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曹煜  刘宇  戴安锁  董天义 《植物保护》2007,33(4):129-131
实验室比较了6种抗凝血鼠药毒饵(杀鼠灵、杀鼠醚和敌鼠钠盐供试浓度为0.025%,氯敌鼠钠盐、溴敌隆和溴鼠灵供试浓度为0.005%)对布氏田鼠的毒效。试药配成常规浓度毒饵,对靶鼠进行单个笼养和围栏群养有选择摄食试验,以毒杀率和摄食系数评价毒效。结果表明,单养试验:杀鼠灵和杀鼠醚对试鼠毒杀率分别为60%和80%,摄食系数分别为0.67和0.54;其他试药都达到100%毒杀率,摄食系数分别为0.61、0.71、1.10和0.77。群养试验:杀鼠灵只有50%毒杀率,其他5种试药都达到100%毒杀率;杀鼠灵和杀鼠醚摄食系数较小,分别为0.53和0.75,其他4种试药为0.86~1.11。除了杀鼠灵,其他5种鼠药都适于防治布氏田鼠,但从灭鼠成本和实用性考虑,敌鼠钠盐和氯敌鼠钠盐应为首选。  相似文献   

在实验室用小白鼠进行了特杀鼠 2号对害鼠适口性及防治效果选择试验 ,测其摄食系数、死亡时间和灭效。结果表明 ,小白鼠对特杀鼠2号毒饵摄食系数为0.77,对照敌鼠钠盐为0.61;特杀鼠2号平均致死时间为3.25d ,毒杀率均100%。农村现场 (农房和农田 )观察杀灭家栖鼠和野栖鼠的效果 ,特杀鼠 2号现场灭鼠效果 ,农房灭鼠率为91.68% ,农田灭鼠率为96.38%。  相似文献   

本文比较了马拉硫磷、敌百虫、NIA16388单剂和混剂对抗性玉米螟和大白鼠的毒效,以及几种混剂的田间防治效果。实验表明,马拉硫磷和敌百虫混配对抗性玉米螟具有显著的增效作用,对大鼠也有明显的增毒作用。而当NIA16388与马拉硫磷、敌百虫混配时,对抗性玉米螟的毒效比马敌(马拉硫磷+敌百虫)混剂增效3.1倍,但对大鼠毒性降低7.2倍。文章对可能的增效机理作了讨论。  相似文献   

本文报道国产高孢子含量Bt(1.6×10~4IU)可湿性粉剂对挑小食心虫初孵幼虫的室内和田间药效,及其与低浓度化学农药混用的试验结果。室内实验表明,在苹果上分别喷洒高含量Bt可湿粉1000和2000倍液后接虫,第3天幼虫蛀果率均为零;喷洒2.5%溴氰菊酯(3个供试浓度)的结果与之相同,亦无1头幼虫蛀入果内。但是,高含量Bt可湿粉2000倍液在田间的残效期较短,施药后第3和第6天在苹果上接虫,死亡率分别为45.5%和54.6%。本试验观察到,高含量Bt可湿粉2000倍与2.5%溴氰菊酯6×10~4倍液混配后,明显延长了田间残效期,施药后第3和第6天接虫,幼虫死亡率分别为84.4%和73.2%,其杀虫效果相当于生产上常用的50%对硫磷1500倍液。  相似文献   

比较了4种药剂对辣椒蓟马的防治效果,发现60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂1 500倍液对该虫具有较好的防治效果,其处理区虫口减退率最高,药后第3天达89.19%,防效达85.19%;至药后第7天,虫口减退率为77.02%,防效为67.59%,显著高于其他药剂处理的防效。  相似文献   


