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施肥对灌漠土作物产量、土壤肥力与重金属含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机物还田是提升土壤肥力的主要措施,但也存在造成土壤金属污染的潜在风险。为查明不同有机物还田对土壤质量及作物产量的影响,本文通过长期定位试验,研究了无肥对照、常规施化肥(氮磷配施)以及70%常规化肥与牛粪、沼渣、污泥、鸡粪、菌渣和猪粪配施对土壤理化性状、有机碳和氮的固存率、氮磷钾活化系数、作物产量及重金属含量的影响。结果表明:牛粪、沼渣、污泥、菌渣、鸡粪和猪粪与70%化肥配施虽作物产量与常规施化肥相似,但6种有机物处理土壤有机质、全氮和碱解氮含量都较常规施化肥处理显著增加,污泥、鸡粪和猪粪处理土壤全磷与速效磷含量较常规施化肥处理显著增加,而且牛粪、沼渣、鸡粪和猪粪处理的速效钾、土壤磷活化系数和土壤钾活化系数较常规施化肥处理也显著提升。牛粪、沼渣、污泥、菌渣、鸡粪和猪粪处理土壤有机碳固存率为36.42%~71.61%,较常规施化肥处理都显著提高;而其氮固存率为6.47%~49.44%,仅有菌渣处理与常规施化肥处理差异不显著,而其他处理较常规施化肥处理显著增加。长期施鸡粪和菌渣处理的土壤铜含量较常规施化肥处理显著增加,增加量分别为4.17mg·kg~(-1)和14.2mg·kg~(-1);而污泥、鸡粪和菌渣处理的土壤锌含量较常规施化肥处理显著增加,增加量分别为13.53 mg·kg~(-1)、22.60 mg·kg~(-1)和49.73mg·kg~(-1)。综上,等有机质(4 500kg×hm~(-2))的牛粪、沼渣、污泥、菌渣、鸡粪和猪粪可替代30%氮磷肥,作物产量不受影响;不同有机物培肥土壤效果为污泥、鸡粪和猪粪优于牛粪和沼渣,而沼渣的培肥效果略差。为保证土壤环境质量稳定不恶化,种植小麦时有机物铜和锌的年携入量应分别低于53.01g×hm~(-2)和221.30 g×hm~(-2),而种植玉米时应分别低于153.40 g×hm~(-2)和347.04 g×hm~(-2)。  相似文献   

Conservation agriculture practices, such as reduced tillage, cover crops and fertilization, are often associated with greater microbial biomass and activity that are linked to improvements in soil quality. This study characterized the impact of long term (31 years) tillage (till and no-till), cover crops (Hairy vetch- Vicia villosa and winter wheat- Triticum aestivum, and a no cover control), and N-rates (0, 34, 67 and 101 kg N ha−1) on soil microbial community structure, activity and resultant soil quality calculated using the soil management assessment framework (SMAF) scoring index under continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) production on a Lexington silt loam in West Tennessee.No-till treatments were characterized by a significantly greater (P < 0.05) abundance of Gram positive bacteria, actinomycetes and mycorrhizae fungi fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) biomarkers compared to till. Saprophytic fungal FAME biomarkers were significantly less abundant (P < 0.05) under no-till treatments resulting in a lower fungi to bacteria (F:B) ratio. Key enzymes associated with C, N & P cycling (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, and phosphodiesterase) had significantly higher rates under no-till relative to till, corresponding to significantly greater (P < 0.05) soil C and N, extractable nutrients (P, K and Ca) and yields. Mycorrhizae fungi biomarkers significantly decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing N-rate and was significantly less (P < 0.05) under the vetch cover crop compared to wheat and no cover. Treatments under vetch also had significantly higher β-glucosaminidase and basal microbial respiration rates compared to wheat and no cover.Consequently, the total organic carbon (TOC) and β-glucosidase SMAF quality scores were significantly greater under no-till compared to till and under the vetch compared to wheat and no cover treatments, resulting in a significantly greater overall soil quality index (SQI).Our results demonstrate that long-term no-till and use of cover crops under a low biomass monoculture crop production system like cotton results in significant shifts in the microbial community structure, activity, and conditions that favor C, N and P cycling compared to those under conventional tillage practices. These practices also led to increased yields and improved soil quality with no-till having 13% greater yields than till and treatments under vetch having 5% increase in soil quality compared to no cover and wheat.  相似文献   

