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The purpose of this research note is to provide an empirical indication of how China's increasing role in the South Pacific has been presented in their own and other nations' media over the last 20 years. What is the tone of coverage? Which issues are salient? How does this vary by nation? What changes are there over time? This research note reports information derived from over 1000 articles published in Australasian, Asian and Pacific newspapers in the last 20 years. The findings demonstrate that nations dealing with ‘China's rise’ in the South Pacific are faced with a range of complex issues, which can produce ambivalent and mixed reactions. For instance, although the tone of Australian and New Zealand newspaper coverage of China's entry into their ‘special patch’ is, overall, more negative than positive, negativity is largely driven by coverage of China's diplomatic efforts in the region and geopolitical considerations. Other aspects of China's expanding role (e.g. economic and cultural aspects) are treated much more positively. Similarly, although the major focus of Pacific newspapers is on Chinese aid and economic impact, which are treated very positively, coverage of other issues can be negative.  相似文献   

This study takes a regional approach to analyzing what drives labor's share of income for South Korea over 2000–2014. First, we document empirically that changes in the labor share within a region are the dominant component of the change in the aggregate labor share of national income. To study the dynamic determinants of the labor share of income at the regional level, a panel vector autoregression (PVAR) model is estimated to examine how the regional labor share responds to innovations in an array of variables suggested by theoretical models. Consistent with theory, we confirm that technology, capital intensity and market concentration are the key variables explaining the labor share dynamics. Furthermore, we analyze the effects of trade openness and R&D expenditures on the regional labor share. Interestingly, we find that the labor share shows a different pattern of responses to the identified shocks depending upon the type of regions, that is, whether it is in the metropolitan or provincial areas. We also discuss the implications of our results for both theory and policy.  相似文献   

In Solomon Islands, women's groups play an important role in promoting socially inclusive development and women's empowerment. In this paper, we summarise the experiences of a 5-year participatory action research partnership to enhance rural livelihood activities based on aquatic foods. The women's savings groups that participated in this research identified solar-powered freezers as an innovation suitable to their skills and environment. The 12 freezers we used in our partnership to pilot this innovation had tangible benefits. More than 700 unique users accessed the freezers, 3900 kg of fish was stored and over USD6,000 was saved in total; however, accumulation of savings varied greatly between groups. The women's groups demonstrated that operating solar-powered freezers can be financially viable, and the innovation integrated well with their livelihood activities. This conclusion provides an alternative to dominant development narratives, which tend to focus on building large-scale infrastructure, and often exclude women. Existing marketing skills and cooperation were strengths on which the women built. Poor-quality technology was the biggest impediment to success. Solving this basic problem should be a priority for any future cold-storage initiative.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that having more self-employed or entrepreneurs can contribute to higher levels of economic growth in distressed areas. Additionally, self-employment in certain industries may be more beneficial to growth. Other research has linked industrial diversity to entrepreneurship and regional growth, especially in urban areas. However, the relationship between industrial diversity, self-employment, and growth in lagging or distressed regions is less clear. To examine these linkages in distressed areas, we first identify a group of distressed counties based on historic data. Then, using detailed industry-level self-employment data, we appraise whether having more self-employed from certain industries is associated with regional growth. We also analyze the relationship between industrial diversity and overall growth and the propensity to be self-employed. The results suggest that having more self-employment overall and in some key industries is associated with more employment growth in distressed counties. We also find that the relationship between economic diversity and self-employment varies by industry and region.  相似文献   

Regional technology characters (TCs) are studied in this paper to find whether innovation in Chinese cities leads to technology converging, or technology divergence, in both the intra-city and inter-city scales, with which regional economic development strength may be better explained. Based on a literature review on the subject, a two-dimensional research framework and relevant technical lens are designed to clarify TC in cities composed of parameters on Technology Strength (TS) versus Technology Angle (TA). By applying Principle Component Analysis, a technical lens is made possible based on extracted parameters on three integrated technology dimensions for measuring TSs and TAs over 117 Chinese sample cities with invention patent data covering 21 technology field between 2005/2006 and 2015/2016. Technology convergence versus divergence are examined for 28/24 sample cities beyond average score, and the research findings indicate that technology divergence in Chinese cities can be confirmed at the inter-city level, even partially at the intra-city level. This finding holds for most sample cities with fairly large and modest TSs, while intra-city technology converging is significant, especially for larger sized TS samples, however they also differ on different dimensions. This may imply that urban economic development in China is technical based and differentiated.  相似文献   

