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Intracellular electrical recordings in an in vitro slice preparation of the brainstem medial pontine reticular formation, a region thought to be important in mediation of desynchronized sleep phenomena, demonstrate a population of neurons that have a calcium-dependent, low threshold spike. This low threshold spike was inactivated at relatively depolarized membrane potential levels and, when this spike was deinactivated, it induced a burst of action potentials. The membrane potential dependence of the spike may underlie changes in action potential firing patterns associated with behavioral state change because the baseline membrane potential in neurons of the medial pontine reticular population depolarizes during passage from waking and slow wave sleep to desynchronized sleep, which is characterized by the absence of burst firing.  相似文献   

Changes in compliance of the tympanic membrane have been detected in normal human sleep, presumably due to spontaneous contraction of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles of the middle ear. In the waking state, these muscles generally respond to loud sound (middle ear reflex). Middle ear muscle activity typically erupts before or at the onset of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and persists throughout the REM period in a discontinuous pattern resembling that exhibited by rapid eye movements. Approximately 80 percent of all nocturnal middle ear muscle activity is contained in REM sleep. Half of the remaining 20 percent occurs in the 10-minute intervals just prior to the onset of REM sleep. Middle ear muscle activity is often associated with other phasic events such as momentary enhancement of electromyogram inhibition, apnea, and K complexes. Rapid eye movements and middle ear muscle activity, though significantly correlated in REM sleep, are not always simultaneous.  相似文献   

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by sleepiness and episodes of cataplexy. Cataplexy is an abrupt loss of muscle tone, most often triggered by sudden, strong emotions. A subset of cells in the medial medulla of the narcoleptic dog discharged at high rates only in cataplexy and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. These cells were noncholinergic and were localized to ventromedial and caudal portions of the nucleus magnocellularis. The localization and discharge pattern of these cells indicate that cataplexy results from a triggering in waking of the neurons responsible for the suppression of muscle tone in REM sleep. However, most medullary cells were inactive during cataplexy but were active during REM sleep. These data demonstrate that cataplexy is a distinct behavioral state, differing from other sleep and waking states in its pattern of brainstem neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive shock, administered for 5 to 7 days, reduced the daily rapid eye movement sleep time of seven cats to as little as 28 percent of base line levels. After day 4, eye movements during periods of cortical activation without tonic electromyographic activity were greatlyreduced. Although partially deprived of rapid eye movements for as long as 7 days, the cats showed no compensatory rise in rapid eye movement time during the recovery period, but controls equally deprived gave significant rebounds. Rapid eye movement time of anesthetized cats was not affected by current that usually produces con vulsions; it was lowered in animals convulsed with metrazol, but the same dosage of this drug, administered so as to avoid convulsions, had little eflect.It appears that some aspect of the convulsion is responsible for lowering the rapid eye movement time.  相似文献   

Alle H  Geiger JR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,311(5765):1290-1293
In the mammalian cortex, it is generally assumed that the output information of neurons is encoded in the number and the timing of action potentials. Here, we show, by using direct patchclamp recordings from presynaptic hippocampal mossy fiber boutons, that axons transmit analog signals in addition to action potentials. Excitatory presynaptic potentials result from subthreshold dendritic synaptic inputs, which propagate several hundreds of micrometers along the axon and modulate action potential-evoked transmitter release at the mossy fiber-CA3 synapse. This combined analog and action potential coding represents an additional mechanism for information transmission in a major hippocampal pathway.  相似文献   

Dendritic action potentials in alligator Purkinje cells tend to have a unidirectional preference which favors centripetal over centrifugal propagation. This unidirectional tendency funnels the peripherally evoked dendritic spikes into the lower dendrites and soma of these cells, and it allows the peripheral dendritic branches to operate to a certain extent as partially independent functional units.  相似文献   

[目的]探究水稻产量与其相关性状间的相关性。[目的]以有代表性的44块田作为样本点,采集影响水稻产量的有关性状,并分为产量相关性状组和农艺性状组,系统运用简单相关、复相关和典型相关分析等方法进行全面分析。[结果]产量与产量相关性状组之间存在极强的相关性,其中与穗数和穗粒数的相关性较强;产量与农艺性状组的相关性并不显著,但农艺性状组可通过产量相关性状组间接作用于产量;在一定范围内,二次枝梗数越多,倒1叶长度越短,产量也越高。[结论]实际生产中,同时增加有效穗数和穗粒数是夺取高产、超高产的根本途径,但在高产水平上实现更高产,关键要在足穗数的基础上增加穗粒数。  相似文献   

通过对我市700kg/667m2小麦高产创建所用的品种类型作材料,分析了不同穗型品种小麦在700kg/667m2超高产栽培中的产量及其构成因素相互间的影响表现,指出在700kg/667m2高产栽培中条件下,不同穗型品种小麦单位面积穗数对产量所起的主导作用主要是通过影响穗粒重来实现的。大穗型品种超过35万穗/667m2因穗粒数剧烈下降而穗粒重表现明显下限趋势,中穗型品种超过45万穗/667m2穗粒数和千粒重均表现明显下降,穗粒重也表现出大幅度降低。但在各品种适宜的群体穗数范围内,中穗型品种穗粒重最稳定。在700kg/667m2小麦高产创建中,中穗型品种小麦为首选品种,其次是多穗型品种,在栽培中确保合理群体穗数,主攻穗粒重。  相似文献   

