the park and its authorities may have contributed to the willingness of local people to engage in illegal exploitation of wildlife resources. By promoting ecotourism and improving the infrastructure of the park and surrounding villages, the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and the German Technical Agency for Cooperation (GTZ) have made great efforts to improve local conditions. Local people, including park guards and guides, established a non-governmental organization that played an important role in the spread of conservation knowledge and the reduction of conflict among local people. Since the park began employing former poachers in 1999 and resumed conservation ac tivities, gorilla poaching has decreased significantly. The broader civil conflict continues and sporadic poaching is still common. This paper con siders and recommends optimal and urgent conservation measures to im prove the protection of the park and its gorillas.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):305-315
Land-use intensification and declines in vegetative cover are considered pervasive threats to forests and biodiversity globally. The small extent and high biodiversity of indigenous forests in South Africa make them particularly important. Yet, relatively little is known about their rates of use and change. From analysis of past aerial photos we quantified rates of forest cover change in the Matiwane forests of the Wild Coast, South Africa, between 1942 and 2007, as well as quantified above and belowground (to 0.5?m depth) carbon stocks based on a composite allometric equation derived for the area. Rates of forest conversion were spatially variable, with some areas showing no change and others more noticeable changes. Overall, the net reduction was 5.2% (0.08% p.a.) over the 65-year period. However, the rate of reduction has accelerated with time. Some of the reduction was balanced by natural reforestation into formerly cleared areas, but basal area, biomass and carbon stocks are still low in the reforested areas. The total carbon stock was highest in intact forests (311.7 ± 23.7 Mg C ha?1), followed by degraded forests (73.5 ± 12.3 Mg C ha?1) and least in regrowth forests (51.2 ± 6.2 Mg C ha?1). The greatest contribution to total carbon stocks was soil carbon, contributing 54% in intact forests, and 78% and 68% in degraded and regrowth forests, respectively. The Matiwane forests store 4.78 Tg C, with 4.7 Tg C in intact forests, 0.06 Tg C in degraded forests and 0.02 Tg C in regrowth forests. The decrease in carbon stocks within the forests as a result of the conversion of the forest area to agricultural fields was 0.19 Tg C and approximately 0.0003 Tg C was released through harvesting of firewood and building timber.  相似文献   

This study aims to establish allometric models and estimate aboveground biomass (AGB) of mangroves Rhizophoraceae in the Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Allometric models of the AGB of mangroves Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, and Ceriops tagal were established using independent variables consisting stem diameter at 30 cm from the ground (D30), diameter at breast height (DBH), D302H and DBH2H. The AGB of mangroves was estimated by applying allometric model and tree census. The results showed that the best fitting allometric models of AGB for R. apiculata is based on variable DBH, while DBH2H is the best variable for R. mucronata trees. Conversely, the D30 is the best variable for estimating AGB of C. tagal trees. Thus, there is some variation of independent variables on allometric models for the estimation of AGB for Rhizophoraceae mangroves. The AGB (ton ha?1) of R. apiculata, R. mucronata, and C. tagal was estimated respective 651.60, 232.11 and 154.56 in the protected area, and respective 137.59, 189.35 and 39.06 ton ha?1 in the unprotected area. Higher AGB of mangroves growing in the protected area indicated the suitable condition and undisturbed by human activities. The conservation of mangroves is necessary for the sustainability of mangroves and coastal ecosystems in the Coral Triangle ecoregion.  相似文献   

African mahoganies of the genus Entandrophragma are among the most valuable and important timber species harvested in Central Africa, representing more than 70% of total export volume from many areas. In spite of the importance of these species, relatively little is known about their regeneration ecology and little effort has gone into understanding the reasons for the consistently reported regeneration failures after logging. I assessed seed survival to germination (Entandrophragma angolense) and seedling survivorship (E. cylindricum) in three different forest types – monodominant Gilbertiodendron, mixed species, and fallow forest – under three different treatments – control, small mesh chicken wire, and large mesh chicken wire – to evaluate the relative importance of different causes of mortality. All seeds were eaten in controls and in both exclosure treatments within Gilbertiodendron forest in a matter of days. Seed survivorship to germination within exclosures in mixed species and fallow forest increased by approximately 10 and 25%, respectively, compared to Gilbertiodendron forest. Six-month seedling survivorship in controls was 37, 12, and 9% in Gilbertiodendron, mixed species and fallow forest, respectively. Seedling mortality was due to different causes in each forest type. In Gilbertiodendron forest controls, an equivalent percentage of seedlings died due to fungal and insect attack (27 and 28%, respectively), while in mixed species forest controls 28 and 55% of seedlings died of these causes, respectively. In fallow forest controls, 48% of seedlings died from predation and/or uprooting by small mammals, all in the first few weeks post-sowing; insect attack (26%) and drought (13%) were other important causes of seedling deaths. Protecting seedlings with exclosures had a dramatic effect on seedling survivorship within the fallow forest, increasing to over 50%.  相似文献   

