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We investigated the interactive effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide ([CO(2)]) and ozone ([O(3)]) on radial growth, wood chemistry and structure of five 5-year-old trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones and the wood chemistry of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.). Material for the study was collected from the Aspen FACE (free-air CO(2) enrichment) experiment in Rhinelander, WI, where the saplings had been exposed to four treatments: control, elevated [CO(2)] (560 ppm), elevated [O(3)] (1.5 x ambient) and their combination for five growing seasons. Wood properties of both species were altered in response to exposure to the treatments. In aspen, elevated [CO(2)] decreased uronic acids (constituents of, e.g., hemicellulose) and tended to increase stem diameter. In response to elevated [O(3)] exposure, acid-soluble lignin concentration decreased and vessel lumen diameter tended to decrease. Elevated [O(3)] increased the concentration of acetone-soluble extractives in paper birch, but tended to decrease the concentration of these compounds in aspen. In paper birch, elevated [CO(2)] decreased and elevated [O(3)] increased starch concentration. The responses of wood properties to 5 years of fumigation differed from those previously reported after 3 years of fumigation.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration ([CO2]) could alter terrestrial carbon (C) cycling by affecting plant growth, litter chemistry and decomposition. How the concurrent increase in tropospheric ozone (O3) concentration ([O3]) will interact with rising atmospheric [CO2] to affect C cycling is unknown. A major component of carbon cycling in forests is fine root production, mortality and decomposition. To better understand the effects of elevated [CO2] and [O3] on the dynamics of fine root C, we conducted a combined field and laboratory incubation experiment to monitor decomposition dynamics and changes in fine root litter chemistry. Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology at the FACTS-II Aspen FACE project in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, elevated [CO2] (535 microl 1-1) and [O3] (53 nl 1-1) in intact stands of pure trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and in mixed stands of trembling aspen plus paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and trembling aspen plus sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.). We hypothesized that the trees would react to increased C availability (elevated [CO2]) by increasing allocation to C-based secondary compounds (CBSCs), thereby decreasing rates of decomposition. Because of its lower growth potential, we reasoned this effect would be greatest in the aspen-maple community relative to the aspen and aspen-birch communities. As a result of decreased C availability, we expected elevated [O3] to counteract shifts in C allocation induced by elevated [CO2]. Concentrations of CBSCs were rarely significantly affected by the CO2 and O3 treatments in decomposing fine roots. Rates of microbial respiration and mass loss from fine roots were unaffected by the treatments, although the production of dissolved organic C differed among communities. We conclude that elevated [CO2] and [O3] induce only small changes in fine root chemistry that are insufficient to significantly influence fine root decomposition. If changes in soil C cycling occur in the future, they will most likely be brought about by changes in litter production.  相似文献   

