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Pymetrozine, a novel compound belonging to the class pyridine-azomethines, is a feeding inhibitor labeled for use against plant pests in the order Hemiptera. Pymetrozine was evaluated for its ability to interfere with whitefly transmission of the begomovirusTomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). Pymetrozine was applied as Fulfill TM 50 WG at two rates (0.291 and 0.582 g formulationl −1) to tomato seedlings with four to six true leaves. Viruliferous whiteflies (three to five per plant) were added 1, 4, 7 and 11 d after a single application of pymetrozine, and transmission rates were determined 4 wk after the addition of whiteflies. Pymetrozine provided protection against transmission of TYLCV by viruliferous whiteflies for up to 1 wk after a single apliation. No phytotoxicity was observed on tomato transplants. These results indicate that pymetrozine could be an effective tool for tomato transplant producers to protect susceptible transplants from infection by begomoviruses, such as TYLCV. Pymetrozine might also work well as part of an integrated approach to begomovirus management in greenhouse tomato fruit production. http://www.phytoparasitica.org positing Oct. 20, 2003.  相似文献   

The ability of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci to transmit two strains of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, the Israel and Mild strains, was studied after serial transfers of individual whiteflies that were viruliferous for both strains to tomato plants. After single whiteflies had successive acquisition feedings first on a single plant infected with one strain and then on a plant infected with the other strain, the single whiteflies later transmitted intermittently one, the other, or both strains to the test plants during serial transfers at 1-day intervals. Because both strains were found in the head, abdomen, and legs dissected from whiteflies during the retention period after the two successive acquisition feedings, both strains apparently circulate from midgut cells to salivary glands through the hemolymph.  相似文献   

Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) is a serious and prevalent begomovirus that causes severe mosaic and yield loss of tomato plants in Brazil. The virus is transmitted by Bemisia tabaci bitotype B (MEAM1) in a persistent circulative manner. This study evaluated the efficacy of cyantraniliprole foliar spray, cyantraniliprole root drenching, spiromesifen, thiamethoxam, and cartap on the mortality of Bemisia tabaci byotipe B and simulated primary and secondary transmission of ToSRV. None of the insecticides were effective in controlling primary transmission of ToSRV by B. tabaci. Cyantraniliprole root drenching, cartap, and cyantraniliprole foliar spray were effective in controlling secondary transmission of the virus, and infections were reduced by 94.5, 89.6, and 81%, respectively, compared to each of their controls. Thiamethoxam and spiromesifen did not provide effective control of secondary infection. Elimination of external sources of inoculum before starting new plantings and rational use of insecticides to reduce secondary infection may contribute to better disease management of tomato crops.  相似文献   

Four Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) (CMV-HM 1–4) and nine Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) (ToMV AH 1–9) isolates detected in tomato samples collected from different governorates in Egypt during 2014, were here characterized. According to the coat protein gene sequence and to the complete nucleotide sequence of total genomic RNA1, RNA2 and RNA3 of CMV-HM3 the new Egyptian isolates are related to members of the CMV subgroup IB. The nine ToMV Egyptian isolates were characterized by sequence analysis of the coat protein and the movement protein genes. All isolates were grouped within the same branch and showed high relatedness to all considered isolates (98–99%). Complete nucleotide sequence of total genomic RNA of ToMV AH4 isolate was obtained and its comparison showed a closer degree of relatedness to isolate 99–1 from the USA (99%). To our knowledge, this is the first report of CMV isolates from subgroup IB in Egypt and the first full length sequencing of an ToMV Egyptian isolate.  相似文献   

Whiteflies are an insect group that comprises multiple species and biotypes, capable of affecting crops by phloem feeding, virus transmission and promotion of fungal colonization. The distribution of these pests is worldwide. In Costa Rica, a country located in the tropics, the most problematic whiteflies are Bemisia tabaci biotype B and Trialeurodes vaporariorum. In September 2009, two greenhouses in the Alfaro Ruiz region, northwest of the country’s capital, San Jose, were surveyed as part of a larger effort to determine the occurrence of species and races of whiteflies in this agronomically important region. In addition, the insect samples were analyzed to determine the presence of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), a yield-affecting crinivirus transmitted by whiteflies. The results revealed the presence of the Q biotype of B. tabaci, and important invasive species, as well as the expected T. vaporariorum. Viral detection assays identified potentially viruliferous individuals for Tomato chlorosis virus. These results identified a new pest capable of harbouring plant viruses has been identified, as well as a viral agent (ToCV) in a region where it was not reported, and which might cause significant yield losses.  相似文献   

