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具有农业生物活性壳寡糖的研究进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
壳寡糖是一类由N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖或氨基葡萄糖通过β-(1,4)-糖苷键连接起来的低聚合度水溶性的糖类,在食品、医药、化妆品等方面具有广泛用途。主要评述了壳寡糖在植物生长调节(诱导抗性)、杀菌作用以及杀虫活性方面的应用,表明壳寡糖是一种对环境友好的、良好的生物源农药。  相似文献   

β-葡寡糖作为一种植物激发子,可高效诱导植物产生抗病性,因此被普遍认为是一种病原物相关的分子模式.其作用的发挥主要是通过与细胞膜上的受体相互识别,引起受体构象改变产生跨膜信号,再经过一系列的胞内信号传导,调控防卫基因的表达,积累次生代谢产物,诱导植物抗性来实现.诱抗活性不仅受到寡糖聚合度和化学修饰基团的影响,而且植物对于结构上有差异的β-葡寡糖激发子的识别也是大相径庭.本文就β-葡寡糖诱导植物产生抗病性的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

植物抗病激活剂诱导植物抗病性的研究进展   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
植物抗病激活剂本身及其代谢物无直接的杀菌活性,但可刺激植物的免疫系统而诱导植物产生具有广谱性、持久性和滞后性的系统获得性抗病性能(SAR).植物抗病激活剂的诱导除了可以引起植物富含羟脯氨酸糖蛋白(HRGP)的变化,导致木质素在细胞壁沉积,使植物形成物理防御机制外,经植物抗病激活剂诱导后的植株能导致内源水杨酸(SA)的累积、形成氧化激增,植物局部细胞程序化死亡而产生过敏反应(HR),植物抗病激活剂诱导后产生的抗病信号经内源信号传导物质SA、茉莉酸(JA)、乙烯(Et)和一氧化氮(NO)可传导到达整个植株,经过一系列抗病相关基因的调控和表达可引起寄主防御酶系如苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(β-1,3-glucanase)、几丁质酶(chitinase)、过氧化物酶(POX)等以及抗病物质如木质素与植保素等的变化及病程相关蛋白(PRP)的调控与表达.文中讨论了植物抗病激活剂概念和种类及其诱导抗病作用的主导机制,指出了植物抗病激活剂的应用前景和发展方向及使用和研究开发中可能存在的问题与对策.  相似文献   

植物诱导抗病性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从植物诱导抗病性的诱导因子及诱导机制等方面综述了近年来国内外植物诱导抗病性的研究进展。  相似文献   

壳寡糖诱导烟草抗烟草花叶病毒的超微结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 电镜检查表明,接种烟草花叶病毒(TMV)表现系统侵染的烟草植株叶肉细胞和筛管内有大量病毒粒子和病毒结晶体,细胞质中出现髓鞘样结构、多泡体和次级囊泡。叶片薄壁细胞内叶绿体、线粒体等细胞器变形解体,膜结构增生。经壳寡糖(50 μg/mL)诱导处理的烟草,系统症状减轻,叶肉细胞和筛管中病毒粒子显著减少,偶见病毒结晶体;叶肉细胞中细胞器基本完好,但叶绿体内出现较大的淀粉粒;液泡内和细胞间隙出现大量电子致密物质。在未接毒和未经壳寡糖处理的植株中未见此种电子致密物,其产生可能与诱导抗病性表达有关。  相似文献   

植物诱导抗病性与诱抗剂研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
以糖、蛋白和糖蛋白三大类生物源激发子为重要的植物诱抗剂,本文分析了植物诱抗剂作用于植物后所发生的一系列信号识别与信号传导过程及植物典型的防卫反应,为植物诱抗剂的研发和植物诱导抗病性分子机理的探讨提供参考。  相似文献   

寡糖诱导植物防卫反应的信号转导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
寡糖作为一种生物类激发子,可以诱导植物产生防卫反应,提高植物的抗病性,从而抵御病原物的入侵。本文就寡糖的种类、特点及诱导植物防卫反应信号转导等方面作一评述。  相似文献   

