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This study developed growth models for Eucalyptus saligna Sm., E. camaldulensis Dehnh., E. macarthurii H.Deane & Maiden, E. resinifera Sm., E. siderophloia Benth. and E. grandis Hill ex. Maiden, for the central highlands of Angola, and used these models to simulate the development of stand characteristics. The obtained model set included dominant height, diameter increment, tree height and self-thinning models. The study was based on 10 499 radial increment observations measured on cores taken from about 700 trees growing in 22 plots located in seven sites in the Angolan highlands. The model set makes it possible to simulate stand development on an individual tree basis. Comparison of simulated stand development and measurements indicated good performance of the models. A non-linear fixed-effects diameter increment model performed best for most species, but a non-calibrated linear mixed-effects model used with the Snowdon correction was better for E. saligna and E. macarthurii. This study showed a similar dominant height development of young stands as found in most previous studies done for southern Africa. Some differences emerged at older ages.  相似文献   

Plantations of Pinus spp. in Colombia are severely damaged by various phasmid (Phasmatodea: Diapheromeridae) insects. Of these, Litosermyle ocanae is one of the most serious defoliators. Since 1988, several outbreaks have been recorded in Pinus patula plantations, resulting in substantial economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine the life cycle of Litosermyle ocanae in P. patula plantations in Colombia. In addition, we assessed the population levels of L. ocanae and the presence of natural enemies of L. ocanae in these plantations. The development of L. ocanae was monitored under controlled conditions, and population fluctuations and the presence of natural enemies was assessed from field-collected eggs and field observations. The results showed a total life cycle of 225 d and 235 d for males and females, respectively, and a complete fourth instar nymph cycle of 121 d and 116 d for males and females, respectively. The sex ratio was 1:1.7 female to male. Females laid an average of 112 eggs. The number of eggs peaked in November and the most dominant natural enemy observed was a parasitoid wasp Adelphe sp. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). The results provide important information for the management of L. ocanae in P. patula plantations.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):203-210
Approximately 50% of the area planted to softwood trees in South Africa has been established with Pinus patula, making it the most important pine species in the country. More effort has gone into developing this species for improved growth, tree form and wood properties than with any other species. This substantial investment has been threatened in the last 10 years by the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum. The fungus infects and contaminates nursery plants and, once transferred to the field, causes severe mortality of young trees in the first year after establishment. Although nurserymen have some control of the disease, it is recognised that the best long-term solution to mitigate damage because of F. circinatum infection is to identify tolerant species, clones and hybrids for deployment in plantations in the future. Research has shown that alternative species such as P. tecunumanii, P. maximinoi and P. elliottii are suitable for warm sites. Pine hybrids, particularly between P. patula and the high-elevation sources of P. tecunumanii, appear to be a suitable replacement on subtemperate and temperate sites. Although these alternative species and hybrids are more sensitive to subfreezing temperatures than P. patula, their planting range can be increased by including cold tolerance as a selection criterion. Future breeding efforts will most certainly focus on improving the tolerance of pure P. patula to F. circinatum, which can be achieved by identifying specific family crosses and tolerant clones. The commercial deployment of disease-tolerant control-pollinated P. patula and hybrid families will most likely be established as rooted cuttings, which requires more advanced propagation technology. In the long term, new seed orchards comprised of P. patula clones tolerant to F. circinatum could be used to produce seed for seedling production.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):247-252
The pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum, has caused large-scale mortality of young Pinus patula Schiede and Deppe ex Schltdl. and Cham. seedlings in nurseries in South Africa since 1990. Diseased seedlings have been inadvertently carried to the field, which in turn have died and has reduced stocking below an acceptable level. Tree breeders have suggested that the only long-term solution to limit infection by this pathogen is to identify and deploy tolerant P. patula families. A commonly used technique to identify tolerant clones is to artificially inoculate open-pollinated progeny from orchard clones with F. circinatum under greenhouse conditions. In these trials, large variation in tolerance to the pathogen among seedlings within open-pollinated families was observed and this could be influenced by the pollen parent. Therefore, identifying individual full-sib families, where both parents are known, should improve the identification of tolerant families, which can then be repeated. In this study, cuttings from control-pollinated P. patula seedling hedges were inoculated with F. circinatum in a greenhouse. The results showed large family variation where some of the full-sib families were similar in tolerance to P. elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii seedlings. Therefore, it is recommended that breeders focus on identifying specific family combinations that are more tolerant to F. circinatum.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):181-189
Near-infrared (NIR) scanning technology is regarded as a potential tool for rapid determination of wood properties, which can substitute time-consuming and costly traditional methods. Pinus patula is the most important softwood species in South Africa, and this study is aimed at developing NIR calibration models for quick prediction of its pulp yield and chemical composition. A total of 85 trees from 17 plots, covering the range of site conditions in the Mpumalanga escarpment area, were sampled. Two samples were taken from each tree: a 1 m billet above breast height and a 20 mm disc at breast height. The billet was pulped using the kraft pulping process to determine pulp yield. The disc was ground into sawdust and the chemical composition was determined using conventional wet chemistry. Sawdust was scanned on a NIR spectrophotometer to produce NIR spectra. Calibration models to predict pulp yield, cellulose and lignin content were developed by applying chemometrics and partial least squares regression. Validation and determination of prediction accuracy of the models were performed using independent data. The prediction of cellulose and lignin were acceptable with correlations of determinations (r 2) of 0.71 and 0.70 respectively. Standard errors of prediction were generally low (less that 0.86) for all the models. The prediction r 2 for both total and screened pulp yield were only 0.62. Although the cellulose and lignin models can be used with confidence, the expansion of the sample size for follow-up research must be considered in order to increase the variability of tested wood properties and improve the prediction strength of the models. The NIR calibration provided in this study can contribute to the efficient examination of forest site-to-wood quality relationships that would enhance precision forest management and wood processing efficiency.  相似文献   

