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Previous studies have suggested that growth-hormone-releasing factor (GRF) enhanced growth and advanced puberty onset along with hormonal changes in buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis). However, it is not known to what extent exogenous GRF could influence blood metabolites and minerals to bring about puberty in buffalo heifers. Therefore, we planned to investigate the effect of exogenous bovine GRF (bGRF) on blood metabolites and minerals in buffalo heifers during a 3-month pre-treatment period, 9-month treatment period and 1-month post-treatment period. Six buffalo heifers were treated intravenously with bGRF (10 mug per 100 kg body weight) at 15-day interval for 9 months. Another six buffalo heifers of weight- and age-matched received requisite amount of vehicle (0.9% NaCl solution) during the same period. Exogenous bGRF enhanced (p < 0.01) plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations in treatment group when compared with control group during the treatment and post-treatment period, while plasma alpha-amino nitrogen (AAN) concentrations showed a decreasing trend (p < 0.05) in the treatment group when compared with the control group during the treatment and post-treatment periods. The plasma inorganic phosphorus (Pi) was found to be higher (p < 0.05) in the treatment group animals in comparison with the levels recorded in the control group animals during the treatment as well as post-treatment periods. However, there was no change (p > 0.05) in plasma glucose and calcium concentrations between the two groups. Plasma NEFA was found to be positively correlated with plasma growth hormone (GH); however, it was only significant for the treatment group (r = + 0.76; p < 0.05). Plasma AAN in the treatment group exhibited negative correlation with plasma GH (r = 0.72; p < 0.05), while plasma AAN and GH were recorded to be positively correlated in the control group (r = 0.47; p < 0.05). The present findings suggest that exogenous bGRF induces GH release that increases plasma NEFA and Pi and decreases AAN concentrations, which probably help to reach a certain physiological state that initiates events necessary for bringing about puberty in buffalo heifers.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted using 17 male buffalo calves to assess the effects of plane of nutrition on dry matter intake (DMI), daily gain (DG), body size measurement, apparent digestibility and nitrogen (N) balance. To attain 250 kg BW, the calves were allocated into three groups: H, L‐H and L, receiving the concentrate at 1.50% of BW, 0.75% of BW until 190 kg BW and 1.50% thereafter and 0.75% of BW, respectively. The animals had ad libitum access to urea‐treated rice straw (UTRS). The DMI of UTRS through the experiment was higher in L and L‐H than H, showing 3.52, 2.90 and 2.62 kg/day, respectively (P < 0.01), but the total DMI did not differ among the treatment groups. The DG throughout the experiment was high in the order of H, L‐H and L, showing 0.72, 0.57 and 0.45 kg, respectively (P < 0.01). The digestibility of DM, organic matter, crude protein, neutral and acid detergent fiber and N retention were higher in H than in L (P < 0.05). The findings of this study thus revealed the greater DG has an advantage of shortening the growing period around 3 months, and consequently increasing benefit in fattening of buffalo calves in Nepal.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the benefits of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) on growth and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in buffaloes. Twelve Murrah buffalo heifers (Bubalus bubalis) of mean age 24.8 months and mean body weight 302.4kg were divided into two groups (treatment and control) with six animals in each group. The buffaloes were given intravenous injections of bovine GRF (bGRF) at a dose rate of 10microg/100kg body weight or an equal volume of saline at 15-day intervals for a period of 9 months. Plasma growth hormone (GH) responses to bGRF challenge were measured in blood samples collected at 90-day intervals on days 1, 90, 180 and 270 and samples were taken at -60, -30, 0, +10, +20, +30, +60, +120 and +180min relative to bGRF injection. Blood samples were also collected weekly by jugular venepuncture for the quantification of plasma GH. The average growth rate (AGR) and FCE of all animals were recorded at 15-day intervals. Plasma GH concentrations increased (P=0.001) steadily following bGRF challenge, peaking 10-20min after challenge and declining to baseline by 180min. In the treatment group, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in either the peak heights of the GH response or the area under the curve (AUC) of the GH response after bGRF challenge on any of the four occasions of intensive bleeding. There were overall increases in plasma GH concentrations (P<0.01), AGR (P<0.01) and FCE (P=0.05) in the treatment group compared with the control animals. The study showed that GH responsiveness to administration of bGRF at 15-day intervals over 9 months of treatment remained unchanged in buffalo heifers. Exogenous bGRF treatment for a long period can therefore enhance GH release leading to higher growth rates and better feed conversion efficiency in buffalo heifers.  相似文献   

