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Feline carpal ligament injuries are often diagnosed indirectly using palpation and stress radiography to detect whether there is instability and widening of joint spaces. There are currently no reports describing normal feline carpal ligament anatomy and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the carpal ligaments. The objective of this prospective, anatomic study was to describe normal feline carpal ligament anatomy using gross plastinated specimens and MRI. We hypothesized that MRI could be used to identify the carpal ligaments as previously described in the dog, and to identify species specific variations in the cat. The study was conducted using feline cadaver antebrachii that were radiographed prior to study inclusion. Three limbs were selected for MRI to confirm repeatability of anatomy between cats. The proton density weighted pulse sequence was used and images were acquired in transverse, dorsal, and sagittal planes. Following MRI, the limbs were plastinated and a collagen stain was used to aid in identification of carpal ligament anatomy. These limbs were sliced in sagittal section, and a further six paired limbs were included in the study and sliced in transverse and dorsal planes. Anatomic structures were initially described using MRI and then subjectively compared with gross plastinated specimens. Readers considered the transverse MRI plane to be most useful for visualizing the majority of the carpal ligaments. Findings indicated that MRI anatomy of the carpal ligaments was comparable to plastinated anatomy; therefore MRI appears to be a beneficial imaging modality for exploration of feline carpal pathology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide a clinical anatomy atlas of the feline brain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Brains of twelve normal cats were imaged using a 1.5 T magnetic resonance unit and an inversion/recovery sequence (T1). Fourteen relevant MRI sections were chosen in transverse, dorsal, median and sagittal planes. Anatomic structures were identified and labelled using anatomical texts and Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, sectioned specimen heads, and previously published articles. The MRI sections were stained according to the major embryological and anatomical subdivisions of the brain. The relevant anatomical structures seen on MRI will assist clinicians to better understand MR images and to relate this neuro-anatomy to clinical signs.  相似文献   

The clinical, neuropathologic, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features in four cats with necrosis of the hippocampus and piriform lobe are described. All cats had acute generalized seizures and behavioral changes including aggression, salivation, polyphagia, and disorientation. Routine hematologic, serum chemistry, and cerebrospinal fluid analyses were normal. MR imaging abnormalities were restricted to the area of the hippocampus and piriform lobe. The lesions were T2-hyperintense, T1-hypointense, and were characterized by various degrees of contrast enhancement. Lesions were consistent with necrotizing encephalitis. Two cats were euthanized and underwent postmortem examination within a week after MR imaging due to the lack of response to antiepileptic drug therapy and progressive neuropathy. The remaining two cats lived for about four months and were then euthanized because of persistent behavioral and neurologic signs; only one of these cats underwent postmortem examination with histopathologic examination. Histopathological findings were typical of severe, diffuse, bilateral symmetric necrosis, and degeneration of neurons in the hippocampus and piriform lobe, but an etiologic agent was not apparent. This apparently unique feline syndrome, now reported in Switzerland and Italy, has no known cause at this time.  相似文献   

Objective To review the distribution of orbital and intracranial disease in canine and feline patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) following referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist and to correlate results of MRI with pathologic conditions including neoplasia, suspected optic neuritis (ON) and orbital cellulitis. Recognized and emerging imaging techniques are reviewed. Procedure Medical records of 79 canine and 13 feline patients were reviewed. Results Neoplasia was diagnosed in 53/92 (57.6%) of patients. The most prevalent types of neoplasia were carcinoma (16/53, 30.1%), sarcoma (11/53, 20.8%), lymphoma (8/53, 15.1%) and presumptive meningioma (9/53, 17.0%). Carcinomas and sarcomas were characterized by bony lysis and intracranial/sinonasal extension. Lymphoma was generally unilateral, less invasive and originated from the ventromedial orbit. Intracranial masses representing presumptive meningiomas frequently exhibited a ‘dural tail’ sign. Diagnosis of suspected ON was made in 13 of 92 (14.1%) patients. Results of MRI in patients with suspected ON included unilateral optic nerve hyperintensity (3/13, 23.0%), bilateral optic nerve hyperintensity (1/13, 7.7%) and optic chiasmal hyperintensity (3/13, 23.0%). Seven suspected ON patients demonstrated intracranial multifocal patchy contrast enhancement (7/13, 53.8%). Diagnosis of orbital cellulitis was made in 12/92 (13.0%) patients. Conclusions Orbital neoplasia was the most common pathologic condition detected. Essential Roentgen characteristics are helpful when diagnosing pathologic processes and providing prognoses in cases of orbital or intracranial disease. Magnetic resonance imaging comprises an important diagnostic component in cases of suspected ON. Emerging contrast and functional MRI techniques as well as SI data may increase our ability to characterize disease processes.  相似文献   

Injury of the distal tarsus and proximal metatarsus commonly causes lameness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows concurrent assessment of both the distal tarsal joints and suspensory ligament origin, and aids identification of lesions that may otherwise go undetected by other modalities. In this retrospective observational study, the medical records of a veterinary imaging center were searched for MRI exams of the distal tarsus and proximal metatarsus for the years 2012 through 2014. Studies for 125 limbs of 103 horses were identified and retrospectively evaluated by two board‐certified veterinary radiologists. Soft tissue and osseous changes were characterized and graded by degree of severity. The patients’ signalment, lameness severity, and results of diagnostic analgesia were recorded. Osteoarthritic changes of the distal intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints were the most common findings. Other findings included bone marrow lesions, degenerative changes of the small cuboidal bones, subchondral cystic lesions, and intertarsal desmopathy. Suspensory ligament desmopathy was found in 53% of limbs. Fourty‐seven percent of limbs that responded to analgesia of the proximal suspensory ligament had more severe lesions in the distal tarsus. Bone marrow lesions of the third tarsal bone were the only MRI finding that correlated with grade of lameness in patients for which lameness grade was reported. The grade of lameness has a poor correlation with the severity of lesions found on MRI. The findings support the use of MRI for simultaneous evaluation of the proximal metatarsus and distal tarsus, particularly given the difficulty of lesion localization with diagnostic analgesia.  相似文献   