 In arable soils in Schleswig-Holstein (Northwest Germany) nearly 30% of the total organic C (TOC) stored in former times in the soil has been mineralized in the last 20 years. Microbial biomass, enzyme activities and the soil organic matter (SOM) composition were investigated in order to elucidate if a low TOC level affects microbial parameters, SOM quality and crop yield. Microbial biomass C (Cmic) and enzyme activities decreased in soils with a low TOC level compared to soils with a typical TOC level. The decrease in the Cmic/TOC ratio suggested low-level, steady-state microbial activity. The SOM quality changed with respect to an enrichment of initial litter compounds in the top soil layers with a low TOC level. Recent management of the soils had not maintained a desirable level of humic compounds. However, we found no significant decrease in crop yield. We suggest that microbial biomass and dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activities are not necessarily indicators of soil fertility in soils with a high fertilization level without forage production and manure application. Received: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

In the recent past, biochar and crop residues have attracted lots of attention as a viable strategy for maintaining soil health. This paper evaluates the comparative effect of two different doses (equivalent to 2 and 5 t C ha?1) of each of pine needle and Lantana biochar (PBC and LBC), wheat residue and lentil residue (WR and LR) on soil biological properties, nutrient availability and yield of rice and wheat in pot culture. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) revealed higher C content of biochar than crop residues. Evaluation of biochemical quality reflected high recalcitrance indices of C and N for both PBC and LBC. Application of LBC and PBC increased the wheat grain yield significantly by 6.2%–24.2% over control. Both PBC and LBC significantly increased N and P uptakes in grain over the control and crop residues. Both biochars recorded a significant decrease of 33.9 and 71,7% in β-glucosidase activity in comparison to control at termination of study. PBC and LBC also resulted in more soil available N, P and K in soil at different intervals. The geometric mean of enzyme activities (GMea) reflected improved soil quality by PBC and LR and reduction by LBC application.  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对洞庭湖区旱地肥力及作物产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用长期定位试验方法,研究了洞庭湖区非粮食作物棉花-油菜轮作下,农民习惯施肥(TF)、配方施肥(NPK)及有机肥和化肥不同配比模式[有机肥来源氮占配方肥总氮量的50%(50%OM)、30%(30%OM)和10%(10%OM)]的作物产量和土壤养分的变化,以期为相应作物种植制度下的合理施肥提供参考。研究结果表明:在本试验施肥量及有机无机肥配比下,有机肥和化肥配施显著提高了棉花和油菜的产量,且以50%OM处理产量最高,各处理产量的顺序为50%OM30%OM10%OMNPKTFCK(不施肥对照);当有机氮施用量占总氮量的50%时(50%OM处理),棉花和油菜产量分别比NPK处理高24.52%、29.57%,比习惯施肥(TF)处理分别高46.03%和49.07%。同时,施用有机肥各处理作物产量的年际变化均不到20%,明显小于NPK、TF和CK处理,即施用有机肥不仅能促进旱地作物高产,同时也能保证其稳产。有机肥与化肥配施能增加土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量,且以50%OM处理效果最好,与试验前比较的增加幅度分别达57.5%、38.2%、65.1%和48.1%;土壤有效磷含量有随施入磷素量的增加而增加趋势;而CK处理土壤有机质和养分含量则均呈逐年下降的趋势。各处理土壤有机质和养分含量(Y)随试验年限(X)的变化均可用方程式Y=a X+b来表示。在洞庭湖区肥力较高的旱地土壤中,合理的有机肥和化肥施用比例对保障非粮作物高产稳产和耕地地力提升尤为重要,且本试验条件下当有机肥来源氮占总施氮量的50%时能获得最佳效果。  相似文献   