The development of retina in Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has not been reported previously. The aim of the present study was therefore to report the major landmarks and the time course in the development of retina. Serial histological sections of Indian buffalo embryos and foetuses were used as group1 (<20.0 cm CVRL), group2 (>20.0 but <40.0 cm CVRL) and group3 (>40.0 cm CVRL). Age estimation was made on the basis of crown vertebral‐rump length (CVRL), which ranged between 36 and 286 days (1.6–94.0 cm). The retina in Indian buffalo was developed in a similar manner to that of the other mammals with the principal differences in the time of occurrence of various layers of this nervous tunic. In 36 days (1.6 cm stage), the foetal retina was composed of pigmented layer and the layer of neuroblasts. Differentiation of layers was first observed in 47 days (4.0 cm CVRL) which became prominent in 52 days (5.1 cm stage). At 120 days (20.5 cm stage), the differentiation of inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer was evident. At 143 days (31.0 cm) foetal age, the faint line in neuroblastic layer was the first evidence of the future outer plexiform layer. In foetuses of group III, the retina was comprised of all 10 layers (eight cell layers and two membranes) viz. pigmented epithelium, layer of rods and cones, outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer, ganglion cell layer, layer of nerve fibres and the inner limiting membrane.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline given in a single dose (22 mg/kg) either IV or IM was studied in 4 female buffalo calves. The half-life (t1/2) after IV administration varied between 169.02 and 216.56 minutes and that after IM administration, between 630 and 990 minutes. The drug was distributed well in the body after IM administration (Vdarea 1.18 to 2.15 L/kg). The total body clearances varied between 1.02 and 1.45 and between 1.17 and 1.49 ml/kg/min after the IV and the Im dosings, respectively. It has been proposed that oxytetracycline is excreted mainly by glomerular filtration in the buffalo species, but tubular reabsorption also may have a small part. About 42% of the drug was bound to plasma proteins at concentrations of 2 to 20 micrograms of oxytetracycline/ml. The drug dosage schedules to maintain serum levels of 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 micrograms/ml also are determined.  相似文献   

Effects of long-term growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) on growth performance, feed conversion efficiency (FCE) and dry matter intake (DMI) were studied in growing buffaloes. Twelve female Murrah buffaloes of 6-8 months of age were divided into two groups of six each on the basis of their body weights so that the average body weights of the groups did not differ (p > 0.05). Animals of each group were administered intravenously with either sterile distilled water (control group) or equal volume of GRF solution containing 10 mug GRF (1-44)-NH2/100 kg body weight (treatment group) at fortnight interval from week 6 (5-week pre-treatment period) for 36 weeks (weeks 6-42 treatment period). Thereafter a 10-week post-treatment period was added. All the animals were weighed consecutively 2 days in a week and the average body weight of the two observations in the week was thus considered for further calculation. Dry matter intake was recorded daily. Average daily gain, FCE and DMI/100 kg body weight were also calculated. Plasma progesterone was estimated in the samples collected twice a week at 3-4-day intervals to assess whether either group had begun ovarian cycles. It was found that ADG and FCE were higher (p < 0.01) in GRF-treated animals during treatment and even 10-week post-treatment period. Interestingly, total DMI was not different (p > 0.05) between the groups during treatment period but found to be lower in GRF treated animals during post-treatment period. The DMI/100 kg body weight was lower (p < 0.01) in GRF-treated animals during treatment and even after cessation of treatment for 10 weeks. The GRF administration for long-term increased (p < 0.05) plasma progesterone. Plasma progesterone concentrations suggest that no animal from either group reached puberty till the end of the experiment. In conclusion, repeated GRF administration for longer term decreased (p < 0.01) DMI/100 kg body weight and increased (p < 0.01) FCE and enabled the animals to grow faster.  相似文献   

