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Mature weight (A) and rate of maturing (K) were estimated for 283 Angus, 140 Hereford and 280 Shorthorn cows utilizing the asymptotic regression equation Yt=A(1-Be-Kt). The Yt was weight of the individual at age t; and B was an estimate related to early life weight changes and provided for a Y-intercept (A-B). Each breed consisted of four inbred and two noninbred lines. Regression of estimated growth curve parameters on levels of inbreeding of the individuals and of their dams and effects of early reproductive performance (EREPRO) were studied as sources of variation in addition to line differences and trends in line values over years. Considered jointly with inbreeding of the dam and with EREPRO, inbreeding of the individual was negatively related (P less than .01) to estimates of A in the three breeds and unrelated (P greater than .10) to estimates of K. Each 1% increase in inbreeding of the individual was associated with about 2 kg decrease in estimated mature weight. An increase in inbreeding of the dam of an individual was negatively related to estimates of K in Angus (P less than .01) and Shorthorns (P less than .05). Inbreeding of dams was positively related to estimates of A in the three breeds, but only in Shorthorns could the relationship be declared significant. Estimates of A were about 46 kg heavier and estimates of K about .010 less for each year an individual failed to produce a calf during her first three opportunities. In general, A values declined in all three breeds during the study. Significant changes were observed in all Hereford analyses and after inbreeding was included in the Angus analysis, while inclusion of inbreeding in the Shorthorn analysis caused the change to become unimportant. The K values increased in all three breeds during the study; however, the change could be declared significant only in Herefords.  相似文献   

Mid-rib hair coat samples (n = 577) were obtained from 9- to 10-mo-old Hereford and Angus bulls and heifers to examine diet and breed differences in hair coat characteristics and their relationship to 168-d postweaning gain. Each sample was cleaned and subdivided into guard hairs and undercoat. Dependent variables included the number, weight, length, diameter and percentage of medullation of guard hairs and undercoat. Sources of variation included breed, sire nested within breed, year (1965 or 1966), sex of calf, diet fed during the postweaning gain test (2 parts rolled grain:1 part chopped hay vs all chopped hay) and the linear regression on age of calf as a covariate. Factor analysis was used to transform the 10 hair coat variables into a set of four factors that accounted for 71% of the total variance of the original variables. Angus cattle tended to have shorter, less medullated coats (Factor 1), shorter, larger diameter undercoat hairs and guard hairs with less medullation than Herefords. Sire within breed differences existed for weight, length, and diameter of both types of hairs and all four factors. Compared with the medium-energy-diet, the high-energy diet reduced hair weight per unit of surface area, undercoat number and guard hair medullation. Undercoat density (Factor 3) was reduced by the higher-energy diet (P less than .001), whereas guard hair density (Factor 2) was not changed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two unselected herds of purebred Hereford and Angus cattle were created and their progeny evaluated during a 4-yr period (1964 to 1967) for 168-d postweaning gain when they were fed either a high- or medium-energy diet. Birth weight and 200-d adjusted weaning weight also were measured and the importance of sire x diet interactions for postweaning gain examined. Year effects were significant (P less than .001) for all traits in Herefords and for postweaning gain in Angus. Postweaning gain of both breeds increased in successive years, but no trend was observed for birth and 200-d weights. Bulls were heavier than heifers (P less than .05) for all three traits in both breeds. Hereford and Angus calves receiving the high-energy diet gained more (P less than .001) than their contemporaries fed the medium-energy diet. Sire differences were significant for birth weight in Herefords and for all three traits in Angus. Sire x diet interactions were not significant for postweaning gain in either breed. Genetic correlations were calculated by two methods: the two-way ANOVA approach using sire and sire x diet interaction variance components and the one-way ANOVA approach in which gains by progeny of each sire on each diet were considered to be two distinct traits. The genetic correlations for gain in Herefords could not be estimated by either method because of negative sire variance component estimates. The genetic correlations for gain in Angus were 1.08 for the two-way ANOVA method and 1.43 +/- .64 for the one-way ANOVA method. These results indicate that sires ranked the same based on progeny performance when fed either diet.  相似文献   