We examined the usefulness of elevated CO2 in the greenhouse to aid in early selection of genotypes and in the propagation of Populus tremuloides Michaux (aspen) and hybrid poplars for agroforestry, afforestation, or reclamation. Growth in elevated (800 ppm) vs ambient (375 ppm) CO2 for 95 days resulted in greater height (14%), stem caliper (16%), overall biomass, and proportional allocation of biomass to roots as well as elevated net assimilation and water-use-efficiency. Aspen clones selected for superior growth (based on phenotypic selection) broke bud significantly earlier than unselected clones under both CO2 levels; superior clones were also taller with greater stem caliper under both CO2 treatments (but not significant). Under ambient CO2 male aspen were taller than females while under elevated CO2 female aspen were taller than males and also had greater caliper (but not significant). Hybrid poplar grown under elevated (vs ambient) CO2 broke bud significantly earlier and had significantly greater net assimilation and water-use efficiency; they were also taller with greater caliper (but not significant). Differences in performance among the eight hybrid clones were enhanced by growth under elevated CO2. Under ambient CO2, P38P38 was the clone that broke bud earliest, was tallest with greater caliper and had a lower shoot:root biomass ratio. Sargentii, on the other hand, was the shortest with the smallest caliper. The implications of these results need to be considered in the context of using aspen and hybrid poplar for large-scale agroforestry, afforestation and reclamation across Canada. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide ([CO2]) and ozone ([O3]) on photosynthesis and related biochemistry of two European silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) clones were studied under field conditions during 1999-2001. Seven-year-old trees of Clones 4 and 80 were exposed for 3 years to the following treatments in an open-top chamber experiment: outside control (OC), chamber control (CC), 2x ambient [CO2] (EC), 2x ambient [O3] (EO) and 2x ambient [CO2] + 2x ambient [O3] (EC+EO). During the experiment, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, amount and activity of Rubisco, concentrations of chlorophyll, soluble protein, soluble sugars, starch, nitrogen (N) and carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio were determined in short- and long-shoot leaves. Elevated [CO2] increased photosynthetic rate by around 30% when measurements were made at the growth [CO2]. When measured at ambient [CO2], photosynthesis was around 15% lower in EC trees than in CC trees. This was related to a approximately 10% decrease in total leaf N, to 26 and 20% decreases in the amount and activity of Rubisco, respectively, and to a 49% increase in starch concentration in elevated [CO2]. Elevated [O3] had no significant effect on gas exchange parameters and its effect on biochemistry was small in both clones. However, elevated [O3] decreased the proportion of Rubisco in total soluble proteins and the apparent quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry in light and increased non-photochemical quenching in 2000. The interactive effect of CO2 and O3 was variable. Elevated [O3] decreased chlorophyll concentration only in EO trees, and the EC+EO treatment decreased the total activity of Rubisco and increased the C:N ratio more than the EO treatment alone. The small effect of elevated [O3] on photosynthesis indicates that these young silver birches were fairly tolerant to annual [O3] exposures that were 2-3 times higher than the AOT40 value of 10 ppm.h. set as a critical dose for forest trees.  相似文献   

Cao B  Dang QL  Zhang S 《Tree physiology》2007,27(6):891-899
To study the effects of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on relationships between nitrogen (N) nutrition and foliar gas exchange parameters, white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings were exposed to one of five N-supply regimes (10, 80, 150, 220, 290 mg N l(-1)) in either ambient [CO2] (360 micromol mol(-1)) or elevated [CO2] (720 micromol mol(-1)) in environment-controlled greenhouses. Foliar gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured after 60 and 80 days of treatment. Photosynthesis showed a substantial down-regulation (up to 57%) in response to elevated [CO2] and the magnitude of the down-regulation generally decreased exponentially with increasing leaf N concentration. When measured at the growth [CO2], elevated [CO2] increased the overall rate of photosynthesis (P(n)) and instantaneous water-use efficiency (IWUE) by up to 69 and 236%, respectively, but decreased transpiration (E) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) in all N treatments. However, the degree of stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated [CO2] decreased as photosynthetic down-regulation increased from 60 days to 80 days of treatment. Elevated [CO2] significantly increased total photosynthetic electron transport in all N treatments at 60 days of treatment, but the effect was insignificant after 80 days of treatment. Both P(n) and IWUE generally increased with increasing leaf N concentration except at very high leaf N concentrations, where both P(n) and IWUE declined. The relationships of P(n) and IWUE with leaf N concentration were modeled with both a linear regression and a second-order polynomial function. Elevated [CO2] significantly and substantially increased the slope of the linear regression for IWUE, but had no significant effect on the slope for P(n). The optimal leaf N concentration for P(n) and IWUE derived from the polynomial function did not differ between the CO2 treatments when leaf N was expressed on a leaf area basis. However, the mass-based optimal leaf N concentration for P(n) was much lower in seedlings in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2] (31.88 versus 37.00 mg g(-1)). Elevated [CO2] generally decreased mass-based leaf N concentration but had no significant effect on area-based leaf N concentration; however, maximum N concentration per unit leaf area was greater in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2] (1.913 versus 1.547 g N m(-2)).  相似文献   