Standing low‐field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to image the feet of 21 horses affected by keratomas. The animals had variable clinical histories including acute, chronic or recurrent lameness. Of the 21 horses, only 14 (66%) had radiological changes suggestive of keratoma. Standing low‐field MRI revealed a smoothly demarcated hoof wall lesion in all horses, with deformity of the adjacent surface of the distal phalanx in 15 cases. The signal characteristics of the keratomas varied, with most showing either hypointensity or heterogeneous mixed signal intensity in T1‐ and T2*‐weighted images and hypointensity in STIR sequences. An intermediate or high STIR signal intensity was present in the trabecular bone of the adjacent region of the distal phalanx in 5 cases. Surgical debridement was performed in 16 horses. Recurrence was common, especially in cases where the lesion was ill‐defined; the prior MRI appearance of these cases tended to be of heterogeneous signal intensity.  相似文献   

The presented paper presents updated information concerning magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of shoulder joint, elbow joint and knee joint in dogs. It describes indications, planes, standard sequences, slice thickness to perform MRI examination of above mentioned joints. Besides general information about basic physics use in magnetic resonance imaging, and practical information about magnetic resonance and it usage in orthopedic examination are given.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an anatomical model of the feline hip joint for low‐field magnetic resonance imaging (LF‐MRI) based on high‐field magnetic resonance imaging (HF‐MRI). The study was performed on six adult clinically healthy European shorthair cats, aged 1–3 years, with body weight of 2.8–4.4 kg. The animals were examined with the use of the Vet‐MRI Grande Esaote LF (0.25 T) scanner and high‐field Siemens Magnetom TRIO (3 T) MRI scanner. In the LF‐MRI, most satisfactory results in T1‐weighted images were obtained when TE was 26 ms in all three planes and when TR was 350–950 ms in the transverse plane, 950–1150 ms in the sagittal plane and 520–750 ms in the dorsal plane. In T2‐weighted images, TE was 90 ms in the transverse and dorsal plane and 120 ms in the sagittal plane. The results were presented as images acquired with LF‐MRI scanners in three planes. The slice thickness was 3 mm for each plane. In LF‐MRI, muscles in the hip joint region and round ligament were well visualized. Unlike in LF‐MRI, the cross section of the femoral nerve was identified in HF‐MRI scans. In examinations of the feline hip joint, the main limitations of LF‐MRI were a lack of reliable contrast between articular cartilage and synovial fluid as well as longer scan time. Despite the above, LF‐MRI images were characterized by good contrast between bones and the surrounding soft tissues.  相似文献   

Visualization of copper-induced hepatitis (CuH) in LEC rats was performed by using an MRI apparatus equipped with a magnet producing a high magnetic field of 7.05 T. When three groups of LEC rats (6-16 [pre-hepatitis], 15-26 [acute hepatitis] and 40-77 [chronic hepatitis] weeks old) were examined by MRI under T2-weighted imaging conditions which are suitable for the diagnosis of human hepatitis, hypointense MR images of the livers were, as a whole, obtained in all groups, suggesting that these conditions were not adequate for imaging of CuH of LEC rats. The shortening of the T1 and T2 relaxation times of livers due to an excess amount of paramagnetic irons under the high magnetic field was responsible for the lowering of MR signal intensities of the livers, especially those of 15 to 26-week old rats showing acute hepatitis. However, theoretical calculation of the MR signal intensities using the T1 and T2 relaxation times of the livers indicated that their imaging might be possible under proton density-weighted conditions even with a high magnetic field. Experimental results showed that hepatic injury was visualized as hyperintense regions in the MR image of the liver in the acute-phase rat.  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency is described in captive lions. Ante mortem diagnosis can either be made by serum analysis or liver biopsy, both of which may be problematic. This study utilised magnetic resonance imaging to identify vitamin A deficiency in lions with relatively mild clinical signs, which could otherwise be attributed to numerous other neurological conditions. Magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive, reliable diagnostic tool to demonstrate pathology typically associated with this condition. To accommodate varying lion ages and sizes, a number of cranium and brain measurements were compared with that of the maximum diameter of the occular vitreous humor. Occular ratios of the tentorium cerebelli osseum and occipital bone were most reliable in diagnosing the thickened osseous structures characteristic of hypovitaminosis A. The ratio of maximum:minimum dorsoventral diameter of the C1 spinal cord was also of value.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe normal magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic anatomy of pastern and coffin joints in Egyptian buffalo using cadaveric distal limbs. This study was achieved using twelve fresh cadaveric distal limbs from adult healthy buffaloes of both sexes. These cadaveric limbs were scanned using a 1 Tesla MRI scanner and CT scanner, injected with red latex, frozen at −20°C for 1 week, and then sectioned into sagittal, dorsal and transverse slices. The obtained MR and CT images were selected to be matched with their corresponding anatomical cross-sections for identification and evaluation of the clinically correlated anatomical structures of the pastern and coffin joints. The difference in signal intensities on CT and MRI scans amongst the tissues allowed clear differentiation of major bone and soft tissue structures of the pastern and coffin joints. CT provided a high spatial resolution of bone and soft tissue structures, however, MRI allowed a better and higher resolution and definition between soft tissues. The current study provided a normal CT and MRI anatomic reference which could help veterinary clinicians for interpretation and diagnosis of the clinically affected pastern and coffin joints in buffalo.  相似文献   

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