Linear functions of body weight and condition score at weaning and 18 mo of age were used to predict the mature weight (A) and maturing rate (k) parameters of an asymptotic growth model of Angus cows at the Subtropical Agricultural Research Station, Brooksville, FL. From 1981 through 1988 a heavy-mature-weight line (Line A) and a rapid-maturing line (Line K) were selected based on predicted A and k values. Linear contrasts (A-K) of least squares means for weight at fixed ages indicated that the weight difference between lines increased from birth to maturity during the period of the study. Animals from Line A were heavier (P less than .01) at all ages. A negative response in maternal ability, relative to increased growth potential of their calves, seems to have occurred in the cows of Line A. Mature weight was reached at approximately 4.5 yr of age in Line K and at approximately 5.5 yr in Line A. Brody's three-parameter and Richards' four-parameter functions were fitted to 2,855 quarterly weights of cows, from birth to 6.5 yr of age, to estimate the average growth curve for each line. Brody's model gave better estimates of weights from 18 mo to maturity, but the asymptotic residual mean squares were slightly higher because early weights were overestimated. Linear and nonlinear regression analyses of weight-age data and comparisons of degree of maturity at different premature ages showed differences in the growth patterns of the two lines selected for early predicted values of A and k.  相似文献   

Six Hereford bulls from a line selected with an index of body weight and muscling score were compared with six bulls from a control line to determine if increased growth in the selected line was associated with changes in plasma levels of growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and (or) thyrotropin (TSH). The predictive value of sire hormone data for growth rate of progeny was also evaluated. Bulls of the index line were heavier at birth (P less than .02) and had higher postweaning daily gains (P less than .01) than bulls of the control line. Blood samples were collected from bulls (ages 2 and 3 yr) at 15-min intervals for 8 h. Overall plasma GH concentrations were higher (P less than .03) in the index bulls than those in the control line. All characteristics of PRL secretion examined tended to be higher in the index bulls, but only mean overall and baseline differences approached significance (P less than .10). There were no significant differences in measures of TSH secretion between lines. Sire differences in hormone characteristics accounted for significant amounts of variation in birth weight and postweaning gain of progeny, but not in gain to weaning. Also, when considered jointly, hormone characteristics generally added significantly to predictions that used sire growth rate alone. The results suggest that serum hormone characteristics in parents may provide additional predictors of growth rates of progeny.  相似文献   

Experimental lifetime performance data obtained from 156 straightbred Hereford, Angus, and Shorthorn and 172 first-cross heifers were used to estimate heterosis for economic efficiency in a 100-cow herd at age equilibrium under three culling policies and at terminal ages from 6 to 12 yr. All nonpregnant heifers and cows greater than 9 yr of age were culled. The culling policy for removal of nonpregnant cows from second parity through 9 yr of age were 1) no culling, 2) after two consecutive years (actual), and 3) all (imposed). Efficiency was calculated as input cost per unit of output value. A 10-yr average was used for costs of replacement heifers, cow units, and the ratio of calf:cull cow prices (PR), plus higher and lower PR. Input included costs for both cow units and purchased replacements. Output value included both weaned calves and cull cows. Optimum terminal age was mainly a function of PR: 9 yr for average and high PR, but 