A species introduction experiment including several tropical pines and eucalypts was established in 1966/1967 in the Tchianga research station in Angolan Highlands. Despite 27 years of political conflict (1975-2002) and lack of management, the research experiment has remained relatively well conserved. We measured the best conserved plots that were 41 years old in 2007 to obtain information on the growth of different pine species. We calculated stand characteristics including basal area, dominant height, mean diameter, and stand volume for Pinus patula Schiede ex Schiltdl. Et Cham., Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl., Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon, Pinus devoniana Lindl., Pinus chiapensis (Martinez) Andresen, Pinus elliottii Engelm., Pinus greggii Engelm. Ex Parl., Pinus montezumae Lamb. and Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl. The growing stock volume at 41 years was the highest in P. pseudostrobus, 1,325 m3·ha-1, followed by P. kesiya with 1,200 m3·ha-1. The widely planted P. patula had a growing stock volume of 892 m3·ha-1. P. oocarpa and P. pseudostrobus had the highest stand basal area, over 80 m2·ha-1. Using increment core analyses we studied the temporal development of stand characteristics. Analysis of the mean annual increment (MAI) showed that rotation lengths of 20-30 years would maximize wood production. With these rotation lengths, the MAI of P. pseudostrobus would be 35 m3·ha-1. Other productive species were P. kesiya, P. oocarpa and P. chiapensis. P. patula had a maximum MAI of 20 m3·ha-1. P. greggii had the lowest mean annual volume production, only about 13 m3·ha-1.  相似文献   

林分生长和收获模型研究进展   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
文中介绍了全林分模型、径级模型和单木模型3种林分生长和收获模型的特点及国内外应用情况, 并提出近几年的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Pinus patula is a species commonly used for reforestation in Mexico.However,efficient methods for the mass production seedlings are required.Micropropagation particularly by somatic embryogenesis provides an option for the rapid multiplication of high-quality,genetically improved material.This study induces somatic embryogenesis in this species using the thin cell layer(TCL)technique.Two sources of explants(complete immature embryos;lTCL segments from immature embryos)were evaluated.The efficiency of TCL from longitudinal sections[lTCL]and transverse[tTCL]was evaluated.The results show using thin cell layers from immature embryos cultivated in 16 light/8 dark hours achieves induction of somatic embryos.A higher percentage of embryogenic callus was obtained when tTCL segments were used as an explant source.These results produced somatic embryos from tTCL segments of an immature embryo without germinating the seed,making the process more time efficient.In addition,this technique can be used to generate somatic embryogenesis in forest species that have low germination rates.  相似文献   