Zhang S  Dang QL 《Tree physiology》2005,25(5):523-531
One-year-old jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and current-year white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings were grown in ambient (360 ppm) or twice ambient (720 ppm) atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and at three soil temperatures (Tsoil = 7, 17 and 27 degrees C initially, increased to 10, 20 and 30 degrees C two months later, respectively) in a greenhouse for 4 months. In situ foliar gas exchange, in vivo carboxylation characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured after 2.5 and 4 months of treatment. Low Tsoil suppressed net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (g(s)) and transpiration rate (E) in jack pine in both CO2 treatments and g(s) and E in white birch in ambient [CO2], but enhanced instantaneous water-use efficiency (IWUE) in both species after 2.5 months of treatment. Treatment effects on g(s) and E remained significant throughout the 4-month study. Low Tsoil reduced maximal carboxylation rate (Vcmax) and PAR-saturated electron transport rate (Jmax) in jack pine in elevated [CO2] after 2.5 months of treatment, but not after 4 months of treatment. Low Tsoil increased actual photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) in the light (DeltaF/Fm') in jack pine, but decreased DeltaF/Fm' in white birch after 4 months of treatment. In response to low Tsoil, photosynthetic linear electron transport to carboxylation (Jc) decreased in jack pine after 2.5 months and in white birch after 4 months of treatment. Low Tsoil increased the ratio of the photosynthetic linear electron transport to oxygenation (Jo) to the total photosynthetic linear electron transport rate through PSII (Jo/J(T)) in both species after 2.5 months of treatment, but the effects became statistically insignificant in white birch after 4 months of treatment. High Tsoil decreased foliar N concentration in white birch. Elevated [CO2] increased Pn, IWUE and Jc but decreased Jo/J(T) in both species at both measurement times except Jc in white birch after 2.5 months of treatment. Elevated [CO2] also decreased g(s) and E in white birch at high Tsoil, Vcmax in both species and triose phosphate utilization in white birch at low Tsoil after 4 months of treatment, and DeltaF/Fm' in white birch after 2.5 months of treatment. Elevated [CO2] also increased foliar N concentration in both species. Low Tsoil caused no permanent damage to PSII in either species, but jack pine responded and acclimated to low Tsoil more quickly than white birch. Photosynthetic down-regulation and a decrease in photosynthetic electron transport to photorespiration occurred in both species in response to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

Leaf litter respiration (R LL) was directly measured in situ to evaluate relationships with the water content in leaf litter (WC), which is distributed heterogeneously under natural conditions. To do so, we developed a small, closed static chamber system using an infrared gas analyzer, which can measure instantaneous R LL. This study focuses on the measurement of CO2 effluxes from leaf litter using the chamber system in the field and examines the relationship between R LL and WC among seven broadleaf species in a temperate forest. The measurements focused on the position of leaves within the litter layer, finding that both R LL and WC were significantly higher in the lower layer. The value of R LL increased with increasing WC, and the response of R LL to WC was similar among all seven species. Moreover, the temporal variation in WC differed among three species and was associated with leaf litter thickness. The observed heterogeneity in WC induced by the physical environment (e.g., position and thickness of leaf litter) affects the variation in WC and, therefore, both R LL and the decomposition rates of organic matter in the litter layer.  相似文献   

The two main components of soil respiration, i.e., root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration, respond differently to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations both in mechanism and sensitivity because they have different substrates derived from plant and soil organic matter, respectively. To model the carbon cycle and predict the carbon source/sink of forest ecosystems, we must first understand the relative contributions of root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration to total soil respiration under elevated CO2 concentrations. Root/rhizosphere and soil microbial respiration have been shown to increase, decrease and remain unchanged under elevated CO2 concentrations. A significantly positive relationship between root biomass and root/rhizosphere respiration has been found. Fine roots respond more strongly to elevated CO2 concentrations than coarse roots. Evidence suggests that soil microbial respiration is highly variable and uncertain under elevated CO2 concentrations. Microbial biomass and activity are related or unrelated to rates of microbial respiration. Because substrate availability drives microbial metabolism in soils, it is likely that much of the variability in microbial respiration results from differences in the response of root growth to elevated CO2 concentrations and subsequent changes in substrate production. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting soil respiration were found to affect both root/rhizosphere and microbial respiration. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 386–393 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and three trembling aspen clones (Populus tremuloides Michx.) were studied to determine if alterations in carbon gain in response to an elevated concentration of CO(2) ([CO(2)]) or O(3) ([O(3)]) or a combination of both affected bud size and carbohydrate composition in autumn, and early leaf development in the following spring. The trees were measured for gas exchange, leaf size, date of leaf abscission, size and biochemical characteristics of the overwintering buds and early leaf development during the 8th-9th year of free-air CO(2) and O(3) exposure at the Aspen FACE site located near Rhinelander, WI. Net photosynthesis was enhanced 49-73% by elevated [CO(2)], and decreased 13-30% by elevated [O(3)]. Elevated [CO(2)] delayed, and elevated [O(3)] tended to accelerate, leaf abscission in autumn. Elevated [CO(2)] increased the ratio of monosaccharides to di- and oligosaccharides in aspen buds, which may indicate a lag in cold acclimation. The total carbon concentration in overwintering buds was unaffected by the treatments, although elevated [O(3)] decreased the amount of starch by 16% in birch buds, and reduced the size of aspen buds, which may be related to the delayed leaf development in aspen during the spring. Elevated [CO(2)] generally ameliorated the effects of elevated [O(3)]. Our results show that both elevated [CO(2)] and elevated [O(3)] have the potential to alter carbon metabolism of overwintering buds. These changes may cause carry-over effects during the next growing season.  相似文献   

While aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) cover provides protection from growing season radiative frosts, reduced light levels can limit growth of understory white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). The creation of openings around individual spruce can provide more light, but the chance of radiative frost damage increases as gaps become larger. We examined the relationship between opening size and light and temperature levels in the center of circular gaps created in young aspen stands ranging from 1.8 to 8 m tall. Models for predicting transmittance as a function of sky view factor and transmittance under intact stands are presented. Results indicated a strong relationship between light levels and opening size after considering pre-treatment light levels. The relationship between opening size and temperature was weak with minimum temperatures being more affected by the height and density of the surrounding stand than opening size.  相似文献   

Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings were grown in an ambient or elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) either in small stands in microcosms for three to four seasons or individually in pots fertilized at different nutrient supply rates. Leaves at different stages of development, as well as stems and roots at the end of the growing season, were used for analysis of structural biomass and lignin. In elevated [CO2], lignification of leaves was slightly retarded compared with structural biomass production and showed a strong correlation with the activities of ionically, cell-wall-bound peroxidases but not with total soluble peroxidases or covalently wall-bound peroxidases. The effect of elevated [CO2] on lignin concentration of mature tissues was dependent on nutrient supply rate. In leaves and roots, elevated [CO2] increased the lignin concentration in dry mass in N-limited plants. In seedlings grown with high nutrient supply, the lignin concentration in dry mass was unaffected or diminished by elevated [CO2]. Because elevated [CO2] enhanced seedling growth in the high nutrient supply treatments, the total amount of lignin produced per seedling was higher in these treatments. We predict that long-term sequestration of carbon will increase as long as biomass production is stimulated by elevated [CO2] and that tissue quality will change depending on developmental stage and nutrient availability.  相似文献   

We evaluated the response of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi Sieb. & Zucc.) to elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentration ([CO(2)]) (689 +/- 75 ppm in 2002 and 697 +/- 90 ppm in 2003) over 2 years in a field experiment with open-top chambers. Root activity was assessed as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake rates estimated from successive measurements of absorbed amounts. Dry matter production of whole plants was unaffected by elevated [CO(2)] in the first year of treatment, but increased significantly in response to elevated [CO(2)] in the second year. In contrast, elevated [CO(2)] increased the root to shoot ratio and fine root dry mass in the first year, but not in the second year. Elevated [CO(2)] had no effect on tissue N, P and K concentrations. Uptake rates of N, P and K correlated with whole-plant relative growth rates, but were unaffected by growth [CO(2)], as was ectomycorrhizal colonization, a factor assumed to be important for nutrient uptake in trees. We conclude that improved growth of Larix kaempferi in response to elevated [CO(2)] is accompanied by increased root biomass, but not by increased root activity.  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings ofPinus koraiensis, Pinus sylvestriformis andFraxinus mandshurica were treated in open-top chambers with elevated CO2 concentrations (700 μL·L−1, 500 μL·L−1) and ambient CO2 concentrations (350 μL·L−1) in Changbai Mountain from June to Sept. in 1999 and 2001. The net photosynthetic rate, dark respiration rate, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxlase (RuBPcase) activity, and chlorophyll content were analyzed. The results indicated the RuBPcase activity of the three species seedlings increased at elevated CO2 concentrations. The elevated CO2 concentrations stimulated the net photosynthetic rates of three tree species exceptP. sylvestriformis grown under 500 μL·L−1 CO2 concentration. The dark respiration rates ofP. koraiensis andP. sylvestriformis increased under concentration of 700 μL·L−1 CO2, out that ofF. mandshurica decreased under both concentrations 700 μL·L−1 and 500 μL·L−1 CO2. The seedlings ofF. mandshurica decreased in chlorophyll contents at elevated CO2 concentrations. Foundation item: This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30070158). Knowledge Innovation Item of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-406) and “Hundred Scientists” Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: Zhou Yu-mei (1973-) Ph. Doctor, Assistant Research fellow Institute of Applied Ecology. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shenyang 110016. P.R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