6 through 9 yr when PR was low, regardless of culling policy or breed groups. Efficiency differences among culling policies were small for high or average PR, but more culling for infertility was beneficial when PR was low. Estimated reductions in unit costs of output value under any culling policy or terminal age were approximately 6% from crossbred cows plus another 6% from crossbred calves, or a total of 12% from specific three-breed crossing of these British breeds. Cost reductions would be somewhat less for rotation crossbreeding but greater for mating smaller crossbred cows with sires of superior growth-carcass breeds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the preweaning performance of F1 Brahman (Bos indicus)-, Senepol (Bos taurus)-, and Tuli (Sanga)-Angus calves under semiarid south Texas conditions and to evaluate the reproductive performance of their Angus dams. Four hundred eighty-nine records collected over 4 yr were analyzed. The statistical model for performance traits included the effects of breed of sire, year, sex, age of dam, and breed of sire x year. Year effects were important (P < 0.05) for performance traits but could be explained, at least partially, by differences between years in rainfall patterns. Brahman F1 calves were 13% less (P < 0.05) vigorous at birth, 4.7 kg heavier (P < 0.05) at birth, 13.5 kg heavier (P < 0.05) at weaning, 0.25 units lower (P < 0.05) in body condition score (BCS) at weaning, and 1.75 units greater (P < 0.05) in frame score (scores of 1 to 9) at weaning than Tuli and Senepol F1 calves. Senepol F1 calves were intermediate (P < 0.05) between the Brahman and Tuli F1 calves for birth and weaning weight but had 11% more (P < 0.05) vigor at birth than the other two crossbreds. Tuli and Senepol F1 were similar (P > 0.05) in BCS and frame size at weaning. Males were 3.3 kg heavier (P = 0.12) at birth than females, especially for the F1 Brahman males that were 4.5 kg heavier (P < 0.05) than their counterparts. Brahman F1 weaned 19.9 kg heavier (P < 0.05) than the average of the other two F1 in the year of the greatest rainfall (1994), whereas the average advantage in other years was 11.4 kg. This difference gave rise to a breed of sire x year interaction (P < 0.003). Brahman F1 were heavier at every measurement and appeared to be later-maturing and more able to excel under good forage conditions than the other two F1 breed types; Senepol and Tuli F1 were similar (P > 0.05) in these respects but appeared to be more competitive in relative growth rate to the Brahman F1 calves in years of greater nutritional stress. Angus females were observed to have a relatively low reproductive rate and high apparent fetal loss at the first (27.5%) and second (19.2%) compared with the third or later pregnancy (11.2%). Angus females that gave birth to Brahman F1 calves had 20.1% lower (P < 0.05) pregnancy rates in the succeeding year than those that had given birth to the other two breeds.  相似文献   

The performance of 264 contemporary 2-yr-old straightbred and crossbred dams during 1978 to 1981 was studied and maternal heterosis was estimated. Dam breed groups were Hereford (HH), Angus-Hereford (AH), 25% Simmental-75% Hereford (1S3H), 50% Simmental-50% Hereford (1S1H) and 75% Simmental-25% Hereford (3S1H). Differences among dam breed groups were nonsignificant for length of gestation, calving difficulty and late milk production but were important (P less than .01) for calf weights (birth, early and late milking periods and weaning), calf average daily gains during various intervals from conception to weaning, early milk production and other calf traits at weaning (height, weight/height and visual condition score). Dam breed group means (HH, AH, 1S3H, 1S1H and 3S1H, respectively) for representative calf traits were .37, .39, .39, .42 and .42 kg/d for estimated average daily gain the last 3 mo of gestation; 33.6, 34.7, 35.7, 37.6 and 37.1 kg for birth weight; 191, 205, 209, 228 and 228 kg for weaning and 7.5, 8.4, 8.3, 9.5 and 10.0 kg for 24-h early milk production. Therefore, 2-yr-old crossbred dams raised calves that were generally larger for the preweaning gain traits than HH dams. Differences among dam breed groups were significant for traits involving reproduction; means (HH, AH, 1S3H, 1S1H and 3S1H, respectively) were .58, .92, .72, .91 and .79 for proportion calving and 105, 179, 126, 182 and 154 kg for actual calf weaning weight per cow exposed to breeding. Estimates of percentage maternal heterosis were 6.3, 12.9, 9.0 and 7.6% for calf weights at birth, 40 d, 130 d and weaning, respectively; 1.8, 5.7 and 5.7% for calf hip height, height/weight and condition score at weaning, respectively; and 43.1 and 34.6% for proportion calving and actual calf weaning weight per cow exposed to breeding. The dominance model explained most (greater than 95%) of the variation observed among dam breed group means for most traits.  相似文献   