秸秆生物炭对潮土作物产量和土壤性状的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将秸秆转化为高碳含量和稳定性的生物炭施入土壤无疑可提升碳库,但也会影响土壤性状和作物生长。为评估秸秆生物炭在北方潮土(p H 8.30)的应用潜力,设每季生物炭施用量为0(对照)、2.25(低量)、6.75(中量)和11.3 t hm-2(高量)(四季后总施炭量分别为0、9、27、45.2 t hm-2)4个处理,通过2年小麦-玉米轮作小区试验,观测了作物产量、籽粒品质、氮素吸收和土壤矿质氮、p H、容重、水分的变化。结果显示,中量生物炭处理下第四季玉米产量增加8.43%;中、高量生物炭处理下四季作物总产量提高4.54%~4.92%。生物炭对小麦和玉米籽粒蛋白质、小麦湿面筋含量及容重无负面影响。作物地上部分氮素吸收、土壤矿质氮含量和p H各处理间无明显变化。中、高量处理下四季作物后土壤容重降低2.99%~10.4%,含水量增加10.3%~20.2%,最大持水量提高14.5%~15.0%。表明中、高量秸秆生物炭每季还田对作物有小幅增产作用,且不影响籽粒品质。土壤容重、水分、持水量等物理性状的改善可能是作物增产的重要原因。  相似文献   

秸秆的质量,特别是C/N是影响秸秆分解速率和养分释放的重要因素。在秸秆还田条件下,如何科学合理地施用氮肥是秸秆利用和优化施肥研究的关键问题。本研究以秸秆还田施入碳氮的C/N为切入点,于2012—2013年通过田间试验(设秸秆不还田不施肥、秸秆还田不施氮、秸秆还田施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1、16∶1和25∶1以及秸秆还田施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1处理),研究秸秆还田不同氮输入对小麦-玉米轮作田土壤无机氮、土壤微生物量氮、酶活性以及作物产量的影响。结果表明:1)在C/N为25∶1下,施用有机氮肥和无机氮肥对土壤无机氮含量无显著影响;在施用无机氮肥的情况下,C/N越低土壤无机氮含量越高。2)秸秆还田施氮提高了土壤微生物量氮含量,但是各秸秆还田施氮处理之间差异不显著;秸秆还田不同施氮处理对脲酶活性无显著影响;秸秆还田施氮提高了FDA水解酶活性,并随C/N降低呈升高趋势,施用无机氮肥的效果强于施用有机氮肥的。3)秸秆还田施用无机氮肥显著提高了小麦和玉米地上部生物量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1和16∶1相比于C/N为25∶1提高了小麦和玉米的苗期和成熟期地上部生物量;施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1相比秸秆还田不施氮对地上部生物量无显著影响。秸秆还田施用无机氮肥提高了作物产量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1产量最高,而施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1有降低作物产量的趋势。综合以上结果来看,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1较为合理。  相似文献   

Collembola and microbial biomass C were investigated in a field experiment with controlled agricultural traffic and crop rotation over a period of 27 months. The wheel-induced compactive efforts were applied according to management practices within the crop rotation of sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley. Increasing wheel traffic produced increasing soil compaction, mainly due to a reduction in surface soil porosity. Increasing soil compaction was accompanied by a decrease in microbial biomass C and the density of collembola. The influence of soil compaction on microbial biomass C was smaller than that of the standing crop. However, for collembola, especially euedaphic species, a reduction in pore space appeared to be of more importance than the effects of a standing crop. Within the crop rotation, microbial biomass C and the density of collembola increased in the order sugar beet, winter wheat, and winter barley.  相似文献   