With each flurry of rapid eye movements during the sleep of human subjects there is a decreased amplitude of respiration and a slight increase in rate. Occasionally the rhythmic breathing pattern may even resemble Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The consistency of this breathing pattern suggests that respiration in this stage of sleep is not a direct function of dream content.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine-containing neurons of the locus coeruleus of the cat were recorded with microelectrodes during unrestrained sleeping and waking. The recorded neurons were subsequently defined by combined fluorescence histochemistry of catecholamines and production of microlesions at recording sites. These pontine units show homogeneous changes in discharge patterns with respect to sleep stages, firing slowly during drowsy periods and slow wave sleep and firing in rapid bursts during paradoxical sleep. These data provide a direct correlation between the activity of defined catecholamine-containing neurons and the spontaneous occurrence of sleep stages.  相似文献   

Dreaming sleep in man: changes in urine volume and osmolality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epochs of dreaming sleep, as measured by rapid eye movements, consistently correlated with biphasic change in urine volume and osmolality in catheterized human subjects. Marked decrease in volumne and increase in oslnolality were followed by a hypotonic diuresis.  相似文献   

Cortical unit activity in desynchronized sleep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bursts of unit firing associated with surface positive electroencephalogram waves and rapid eye movements account for the mean increase in discharge rate in desynchronized sleep over that of the synchronized phase. Firing rate begins to change toward the value it will assume in desynchronized sleep in the minute before the usual electrographic criteria of desynchronized sleep are present.  相似文献   

通过对苏啤3号不同播种密度试验,研究了穗、粒、重三因素与产量的关系,结果表明:苏啤3号单产随有效穗数、结实粒数和千粒重的增加是波动的;但总的趋势是单产随有效穗数和千粒重的增加而增加;单产随实粒数的增加,其波动的频率高,振幅较大;穗粒结构中,实粒数和千粒重总的趋势是呈同步增长的,它们都与有效穗数呈相反的增长趋势。这就要求在啤麦不同生育阶段,根据不同的生长状况采取不同的管理措施,通过调控,以利其向足穗的方向发展,在足穗的基础上成大穗对提高单产和品质是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Three adult cats were deprived of rapid eye movement sleep for six separate periods of up to 32 days. Animals were allowed normal amouints of sleeping time during which rapid eye movement sleep was interrupted, whenever it occurred, by human observers who continually monitored the animals and their electrocortical activity. Cortical responses evoked by pairs of acoustic clicks were recorded during wakefulness. Recovery functions derived from these data were facilitated during periods of deprivation of rapid eye movement sleep and returned to base-line values when animals were allowed normal amounts of this sleep phase. This change was noted repeatedly within, as well as between, subjects. It did not occur during control periods when non-rapid eye movement sleep was interrupted on identical schedules, nor did it occur when the cats were deprived of all sleep for 22 hours a day for 5 days.  相似文献   

Dendritic spikes and their inhibition in alligator Purkinje cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Alligator Purkinje cells generate action potentials in the peripheral dendritic tree, after synaptic depolarization via superficial parallel fibers. These action potentials are inhibited at the dendrite level by preceding parallel-fiber volleys at close intervals. We conclude that this inhibition is produced by the activation of the inhibitory interneurons of the molecular layer, the stellate cells, which establish synaptic contacts with the dendrites of the Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

常优一号杂粳机插高产形成规律及调控关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以杂粳“常优一号”为试验材料,通过丰产示范与专题试验,分析探讨其高产形成规律及其调控关键技术.结果表明,每穗粒数与产量的关系,最为密切,呈极显著正相关,各产量构成要素对产量贡献作用,以每穗粒数的作用最大,其次为有效穗,再次为结实率与千粒重.其直接通径量,每穗粒数高达1.958,分别为有效穗、结实率、千粒重的1.88、3...  相似文献   

In the paper presented, 99 single seed descent barley lines as well as their parental forms Roland and Apex were studied. The grain weight components and their interrelations were analyzed using simple coefficients of correlation. The direct and indirect effects of such components on grain weight per plant and 1 000-grain weight were estimated using path analysis. In the 2006 and 2007, the spike length and number of spikelets per spike were the determinants of grain weight. Genetic parameters as additive and epistasis effects were estimated for all studied traits. The results indicate the importance of both additive and epistasis gene effects of number of spikes per plant, grain weight per spike, grain number per plant and grain weight per plant in this study.  相似文献   

小麦产量三要素与产量的通径和灰色关联度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用2008—2014年河南省生产上种植面积前15位的小麦品种和部分区域试验或生产示范表现较好的品系,分别采用灰色关联度分析和通径分析2种方法对小麦穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量与产量的相互关系进行分析,并比较了2种分析方法的差异,以期为今后相关研究分析方法的选择提供参考。结果表明,对产量三要素数据分别进行初值化、区间化、均值化处理后,产量三要素与产量的关联度大小顺序各不相同,分别表现为千粒质量穗粒数穗数、穗粒数穗数千粒质量、穗粒数千粒质量穗数;而通径分析结果和前人的研究结果更加一致,产量三要素与产量的相关性表现为穗数穗粒数千粒质量。综上,灰色关联度分析由于受数据转换方法的影响,试验结果波动较大,而通径分析所得结果更加稳定,因此,在进行试验因素相关程度分析时应优先选择通径分析方法。  相似文献   

Neurons encode information and communicate via action potentials, which are generated following the summation of synaptic events. It is commonly assumed that action potentials reset the membrane potential completely, allowing another round of synaptic integration to begin. We show here that the conductances underlying the action potential act instead as a variable reset of synaptic integration. The strength of this reset is cell type-specific and depends on the kinetics, location, and timing of the synaptic input. As a consequence, distal synapses, as well as inputs mediated by N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor activation, can contribute disproportionately to synaptic integration during action potential firing.  相似文献   

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