Virus-like symptoms—red ringspots on stems and leaves, circular blotches or pale spots on fruit—were found on commercial highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivars Blueray, Weymouth, Duke and Sierra in Japan. In PCR testing, single DNA fragments were amplified from total nucleic acid samples of the diseased blueberry bushes using primers specific to Blueberry red ringspot virus (BRRV). Sequencing analysis of the amplified products revealed 95.7–97.7% nucleotide sequence identity with the BRRV genome. This paper is the first report of blueberry red ringspot disease caused by BRRV in Japan. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database as accessions AB469884 to AB469893 for BRRV isolates from Japan.  相似文献   

Nicandra physaloides, a common weed in South America, was found to be infected by an isolate of Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV), a bipartite begomovirus. The plants developed severe yellow rugose mosaic and were collected in São Paulo State, Brazil. This isolate of ToSRV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci B biotype from infected plants of N. physaloides to healthy plants of N. physaloides and tomato in a glasshouse. This is the first report of natural infection of N. physaloides by ToSRV in Brazil.  相似文献   

The biotype status of samples of the whiteflyBemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) collected from several field and greenhouse sites in Israel during 1999–2000 was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) for general esterases, and by RAPD-PCR using primers of arbitrary sequence. Results of this survey provide the first published evidence for the occurrence of theB. tabaci Q biotype, alongside the more widely distributed B biotype. Based on the collected samples, it appears that both the B and Q biotypes are present in Israel, and that field populations consist of a mixture of the two biotypes. A possible link betweenB. tabaci biotypes and insecticide resistance is discussed. Contribution no. 508/02 from the Inst. of Plant Protection, ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 5, 2002.  相似文献   

In Hokkaido potato fields, tubers produced from the plants with leaf curl symptoms caused by potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) were noted to be more densely covered with Rhizoctonia sclerotia. This observation led us to hypothesize that potato infected with PLRV would have an increased susceptibility to Rhizoctonia solani. To test this hypothesis, in a pot experiment, we inoculated PLRV-infected mother tubers with Rhizoctonia. As a result, PLRV-infected plants produced significantly fewer and smaller tubers than virus-free plants did, suggesting that PLRV-infected plants are more susceptible than virus-free plants to R. solani. Virus-free seed tubers should thus be used to reduce Rhizoctonia diseases.  相似文献   

The vector competence of Frankliniella occidentalis for Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) was evaluated. Three vector strains with distinct competences for Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) transmission were investigated, including an artificially selected strain (TsH) that has a particularly high competence (>90 %). Newly hatched larvae of F. occidentalis were given an acquisition access period of 5 days on CSNV-infected D. stramonium leaves, and reared to maturity. Their transmission efficiencies were examined using a leaf disk assay using Petunia x hybrida leaves. Following the leaf disk assay, the virus accumulation in the vectors was examined via a double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) of their bodies. The results showed that the CSNV acquisition and transmission efficiency of the TsH strain did not differ from those of the others, indicating that the competence of F. occidentalis as a vector for CSNV is not related to that for TSWV. The CSNV transmission and acquisition efficiencies of two F. intonsa strains (Hiroshima and Fukuoka) were also evaluated. In Hiroshima strain, 35 % of adults were viruliferous, but only two transmitters (3 %) were observed. In Fukuoka strain, 6 % were viruliferous, and no transmitters were observed. These results indicate that F. intonsa cannot be a major vector for CSNV. The accumulation of CSNV in the adults of F. occidentalis and F. intonsa evaluated using DAS-ELISA showed a significant difference in ELISA values among transmitter, viruliferous non-transmitter, and non-viruliferous individuals. These results clearly demonstrated that only transmitters that accumulated a threshold quantity of virus can transmit CSNV to plants.  相似文献   