 Mineralization of N from organic materials added to soil depends on the quality of the substrate as a carbon, energy and nutrient source for the saprophytic microflora. Quality reflects a combination of biochemical and physical attributes. We investigated how biochemical composition interacts with particle size to affect the soil microflora and N dynamics following incorporation of crop residues into soil. Four fresh shoot and root crop residues were cut into coarse and fine particle sizes, and incorporated into sandy-loam soil which was incubated under controlled environment conditions for 6 months. In the case of the highest biochemical quality material, potato shoot (C/N ratio of 10 : 1), particle size had no effect on microbial respiration or net N mineralization. For lower biochemical quality Brussels sprout shoot (C/N ratio of 15 : 1), reducing particle size caused microbial respiration to peak earlier and increased net mineralization of N during the early stages of decomposition, but reduced net N mineralization at later stages. However, for the lowest biochemical quality residues, rye grass roots (C/N ratio of 38 : 1) and straw (C/N ratio of 91 : 1) reducing particle size caused microbial respiration to peak later and increased net immobilization of N. For Brussels sprout shoot, reducing particle size decreased the C content and the C/N ratio of residue-derived light fraction organic matter (LFOM) 2 months following incorporation. However C and N content of LFOM derived from the other materials was not affected by particle size. For materials of all qualities, particle size had little effect on biomass N. We conclude that the impact of particle size on soil microbial activities, and the protection of senescent microbial tissues from microbial attack, is dependant on the biochemical quality of the substrate. Received: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

