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农药在使用过程中会通过液滴飞溅漂移、包装残留、加工泄露以及生物体排泄等多种方式不可避免地进入土壤环境,给土壤生物带来潜在的环境风险。蚯蚓是土壤中主要的生物类群,也是评估农药毒性风险最合适的土壤模式生物。本文基于当前国内外关于农药对蚯蚓毒理学效应影响的研究,概括了农药进入土壤中的途径及其在土壤中的残留现状、农药在蚯蚓体内的富集与消除行为;归纳了农药暴露对蚯蚓产生的生长及生殖毒性、细胞毒性、神经毒性、遗传毒性和氧化应激等毒性影响,着重综述了转录组学、代谢组学及微生物组学等组学方法在揭示农药对蚯蚓毒性作用机制方面的最新研究应用进展。本文可为农药的土壤生态风险评估提供必要的数据支撑,并为农药土壤污染风险管控和修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

农药在农业病虫草害的防控中起着重要作用, 但农药应用后其母体和转化产物在农产品和水体、土壤、空气等环境中的残留存在一定的生物活性或毒性风险。传统的农药活性和毒性的评估手段不仅耗时、耗力、耗成本, 且违背实验动物“3R”原则, 也难以快速准确预测种类繁多且不断增加的农药化学品对人体和生态健康的风险。计算毒理学为农药化合物的毒性预测、活性筛查及风险评估提供了新的研究手段。本文主要介绍计算毒理学的发展及其在农药毒性预测、活性筛查及风险评估中的应用现状, 以期为新时代背景下农药对人类健康及环境安全的风险评估提供新思路。该领域的研究对指导农药的安全生产、科学使用管理具有重要意义, 对生态系统的保护具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

本研究以蚯蚓和植物为受试生物,将农药生产固体废物样品添加至人工土壤和石英砂中作为试验介质进行蚯蚓急性毒性试验及植物生长抑制试验,目的在于探索蚯蚓急性毒性试验和植物生长抑制试验在农药生产固体废物固有生态毒性测试中的应用。结果表明,利用该方法可以对固体废物样品对蚯蚓和植物的毒性进行定量或定性,但由于目前尚缺乏可用的毒性分级标准,因此,尚不能根据毒性终点值进行毒性等级划分。研究为后续工作指出了重点。  相似文献   

美国农药生态风险评价技术   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
美国已建立较为完善的生态风险评价技术,包括农药对地表水水生生物、对陆生生物以及地下水的风险评价。综述了美国的农药水生生态风险评价及陆生生态风险评价技术,旨在为我国农药生态风险评价技术的完善和农药风险管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

氟氯氰菊酯和高效氯氟氰菊酯是两种常见的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂,因对水生生物具有高毒性,其环境风险有待进一步评估。本研究以斑马鱼胚胎为模型,将其连续暴露于两种农药下96 h,期间分别测定了受精后24 h胚胎自主运动、受精后48 h仔鱼心率和孵化率、受精后96 h仔鱼畸形率和死亡率等指标,以评价两种农药对斑马鱼的胚胎发育毒性,并采用基准剂量(BMD)法分析比较了两种药剂的胚胎发育毒性敏感指标,探究了BMD法在评价农药环境风险中的应用前景。BMD法计算结果显示,评价氟氯氰菊酯毒性时最敏感的指标为受精后48 h仔鱼心率,评价高效氯氟氰菊酯毒性时最敏感的指标为受精后48 h孵化率,且氟氯氰菊酯最敏感指标的毒性阈值(基准剂量置信区间下限,BMDL10)更低。此外,针对两种农药的绝大多数胚胎发育毒性指标计算所得的BMDL10值均低于对应的最小可见损害作用水平(LOAEL)。结果提示,BMD法不仅可用于比较相同种类不同农药的毒性差异,还能充分准确地挖掘实验数据,可为农药的环境风险评估提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