The genomic fragments of two open reading frames (ORFs) 1 and 2 of German and Canadian PAV isolates of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV) were sequenced. Sequences only slightly differed from previously published sequences of this virus. Two polyclonal antisera against proteins encoded by ORFs 1 and 2 of a German ASL-1 isolate were developed using recombinant antigens expressed in E. coli as a fusion either to His6− or thioredoxin-tags. In Western blot analysis with total protein extracts from BYDV infected plants, antisera efficiently recognized the 99 kDa fusion protein expressed from ORF1 and ORF2 (P1–P2 protein). Later in infection the P1–P2 protein disappeared and two smaller proteins, revealing sizes of 39 and 60 kDa, could be detected.  相似文献   

A new disorder exhibiting flower crinkle on Phalaenopsis orchids bearing white flowers has been observed in Taiwan, China and Japan for several years. This disorder decreased the flower longevity and was considered as a physiological syndrome. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize the real causal agent of this new Phalaenopsis disorder. Five plants of Phalaenopsis hybrids “V3” (Phal. Yukimai × Phal. Taisuco Kochdian) with flower crinkle symptoms were collected and tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with antisera against 18 viruses. The extract of leaves and flowers from one diseased plant (96-Ph-16) reacted positively only to antiserum against Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV), while those from the other four plants (96-Ph-7, 96-Ph-17, 96-Ph-18 and 96-Ph-19) reacted positively to the antisera against ORSV and Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV). Five ORSV isolates, one each from flowers of those five diseased Phalaenopsis orchids, were established in Chenopodium quinoa. A CymMV culture was isolated from the flowers of one of the ORSV/CymMV mix-infected Phalaenopsis orchids (96-Ph-19). To determine the causal agent of the flower crinkle disease, healthy Phalaenopsis seedlings were singly or doubly inoculated with the isolated ORSV and/or CymMV. Results of back inoculation indicated that ORSV is the sole causal agent of the crinkle symptom on petals of Phalaenopsis orchid. The CP gene of the ORSV isolates from this study shared 97.3–100% nucleotide identity and 96.2–100% amino acid identity with those of 41 ORSV isolates available in GenBank. This is the first report demonstrating ORSV as the sole virus causing flower crinkle disease on Phalaenopsis orchids.  相似文献   

Sixty-nine tomato genotypes representing nine Solanum species were evaluated for resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroup IA and its aphid vector Myzus persicae. Resistance was assessed by visual scoring of symptoms in the field under natural conditions, and in the greenhouse by artificial inoculations through aphid M. persicae and mechanical transmissions in the year 2007 and 2009. Considerable variation in responses was observed among the evaluation methods used. Field evaluations were found liable to errors as different levels were observed for the same genotypes in the different years, however mechanical inoculation was found to be the most useful in identifying CMV subgroup IA resistance, in contrast aphid transmission was most useful in identifying insect transmission resistance. All genotypes observed as highly resistant to CMV subgroup IA in the field or through vector transmission became systemically infected through mechanical inoculations. Using mechanical inoculation, six genotypes (TMS-1 of S. lycopersicum, LA1963 and L06049 of S. chilense, LA1353, L06145 and L06223 of S. habrochaites) were found resistant and another six (L06188 and L06238 of S. neorickii, L06219 of S. habrochaites, L05763, L05776 and L06240 of S. pennellii) were found tolerant showing mild symptoms with severity index (SI) ranging 1-2 and with delayed disease development after a latent period (LP) of 18–30 days. However, these genotypes were found to be resistant to highly resistant in the field and through inoculation by M. persicae; and they also supported low population levels of M. persicae except TMS-1. Another nine genotypes (LA2184 of S. pimpinellifolium L., LA2727 of S. neorickii, LA0111, L06221, L06127 and L06231 of S. peruvianum L., LA1306, L06057 and L06208 of S. chmielewskii) showing a susceptible response after mechanical inoculation were highly resistant, resistant and tolerant after M. persicae transmission. The resistant genotypes, identified in the present study can be exploited in the breeding programmes aimed at developing tomato varieties resistant to CMV subgroup IA and broadening the genetic base of CMV-resistant germplasm. The differences observed between mechanical and aphid transmission suggests that one should consider both evaluation methods for tomato germplasm screening against CMV subgroup IA.  相似文献   