The tidal and seasonal pattern of habitat utilization by dunlin was studied in a tidal-flat area in a shallow bay called Königshafen, island of Sylt, by counting the number of dunlins on marked plots at 10-min intervals over whole tidal cycles. Sediment type, tidal elevation, and seasonal changes in food choice were found to influence the feeding densities of dunlin irrespective of total numbers present in the area. Densities of dunlin were generally highest on low muddy substrates. A preference for high sandy substrates was found in late summer. The tidal pattern of habitat utilization differed between areas. In preferred areas dunlin stayed during the whole emersion period. Other areas were only used by following the moving tide line. Seasonal changes in habitat utilization were apparently triggered by changes in food choice. In spring dunlin fed almost exclusively on polychaetes. In late summer a relatively high proportion of shrimps, Crangon crangon, was found in the diet of dunlins. The preference for shrimps may force the birds to stay away from the tide line, where the shrimps can escape into deeper waters. It is recommended that studies on habitat utilization on tidal flats should consider the tidal behaviour of the target species, as single low-tide counts may not give valid results.  相似文献   

During April/May 1985–1987 some of Ursin's (Ursin, 1960) stations on the Dogger Bank from April/May 1951–1952 were revisited. This paper concentrates on results from the ‘Tail End’, the northeastern part of the Dogger Bank. The polychaete species Ophelia borealis and Goniada maculata, which were dominant species in 1951–1952, showed similar distributions in 1985–1987 on the whole of the Dogger Bank. Changes in the macrofauna distribution are obvious in the increase of opportunistic small polychaete species like Spiophanes bombyx, Scoloplos armiger and Magelona spp. In 1985–1987 these species occurred in high individual numbers per m2 all over the Dogger Bank in contrast to 1951–1952, when they were found only in few individuals. Extensive patches of the bivalve species Spisula subtruncata discovered at the northeastern border of the Dogger Bank in the fifties were not found. Only small, fast-growing species like Abra prismatica, Tellina fabula and Montacuta bidentata occurred in high individual numbers per m2. In 1987 the total biomass shows a reduction of about 30% in the area compared with 1950–1954Some hypotheses are given to explain the changes in macrofauna distribution on the Dogger Bank between 1950–1954 and 1985–1987, taking into account the increasing eutrophication and pollution.  相似文献   

This study analyzes three national department store chains in order to identify the factors most associated with their store closures. A binary logistic regression revealed some consistencies and differences in the associations. Larger stores are less likely to close for all three chains. Macy's and Sears stores are less likely to close in large malls (than freestanding stores) and if they are located in the West. J.C. Penney stores in the west are also less likely to close than in other regions, but stores in large shopping centers are more likely to close than freestanding stores. Store age was only significant for J.C. Penney stores, and indicated that older stores are more likely to close. Implications for retail managers and city economic vitality are mentioned and future research possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid, which was obtained from interspecific crosses between tetraploid Primula denticulata (2n = 4x = 44) and P. rosea (2n = 2x = 22), successfully produced 11 plants by backcrossing with pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. Analysis of ploidy level using flow cytometry and chromosome counting in the 11 BC1 plants revealed that all progeny had much larger DNA contents and chromosome number than both parents. In this triploid-tetraploid (3x–4x) crossing, progeny was predominantly true or near pentaploid presumably produced by the fertilization between true or near triploid female gamete produced from triploid hybrid and diploid pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. These results suggest that unreduced (3x) or near triploid female gametes were partially produced by single step meiosis, either first-division restitution or second-division restitution process. The zygotes formed by the fertilization between true or near triploid egg produced by single step meiosis in triploid hybrid and diploid pollen produced by normal meiosis of tetraploid P. denticulata might be the only survivors in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The rice cultivar ASD7 (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) is resistant to the brown planthopper (BPH; Nilaparvata lugens Stål) and the green leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens Distant). Here, we analyzed multiple genetic resistance to BPH and the green rice leafhopper (GRH; Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler). Using two independent F2 populations derived from a cross between ASD7 and Taichung 65 (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica), we detected two QTLs (qBPH6 and qBPH12) for resistance to BPH and one QTL (qGRH5) for resistance to GRH. Linkage analysis in BC2F3 populations revealed that qBPH12 controlled resistance to BPH and co-segregated with SSR markers RM28466 and RM7376 in plants homozygous for the ASD7 allele at qBPH6. Plants homozygous for the ASD7 alleles at both QTLs showed a much faster antibiosis response to BPH than plants homozygous at only one of these QTLs. It revealed that epistatic interaction between qBPH6 and qBPH12 is the basis of resistance to BPH in ASD7. In addition, qGRH5 controlled resistance to GRH and co-segregated with SSR markers RM6082 and RM3381. qGRH5 is identical to GRH1. Thus, we clarified the genetic basis of multiple resistance of ASD7 to BPH and GRH.  相似文献   

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