壳寡糖诱导烟草防御酶系活性变化及PR-1a基因表达研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 The activity change of defensive enzymes and PR-1a gene expression of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seedling induced by chito-oligosaccharides were studied. The results showed that high level systemic acquired resistance (SAR) was expressed in tobacco plants treated with chito-oligosaccharides solution at the concentration of 50 μg/mL. PAL activity increased greatly with 2 peaks, the activity of SOD decreased initially followed by an increase with higher increment, and the activity of POD peaked early followed by a gentle fall in chito-oligosaccharide treated plants. The PR-1a gene was strongly expressed in tobacco due to systemic acquired resistance induced by chito-oligosaccharides. At 168 h after inoculation the expression quantity (co-pies/2 μL) of PR-1a gene was increased to 2 469.6 in treated tobacco leaf, reached 392.6% than that at 0 h after inoculation, it was increased 3.05 times of that in untreated control.  相似文献   

壳寡糖和钕复合处理诱导黄瓜对枯萎病的抗性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以"津研四号"黄瓜为试材,研究了壳寡糖和钕Nd3+对黄瓜幼苗的诱导抗病性及对枯萎病的防治效果。结果表明,50 mg/L壳寡糖和10 mg/L Nd3+复合处理的相对防效达74.7%,比50 mg/L壳寡糖和10 mg/L Nd3+的单独处理分别提高22.0%和43.8%。分析比较壳寡糖和Nd3+单独和复合处理黄瓜幼苗后,黄瓜根部防御反应相关酶系苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(GLU)比活性的变化趋势,发现壳寡糖和Nd3+复合处理黄瓜植株根部PAL、POD、PPO和GLU等防御酶活性呈上升趋势。研究表明,壳寡糖和Nd3+复合处理能诱导黄瓜幼苗对枯萎病的抗性,且诱导黄瓜抗病性的产生与激活黄瓜相关防御酶的活性有关。  相似文献   

壳寡糖诱导对烟草体内TMV-CP基因表达的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用实时荧光定量PCR方法, 研究了壳寡糖诱导对烟草体内TMV-CP基因表达量的影响。结果表明, 壳寡糖诱导后烟草表达了对TMV侵染的系统获得抗病性, 植株显症推迟4~7 d, 症状减轻, 平均严重度比对照降低了82.9%。同时烟草叶片中CP基因的表达量显著降低。壳寡糖诱导处理的植株在接种病毒时(0 h), CP基因的表达量(拷贝数/2μL)为0.918, 接种后168 h增加到167.730。而在不诱导对照植株内, CP基因的表达量在0 h为1.218, 接种后168 h猛增到648.623。换言之, 不处理对照的表达量在此期间增长了532.53倍, 而壳寡糖诱导处理植株中仅增长了182.71倍。试验证明壳寡糖诱导的系统获得抗病性强烈抑制了烟草体内TMV-CP基因的表达。  相似文献   

植物激活蛋白对番茄抗病性的诱导作用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
用2μg.ml-1植物激活蛋白处理番茄植株,测定了番茄叶片过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶活性和过氧化氢的含量。处理番茄4d后,过氧化物酶活性比对照增加117.14%;10min过氧化氢酶活性即迅速上升为对照的2.5倍,12h其活性显著低于对照;过氧化氢含量随过氧化氢酶活性的降低逐渐增加,在36h达最大值134.67μmol.g-1,比对照提高27.5%。通过半定量RT-PCR方法测定了参与蜡质合成基因Cer1表达水平,结果表明,处理番茄2d后Cer1表达量约为对照的2倍。植物激活蛋白处理番茄植株,对灰霉病的防治效果21d时达71.30%。  相似文献   