Cow size, reproductive traits and calf performance through weaning were evaluated in a range environment for Simmental (S) x Hereford (H) and Angus (A) x H crosses in two-breed rotations and straightbred H. Data were grouped into seven dam breed categories: straightbred Hereford (H), crossbred F1 S x H cows (SH), S x H cows of low percentage H (SHS), S x H cows of high percentage H (HSH), F1 A x H cows (AH), A x H cows of low percentage H (AHA) and A x H cows of high percentage H (HAH). Straightbred H, SH, AH, SHS and AHA cows were mated to H bulls, HSH cows were mated to S bulls and HAH cows were mated to A bulls. Cows in the SHS and AHA groups ranged from 1/4 to 3/8 H and their calves from 5/8 to 11/16 H. Cows within the HSH and HAH groups ranged from 5/8 to 3/4 H and their calves from 5/16 to 3/8 H. Cow age ranged from 3 to 10 yr. Simmental-cross cows were heavier and taller and produced heavier calves at birth and weaning than A-cross. Pregnancy rate, calf birth date and percentage of difficult births did not vary significantly among dam breed groups. Within the A x H and S x H rotations, dam breed group rankings for calf birth weight were inverse to rankings for proportion of H in the breed makeup of the calf.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Postweaning growth and early reproductive traits in heifers whose potential for milk production differed were studied during the years 1976 through 1979. Data were collected on 230 heifers raised by greater than or equal to 3-yr-old Hereford dams. Heifers were comprised of the following breed groups: Hereford (HH), Angus-Hereford (AH), 25% Simmental-75% Hereford (1S3H) and Simmental-Hereford (SH). Postweaning growth rate during a 140-d period was greatest for SH heifers (.75 kg/d), intermediate for AH and 1S3H groups (.70 and .68 kg/d, respectively) and slowest for HH heifers (.64 kg/d). At 1 yr of age, SH heifers were heavier, taller and had larger pelvic areas than all other groups (P less than .01). Least-squares means for yearling weight, hip height and pelvic area for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH heifers were 283, 303, 298 and 317 kg; 111, 112, 114 and 118 cm, and 132, 136, 139 and 148 cm2, respectively. Ninety-one percent of the heifers reached puberty by the end of the breeding period. Crossbred heifers reached puberty at younger ages and had higher pregnancy rates than HH heifers (P less than .01). Least-squares means for pubertal age, weight and height for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH breed groups were, respectively, 407, 371, 382 and 368 d; 300, 302, 305 and 313 kg, and 115, 114, 117 and 119 cm. Percentage of heifers reaching puberty by 14 mo of age was 64, 99, 85 and 94 for HH, AH, 1S3H and SH, respectively. Respective pregnancy rates were 59, 90, 77 and 86%, but were not significantly different among breed groups when only heifers reaching puberty by the end of the breeding period were studied. No differences among breed groups were found for date of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Data from 1,909 purebred, F1, backcross and F2 and F3 inter se combinations of Angus and Hereford were used to estimate average individual, maternal and grandmaternal genetic effects, individual and maternal heterosis, dominance and epistatic genetic effects. Models for evaluating heterosis and epistatic or recombination effects were discussed. Average individual effects indicate that Angus, compared with Hereford, had calves that were born earlier, had lighter birth weights, lower pre- and postweaning gains and lower pregnancy rates. Angus also produced lighter weight carcasses with more fat cover and marbling. Maternal effects of Angus were in the direction of reduced birth weight, greater calving ease, higher preweaning but lower postweaning growth rate and increased fatness when contrasted with Hereford. There was a tendency for opposite direction of maternal and grandmaternal effects for traits influenced by preweaning maternal