以湖北省荆门市彭山林场不同林龄的湿地松纯林、火炬松纯林和湿地松+火炬松混交林为研究对象,采用木材解析法,比较研究了湿地松、火炬松两个树种在纯林和混交林的生长特性,以了解两树种混交效果是否具有明显的增产效果。结果表明:与纯林相比,在15年时,湿地松和火炬松在混交林中直径分别增加了12.05%和10.60%,材积分别增加38.91%和24.25%。在所有5个混交林中,湿地松和火炬松的相对产量均大于1。湿地松和火炬松混交在生长量和材积上表现出正效应。在混交林中,湿地松获得更多的效应,但无论在纯林还是在混交林中,火炬松均比湿地松生长得好。  相似文献   

[目的]建立湖南省马尾松次生林单木断面积与材积生长模型,为林木的生长预估提供理论依据.[方法]以湖南省2014年一类清查样地中的20块马尾松次生林为研究对象,选取5个具有生物学意义的生长方程,建立马尾松断面积和材积随年龄变化的基础模型,在此基础上,加入以样地为随机效应的随机参数,构建基于混合效应的湖南马尾松次生林单木断...  相似文献   

油松人工林单木树高生长模型研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
使用Richard,Logistic,Korf,Mitscherlich,Schumacher,weibull等6种理论生长方程拟合了不同立地条件下油松人工林单木树高生长过程,从中选出模拟效果最优的生长方程。研究结果显示:三参数理论生长方程Lo—gistic、weibull、Richard、Korf对油松树高生长拟合的精度基本相近,明显高于二参数的Mitscherlich、Schumach—er方程;立地指数显著影响各方程渐进线参数和形状参数,将立地指数引入各理论生长方程中,构建了模拟油松人工林单木树高生长精度最优的预测方程为Logistic式;使用未参加建模的油松解析木数据对构建的预测方程进行T检验,发现预测值与实测值之间无显著差异(P=0.6213>0.05)。可见,本文构建的预测方程可以准确预测油松人工林单木树高生长过程,为油松人工林科学经营提供重要参考。  相似文献   

对红松果材兼用林造林混交模式的试验研究结果表明,采取红松与日本落叶松隔行混交造林,当日本落叶松达到工艺商品市场价值时,一次性采伐后,可收回投资成本,并获取较好利润,从而缩短投资周期,解决了营林生产中存在的红松结实前期无产出效益的实际问题。  相似文献   

大青杨9个地理种源生长量的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对9个不同产地的大青杨进行了苗期生长量测定,经方差分析,地径与苗高生长量均呈显著差异,3年间的地径、苗高间的净生长并不呈相关关系。经遗传力估算,试验点的优劣对大青杨第1年生长有较大影响,第2、3年生长遗传性非常稳定。通过本试验为东北各造林区选用适用种源提供了依据。  相似文献   

对33年生马尾松人工纯林进行树干解析,结果表明:在整个生长过程中,树高连年生长量最大值出现在10年,平均生长量最大值出现在10-15年,第一次间伐年龄应在15年左右,20-25年时,树高连年生长量急剧下降,第二次间伐年龄可适当提前到22年;直径连年生长量最大值出现在10年,连年生长量与平均生长量在20-25年时相交;材积连年生长量在30年生时达到最大值,数量成熟年龄大约在55年生左右;33年生马尾松人工林整个生长发育可划分3个时期:第一时期0-10年生为幼林期;第二时期10-20年生为速生期;第三时期20-33年生为壮龄期。马尾松+火力楠和马尾松+杉木两个混交类型混交效果较好,目的树种马尾松平均树高分别达到3.74 m和3.73 m,平均胸径分别达到4.01 cm和3.89 cm,树高分别比对照纯林提高12%和11.7%,胸径分别比纯林提高17.5%和11.5%。  相似文献   