A long-term experiment was conducted with the objective of selecting the appropriate land management treatments and to identify the key indicators of soil quality for dryland semi-arid tropical Alfisols. The experiment was conducted using a strip split–split plot design on an Alfisol (Typic Haplustalf) in southern India under sorghum (Sorghum vulgare (L))-castor (Ricinus communis (L)) bean rotation. The strip constituted two tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT); main plots were three residues treatments: sorghum stover (SS), gliricidia loppings (GL), ‘no’ residue (NR) and sub plots were four nitrogen levels: 0 (N0), 30 (N30), 60 (N60), and 90 kg ha−1 (N90). Soil samples were collected after the sixth and seventh year of experimentation and were analyzed for physical, chemical and biological parameters. Sustainable yield index (SYI) based on long-term yield data and soil quality index (SQI) using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear scoring functions were calculated. Application of gliricidia loppings proved superior to sorghum stover and no residue treatments in maintaining higher SQI values. Further, increasing N levels also helped in maintaining higher SQI. Among the 24 treatments, the SQI ranged from 0.90 to 1.27. The highest SQI was obtained in CTGLN90 (1.27) followed by CTGLN60 (1.19) and MTSSN90 (1.18), while the lowest was under MTNRN30 (0.90) followed by MTNRN0 (0.94), indicating relatively less aggradative effects. The application of 90 kg N ha−1 under minimum tillage even without applying any residue (MTNRN90) proved quite effective in maintaining soil quality index as high as 1.10. The key indicators, which contributed considerably towards SQI, were available N, K, S, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and hydraulic conductivity (HC). On average, the order of relative contribution of these indicators towards SQI was: available N (32%), MBC (31%), available K (17%), HC (16%), and S (4%). Among the various treatments, CTGLN90 not only had the highest SQI, but also the most promising from the viewpoint of sustainability, maintaining higher average yield levels under sorghum–castor rotation. From the view point of SYI, CT approach remained superior to MT. To maintain the yield as well as soil quality in Alfisols, primary tillage along with organic residue and nitrogen application are needed.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to identify soil parameters potentially useful to monitor soil quality under different soil management and crop rotation systems. Microbiological and chemical parameters were evaluated in a field experiment in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil, in response to soil management [no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)] and crop rotation [including grain (soybean, S; maize, M; wheat, W) and legume (lupin, L.) and non-legume (oat, O) covers] systems. Three crop rotation systems were evaluated: (1) (O/M/O/S/W/S/L/M/O/S), (2) (O/S/L/M/O/S/W/S/L/M), and (3) (O/S/W/S/L/M/O/M/W/M), and soil parameters were monitored after the fifth year. Before ploughing, CO2-emission rates were similar in NT and CT soils, but plough increased it by an average of 57%. Carbon dioxide emission was 13% higher with lupin residues than with wheat straw; decomposition rates were rapid with both soil management systems. Amounts of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MB-C and MB-N, respectively) were 80 and 104% higher in NT than in CT, respectively; however, in general these parameters were not affected by crop rotation. Efficiency of the microbial community was significantly higher in NT: metabolic quotient (qCO2) was 55% lower than in CT. Soluble C and N levels were 37 and 24% greater in NT than in CT, respectively, with no effects of crop rotation. Furthermore, ratios of soluble C and N contents to MB-C and MB-N were consistently lower in NT, indicating higher immobilization of C and N per unit of MB. The decrease in qCO2 and the increase in MB-C under NT allowed enhancements in soil C stocks, such that in the 0–40 cm profile, a gain of 2500 kg of C ha−1 was observed in relation to CT. Carbon stocks also varied with crop rotation, with net changes at 0–40 cm of 726, 1167 and −394 kg C ha−1 year, in rotations 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Similar results were obtained for the N stocks, with 410 kg N ha−1 gained in NT, while crop rotations 1, 2 and 3 accumulated 71, 137 and 37 kg of N ha−1 year−1, respectively. On average, microbial biomass corresponded to 2.4 and 1.7% of the total soil C, and 5.2 and 3.2% of the N in NT and CT systems, respectively. Soil management was the main factor affecting soil C and N levels, but enhancement also resulted from the ratios of legumes and non-legumes in the rotations. The results emphasize the importance of microorganisms as reservoirs of C and N in tropical soils. Furthermore, the parameters associated with microbiological activity were more responsive to soil management and crop rotation effects than were total stocks of C and N, demonstrating their usefulness as indicators of soil quality in the tropics.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter level, soil microbial biomass C, ninhydrin-N, C mineralization, and dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activity were studied in soils under different crop rotations for 6 years. Inclusion of a green manure crop of Sesbania aculeata in the rotation improved soil organic matter status and led to an increase in soil microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity and soil respiratory activity. Microbial biomass C increased from 192 mg kg–1 soil in a pearl millet-wheat-fallow rotation to 256 mg kg–1 soil in a pearl millet-wheat-green manure rotation. Inclusion of an oilseed crop such as sunflower or mustard led to a decrease in soil microbial biomass, C mineralization and soil enzyme activity. There was a good correlation between microbial biomass C, ninhydrin-N and dehydrogenase activity. The alkaline phosphatase activity of the soil under different crop rotations was little affected. The results indicate the green manuring improved the organic matter status of the soil and soil microbial activity vital for the nutrient turnover and long-term productivity of the soil. Received: 7 January 1996  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Rani Chandramma Agricultural University (Arabhavi, Belgaum), Karnataka, India, in basic soil to study the nutrient availability in soil, yield and yield attributes of the medicinal plant stevia (Stevia rebaudiana). The results showed that the availability of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the soil increased up to the fifth month; and thereafter, decreased by the same amount with the progress of the plant growth up to the sixth month, irrespective of treatments. Results also showed that the fresh and dry biomass yields significantly increased up to the sixth month with different treatments, but the yield attributes like plant height and the number of branches were observed to be varied with various treatments, being highest in the combined application of biofertilizers over that of their corresponding sole applications.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage management is being adopted at an accelerated rate on the Canadian prairies. This may influence soil quality and productivity. A study conducted on a clay soil (Udic Haplustert) in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, to determine the effects of fallow frequency [fallow-wheat (F-W) vs. continuous wheat (Cont W)] and tillage [no-tillage (NT) vs. conventional (CT) or minimum tillage (MT)] on yields of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), was sampled after 3, 7 and 11 years to assess changes in selected soil quality attributes. Tillage had no effect on amount of crop residues returned to the land, but the tilled systems had significantly (P<0.05) lower total organic C and N in the 0–7.5 cm soil depth, though not in the 7.5–15 cm depth. Further, these differences were observed after only 3 years and persisted for the entire 11 years of the study. For example, in the 0–7.5 cm depth, organic C in F-W (MT) after 3 years was 10 480 kg ha−1 and in F-W (NT) 13 380 kg ha−1, while in Cont W (CT) and Cont W (NT) corresponding values were 11 310 and 13 400 kg ha−1, respectively. After 11 years, values for F-W (MT) and F-W (NT) were 11 440 and 14 960 kg ha−1, respectively, and for Cont W (CT) and Cont W (NT), 12 970 and 16 140 kg ha−1, respectively. In contrast to total organic matter, two of the more labile soil quality attributes [i.e., C mineralization (Cmin) and N mineralization (Nmin)] did not respond to fallow frequency until after 7 years and only in the 0–7.5 cm depth. Microbial biomass (MB) and the ratio of Cmin to MB [specific respiratory activity (SRA)], two attributes also regarded as labile, were not influenced by the treatments even after 11 years. After 11 years, only Cmin and Nmin among the labile soil quality attributes responded to the treatments. Surprisingly, the labile attributes were no more sensitive to the treatments than was total organic C or N. More research is required to determine why responses in this soil differed from those reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