environment. When additive X additive effects were ignored, total heterosis was significant for earlier day born, heavier birth weight, preweaning and postweaning gain, and heavier and fatter carcasses. Heterosis retained in F3 inter se vs F1 generation crosses indicated that net epistatic effects were relatively negligible for date of calving, birth weight, weaning gain and fat cover. There was a greater reduction of heterosis effects than expected from dominance alone for survival, pregnancy and marbling score. Loss of heterosis in F3 was less than expected for postweaning gain, carcass weight and rib eye area. Except for survival, pregnancy and marbling, these deviations from dominance expectations, or lack of them, are favorable for F3 composite populations.  相似文献   

Measures of maternal productivity and reproduction of Hereford (HH), Angus-Hereford (AH), 25% Simmental-75% Hereford (1S3H), 50% Simmental-50% Hereford (1S1H) and 75% Simmental-25% Hereford (3S1H) dams were studied. Half of each dam breed group was bred to Tartentaise and half to Charolais sires to produce 706 calves at weaning from 930 exposures to breeding in a Montana range environment. Data were analyzed according to a model that included the fixed effects of year, dam breed group, dam age, calf sex, calf sire breed, plus appropriate two-way interactions, linear partial regression on calf birth date and random effects of sire within dam breed group (maternal grandsire of the calf) and sire within calf sire breed. Calf sex interacted with calf sire breed for several traits, but interactions were due to changes of magnitude of differences between sexes. There were no significant interactions of dam breed group with other main effects for calf growth traits, except for the interaction with calf sire breed for some calf growth traits. This interaction was due to a change in magnitude; it suggested that larger sire breeds should be matched to larger dam breeds with greater potential for milk production. The only significant interaction for traits that included reproduction of the dam was dam breed group X age of dam. Ranking of dam breed groups depended on age at measurement. Differences among dam breed groups were significant for most traits. Calf weaning weights for HH, AH, 1S3H, 1S1H and 3S1H dams were 211, 223, 227, 237 and 243 kg, respectively; calf weaning weights per cow exposed were 157, 163, 179, 189 and 169 kg; calf weaning weights per unit of dam weight were .40, .41, .43, .44 and .42, respectively. Thus, dam breed groups that weaned the largest calves were not necessarily the most productive under Montana range conditions.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the ontogeny of serum IGF-I (SI) concentrations and its relationship to animal performance in a 140-d postweaning feeding trial. Ninety-eight progeny representing six sires (three high and three low feed conversion) and two sexes (43 bulls and 55 heifers) with ad libitum access to feed were allocated by sire and sex to monitor individual weights and pen feed consumption. Blood serum samples were obtained at the beginning of test (average age of 230 d) and every 28 d thereafter until each animal reached a fat thickness (estimated by sonoray) of 8.9 mm. Individual serum samples were acid-ethanol extracted and measured for IGF-I peptide by heterologous RIA. Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .10) between high (H) and low (L) feed conversion progeny groups at the end of the first 28-d period (125.12 vs 89.52 ng/ml) and tended to differ at the conclusion of the second 28-d period (P less than .15). Weight gains of H and L groups tended to differ in the second and third 28-d periods (P = .11 and .10, respectively). Serum IGF-I concentrations differed (P less than .05) between bulls and heifers for the first through fourth 28-d periods (P less than .01, P less than .05, P less than .10 and P less than .01, respectively). Phenotypic correlations indicated that pens with higher mean SI concentrations at the beginning of the test consumed less feed and had lower cumulative feed:gain ratios.