三种新烟碱类农药对蚯蚓体重及溶酶体膜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新烟碱类农药的大量使用,导致非靶标生物受到威胁,如美国蜜蜂种群数量锐减等。蚯蚓作为土壤生态系统中的一种重要动物,是生态环境安全评价的一个重要指标。本试验采用标准化人工土壤法,研究了吡虫啉、噻虫啉和氯噻啉3种新烟碱类农药对蚯蚓体重损失率和体腔细胞溶酶体膜稳定性的影响。试验结果表明,仅高浓度吡虫啉(1.6mg/kg)、噻虫啉(6.4mg/kg)和氯噻啉(1.6mg/kg)对蚯蚓生长有抑制作用;3种药剂对体腔细胞溶酶体膜稳定性的影响具有时间和剂量效应,对溶酶体膜的毒性作用随着药剂浓度增加和暴露时间延长而增强。相同剂量下,处理7d时,氯噻啉引起的蚯蚓体重损失率显著高于吡虫啉和噻虫啉;而对于溶酶体膜的毒性,在处理第2天时,氯噻啉显著高于吡虫啉和噻虫啉。同时,蚯蚓体腔细胞溶酶体膜中性红保留时间较蚯蚓体重损失率更为敏感,更适合于监测低剂量污染物对非靶标生物的影响。  相似文献   

农药与重金属复合污染的生态毒理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工农业的快速发展,农药和重金属污染物大量进入环境,在各种环境介质中形成复合污染。很多重金属和农药污染物在环境中都具有持久性和较高的毒性,对生态环境具有潜在危害。文章综述了国内外农药与重金属在水体和土壤中的复合污染现状,以呼吸作用、酶活性、死亡率和生长发育等指标作为毒性效应终点,阐述了农药与重金属复合暴露对土壤微生物、植物和动物的生态毒理学效应研究进展,同时对农药与重金属之间的相互作用进行了阐述,并对未来农药与重金属复合暴露的生态毒理学研究方向进行了展望,旨在通过对国内外农药与重金属复合暴露生态毒理学研究成果的梳理,为复合污染的研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

蚯蚓是一种重要的土壤生物,它能改良土壤,增进土壤肥力,也是鸟类及多种动物重要的食物来源。化学农药的大量使用将对蚯蚓的生存与生长产生威胁。因此,测定农药对蚯蚓的毒性,是评价农药对生态环境安全性的一个重要指标。本文研究甲基异柳磷、嘧啶氧磷、克草胺(dimethochlor)与单甲脒等4种农药对蚯蚓的毒性及其危害性,为4种新农药的登记提供必备的资料。  相似文献   

农药对家蚕的毒性及安全性评价研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
家蚕是农业生态系统中对农药十分敏感的重要经济昆虫,又是非靶标生物的代表物种之一。本文综述了农药对家蚕的毒性及安全性评价的研究现状和进展。  相似文献   

氯化苦对环境生物的急性毒性与风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确土壤熏蒸剂氯化苦对环境生物的影响,按照国家环境保护局制订的"化学农药环境安全评价试验准则"研究了氯化苦对5种环境生物的急性毒性,并参照欧盟指令91/414/EEC标准评价了其环境风险。急性毒性试验结果表明:氯化苦对斜生栅列藻Scenedesmus obliquus的毒性为中毒(0.497 mg/L,96 h-EC50),对泽蛙Rana limnocharis亦为中毒(2.18 mg/L,48 h-LC50),对斑马鱼Brachydanio rerio为高毒(0.222 mg/L,96 h-LC50),对蜜蜂Apis mellifera L.( >65.7 μ g/蜂,48 h-LD50)和蚯蚓Eisenia foetida(76.1 mg/kg,14 d-LC50)为低毒。环境风险评价结果表明,氯化苦注射使用后对蜜蜂的急性风险为可接受水平,而根据氯化苦在水和土壤中的环境预测浓度(PEC)值,其对斜生栅列藻、泽蛙、斑马鱼及蚯蚓存在急性毒性风险。因此,在田间使用氯化苦时,应采取措施降低其对斜生栅列藻、泽蛙、斑马鱼和蚯蚓的急性毒性风险,以免造成危害。  相似文献   