In order to ensure sustainable agriculture, and for evaluating the effects of management practices on soil processes, tools for assessing soil quality are required. The development and use of a multiparameter index, which includes a wide range of soil properties, have been tested and found useful by several studies. However, soil quality measurements are ‘stand-alone’ tools unless they are either linked to important soil functions, used to characterize (agro)ecosystems or used to predict sustainability or productivity. In our study, the relationship between crop production and soil quality was assessed in a six year old field experiment studying the effect of farm compost (FC) amendment in a crop rotation of potato, fodder beet, forage maize and Brussels sprouts. To justify the hypothesis that repeated FC amendment results in both improved soil quality and consequently higher crop yields, a wide range of chemical, biological and physical soil properties were measured and integrated into a soil quality index (SQI). Next, crop yields were used as a functional goal to verify the causal relationship between SQI and crop production. Our results showed that there were significant changes in chemical, physical and biological soil quality as a result of repeated FC amendment. This was evidenced for example by a remarkable increase in both soil organic carbon (SOC) and total N content. Microbial biomass, the relative amount of bacterivorous nematodes and earthworm number were significantly increased as well and, together with SOC and total N, indicated as the dominant factors in assessing soil quality. The integration of these key indicators into the SQI revealed higher SQI values when FC was applied. In addition, crop yields were increased in all FC treated plots by which SOC was pointed out as the most important indicator influencing crop production. Finally, a causal relationship was observed between soil quality and the yield of potato and fodder beet. We conclude that our SQI may be a promising and useful tool to compare different (soil) management practices in relation to a strategic, regional goal, e.g., sustainable high yields. Before generalizing, we recommend a thorough validation of our SQI in other long-term field experiments.  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,研究了木醋液不同灌溉量对土壤养分、盐碱和番茄产量及品质的影响。结果表明,土壤灌溉木醋液可提高土壤碱解氮、速效钾、有效磷含量,且使用量越大,效果越明显,其中有效磷含量增加最为显著,与对照相比可提高9.27%~25.51%;木醋液也可提高土壤有机质及全盐含量,但与对照相比差异不显著;木醋液还可降低土壤p H值,与对照相比可降低0.14~0.27个单位。木醋液低[2.25 t/(次·hm~2)]、中[4.50 t/(次·hm~2)]用量能显著提高番茄株高、增加产量,其中低用量效果最好,与对照相比可提高株高10.53%,增加产量11.52%;高用量[7.50 t/(次·hm~2)]对番茄生长具有一定抑制作用。木醋液可提高番茄可溶性糖含量5.27%~10.28%,提高Vc含量3.46%~17.15%,降低硝酸盐含量4.25%~15.33%,对有机酸含量影响不明显。综上所述,建议设施土壤番茄季木醋液灌溉量为2.25~4.50 t/(次·hm~2)为宜。  相似文献   

施用秸秆堆腐肥对黑土农田养分及玉米产量的影响研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
试验研究表明应用秸秆腐解剂可快速堆腐秸秆 ,黑土农田施用充分腐熟的秸秆肥配施NPK化肥 ,耕层土壤平均年提高有机质 0 .4g/kg ,全N 0 .18g/kg ,速效氮 9.93mg/kg ,速效磷 1.8mg/kg ,速效钾 4mg/kg ,土壤容重年降低0 .0 2g/cm3 ,玉米增产 15 .7%。  相似文献   