Four Thai swamp buffaloes (SB) and four Murrah buffaloes (MB) fed a based diet of fresh ruzi grass (Bachiaria ruziziensis) with an increased proportion of fresh leucaena leaves. Intake of nutrients in animals increased when ruzi grass was mixed with leucaena. Digestibility of nutrients were the highest in SB and MB fed diets containing 25% and 50% of leucaena, respectively, and nitrogen (N) balances in both animal breeds were varied among diets. The regression equation coefficient of mimosine + DHP in the urine was twice as high in SB than in MB. Urinary purine derivatives excretion rate in SB was higher than that in MB. Plasma triiodothyronine and thyroxine declined in both animal breeds fed a diet containing >1 g mimosine intake/kg BW0.75/day. Plasma urea–N was the lowest in SB, but the highest in MB when fed a diet containing 84% of leucaena. Plasma β-HBA in SB have declined when diets contained >50% of leucaena but that in MB was not affected by any diet. In conclusion, the effect of leucaena in diet upon buffalo breeds depends on the proportion of leucaena in the diet, mimosine contents and condensed tannins components.  相似文献   

The objective of the experiment was to study oocyte recovery by transvaginal, ultrasound-guided, follicle aspiration, from Thai swamp buffalo using different vacuum pressures. Six adult buffalo heifers, aged 2.5-3.0 yrs were treated with a total dose of 280 mg FSH, given twice a day in a divided doses over a three day period (60/60 mg, 50/50 mg, 30/30 mg) at d7 after progesterone implant. Three vacuum pressures were used; 100 (n=12), 80 (n=12) and 60 mmHg (n=12) and all of the pressures were performed in each animal. The animals were treated repeatedly and collection took place using 2 sets of each pressure every 2 months, giving a total of 36 collections from each animal. The oocyte recovery rates from each pressure were 81.2% (69/85) 79.1% (53/67) and 90.3% (93/103) for 100, 80 and 60 mmHg respectively. The number of oocytes collected per donor were 5.33 +/- 3.27, 4.42 +/- 2.71 and 7.75 +/- 4.31 respectively. The quality of the oocytes did not improved with the lower vacuum pressure. In conclusion, the application of FSH pretreatment improves the yield of oocytes from Thai, swamp buffalo heifers after gonadotropin treatment when using the vacuum pressures between 60-100 mmHg.  相似文献   

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) in buffalo species ( Bubalus bubalis ) were estimated using a single injection technique. The total body clearances of inulin and para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) served as estimates of GFR and ERPF, respectively. Inulin and PAH were administered to animals as a single i.v. bolus. The time—concentration curves were determined for each compound. Three mathematical models were applied to the data. The two compartment model gave the best fit to the data. The single compartment model gave slightly higher values, but could be used in clinical and certain research situations to estimate renal functions when it is not practical to take large number of samples.  相似文献   

The duration of excretion of Toxocara vitulorum larvae in the milk of buffalo cows determines the optimum time for treating calves. Studies on 10 cows showed that a few larvae occur in the colostrum of some cows before the calf has suckled, but most are present from the day after calving and for a further five days. From day 9 onwards, very few larvae were found in the milk. The total number of larvae found was comparable with the number of adult parasites collected from the calves of cows with similar histories. The larvae were 1254 +/- 60 microns long and 36 +/- 6.7 microns in diameter at the ventriculus, figures which are substantially different from some published results.  相似文献   

Split fractions of 25 ejaculated semen samples and spermatozoa from 5 caudae epididymides were used to study the effect of different levels of caffeine on the motility and fructolytic activity. During the first hour of incubation at 37°C, addition of caffeine to unwashed ejaculated buffalo sperm significantly increased the percentage of motility and amount of fructose utilized. In presence of 2–8 mM caffeine, sperm maintained their initial motility at least 2 hours at 37°C. Maximal stimulation of fructolytic activity was obtained with 2 mM whereas the minimal stimulation was found with higher concentration of 8–10 mM caffeine. Compared to ejaculated spermatozoa, epididymal sperm appeared to be more influenced by caffeine. Fructolytic activity was stimulated at least 1.5 times in the presence of 2 mM caffeine. Nearly during all incubation periods, the amounts of fructose utilized by caffeine-treated sperm were greater than in control samples. Data on epididymal sperm motility demonstrated that caffeine (2–10 mM) significantly stimulated and maintained the initial motility at least 3 hours at 37°C .  相似文献   