Induced Systemic Resistance and Promotion of Plant Growth by Bacillus spp   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Kloepper JW  Ryu CM  Zhang S 《Phytopathology》2004,94(11):1259-1266
ABSTRACT Elicitation of induced systemic resistance (ISR) by plant-associated bacteria was initially demonstrated using Pseudomonas spp. and other gram-negative bacteria. Several reviews have summarized various aspects of the large volume of literature on Pseudomonas spp. as elicitors of ISR. Fewer published accounts of ISR by Bacillus spp. are available, and we review this literature for the first time. Published results are summarized showing that specific strains of the species B. amyloliquefaciens, B. subtilis, B. pasteurii, B. cereus, B. pumilus, B. mycoides, and B. sphaericus elicit significant reductions in the incidence or severity of various diseases on a diversity of hosts. Elicitation of ISR by these strains has been demonstrated in greenhouse or field trials on tomato, bell pepper, muskmelon, watermelon, sugar beet, tobacco, Arabidopsis sp., cucumber, loblolly pine, and two tropical crops (long cayenne pepper and green kuang futsoi). Protection resulting from ISR elicited by Bacillus spp. has been reported against leaf-spotting fungal and bacterial pathogens, systemic viruses, a crown-rotting fungal pathogen, root-knot nematodes, and a stem-blight fungal pathogen as well as damping-off, blue mold, and late blight diseases. Reductions in populations of three insect vectors have also been noted in the field: striped and spotted cucumber beetles that transmit cucurbit wilt disease and the silver leaf whitefly that transmits Tomato mottle virus. In most cases, Bacillus spp. that elicit ISR also elicit plant growth promotion. Studies on mechanisms indicate that elicitation of ISR by Bacillus spp. is associated with ultrastructural changes in plants during pathogen attack and with cytochemical alterations. Investigations into the signal transduction pathways of elicited plants suggest that Bacillus spp. activate some of the same pathways as Pseudomonas spp. and some additional pathways. For example, ISR elicited by several strains of Bacillus spp. is independent of salicylic acid but dependent on jasmonic acid, ethylene, and the regulatory gene NPR1-results that are in agreement with the model for ISR elicited by Pseudomonas spp. However, in other cases, ISR elicited by Bacillus spp. is dependent on salicylic acid and independent of jasmonic acid and NPR1. In addition, while ISR by Pseudomonas spp. does not lead to accumulation of the defense gene PR1 in plants, in some cases, ISR by Bacillus spp. does. Based on the strains and results summarized in this review, two products for commercial agriculture have been developed, one aimed mainly at plant growth promotion for transplanted vegetables and one, which has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, for disease protection on soybean.  相似文献   

拮抗细菌对番茄植株抗灰霉病的诱导   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
通过拮抗细菌多粘类芽孢杆菌W3、Y2和地衣芽孢杆菌W1 0诱导接种和灰霉病菌挑战接种试验 ,明确了 3菌株培养液和去菌液对番茄植株抗灰霉病的诱导作用。 3株拮抗细菌的诱导抗病效果为 2 3 .4%~ 64.5% ,其中W3诱导作用最强。W 3培养液及其去菌液处理后 5d ,诱导效果达最大值 ,且 1 2d后仍有诱抗作用。在 1 0 2 ~ 1 0 1 0 cfu/ml范围内 ,拮抗细菌的诱导活性随浓度增加而增强 ,以≥ 1 0 8cfu/ml的效果最好。拮抗细菌处理叶上部各叶片间诱抗效果无明显差异。  相似文献   

木霉菌是广泛应用于植物病害生物防治的微生物,具有多重植物病害生物防治机制,其中关于诱导抗性的研究取得明显进展。木霉菌能产生20余种微生物相关分子模式/损伤相关分子模式(MAMPs/DAMPs)分子,植物根系有相对应的大约30种受体或响应基因。木霉菌通过定殖植物根系使MAMPs/DAMPs与植物根系受体或响应基因互作,触发水杨酸、苿莉酸/乙烯等防御反应信号长距离传导至植物叶片,诱导植物叶片防御反应基因表达。将木霉菌诱导的植物转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组变化的信息相结合,能全面反映木霉菌?植物有益互作所激发的诱导抗病性的分子机理。  相似文献   

β-氨基丁酸诱导植物抗病作用及其机理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
β-氨基丁酸(BABA)作为一种结构简单的非蛋白质氨基酸,不仅具有广谱的诱导抗病活性,而且与多种化合物具有协同增效作用,是一种极具潜力的植物化学诱抗剂。综述了BABA诱导植物抗病性的特点、作用机理、使用方法及其代谢方式,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Induced Systemic Resistance by Fluorescent Pseudomonas spp   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT Fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. have been studied for decades for their plant growth-promoting effects through effective suppression of soilborne plant diseases. The modes of action that play a role in disease suppression by these bacteria include siderophore-mediated competition for iron, antibiosis, production of lytic enzymes, and induced systemic resistance (ISR). The involvement of ISR is typically studied in systems in which the Pseudomonas bacteria and the pathogen are inoculated and remain spatially separated on the plant, e.g., the bacteria on the root and the pathogen on the leaf, or by use of split root systems. Since no direct interactions are possible between the two populations, suppression of disease development has to be plant-mediated. In this review, bacterial traits involved in Pseudomonas-mediated ISR will be discussed.  相似文献   