Investigations were conducted in the double or middle season paddy regions from 1988 to 1990; main results showed that the population of Apodemus agrarius reached maximal reproductive rate between April and May, and between September and October each year. Their maximal population size occurred in July and between October and November each year. At different stages of the rice, mouse density (X) was significantly related to loss rate of the rice (Y). Studies on imitation mouse damage on rice indicated that the rice, damaged by the mice in tillering stage, possessed a certain capacity for compensation. When the mouse damage rate approached yield loss rate in the booting or spiked stage the rice plant lost this compensatory capacity. It will be seen from the above that early spring is the most available, feasible time for mice control. Under the current production level the economic thresholds of mouse density are 3% in spring, 5% for early and middle‐season rice and 7% for later rice.  相似文献   

Flocoumafen is a new, highly potent anticoagulant rodenticide from Shell Research. It is effective against all the economically important species tested to date, including those with warfarin-resistant strains. This paper is concerned with its performance against two important commensal rodent species, Mus domesticus and Rattus norvegicus. In laboratory studies these two pest species may absorb a lethal dose of flocoumafen by taking a 0.005% (50 ppm) bait as part of their food intake on only one occasion. This single-feed potency of flocoumafen, combined with its good intrinsic palatability, makes it ideal for use in pulse baiting. Marketed under the Shell trade mark Storm, the principal bait formulation selected for commercialization is the wax-bound block. Recent advances in formulation development include increased resistance to attack by insects and fungi and the incorporation of a bitter taste which acts as a deterrent for humans without influencing the palatability of the bait to rodents. Flocoumafen's outstanding potency has been confirmed in a wide range of field trials. In the UK alone, almost 70 pen and field trials have been successfully completed with a mean estimated control in excess of 95%.  相似文献   

California voles cause damage to pastures and rangelands, orchards and nurseries, and a wide variety of field crops, including artichokes. The anticoagulant rodenticides (chlorophacinone and diphacinone) typically used for voles are becoming less effective in controlling their populations. Consequently, there is a need to identify new rodenticides that will have a high efficacy on California voles so that agricultural production losses to rodents can be substantially reduced. We tested a new formulation containing two active ingredients (cholecalciferol and diphacinone) as a control method for California voles. Both a pelleted bait and an oil-coated artichoke bract bait were very palatable and efficacious against wild-caught, captive California voles. Efficacy levels of 70%–80% were achieved in the two-choice feeding trials. Additionally, the days-to-death (5–6 days) were less than the time-to-death with anticoagulant only baits. We recommend that a field efficacy study be conducted with cholecalciferol plus diphacinone bait formulations to determine their field performance in the reduction of agricultural damage by California voles.  相似文献   

北京顺义地区褐家鼠对溴敌隆敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用5个浓度以急性无选择攻毒的方式对捕自北京顺义区褐家鼠进行溴敌隆敏感性检验。结果表明:各浓度的溴敌隆毒饵对褐家鼠的致死率均为100%,此地区褐家鼠对溴敌隆敏感,未检测出抗药性,且致死量与药饵浓度间相关性不显著(p>0.05),各浓度组试鼠死亡时间亦无显著差异(p>0.05)。测试表明在本地区仍然可以继续使用溴敌隆控制褐家鼠。建议采用低浓度以降低鼠防成本和延缓抗药性的产生时间从而延长溴敌隆的使用寿命。  相似文献   

家栖鼠对不同类型毒饵站的选择性研究结果表明,家栖鼠在竹筒毒饵站中取食量最大[1]。为进一步了解家栖鼠在农舍不同位置毒饵站中取食的差异,提高投饵准确性,2003年11月进行了家栖鼠对毒饵站在农舍放置位置的选择性的实验研究。1试验地概况试验地点彭山县观音镇地处成都平原,年平均气温16!7℃,雨量充沛。大春以水稻为主,小春以小麦和油菜为主。主要害鼠有四川短尾鼩、褐家鼠、小家鼠等。试验在3个村进行。其中杨柳村和陈家村农户经济状况较好,农舍以楼房为主,相对集中;梓潼村农舍以平房为主,较分散,鼠害重于其他两个村。2材料与方法在观音镇…  相似文献   

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