The southeastern Tibetan Plateau has the highest timberlines in the world and climate change affects this area to a considerable extent.Quantification of vegetation biomass in the forests at the timberline is essential for understanding carbon balance,forest structure and functional changes in the forests at timberlines.We describe biomass and its constituent components of a smith fir timberline forest occurring at an elevation of 4320 m on the Sergyemla Mountain in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.The results show that,in the tree layer,the average diameter at breast height(DBH) was 35.6 cm,the density 251 trees per hectare with a total biomass of 309.9 t.ha-1.Of the total biomass,the trunks accounted for 70.49%,branches for 9.09%,leaves for 5.57% and roots for 14.85%.The total biomass in the shrub layer was 77.9 t.ha-1 of which the biomass of trunks,branches,leaves and roots accounted for 42.8,14.9,4.6 and 15.6 t.ha-1,respectively.The total biomass in the herb layer was 3.0 t.ha-1.The total vegetation biomass in the smith fir timberline forest was 390.9 t.ha-1,to which the tree layer contributed the most(79.3%),followed by shrubs(19.9%) and herbs(0.8%).We estimate that the smith fir forest stand at the timberline had a higher total biomass than other fir or spruce forest stands in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

在尼加拉瓜Chacocente野生动物保护区对极又平荚木,毛风铃木和Lonchocarpus minimiflorus(Donn.Sm.)树种的天然更新进行了调查,并分析了更新异质性与地形坡度和入射光的关系。从2001到2003连续3年记录了高度10m以下和直径10cm以下的苗木和幼树。结果表明,3个树种的天然更新的个体数量的密度明显不同,并随时间存在差异。与极叉平荚木相比,L.minimiflorus和毛风铃木天然更新密度较大,只有毛风铃木种群密度方面的净变化是正相关。在树冠部分曝光的条件下,在缓坡和陡坡上更新较好,形成了分布聚集分布,尤其是L.minimiflorus和毛风铃木。仅靠天然更新不足以维持这些树种理想的立木数量,应当采取直接的恢复措施以促进天然更新过程。参47表3图3。  相似文献   

A significant factor influencing the contribution of wood products to carbon (C) storage is the proportion of above-ground tree biomass (AGB) recovered in commercial logs at harvest. This study examined the proportion of AGB in logs and residues at the harvest of radiata pine, cypress pine, blackbutt, spotted gum and messmate. Messmate and spotted gum had the highest variation in stem diameter and height. The average AGB ranged from 2000 to 3000 kg for the hardwoods and 220–1000 kg for the softwoods. Blackbutt had the overall lowest proportion of AGB recovered in commercial logs (45.5%) and radiata pine the highest (65%). The proportion of AGB in the bark of the hardwoods was significantly lower than in the softwoods. The proportion of the AGB in forest residues following harvest ranged from 30 to 55% depending on the species.The proportion of AGB recovered in high quality commercial logs ranged from 15% for spotted gum to 63% for radiata pine. The differences were due to the natural characteristics of the selected species and variations in regional market availability. The highest retention rates of AGB in high quality hardwood commercial logs were obtained for trees with DBH between 500 and 600 mm (messmate and blackbutt) and greater than 600 mm for spotted gum.The mean moisture content of the wood of the different species ranged from 35 to 50%. Messmate and radiata pine logs had the highest moisture content (48 and 50%, respectively).The C concentration of blackbutt, radiata pine and cypress pine was slightly higher than 50%. The softwoods had significantly higher C concentration than the hardwoods. The C concentration between positions (cross-section, sapwood and heartwood) also varied for the different species.The highest proportion of the above-ground C was in the debarked log for all species with the exception of blackbutt.The cellulose concentration of the wood ranged from 56 to 64% for hardwoods and 40–52% for the two softwoods. The lignin concentration of the wood ranged from 16 to 19% for the hardwoods and 25–35% for the two softwoods. The hardwood species could not be distinguished from one another based on the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin concentration, but within the softwood species, cypress pine and radiata pine formed separate clusters.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between species richness and biomass in natural forest communities at two similar sites on Mt. Xiaolongshan, northwest China. At both sites, a wide range of tree layer biomass levels was available by local biomass estimation models. In order to identify underlying mechanism of the species richness-biomass relationship, we included different water resource levels and number of individuals in each plot in our analysis. We sampled 15 and 20 plots (20 m ×20 m), respectively, at both two sites. These plots were sampled equally on the sunny slope and the shady slope. Species richness, number of individuals of each species and diameter at breast height (DBH) as a substitute of biomass of tree layer were recorded in each sample. At one site, the relationship between species richness and biomass was significant on the sunny slope, and this relationship disappeared on the shady slope due to more environmental factors. The relations between species richness and number of individuals and between number of individuals and biomass paralleled the species richness-biomass relation on both slopes. The difference in number of individuals-biomass relationships on the sunny slope and the shady slope revealed "interspecific competitive exclusion" even though the species richness-biomass relationships were not hump-shaped. At the other site, species richness was not related to biomass or to number of individuals. Our study demonstrated the importance of environmental stress and succession of community in the understanding of species diversity-productivity patterns.  相似文献   

