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Background:Epilepsy is relatively uncommon in horses compared with other species and limited information is available.
Hypothesis:The objectives of the study were to describe the age of onset, clinical signs, clinicopathologic data, electroencephalographic findings, treatment, and outcome, including long-term prognosis in Arabian foals with idiopathic epilepsy.
Animals:Twenty-two foals were included in the study.
Materials and Methods: Medical records from 1985 to 2005 were reviewed.
Results:The age of onset of affected foals ranged from 2 days to 6 months. Seizures were characterized by generalized tonic and clonic motor activity, staring, and loss of consciousness. The most common postictal signs were transient blindness and abnormal mental status. The interictal neurologic examination was otherwise normal. Clinicopathologic data and imaging diagnostics were normal except in 4 foals that developed complications. Electroencephalography revealed epileptiform activity in 9 of 13 foals. Foals were treated with benzodiazepines for the short-term; whereas phenobarbital was used over the long-term. Potassium bromide was added in 3 foals in which seizures were multiple, frequent, and difficult to control. The long-term prognosis was favorable with cessation of seizures by 1 year of age. The most common complication was head trauma. The most common concurrent disease was pneumonia.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Juvenile idiopathic epilepsy of Egyptian Arabian foals has an early clinical onset but appears to be self-limiting. Information obtained from this study strongly suggests a heritable condition that merits further investigation.  相似文献   

The medical records of 79 dogs and 16 cats admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between January 1975 and October 1985 with facial nerve dysfunction were reviewed. In 31 dogs and 8 cats, facial neuropathy was the only abnormal finding. In 48 dogs and 8 cats, the clinical findings most often noted in the records in addition to facial neuropathy were vestibular signs. Facial neuropathy appeared unassociated with gender or right vs left sides in both dogs and cats, or with hypothyroidism in dogs. Facial neuropathy was associated with increased age, with certain breeds in both dogs and cats, and with otitis media/interna and keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs. Causes of facial nerve dysfunction in dogs and cats included surgical and nonsurgical trauma, neoplasia, and otitis media/interna. Facial neuropathy was judged to be idiopathic in 74.7% of dogs and 25% of cats.  相似文献   

The medical records of 74 dogs and 26 cats with Horner's syndrome (HS) that were admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between January 1975 and October 1985 were reviewed. In dogs, but not cats, HS was associated significantly (P less than 0.01) with increasing age. Dogs with hypothyroidism (defined liberally but not rigorously), intracranial neoplasia, or thoracic neoplasia, cats with otitis media/interna (defined liberally), and dogs and cats with brachial plexus root avulsion were at greater risk for developing HS than were animals that were hit by a car. Dogs and cats with otitis externa were at less risk of developing HS than were animals that were hit by a car. The cause of HS could not be determined in 50% of dogs and 42.3% of cats. The results of topical adrenergic drug testing in dogs were inconclusive in localizing lesion site. In dogs and cats, HS appeared to be unassociated with gender, breed, or right vs left side. The important causes of HS in dogs and cats were trauma (hit by car), brachial plexus root avulsion, intracranial and thoracic neoplasia, and otitis media/interna.  相似文献   

Two hundred ten dogs that had primary lung tumors diagnosed between 1975 and 1985 were evaluated. The majority of the tumors were classified as adenocarcinoma (74.8%) and alveolar carcinoma (20%). The most common clinical signs of disease were cough (52%), dyspnea (23.8%), lethargy (18.1%), weight loss (12.4%), and tachypnea (4.8%). The clinical methods that were most successful in directly or indirectly leading to a diagnosis of primary lung tumor were thoracic radiography (77.1%) and cytologic examination of fine-needle aspirate specimens (24.8%).  相似文献   