Five-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were grown in open-top chambers at ambient and elevated (ambient + 400 &mgr;mol mol(-1)) CO(2) concentrations. Net photosynthesis (A), specific leaf area (SLA) and concentrations of nitrogen (N), carbon (C), soluble sugars, starch and chlorophyll were measured in current-year and 1-year-old needles during the second year of CO(2) enrichment. The elevated CO(2) treatment stimulated photosynthetic rates when measured at the growth CO(2) concentration, but decreased photosynthetic capacity compared with the ambient CO(2) treatment. Acclimation to elevated CO(2) involved decreases in carboxylation efficiency and RuBP regeneration capacity. Compared with the ambient CO(2) treatment, elevated CO(2) reduced light-saturated photosynthesis (when measured at 350 &mgr;mol mol(-1) in both treatments) by 18 and 23% (averaged over the growing season) in current-year and 1-year-old needles, respectively. We observed significant interactive effects of CO(2) treatment, needle age and time during the growing season on photosynthesis. Large seasonal variations in photosynthetic parameters were attributed to changes in needle chemistry, needle structure and feedbacks governed by whole-plant growth dynamics. Down-regulation of photosynthesis was probably a result of reduced N concentration on an area basis, although a downward shift in the relationship between photosynthetic parameters and N was also observed.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) is commonly removed from juvenile interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn.] Franco) plantations in southern interior British Columbia, Canada, to increase conifer productivity and create a free-growing stand; however, this practice is expensive and contentious because of possible negative ecological impacts. One solution is to retain an optimal density of birch where growth gains of understory Douglas-fir are balanced against losses to Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink and understory plant species diversity. We sought to find this optimal density by comparing four evenly applied birch density reduction treatments (0, 400, 1111, and 4444 retained birch stems ha?1) and an unthinned control (>7300 retained birch stems ha?1). The mortality rate of Douglas-fir due to Armillaria root disease increased non-significantly with thinning intensity. Mean diameter increment of surviving Douglas-fir improved the most where birch was completely removed, with little variation among intermediate thinning treatments. Height growth was unaffected by the thinning treatments. Diversity of cryptogams was significantly greater in the control than where all birch was removed. We suggest that the treatment with 4444 retained birch stems ha?1 provides the best balance for improving Douglas-fir growth while minimizing risk of increased Armillaria root disease and reduced understory plant diversity in young mixed stands.  相似文献   

The effects of extraction fluids from the leaf litter from different dominant tree species on the functional characteristics of the soil microbial community were studied to understand how changes in soil quality and synergism between plants and soil contribute to the process of forest succession. Leaf litter from dominant tree species at different stages of succession were collected and extracted with sterile deionized water. After treating the soil of abandoned land with the different extraction fluids,we analyzed changes in carbon utilization of the soil microbial community in Biolog Eco Plates, then considered these results with those of our previous study on forest vegetation succession in the Malan forest. The leaf litter enhanced the metabolic capacity and functional diversity of the soil microbes, especially in the following combinations:the leaf litter of Quercus liaotungensis–Pinus tabulaeformis, P. tabulaeformis–Betula platyphylla, Q. liaotungensis and P. tabulaeformiss. Second, when litter from onespecies evaluated, the species enhanced metabolism and diversity in the order of their successional relationship: B.Platyphylla \ P. tabulaeformis \ Q. liaotungensis. After soils were treated with different leaf litters at 25 C for7 days, the sorting pattern of the PCA values, based on the similarity of carbon source utilization by the soil microbes,corresponded to the successional pattern on the basis of the similarity of community composition of forest plants.Thus, changes in soil properties caused by leaf litter from different dominant trees probably play a unique role in the successional pattern of a forest community. We thus propose a successional mechanism that underlies the natural succession process within the Malan forest region. When the dominant forest species of the climax successional stage develops during the early successional stages, its forest litter probably alters soil properties such that the soil becomes unsuitable for the gradual growth and regeneration of the original dominant tree species but promotes the growth and establishment of later-invasive plants. In this way, the originally dominant species is replaced by the newly dominant tree species during forest succession.  相似文献   