An artificial soil test was used to assess the toxicity of five insecticides, used for turfgrass pest management, to earthworms of the Pheretima group (Megascolecidae). The effects of cyfluthrin, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, fipronil and imidacloprid on earthworm mortality, earthworm biomass and individual earthworm mass, were assessed. Carbaryl and chlorpyrifos had a significant greater effect on earthworm mortality than cyfluthrin, seven days after the application of the insecticides. No other significant earthworm mortality was found. None of the insecticides had a significant influence on earthworm biomass. Cyfluthrin initially reduced individual earthworm mass, but not biomass, more than the other insecticides. Carbaryl reduced biomass more than the other insecticides for all the assessments. Carbaryl, imidacloprid and cyfluthrin had a larger negative effect than the control, fipronil and chlorpyrifos on individual earthworm mass in the 14 and 21 day assessments. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Imidacloprid is an effective, systemic insecticide for the control of wood-boring insect pests in trees. Systemic applications to trees are often made by soil injections or drenches, and the resulting imidacloprid concentrations in soil or litter may pose a risk of harm to natural decomposer organisms. The authors tested effects of imidacloprid on survival and weight gain or loss of the earthworms Eisenia fetida (Savigny) and Dendrobaena octaedra (Savigny), on leaf consumption rates and cocoon production by D. octaedra and on microbial decomposition activity in laboratory microcosms containing natural forest litter. RESULTS: Dendrobaena octaedra was the most sensitive of the two earthworm species, with an LC(50) of 5.7 mg kg(-1), an LC(10) of about 2 mg kg(-1) and significant weight losses among survivors at 3 mg kg(-1). Weight losses resulted from a physiological effect rather than from feeding inhibition. There were no effects on cocoon production among survivors at 3 mg kg(-1). The LC(50) for E. fetida was 25 mg kg(-1), with significant weight losses at 14 mg kg(-1). There were no significant effects on microbial decomposition of leaf material at the maximum test concentration of 1400 mg kg(-1).CONCLUSION: The results indicate that, when imidacloprid is applied as a systemic insecticide to the soil around trees, it is likely to cause adverse effects on litter-dwelling earthworms if concentrations in the litter reach or exceed about 3 mg kg(-1).  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新兴污染物,其污染已成为全球广泛关注的热点环境问题。特别是农田土壤中微塑料污染对食物链和陆生生态系统构成了潜在威胁,微塑料及其与其他污染物的混合作用对蚯蚓造成了一系列不利影响,包括体重减轻、运动能力下降、生存率降低和免疫力减弱等。此外,微塑料与污染物的混合暴露干扰了蚯蚓的肠道微生物平衡,引发其细胞水平上的氧化应激和DNA损伤。该文从研究对象、试验设计、微塑料及混合污染物的类型和浓度等方面综述了关于微塑料及混合污染物对蚯蚓生长和生理影响的研究进展。同时,提出了未来研究需进一步标准化研究方法以增强结果的可比性,加强田间条件下对微塑料污染的系统评估,关注微塑料对蚯蚓的长期影响,以期为环境保护和土壤污染治理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Three different laboratory methods for determining the toxicity of chemicals to earthworms were tested with a variety of pesticides and other chemicals. These methods, proposed by the EEC (Determination of Ecotoxicity of Chemicals), were: the Contact Filter Paper Test, in which the skin contact toxicity is tested by placing the organisms on treated filter paper; the Artificial Soil Test, in which the toxicity by skin and gut uptake is determined by adding the earthworms to an artificial soil made of sand, clay mineral and peat; and the Artisol Test, in which the toxicity by skin and gut uptake is determined by placing the worms in an artificial substrate consisting of silica, water and glass balls. (In the Artisol Test, the earthworms ingest the silica paste as they do soil.) With several chemicals, the Artificial Soil Test was conducted as described in an early guideline of the BBA. This test is similar to that proposed by the EEC. Results from the Contact Filter Paper Test were poorly correlated to those obtained by the other two methods (correlation to the Artificial Soil Test, r=0.55; correlation to the Artisol Test, r=0.48). In contrast, there was a high correlation between the Artificial Soil Test and the Artisol Test (r=0.91). This indicated that the mode of uptake of the chemicals (skin uptake and/or gut uptake) may be the same. As the Artisol Test seems to be readily handled and standardised, it could be useful for obtaining reproducible data on the ecotoxicity of chemicals to earthworms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chlorantraniliprole, the first anthranilic diamide insecticide labeled for turf, combines strong selective activity against key pests with low vertebrate toxicity. The hypothesis that it is less disruptive to beneficial invertebrates and their ecosystem services than are other prevailing insecticide classes was tested. Plots in golf course settings were treated with chlorantraniliprole, or with a representative nicotinoid (clothianidin), pyethroid (bifenthrin) or a combination (clothianidin–bifenthrin) formulation. Non‐target effects were assessed via pitfall traps (epigeal predators), Tullgren funnel extraction (soil microarthropods), hand sorting (earthworms), counting ant mounds and earthworm casts on tees and putting greens, assessing predation on sentinel pest eggs and comparing grass clipping decomposition in treated versus untreated turf. RESULTS: Chlorantraniliprole had little or, in most cases, no impact on predatory or soil invertebrates, predation or decomposition. Each of the other insecticides temporarily reduced abundance and activity of one or more predator groups. Clothianidin and the clothianidin–bifenthrin combination retarded grass clipping decomposition, and the combination suppressed earthworms and casts more than did carbaryl, a toxic standard. CONCLUSION: Chlorantraniliprole is compatible with conservation biocontrol and a good fit for industry initiatives to use relatively less toxic pesticides. One caveat is that its use on golf courses may require targeted management of ant mounds and earthworm casts that are suppressed as a side effect by some less selective insecticides. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