Medical records of 7 adult horses with single or multiple ligament failure of the femorotibial ligaments were reviewed to evaluate signalment, history, diagnostic and treatment methods, outcome, and long-term follow-up information. Acute onset of lameness was recorded for most of the horses. Horses with multiple ligament injury had more severe clinical signs than did horses with single ligament injury. Horses with single ligament injury generally required manipulative tests to localize the lameness to the stifle. In all horses, radiography of the stifle assisted in the diagnosis. Horses either were euthanatized (n = 3) or were treated by stall rest (n = 4) after diagnosis. Of the 4 surviving horses, 2 became successful breeding animals, 1 was awaiting breeding, and 1 was used unsuccessfully as a breeding animal. Necropsy findings in 2 of the 3 horses euthanatized after diagnosis revealed early articular damage in 1 horse 1 day after injury, and degenerative joint disease in the other horse 1 year after injury.  相似文献   

An abscess of the external umbilical remnant and umbilical vein remnant was diagnosed in a 16-month-old colt, using ultrasonography. Because of the colt's size, primary closure of the surgical incision after umbilical cord resection was not complete. Vertical mattress stainless steel sutures and stents were used, and healing was by second intention. Intervening gas-filled viscera made it impossible to visualize ultrasonographically the bladder of umbilical artery remnants in a colt of this age.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of keratoma in 7 horses and their treatment and outcome were evaluated. Horses were 2 to 20 years old, of various breeds, and were intact or castrated males. All were lame, and 6 horses had had previous injuries of the affected hoof that had not responded to prior treatments. Only 1 hoof was affected in each horse. Keratomas were beneath the hoof wall (6 horses) or sole (1 horse). Radiographically, a circular or semicircular defect with a discrete margin was present in the distal portion of the third phalanx in 3 horses. Grossly, keratomas were firm solitary masses (1.5 to 5 cm diameter); gray, tan, or yellow; and oval or conical. Keratomas were excised from beneath the hoof wall by removing a section of hoof wall (5 horses) or by undermining the wall beginning at its junction with the sole (1 horse). A keratoma beneath the sole in 1 horse was excised by excavating the sole to the level of the palmar surface of the third phalanx. Keratoma was verified microscopically by the presence of characteristic rings of squamous epithelial cells with abundant keratin. Purulent exudate and inflammatory infiltrate often were present concurrently, reflecting an associated localized infection. Aftercare included daily application of an antiseptic iodine solution and foot bandages, and shoeing with a treatment plate several weeks after surgery. Hoof and sole defects healed completely between 6 months and 1 year. By 1 year after surgery, 6 horses were sound, and keratoma had not recurred.  相似文献   

Sixteen dogs with lymphoma underwent splenectomy to relieve signs of massive splenomegaly including splenic rupture. The most common preoperative hematologic abnormalities, anemia and thrombocytopenia, were reversed in all dogs surviving the initial postoperative period. Within 6 weeks after surgery, 5 dogs died because of disseminated intravascular coagulation and sepsis. The remaining 11 dogs underwent chemotherapy. These 11 dogs had a complete response rate of 66% at one month after surgery; the mean and median survival times were 9.3 and 5 months, respectively. In 7 dogs evaluated until death, the mean and median survival times were 13.4 months and 14 months, respectively.  相似文献   

Thirteen cases of canine pheochromocytoma seen at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Teaching Hospital between 1981 and 1985 were reviewed. In 8 cases, the neoplasms were locally invasive; in the remaining cases, they were confined to the adrenal gland. Clinical signs compatible with fatal cardiovascular collapse secondary to a hypertensive or arrythmic episode were observed in 6 of 8 dogs with invasive neoplasms that died during examination or shortly thereafter. The remaining 2 dogs with invasive neoplasms had antemortem diagnoses of adrenal gland neoplasm with metastases and were euthanatized. Invasion or encroachment of the caudal vena cava in 6 dogs and encroachment of the aorta and other regional vasculature in 2 dogs were discovered at necropsy. In 5 dogs, the noninvasive pheochromocytoma was found incidentally during necropsy.  相似文献   