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data from Hereford, 25% Simmental-75% Hereford, 50% Simmental-50% Hereford, and 75% Simmental-25% Hereford dams were used to estimate maternal heterosis and level of agreement with the dominance model. Cows were located at the Northern Agricultural Research Center near Havre, MT and were managed consistent with practices for western range environments. Sample halves of dam breed groups were bred to Charolais and Tarentaise sires to produce calves at 3 to 8 yr of age. There were 766 exposures to breeding that resulted in 581 calves. Breed group means for most traits supported the dominance model. Maternal heterosis was estimated by regression techniques for 22 cow and calf traits. Maternal heterosis was not significant for day of conception, number of services, gestation length, or calving difficulty. Estimates of maternal heterosis for calf growth traits ranged from .7% for weaning height to 5.2% for weaning weight and 7.5% for weaning condition score. Calf weight per unit of cow weight at weaning showed significant maternal heterosis (7.1%). Higher levels of maternal heterosis were exhibited for milk production (8.2 to 11.1%) and the negative, but nonsignificant, estimate of maternal heterosis for early minus late milk production suggested more persistent lactation for crossbred cows. Maternal heterosis was 11.5% for proportion of dams that calved and 10.4% for proportion of dams that weaned calves. Calf weaning weight per cow exposed to breeding, a characteristic combining calf growth and dam reproduction, exhibited 17.9% maternal heterosis.  相似文献   

Data from the American Angus Association, American Gelbvieh Association, and the North American Limousin Foundation were analyzed to determine whether parental genetic differences are associated with Mendelian sampling of their bull progeny or with Mendelian sampling variances and weight variances of their bull progeny's offspring. Parental differences were measured as the difference between the parents' EPD for birth weight (DIF(BW)), weaning weight direct (DIF(WW)), and yearling weight (DIF(YW)). A bull's data were used if both parents had calculated EPD and the bull had at least 25 progeny with records for the specific trait. Traits calculated for each bull were his Mendelian sampling (MS(Bull)), progeny Mendelian sampling variance (MSsigma2progeny), progeny weight variance (WTsigma2), and progeny corrected weight variance (CWTsigma2 = adjusted weight minus appropriate dam EPD) for birth, weaning, and yearling weights. Pearson correlations were computed between DIF(BW), DIF(WW), and DIF(YW) and MS(Bull), MSsigma2progeny, WTsigma2, and CWTsigma2 for each trait, within each breed. Across breeds, the correlations ranged from -.07 to .11 for MS(Bull) .01 to .14 for MSsigma2progeny, -.06 to .09 for WTsigma2, and -.06 to .08 for CWTsigma2. Although some of the correlations were significantly different from zero their relatively small magnitude indicates little relationship between parental differences in genetic merit and subsequent offspring variability for each of the three breeds.  相似文献   

Data from 14 inbred lines and 14 linecross groups of Hereford cattle at the San Juan Basin Research Center, Hesperus, were used to evaluate expected and realized response in birth and weaning traits and postweaning traits in males and females over a 28-yr period. There were large differences in the means and variances of the performance traits among the inbreds and linecrosses, with the inbreds showing inbreeding depression and greater variability among lines, while the linecrosses manifested within-breed heterosis. Except for gain from weaning to 12 mo, in females, genetic progress was expected in all traits studied, mainly due to sire selection. Regressions of annual trait means on years indicated positive phenotypic trends in the inbreds for heart girth circumference at birth, adjusted weaning weight (adjusted for inbreeding), weaning score, final weight, feed consumption and the yearling weights and gains in females. Changes were negative for other traits. In the linecross group phenotypic trends were positive in all traits except heart girth circumference, weaning age, initial test weight and feed efficiency. Estimated genetic progress per generation due to within-line selection was negative in most of the traits in the inbreds but was considerably positive for the linecrosses for most of the traits. As expected, between-line selection yielded greater genetic improvement in the inbred than in the linecross population. The different patterns of response in the two populations are attributed to high rates and levels of inbreeding. Although variable, the actual progress was below prediction in most of the traits studied.  相似文献   

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