长期施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳及作物产量演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为明确长期不同施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳和作物产量演变特征,依托始于1990年的灰漠土肥力长期定位监测试验,选择对照(CK,不施肥)、施氮磷肥(NP)、氮磷钾平衡施肥(NPK)、氮磷钾配合常量有机肥(NPKM)、氮磷钾配合高量有机肥(h NPKM,有机肥施用量为NPKM的2倍)、氮磷钾配合秸秆还田(NPKS)6个处理,分析不同处理下土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量演变特征,探讨碳投入及有机碳与作物产量的关系。结果表明:1)长期耗竭种植(CK)、连续施用NP或NPK肥,灰漠土有机碳含量持续下降,年均下降速率分别为0.094 g·kg~(-1)、0.043 g·kg~(-1)和0.053 g·kg~(-1),表明施化肥(NP、NPK)不能维持土壤有机碳含量,不利于土壤肥力的保持。NPKM和h NPKM处理,土壤有机碳显著增加,年均增加0.360 g·kg~(-1)和0.575 g·kg~(-1),增施有机肥是快速提高灰漠土肥力的重要措施。秸秆还田处理(NKPS),土壤有机碳年均增幅0.006 g·kg~(-1),与NPK处理对比,秸秆还田虽没有大幅度提高土壤有机碳,但维持了土壤肥力。2)较CK,长期化肥有机肥配施(NPKM、h NPKM)显著增加了作物产量(P0.05)。与NP和NPK比较,长期化肥有机肥配施显著提高了小麦产量(P0.05),但玉米产量与施化肥处理差异不显著(P0.05),玉米产量以平衡施肥(NPK)的增幅最高,达到220 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。小麦的产量变异系数(29.1%~43.9%)高于玉米产量变异(19.0%~32.7%)。化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)处理的小麦增产幅度与高量施用有机肥(h NPKM)处理接近,喻示了秸秆还田对作物增产的作用不可忽视。3)碳投入与土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量有显著线性正相关(P0.05)。基于以上分析,在干旱区灰漠土增加土壤碳投入(有机肥或秸秆)仍然是最基本的土壤培肥措施。  相似文献   

土壤养分与春小麦产量关系及最佳施肥量研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
土壤养分与春小麦产量关系及最佳施肥量研究结果表明 ,春小麦产量与土壤养分关系十分密切 ,尤其与土壤有机质、碱解氮含量相关性较好 ,而与速效磷和速效钾关系较差 ;土壤养分供N量严重不足、部分缺P但富K ,这与产量 养分敏感性分析结论相一致 ;春小麦最佳施N量较常规减少 10 % ,施P量减少 15 %。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the applications of soil enzymes as early indicators of soil quality change under contrasting agricultural management practices. However, despite there being an abundant literature on this subject, most comparative assessments have been based on a limited number of experimental farms and, therefore, conclusions are not as robust as desired. In this study, we compare 18 pairs of organic and neighbouring conventional olive orchards in southern Spain. These sites were selected to allow the definition of the relative contributions of site-landscape features, soil type, and time since organic accreditation and tillage intensity, on the soil quality. Soils were analysed for physico-chemical properties, the activities of dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, arylsulphatase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, and potential nitrification. The geometric mean of the assayed enzymes (GMea) was validated with an independently performed Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and used as a combined soil quality index. The effects of tillage intensity and time since organic accreditation on the improvement of soil quality were also evaluated within the subset of organic farms. Overall for the 18 sites, contrasted management practices did not differ in their impact on basic soil physico-chemical properties, except for loss of on ignition and available inorganic N which were higher and lower in organic farms, respectively. Organic management resulted in significantly higher soil enzyme activities. However, differences were not significant in some of the paired comparisons when considered individually. This highlights the need for extensive comparative assessment, as in this study, to draw clear conclusions concerning the changes to soil quality under sustainable management practices. The GMea was significantly correlated with the first axis of the PCA and shown to be appropriate for condensing the set of soil enzyme values to a sole numerical value. Soil quality changes in organic versus conventional farms, as measured by the GMea, ranged from −23% to 97%, and was highly dependent on time since organic accreditation (r = 0.88; P < 0.01). On the other hand, tillage intensity clearly tended to delay any progress in soil quality in the organic farms.  相似文献   

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