土壤中添加蚯蚓及秸秆对油菜积累镉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,在不同镉(Cd)污染浓度的灰漠土中分别添加蚯蚓和新鲜秸秆,研究了添加蚯蚓和秸秆还田条件下油菜(Brassica rapa L.spp.Chinenesis)-土壤体系中Cd的分布情况.结果发现:(1)添蚯蚓可有效增加土壤中Cd向油菜体内转移;蚯蚓可以在Cd污染的土壤中生存,蚯蚓体内Cd浓度随土壤环境中Cd...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quinoxyfen is a fungicide of the phenoxyquinoline class used to control powdery mildew, Uncinula necator (Schw.) Burr. Owing to its high persistence and strong sorption in soil, it could represent a risk for soil organisms if they are exposed at ecologically relevant concentrations. The objective of this paper is to predict the bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of quinoxyfen in earthworms, selected as a representative soil organism, and to assess the uncertainty in the estimation of this parameter. Three fields in each of four vineyards in southern and northern Italy were sampled over two successive years. RESULTS: The measured BCFs varied over time, possibly owing to seasonal changes and the consequent changes in behaviour and ecology of earthworms. Quinoxyfen did not accumulate in soil, as the mean soil concentrations at the end of the 2 year monitoring period ranged from 9.16 to 16.0 µg kg?1 dw for the Verona province and from 23.9 to 37.5 µg kg?1 dw for the Taranto province, with up to eight applications per season. To assess the uncertainty of the BCF in earthworms, a probabilistic approach was used, firstly by building with weighted bootstrapping techniques a generic probabilistic density function (PDF) accounting for variability and incompleteness of knowledge. The generic PDF was then used to derive prior distribution functions, which, by application of Bayes' theorem, were updated with the new measurements and a posterior distribution was finally created. CONCLUSION: The study is a good example of probabilistic risk assessment. The means of mean and SD posterior estimates of log BCFworm (2.06, 0.91) are the ‘best estimate values’. Further risk assessment of quinoxyfen and other phenoxyquinoline fungicides and realistic representative scenarios for modelling exercises required for future authorization and post‐authorization requirements can now use this value as input. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to compare the effects of various concentrations of lindane and deltamethrin on mature earthworms (Eisenia fetida) cultured in artificial soil during typical acute (14d) and subchronic (42d) exposure periods. The effects of the two pesticides on earthworm mortality, growth inhibition, and cellulase activity were determined for different exposure durations. The toxicity order for earthworm mortality from the 14-day exposure was lindane > deltamethrin, with median lethal concentrations (LC50) of 162.1 and 432.9 mg kg−1, respectively. Earthworms exposed to deltamethrin showed dose-dependent toxic effects on growth and cellulase activity only from the acute exposures, whereas lindane’s effects on these activities were seen correlated with both the acute and subchronic doses. Also, changes in biomass and cellulase activity during the subchronic exposure period appear to be a more sensitive parameter than the LC50 value in assessing pesticidal injury.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Earthworm casts are a worldwide problem on golf courses and sports fields when they disrupt the playability, aesthetics and maintenance of closely mowed playing surfaces. Currently, no pesticides are labeled for earthworms in the United States. Tea seed pellets (TSPs), a saponin‐rich byproduct of Camellia oleifera Abel oil manufacture, were tested for expelling earthworms and reducing casts on creeping bentgrass turf. The fate of expelled worms, methods for removing them and impacts on pest and beneficial arthropods were also evaluated. RESULTS: Application of TSPs at 2.93 kg 100 m?2, followed by irrigation, quickly expelled earthworms from the soil. A single application reduced casts by 80–95% for at least 5 weeks. Mowing or sweeping removed expelled earthworms from putting green surfaces. Most expelled earthworms burrowed down when transferred to untreated turf, but few survived. Bioassay‐guided fractionation confirmed the vermicidal activity results from a mix of saponins. TSPs did not reduce the abundance of beneficial soil arthropods, nor did they control black cutworms or white grubs in treated turf. CONCLUSION: TSPs are an effective botanical vermicide that could be useful for selectively managing earthworm casts on closely mowed turfgrass. They might also be used to suppress earthworms in grassy strips alongside runways to reduce bird strike hazard at airports. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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