"Shaker foal" disease, toxicoinfectious botulism of foals, was 1st described as a clinical entity in 1967. The reported mortality rate was 90%, with death occurring within 24-72 hours of the onset of the characteristic clinical signs. The mortality rate decreased when equine-origin botulism antitoxin became available; however, a certain percentage of foals continued to die of respiratory failure. Mechanical ventilation is an important part of the treatment of infant botulism and is essential to the survival of many affected infants. We report a retrospective study of 9 foals with toxicoinfectious botulism where early mechanical ventilation was employed as part of the treatment. Foals receiving mechanical ventilation were progressively acidemic and had increased PaCO2 tensions before mechanical ventilation. These arterial blood gas abnormalities were ameliorated with mechanical ventilation. One foal was euthanized for economic reasons; survival in treated foals was 87.5%. Mechanical ventilation of foals with botulism and respiratory failure appears to be an effective therapy.  相似文献   

Anaerobic bacteria have been increasingly implicated as important pathogens in animals. To determine the prevalence of anaerobic bacterial infection, the results of anaerobic bacteriologic culture of 599 specimens obtained from dogs and cats hospitalized at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital were reviewed. Obligate anaerobic bacteria were isolated from 35% of properly submitted specimens; Bacteroides spp and Fusobacterium spp were the organisms most commonly isolated. Infections most often containing anaerobes were abscesses, pleuropulmonary infections, and abdominal infections. A complication rate of 28% was observed with anaerobic bacterial infections; failure to initially treat with an effective antibiotic increased the rate of recurrence of infection.  相似文献   

The medical records of 16 horses with necrosis of the collateral cartilage of the distal phalanx were reviewed. Typical history included a laceration or puncture wound over the affected cartilage, resulting in persistent drainage proximal to the coronary band. All horses had signs of lameness. The duration of drainage prior to admission to the hospital ranged from 5 days to 5 months. The involved cartilages were left front lateral (n = 4), right front lateral (n = 5), left rear lateral (n = 1), right rear lateral (n = 4), left front medial (n = 1), and left rear medial (n = 1). The affected cartilage was curetted or resected in 13 horses, and conservative treatment was used in 3 horses. Follow-up information on 15 horses (2 to 72 months after discharge) revealed that 66% were sound and able to perform at their previous level. One horse was euthanatized 2 months after discharge from the hospital because it had septic arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint. The outcome of treatment for each horse was evaluated with respect to the duration of drainage and the method of treatment. Horses with drainage of less than 1 month's duration had a better prognosis for eventual soundness, compared with horses with drainage of greater than or equal to 1 month's duration prior to initiation of treatment. Nine of the 13 horses managed surgically and 1 of the 3 horses managed conservatively were sound at follow-up evaluation.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal cicatrices were observed endoscopically in 47 horses examined because of abnormal respiratory noises and/or exercise intolerance. A review of these cases revealed a correlation between cicatrization and age, sex, and the presence of other upper airway abnormalities. The age of affected horses ranged from 6 to 21 years, with a mean age of 12.7 +/- 7.8 (+/- 2 SD) years. Females were affected 2.7 times more frequently than males. Abnormalities commonly observed with a nasopharyngeal cicatrix included chondritis of the arytenoid cartilage, epiglottic deformity, and deformity of the guttural pouch openings. The nasopharyngeal cicatrix was responsible for respiratory obstruction in only 3 horses. Treatment for the cicatrix was not performed on any horse in this series. Generalized nasopharyngeal and laryngeal inflammation were postulated as causes of the cicatrices and associated abnormalities.  相似文献   

Review of medical records of 78 horses admitted to the George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals with dorsal displacement of the soft palate revealed 94% of these horses to have evidence of an intermittent abnormal "gurgling" respiratory noise at the time of exercise. Sternothyrohyoideus myectomy was used as a primary treatment for 17 of these horses, with a success rate of 58%. Anatomic dissection of 30 horses indicated that the midcervical region is the optimal site for sternothyrohyoideus myectomy to alleviate dorsal displacement of the soft palate.  相似文献   

