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Naturally occurring primate hybrid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two members of a troop of wild Macaca irus in Malaysia have been tentatively identified as hybrids of M. irus and M. nemestrina. Mechanisms prohibiting such hybridization in the natural habitat may have broken down under heavy predation pressure which finally resulted in the local extermination of M. nemestrinia.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring antimetabolite antibiotic related to biotin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

A set of naturally occurring immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies that are reactive with a defined subset of proteins in the acrosomal cap region of human sperm has been identified. These antibodies are present in a broad spectrum of human sera from males and females, 1 day to 40 years of age, and are absent or markedly deficient in a large proportion of sera from individuals with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or at risk for AIDS. The subset of proteins with which the IgM antibodies are reactive includes a factor (or factors) capable of inhibiting lectin-induced T-lymphocyte proliferation. The prevalence of the sperm-reactive IgM antibodies indicates that they are not elicited by sperm. Further, immunoreactivity of the sperm proteins resulting in depletion of specific circulating IgM antibodies, or other interactions between the sperm proteins and elements of the immune system, may be a factor in the suppressed state of the immune system in AIDS.  相似文献   

为了解拟南芥和荠菜形态差异与其生长素极性分布的关系,采用荧光定量PCR,以–actin为内参基因,对拟南芥和荠菜的根、茎、叶、花等组织中与生长素极性运输相关的PIN1、PIN3、PIN7基因的表达进行定量分析。结果表明:拟南芥各组织中PIN1的表达量都高于荠菜各组织中PIN1的表达量,拟南芥的茎和花中PIN1的表达量分别比荠菜茎和花中PIN1表达量高3倍和10倍;拟南芥各组织中PIN7的表达量也高于荠菜各组织的PIN7表达量,其叶片中PIN7的表达量比荠菜叶片中PIN7的表达量高10倍以上;荠菜各组织中PIN3的表达都高于拟南芥相应组织中PIN3的表达量,在茎、叶中的表达分别高3倍和10倍以上,这些生长素极性运输蛋白相关基因表达的差异可能是导致2种植物形态差异的直接原因。  相似文献   

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein essential for gonadal development and steroidogenesis. Recent studies suggest that deglycosylation of FSH results in the formation of antagonistic proteins that are capable of binding to gonadal receptors but that are devoid of bioactivity. Treatment of hypogonadal women with an antagonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone substantially decreased serum FSH bioactivity with minimal changes in immunoreactivity. Chromatofocusing and size fractionation of the serum samples indicated the secretion of immunoreactive FSH isoforms that are devoid of bioactivity but that are capable of blocking FSH action in ovarian granulosa cells. These findings provide the first demonstration of naturally occurring circulating antihormones. These FSH antagonists may play an important role in the physiology and pathophysiology of the gonads.  相似文献   

By means of an indirect immunofluorescence technique with the use of monoclonal antibodies, the location of the presumptive auxin transport carrier of pea stem tissue was identified in the plasma membranes at the basal ends of parenchyma cells sheathing the vascular bundles. The results represent what is believed to be the first direct evidence for the hypothesized basal efflux carrier conferring polarity to auxin transport in plant stems.  相似文献   

运用已克隆的苎麻生长素结合蛋白BnABP1基因cDNA及植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300 GFP,构建了35S启动子控制的苎麻BnABP1基因编码区段与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因融合表达重组体(pCAMBIA1300 GFP BnABP1)。通过根癌农杆菌介导法将其转化烟草WS38,经抗性筛选和PCR检测获得了转基因烟草。对转基因烟草细胞进行荧光显微镜观察,发现在细胞质膜和内膜系统上都有较强烈的荧光信号,进一步证明苎麻生长素结合蛋白ABP1已结合在细胞的膜系统上。  相似文献   

The aggregation of nanocrystals has long been believed to result in disordered solids. In his Perspective, Alivisatos discusses recent evidence that nanocrystals may also form oriented assemblies. He highlights the work by Banfield et al. in this issue, who show that such alignment can also occur in natural systems. The results may be of importance not only for geochemistry but also for the synthesis of advanced artificial materials.  相似文献   

为探讨SH40作为苹果中间砧时激素含量及生长素转运蛋白基因pin1表达量变化与矮化的可能存在的关系,为今后致矮机理研究打下基础。在控制条件下,以矮化中间砧砧穗组合富士/SH40/八棱海棠、乔化自根砧砧穗组合富士/八棱海棠以及乔化苗八棱海棠和矮化苗SH40为试材,采用HPLC法测定分析了材料茎皮中生长素(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)含量的变化,采用qRT-PCR研究了pin1基因表达量的变化。结果表明:无论砧木苗本身,还是嫁接品种后,SH40茎皮中ABA/IAA比值显著高于乔化砧木八棱海棠;SH40做中间砧时,其茎皮中IAA含量显著减少,可能与其中IAA转运蛋白pin1基因表达量显著降低有关。  相似文献   