Transmission of three strains of OMMV by an Olpidium sp. was evaluated and compared. The three strains were 1) an OMMV wild type (WT) recovered from olive trees, 2) an OMMV variant (L11) obtained after 15 serial passages of single local lesions induced in Chenopodium murale plants, and 3) a construct OMMV/OMMVL11 in which the coat protein (CP) gene replaced that of the wild type. A single-sporangial culture derived from Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) used as a bait plant grown in soil of an olive orchard, was identified as Olpidium brassicae based on the size and sequence of the generated amplicon in PCR specific tests. Each of the three virus strains was soil transmitted to cabbage roots in the absence of the fungus at similar rates of 30 to 40%. Separate plant inoculation by O. brassicae zoospores incubated with each viral strain resulted in enhanced transmission of OMMV, reaching 86% of infection whereas that of the other two strains remained practically unaffected at ca. 34%. Binding assays showed that the amount of virus bound to zoospores, estimated spectrophotometrically, was 7% in the case of OMMV, and practically nil in the case of the other two viral strains. Substitution of the coat protein (CP) gene of OMMV by that of the OMMV L11 strain, drastically reduced viral transmissibility in the presence of zoospores to the level of that observed in their absence. Our data shows that OMMV soil transmission is greatly enhanced by O. brassicae zoospores and that the viral CP plays a significant role in this process, most likely by facilitating virus binding and later entrance into the host plant roots.  相似文献   

This study aimed to detect the harmful effects of Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) infection, and to demonstrate the potential benefits of S-methylmethionine-salicylate (MMS) pretreatment in infected maize (Zea mays L.) plants. The results of chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements showed that in MDMV-infected plants additional quenchers of fluorescence appear, probably as the result of associations between the virus coat protein and thylakoid membranes. It is important to note that when infected plants were pretreated with MMS, such associations were not formed. MDMV infection and MMS pretreatment resulted in a decrease in ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in maize leaves, while infection contributed to an increase in activity in the roots. Infection raised the guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) enzyme activity level, which was reduced by MMS pretreatment. MMS contributed to a decrease in both the RNA and coat protein content of MDMV, to an equal extent in maize leaves and roots. The results showed that MMS pretreatment enhanced the stress response reactions against MDMV infection in maize plants and retarded the spreading of infection.  相似文献   

The tomato pathotype of Alternaria alternata (A. arborescens) produces the dark brown to black pigment melanin, which accumulates in the cell walls of hyphae and conidia. Melanin has been implicated as a pathogenicity factor in some phytopathogenic fungi. Here, two genes of the tomato pathotype for melanin biosynthesis, ALM1 and BRM2-1, which encode a polyketide synthetase and a 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene (THN) reductase, respectively, have been cloned and disrupted in the pathogen. The gene-disrupted mutants, alm1 and brm2-1, had albino and brown phenotypes, respectively. The wild-type and the mutants caused the same necrotic lesions on the leaves after inoculation with spores. These results suggest that melanin is unlikely to play a direct role in pathogenicity in the tomato pathotype A. alternata. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the conidia of both mutants have much smoother surfaces in comparison to the wild-type. The conidia of those mutants were more sensitive to UV light than those of the wild-type, demonstrating that melanin confers UV tolerance.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was detected by ELISA, electron microscopy and/or bioassay from bumblebee (Bumbus terrestris), pollen clumps, nest materials and bee-visited anthers of flowers from greenhouses in which tomatoes had been pollinated by bees and were severely infected with TMV. Experimental bee-mediated transmission of TMV in greenhouse tomatoes demonstrated that the bumblebees transported TMV from plant to plant and that they spread the virus in greenhouses. This is the first report describing TMV transmission by bumblebees. Received 11 August 1999/ Accepted in revised form 30 September 1999  相似文献   

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