Tree-stem volumes constitute critical measurements for forest management. We propose a general two-criterion procedure for choosing the most reliable and robust volume equation(s), among a set of them previously fitted in a forest. Also, the proposal can be used as an additional criterion when fitting new equations to a single sample. Through simulated volumes, we considered how well a model estimates the volume generated by itself (the more accurate estimation, the better) and measured a model’s variability of the mean errors when it estimates volumes rebuilt by other models (the lower variability, the better). The procedure is exemplified with volume equations of Pinus patula in the Forestry Management Unit 1302 in Hidalgo, Mexico. In the example, we found that a linearized form of the combined-variable equation results reliable and robust. This selection coincided with the one made with data of a recent 150 trees sample (validation), where the rebuilt-estimated mean volume differs 0.034 m3 from the observed mean volume; it represents around US$2.6. Therefore, it is shown that simulation becomes an effective tool to identify equations that do not reproduce the volume of trees well in the current forest and helps to choose reliable and robust equations.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):317-327
Regression analyses identified ‘Growth Days’ (an index expressing site moisture availability) as the only site variable contributing significantly to the prediction to wood density (R2 = 0.57), whereas the model predicting grain angle included only ‘Altitude’ (R2 = 0.60). These results surfaced during an investigative study to quantify various sources of variation in wood properties and to quantify the effect of a number of site factors on wood properties of Pinus patula grown in the Mpumalanga escarpment area of South Africa. For this purpose, 10 trees were sampled from each of 17 diverse sites for wood property analyses. The effects of site, distance from the pith and differences between trees within site on wood density, transverse shrinkage, grain angle and dynamic modulus of elasticity were investigated. The site factors considered included a wide variety of soil and climatic factors. The effect of radial distance from the pith and differences between individual trees within sites were highly significant, accounting for most of the variation in wood properties. Although the effects of a number of site factors were statistically significant, they generally explained relatively small but important variation in wood properties among sites. The study not only quantified the effects of important sources of variation on a few key wood properties, but it also revealed that the extent of differences between sites can be explained in terms of some specific site factors. It is envisaged that the results will contribute significantly towards the refinement of current forest site classification systems for improved decision-making with respect to wood quality in intensively managed plantation systems.  相似文献   

闽东南湿地松生长调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对闽东南湿地松的生态适应性和生长发育规律的调查分析,结果表明:湿地松适应性强、能速生丰产,适宜作为短轮伐期工业原料林树种在闽东南地区推广营造。  相似文献   

选择了高海拔和低海拔2种立地条件,研究了不同立地对马尾松和湿地松生长和产脂量的影响,结果表明:高海拔地区的湿地松胸径和树高均显著低于低海拔,高海拔地区湿地松平均胸径为7.65cm,平均树高为4.23m;低海拔湿地松平均胸径为10.69cm,平均树高为6.93cm。无论是高海拔地区还是低海拔区上,湿地松的单株日产脂量均显著大于马尾松,高海拔地区湿地松的单株日产脂量为1.33g,马尾松为0.41g,低海拔区湿地松的单株日产脂量为3.96g,马尾松为2.36g;在不同海拔高度上,两树种的产脂量均为低海拔区大于高海拔地区。  相似文献   

红松混交林中红松幼树生长环境的研究进展及展望   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
针对我国东北东部山区典型地带性森林植被红松混交林的恢复与发展,已有大量的研究工作。本文综述了红松混交林中红松幼树阶段生长环境的研究进展,主要包括林分结构,光照条件,伴生树种,立地条件等几方面的因子对红松幼树生长的影响,并由此提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

通过对油松纯林进行混交改造试验,比较了混交林在改善林间气候、调节林木生长的效果,结果表明:改造成混交林后可以加大林木生长、提高林间单株蓄积量,降低林间温度、提高林间相对湿度;以油松+紫穗槐混交林树高最大,达8.78 m;平均胸径以油松+小叶锦鸡儿混交林最大,达12.26 cm;单株平均蓄积量以油松+小叶锦鸡儿最大,为0.045 2 m^3;改造成混交林后,相对湿度有所提高,温度下降,以油松+小叶锦鸡儿的降温效果最明显,比纯林下降了3℃。  相似文献   

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