以天童国家森林公园常绿阔叶林主要组成树种为研究对象,通过测定其各组分生物量,建立了实测生物量与材积之间的回归模型,结果表明:主要组成树种各组分生物量与其材积之间存在着密切的相关关系,各主要树种材积与生物量的回归模型存在差异;回归方程精度较高,用于根据地区常绿阔叶林主要树种材积推算其生物量是可行的。  相似文献   

华北落叶松林生物量与生物多样性关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以河北省木兰林管局境内华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,在采用标准地调查方法取得主要林分因子调查数据的基础上,利用ForStat统计软件,建立了华北落叶松人工林生物多样性与生物量关系模型。结果表明:未成林造林地,灌木与草本生物量与生物多样性呈正相关关系;幼龄林林木分化尚不明显,生物量与林分密度呈线性关系,符合y=0.005 1x+4.334 3,R2=0.842 7;幼龄林物种丰富度在25左右时生物量达到最大;近熟林生物量与生物多样性呈正相关。  相似文献   

The survival and growth of Quercus germana Schltdl. & Cham., Q. xalapensis Humb. & Bonpl. and Magnolia dealbata Zucc. was evaluated in three treatments: (1) under the canopy of Pinus maximinoi H.E. Moore; (2) under the canopy of Liquidambar macrophylla Oersted, and (3) in open areas. The following hypothesis was presented: P. maximinoi and L. macrophylla canopy facilitate the establishment of Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis, and Magnolia dealbata. After one year, the survival of seedlings and the growth rate in height and basal diameter were significantly different between treatments and species (p < 0.05). The results suggest a facilitation establishment of Magnolia dealbata under the canopy of Pinus and Liquidambar, whereas the tolerance was observed for Quercus germana and Q. xalapensis. The results will allow to identify restoration strategies of the mountain cloud forest in Mexico.Resumen. Se evaluó la supervivencia y crecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata, en tres tratamientos; (1) bajo el dosel de Pinus maximinoi, (2) bajo el dosel de Liquidambar macrophylla y (3) en áreas abiertas. La hipótesis planteada fue; la cobertura de P. maximinoi y L. macrophylla facilitan el establecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata. Después de un año, la sobrevivencia de plántulas, y las tasas de crecimiento en altura y diámetro de la base, fueron significativamente diferentes entre tratamientos y especies (p < 0.05). Los resultados sugieren que el establecimiento de Magnolia dealbata es facilitado bajo el dosel de Pinus y Liquidambar, mientras que para Quercus germana y Q. xalapensis se observó tolerancia. Los resultados permitirán identificar estrategias de rehabilitación del bosque mesófilo de montaña en México.  相似文献   

本文采用分层切割法和壕沟全挖法对江苏省新沂市农田林网中,4年生主要的杨树无性系(W-46杨,I-69杨,NL-80105杨和NL-80205杨)的地上部分生物量以及根系生物量进行了测定和分析。结果表明,NL-80205杨不仅平均单株的生物量最大,而且树干的形质优良。因此,在平原农田林网的经营中,选择NL-80205杨,既可以提高营林的收益,又能够增强林网的防护效果。  相似文献   

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