Cortini  Francesco  Comeau  Philip G. 《New Forests》2020,51(1):175-190
New Forests - Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is experiencing increased drought stress resulting from climate change together with increases in damage by forest tent caterpillar and...  相似文献   

The effects of increased CO(2) and temperature on the photosynthetic capacity of Siberian white birch and Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla Sukatch. and B. platyphylla Sukatch. var. japonica Hara) were measured. Birch seedlings were raised with a CO(2) partial pressure of 36 +/- 0.3 Pa (i.e., ambient) or 70 +/- 0.6 Pa at day/night temperatures of either 30/16 degrees C or 26/12 degrees C. Siberian birch leaves were smaller and thicker than Japanese birch leaves. Water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency of Siberian birch grown in the CO(2)-enriched air were higher than those of Japanese birch. Both species showed a physiological adjustment to the growth CO(2) partial pressure. Carboxylation efficiency and quantum yield of both species grown in CO(2)-enriched air were lower than those of seedlings grown in ambient CO(2). The adaptation of Siberian and Japanese birch to elevated CO(2) and temperature are discussed in relation to predicted climate change.  相似文献   

Wang X  Curtis PS  Pregitzer KS  Zak DR 《Tree physiology》2000,20(15):1019-1028
Physiological and biomass responses of six genotypes of Populus tremuloides Michx., grown in ambient t (357 micromol mol(-1)) or twice ambient (707 micromol mol(-1)) CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and in low-N or high-N soils, were studied in 1995 and 1996 in northern Lower Michigan, USA. There was a significant CO2 x genotype interaction in photosynthetic responses. Net CO2 assimilation (A) was significantly enhanced by elevated [CO2] for five genotypes in high-N soil and for four genotypes in low-N soil. Enhancement of A by elevated [CO2] ranged from 14 to 68%. Genotypes also differed in their biomass responses to elevated [CO2], but biomass responses were poorly correlated with A responses. There was a correlation between magnitude of A enhancement by elevated [CO2] and stomatal sensitivity to CO2. Genotypes with low stomatal sensitivity to CO2 had a significantly higher A at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2], but elevated [CO2] did not affect the ratio of intercellular [CO2] to leaf surface [CO2]. Stomatal conductance and A of different genotypes responded differentially to recovery from drought stress. Photosynthetic quantum yield and light compensation point were unaffected by elevated [CO2]. We conclude that P. tremuloides genotypes will respond differentially to rising atmospheric [CO2], with the degree of response dependent on other abiotic factors, such as soil N and water availability. The observed genotypic variation in growth could result in altered genotypic representation within natural populations and could affect the composition and structure of plant communities in a higher [CO2] environment in the future.  相似文献   

Water relations in woody species are intimately related to xylem hydraulic properties. High CO(2) concentrations ([CO(2)]) generally decrease transpiration and stomatal conductance (g(s)), but there is little information about the effect of atmospheric [CO(2)] on xylem hydraulic properties. To determine the relationship between water flow and hydraulic structure at high [CO(2)], we investigated responses of sun and shade leaves of 4-year-old saplings of diffuse-porous Betula maximowicziana Regel and ring-porous Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. ssp. crispula (Blume) Menitsky grown on fertile brown forest soil or infertile volcanic ash soil and exposed to 500 micromol CO(2) mol(-1) for 3 years. Regardless of species and soil type, elevated [CO(2)] consistently decreased water flow (i.e., g(s) and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity) and total vessel area of the petiole in sun leaves; however, it had no effect on these parameters in shade leaves, perhaps because g(s) of shade leaves was already low. Changes in water flow at elevated [CO(2)] were associated with changes in petiole hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

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