The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is an important dairy animal on the Indian subcontinent and in Southeast Asian countries. The diversity and differentiation among 12 populations or breeds of buffalo were studied. Data were generated and analyzed from 527 animals belonging to 10 recognized breeds and 2 additional populations of Indian buffalo by using 22 microsatellite loci. Relationships among buffalo breeds and populations were estimated based on genetic distances. The Bayesian analysis grouped 12 populations into 8 distinctive clusters. Geographically close breeds clustered together, except for the Jaffarabadi and Murrah, which were not in geographic contiguity. The Mantel test revealed nonsignificant correlations between genetic and geographic distances. This supports the hypothesis that buffaloes have been domesticated at different places for specific purposes. The phylogenetic relationship based on microsatellite loci supported the breed classification based on body size. The Toda breed, which is considered to be endangered, had genotypes similar to those of the surrounding buffalo populations.  相似文献   

Growth, weight at birth and daily weight gain (DWG) on 12 water buffalo calves, starting from 6 days of age until completion of weaning, was investigated in this study. Different feeding regimens were given to two groups of animals with regard to daily milk replacer: (1) group 1 (G1) received a double concentration in single administration; whereas (2) group 2 (G2) received the same amount of milk replacer split twice daily. Blood samples were collected from each calf on days 6, 30, 60 and 90 to evaluate acute phase proteins (haptoglobin), bactericide activity, lysozime, total protein content and biochemical parameters. No differences were observed between the two groups in terms of dry matter intake, feed efficiency and live body weight at the end of the study. Interestingly, a significantly (P?<?0.05) reduced DWG was observed earlier in G1 (day 45) than in G2 (day 60). Gastrointestinal disorders were not recorded throughout the experimental period, and no significant differences were recorded between the two groups for all considered parameters. This study confirms the possibility of utilising one daily administration of milk replacer in water buffalo calf during weaning. This new approach facilitates calves management, without interfering with calves growing performances.  相似文献   

The egg production of Toxocara vitulorum in Asian buffalo has been studied. Eggs were first present in the faeces of calves when they were 22.3 +/- 1.6 days old. In calves treated with pyrantel when 3 days old, the age at first patency was extended by 3.5 days indicating that there was no pre-natal transmission. Calves on only half the milk of the cow had a significantly longer prepatent period of 27.7 +/- 2.2 days. The peak egg output occurred in calves 35.7 +/- 2.6 days old and had a duration of 5.5 +/- 2.5 days with 98,000 +/- 63,700 eggs g-1 of faeces. The duration of the patent period was 35 +/- 12 days. The average lengths of populations of mature female parasites from different hosts at the time of peak egg output or older, ranged from 15.0 to 31.0 cm and was correlated with those of the males in the same populations (10.6-20.4 cm). The size of females was not affected by intraspecific competition. The proportion of males in the populations was 0.39 +/- 0.11. The egg output per female per day at the peak was 110,000 +/- 58,000 and was correlated with the size of the females at autopsy, but the egg output per female per day at the time of autopsy was lower and was not correlated, so it was concluded that the drop in egg counts was the result of reduced fecundity. The fertility of the eggs from faeces was greater than 92% throughout.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Swamp buffalos are becoming endangered due to reproductive inefficiencies. This is of concern because many countries depend heavily on their products. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a potential strategy for preserving endangered species. To date, SCNT in swamp buffalo has succeeded in the creation of blastocyst embryos. However, development to term of SCNT swamp buffalos is extremely limited, and only 1 live birth has been reported. An abnormal epigenetic mechanism is suspected to be the cause of developmental failure, as is also seen in other species. The DNA methylation and histone acetylation are key players in epigenetic modification and display marked variability during embryonic preimplantation development. Knowledge of epigenetic modifications will aid in solving the developmental problems of SCNT embryos and improving reproductive technology in the swamp buffalo. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between preimplantation embryonic development and 2 epigenetic patterns, global DNA methylation and histone acetylation, in SCNT and in vitro-fertilized (IVF) swamp buffalo embryos. In addition, we examined the correlations between those 2 mechanisms in the SCNT and IVF swamp buffalo embryos throughout the developmental stages using double immunostaining and quantification of the emission intensities using confocal microscopy. We discovered an aberrant methylation pattern in early preimplantation-stage swamp buffalo SCNT embryos. In addition, greater variability in the DNA methylation levels among nuclei within SCNT embryos was discovered. Hyperacetylation was also observed in SCNT embryos compared with IVF embryos at the 4- and 8-cell stages (P < 0.05). Dynamic changes and interplay between these 2 epigenetic mechanisms could be crucial for embryonic development during the early preimplantation period. The aberrancies uncovered here may contribute to the low efficiency of SCNT.  相似文献   

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