目的对大白菜生长素受体BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族进行系统分析,为大白菜BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族的功能挖掘和性状遗传改良提供理论依据。方法利用生物信息学方法,分析大白菜生长素受体基因家族的进化关系、编码蛋白、保守结构域和顺式作用元件。基于NCBI转录组测序(RNA-sep)数据,分析BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族在大白菜不同组织中的表达模式以及在根肿病入侵条件下的表达情况。结果从大白菜基因组数据库中鉴定得到10个BrTIR1/AFBs基因。拟南芥、茎瘤芥和大豆生长素受体基因家族多序列比对以及系统进化树分析结果显示:BrTIR1/AFBs基因分为6个亚家族(TIR1AFB1AFB2AFB3AFB4AFB5),处于同一亚族的基因具有相似的结构。染色体定位结果显示:BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族成员分布在除Chr5、Chr6和Chr10号染色体之外的7条染色体上,呈现出不均匀分布。顺式作用元件分析结果显示:所有的BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族成员都含有响应生长素、防御和逆境胁迫的作用元件,预示着这些基因可能参与相应的生物学过程。组织表达模式分析发现:10个BrTIR1/AFBs基因的转录本在6个组织中被检测到,且不同组织中的表达量存在明显差异。大白菜BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族成员在根肿病病原菌入侵时表达量发生显著变化。结论大白菜生长素受体BrTIR1/AFBs基因家族成员具有保守的基因结构和功能结构域,在大白菜不同组织中发挥着特异的功能,且在抵御病害和干旱等逆境中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

ThVHAc1基因能响应干旱、盐、重金属等胁迫诱导,该基因能有效提高转ThVHAc1基因酵母的多种抗逆能力。为进一步研究ThVHAc1基因的抗逆调控机理,本研究利用酵母单杂交技术钓取ThVHAc1可能的上游调控因子,并利用基因枪瞬时共转化技术进行初步验证。酵母单杂交结果显示,ThMYB3基因能识别ThVHAc1基因上游MYB顺式作用元件和含有MYB元件的启动子片段。ThDof2基因能识别ThVHAc1基因上游DOF顺式作用元件和含有DOF元件的启动子片段。但ThMYB3和ThDof2均不能识别突变后的元件及含对应突变元件的启动子片段。将ThMYB3和ThDof2分别构建成效应载体,各元件、突变元件、启动子片段及突变的启动子片段分别构建报告载体进行共表达验证。结果发现:效应载体ThMYB3和含MYB元件及含MYB元件的ThVHAc1启动子片段的报告载体,ThDof2和含DOF元件及含DOF元件的ThVHAc1启动子片段的报告载体瞬时共表达烟草叶片能观察到GUS染色,且GUS活性较高;而与相应突变元件及片段的共转化则观察不到烟草叶片的GUS染色,且GUS活性很低。说明只有非突变的元件和启动子片段才能与效应载体进行互作识别,激活GUS基因的表达,验证了酵母单杂交获得的上游调控基因的识别特异性。表明ThMYB3和ThDof2可能通过与相应启动子元件的结合调控ThVHAc1基因。   相似文献   

Acropetal movement of auxin: dependence on temperature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amounts of radioactive indole-3-acetic acid that moved, both basipetally and acropetally, through short sections of bean epicotyl were measured at 15 degrees and 25 degrees C in the presence and absence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. Low temperature and this second compound each inhibited acropetal efflux of indole 3-acetic acid more than they did the influx. Results are interpreted as supporting a metabolically dependent component of the acropetal movement of auxin in bean epicotyls.  相似文献   

Polar flow of the phytohormone auxin requires plasma membrane-associated PIN proteins and underlies multiple developmental processes in plants. Here we address the importance of the polarity of subcellular PIN localization for the directionality of auxin transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression of different PINs in the root epidermis revealed the importance of PIN polar positions for directional auxin flow and root gravitropic growth. Interfering with sequence-embedded polarity signals directly demonstrates that PIN polarity is a primary factor in determining the direction of auxin flow in meristematic tissues. This finding provides a crucial piece in the puzzle of how auxin flow can be redirected via rapid changes in PIN polarity.  相似文献   

ABP1(Auxin Binding Protein)是最早发现的生长素结合蛋白之一,作为一种生长素受体参与质膜上生长素的响应过程,在细胞周期、细胞扩增、质膜内吞作用和基于ROP的细胞骨架重建等快速反应中起着重要的作用。因此,对ABP1最新的研究进展进行了综述,以期为生长素受体作用机制的深度阐明提供参考。  相似文献   

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