During 1983, 1984, and 1985, aflatoxicosis was diagnosed in 8 Iowa swine herds after the herds were fed corn from the 1983 corn crop. As a result of the diagnosis, the associated environmental conditions, clinical signs of aflatoxicosis, macroscopic and microscopic lesions, aflatoxin concentrations detected in feeds, and management of affected swine were reviewed. Concentrations of aflatoxin in shelled corn and complete feed were as high as 2,020 ng and 1,200 ng of aflatoxin (B1 and B2)/g of feed, respectively. Clinical signs of aflatoxicosis included decreased feed consumption and weight loss. Some pigs died acutely, but death often was preceded by a period of clinical disease. Greater morbidity and mortality were observed in swine herds that consumed greater concentrations of aflatoxin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize risk factors, clinical findings, usefulness of diagnostic tests, and prognosis in cats with naturally occurring heartworm infection (HWI). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 50 cats with Dirofilaria immitis infection. PROCEDURE: Medical records, thoracic radiographs, and echocardiograms were reviewed and findings compared with appropriate reference populations. RESULTS: Findings suggested that male cats were not predisposed to HWI, domestic shorthair cats were at increased risk, and indoor housing was only partially protective. Fewer cases of HWI were identified in the final quarter of the year, compared with other periods, and prevalence is not apparently increasing. Signs of respiratory tract disease were most common, followed by vomiting. Infection was diagnosed incidentally in > 25% of cats; conversely, 10% of infected cats died suddenly without other clinical signs. Serologic tests were most useful for diagnosis, followed by radiography and echocardiography. Eosinophilia supported the diagnosis. Overall median survival time was 1.5 years but exceeded 4 years in cats surviving beyond the day of diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Sex does not appear to be a risk factor for HWI in cats, and indoor housing provides only incomplete protection. Signs of respiratory tract disease (dyspnea and cough) are the strongest indicators of HWI in cats, and some radiographic evidence of infection is detected in most cases. Antibody screening for HWI in cats is efficacious, and antigen testing and echocardiography are most useful for making a definitive antemortem diagnosis.  相似文献   

Traumatic, unilateral coxofemoral luxation was diagnosed in 22 female dairy cattle (12 calves less than or equal to 13 months old, 10 adults). Physical examination differentiated between dorsal and ventral luxations, but could not distinguish luxations from fractures of the proximal aspect of the femur that occurred in 2 additional adults. Luxations were confirmed by radiography in 5 animals. Closed reduction was accomplished in only 1 calf. A craniolateral surgical approach to the hip, using mechanically assisted traction, was successful in reducing 95% (20/21) of the luxations. Craniodorsal luxations (16) were most common. Ninety-four percent of the animals were ambulatory before surgery. None had concomitant musculoskeletal injuries and 75% (12/16) survived for a long period. Five of 6 animals with ventral luxations arrived recumbent, with serious complicating musculoskeletal injuries, and only 2 of these animals survived for a long period. Calves had a better long-term survival rate (75% vs 50%) and a lower reluxation rate (17% vs 40%), compared with adults.  相似文献   

The medical records of 19 horses with cutaneous vasculitis were reviewed. Most (73.7%) affected horses were between 3 and 10 years old, and there were significantly more mares (14) than stallions or geldings (5) (P less than 0.01). Subcutaneous edema of the limbs, body, and/or head was the predominant clinical sign (18/19 horses; 94.7%). The single most prevalent laboratory abnormality was neutrophilia (greater than 7,000 neutrophils/microliter), which was detected in 10 horses (52.6%). Leukocytoclastic vasculitis was evident in skin biopsy specimens from 12 of 14 horses (85.7%). All horses were treated with corticosteroids and supportive care, and the overall survival rate was 63.1% (12/19). The mean duration of treatment with corticosteroids in surviving horses was 14 (+/- 5.3) days. Of the 7 horses that died, 5 failed to respond to treatment (4 were euthanatized, 1 died), and 2 others had persistent debilitating sequelae (euthanatized). The only significant clinical or laboratory abnormality predictive of poor prognosis was fever (odds ratio, 17.81; P less than 0.05). Seven horses had history of, or were exposed to horses with, abscessed peripheral lymph nodes and likely were suffering from equine purpura hemorrhagica. In spite of histopathologic evidence of hypersensitivity-vasculitis and/or the clinical suspicion that the cause for vasculitis was immune mediated, 7 of 19 horses (36.8%) had no history of bacterial or viral infection nor a history of current drug administration.  相似文献   

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