Induced Disease Resistance in Plants by Chemicals   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Plants can be induced locally and systemically to become more resistant to diseases through various biotic or abiotic stresses. The biological inducers include necrotizing pathogens, non- pathogens or root colonizing bacteria. Through at network of signal pathways they induce resistance spectra and marker proteins that are characteristic for the different plant species and activation systems. The best characterized signal pathway for systemically induced resistance is SAR (systemic acquired resistance) that is activated by localized infections with necrotizing pathogens. It is characterized by protection against a broad range of pathogens, by a set of induced proteins and by its dependence on salicylic acid (SA) Various chemicals have been discovered that seem to act at various points in these defense activating networks and mimic all or parts of the biological activation of resistance. Of these, only few have reached commercialization. The best- studied resistance activator is acibenzolar-5-methyl (BION). At low rates it activates resistance in many crops against a broad spectrum of diseases, including fungi, bacteria and viruses. In monocots, activated resistance by BION typically is very long lasting, while the lasting effect is less pronounced in dicots. BION is translocated systemically in plants and can take the place of SA in the natural SAR signal pathway, inducing the same spectrum of resistance and the same set of molecular markers. Probenazole (ORYZEMATE) is used mainly on rice against rice blast and bacterial leaf blight. Its mode of action is not well understood partly because biological systems of systemically induced resistance are not well defined in rice. Treated plants clearly respond faster and in a resistant manner to infections by the two pathogens. Other compounds like beta-aminobutyric acid as wdl as extracts from plants and microorganisms have also been described as resistance inducers. For most of these, neither the mode of action nor reliable pre-challenge markers are known and still other pathways for resistance activation are suspected. Resistance inducing chemicals that are able to induce broad disease resistance offer an additional option for the farmer to complement genetic disease resistance and the use of fungicides. If integrated properly in plant health management programs, they can prolong the useful life of both the resistance genes and the fungicides presently used.  相似文献   

阿泰灵是我国自主研发的植物免疫蛋白制剂,能诱导多种植物的广谱抗性,并能促进植物生长、提高产量,但在小麦生产中尚未开展相关研究。2016年作者分别在山东省和河南省开展了阿泰灵对小麦抗病和促生长的田间试验,并初步研究了阿泰灵诱导小麦抗病的作用机制。研究结果表明,用400倍阿泰灵稀释液拌种,并分别在返青期、拔节期和扬花期进行1000倍喷雾使用,能显著提高小麦叶片的叶绿素含量、须根数和根系活力;对小麦纹枯病、白粉病和叶锈病3种病害的诱抗效果达到29.3%~64.9%;穗长、穗粒数和千粒重也显著提高,产量增加15%以上。阿泰灵喷雾处理小麦6叶期幼苗后12~24 h,POD、SOD和CAT防御酶活性提高45%,抗病相关基因PR-1、PR-2和PR-5也比未处理小麦转录表达提高10倍。以上研究结果表明,阿泰灵能有效促进小麦生长,并提高小麦抗病性;防御酶活性提高和抗病基因上调表达是阿泰灵诱导小麦抗病增产的重要作用机制之一。  相似文献   

以5种黄瓜主要病原菌作为诱导抗病因子,研究其对黄瓜主要病害的作用,结果发现黄瓜经病原菌诱导后,可以产生对诱导病原菌及其它病原菌引起病害的交互保护作用,并且诱导的交互保护作用与诱导浓度、诱导间隔期、不同品种存在相关性.诱导效果不随诱导接种浓度的升高而升高.在黑星病菌对霜霉病菌的诱导作用中,以浓度为1×102个/ml的黑星病菌孢子悬浮液的诱导效果最好,诱导间隔期为48h黄瓜黑星病菌对霜霉病的交互保护作用最明显,抗性品种的交互保护作用明显好于感病品种;炭疽病菌可诱导黄瓜有效抑制褐斑病的发生,但挑战接种褐斑病菌后,却促进了炭疽病的发生.诱导接种炭疽病菌后再挑战接种褐斑病菌12d,对褐斑病的防效为92.07%.  相似文献   

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