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Bovine beta-LG was modified by glycation with lactose in a powdered state or in an aqueous solution. An immunological characterization was performed using monoclonal antibodies with defined epitopes. The results showed that the structural changes were confined to the AB loop region of the molecules when glycation was conducted in a restricted water environment and had little consequences on the association state of glycated beta-LG. The protein conformation was much more extensively modified when glycation was performed in an aqueous solution at 60 degrees C, despite a lower glycation extent. These structural changes were located at the dimer interface (AB loop, GH loop, beta-strand I, and alpha-helix). These results allowed us to establish a relationship between the conformational changes and the modification of the association state of the glycated protein (formation of disulfide bridges between the free thiol groups of two monomers), previously described.  相似文献   

The effects of ascorbic acid on the riboflavin-sensitized photochemical changes in beta-lactoglobulin in an aqueous buffer solution as determined by high performance gel permeation liquid chromatography (HPGPLC), insoluble protein content, and individual amino acid content during fluorescent light illumination were studied. The riboflavin-sensitized photochemical degradation of beta-lactoglobulin was effectively inhibited by ascorbic acid, and its inhibitory effectiveness was concentration dependent. The 0.1% ascorbic acid treatment showed 74.4% inhibition of beta-lactoglobulin degradation as determined by a HPGPLC during 6 h light illumination. Insolubility of beta-lactoglobulin in a buffer solution during light illumination was also effectively decreased by ascorbic acid treatment. The riboflavin-sensitized photochemical reduction of cysteine, histidine, lysine, methionine, and tryptophan in beta-lactoglobulin was high during 6 h fluorescent light illumination. The 0.1% ascorbic acid treatment exhibited 20.8% inhibition of total amino acid degradation in beta-lactoglobulin during 6 h light illumination, showing strong inhibitory activity against the degradation of arginine, aspartic acid, cystein, glycine, histidine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, and tryptophan.  相似文献   

Beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg) was glycated with maltopentaose and subsequently phosphorylated by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate to investigate the structural and functional properties of phosphorylated beta-Lg. The circular dichroism spectra showed that the change of the secondary structure in the beta-Lg molecule by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation was small. The differential scanning calorimetry thermograms of beta-Lg showed that the denaturation temperature of the most stable domain was only slightly affected, whereas the retinol-binding activity of beta-Lg was somewhat reduced by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation. These results indicated that the conformational changes of the beta-Lg molecule by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation were mild. The anti-beta-Lg antibody response was somewhat reduced by glycation, but significant changes were not observed by phosphorylation. Although the stability of beta-Lg against heat-induced insolubility was improved by glycation alone, it was further enhanced by phosphorylation. The calcium phosphate solubilizing ability of beta-Lg was enhanced by phosphorylation following glycation.  相似文献   

The conformational changes in myoglobin, treated by microbubbling of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO(2)), were investigated by measuring the circular dichroism spectra in the ultraviolet range and compared with those in other proteins (ovoalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and beta-lactoglobulin). Irreversible unfoldings were observed after the microbubbling of SC-CO(2) at 35 degrees C and 30 MPa for 30 min. The degree of unfolding depended on the number of intramolecular S-S bonds. alpha-Helix contents of myoglobin decreased with increasing density of SC-CO(2). Unfoldings of myoglobin induced by heating, pH-lowering, and the addition of a denaturant were reversible. The irreversible unfolding of myoglobin was also observed by the bubbling of gaseous CO(2) under atmospheric pressure, but heating was required.  相似文献   

为探究米渣蛋白对水溶液中镉的吸附效果及米渣对土壤中镉活性的钝化效果,该研究首先用米渣蛋白在水溶液中对镉进行吸附、用盐酸解吸,并用Langmuir、Freundlich等温吸附方程来拟合米渣蛋白在水溶液中对镉的吸附过程,用动力学方程研究米渣蛋白与镉结合的机理,并根据线性关系从准一级、准二级吸附动力学方程中筛选更接近吸附动力的拟合方程。其次,通过周期取样,用Tessier分步连续提取法测定并探究米渣对土壤中镉的钝化能力。研究结果表明:在不同初始质量分数的镉溶液中米渣对镉的最大吸附量13.28mg/g,用盐酸解吸各初始质量分数下结合的镉,解吸率均达到90%以上。同时,Langmuir和Freundlich等温方程均能拟合米渣蛋白在水溶液中对镉的吸附过程,且R2达到0.99以上;准一级动力学、准二级动力学方程拟合结果是,拟合出的准二级动力学方程线性更好,米渣蛋白对镉的吸附动力更符合准二级动力学方程。土壤中镉钝化试验表明:加入米渣后,28d内土壤中镉的钝化效果较好,可能是由于米渣中的蛋白改变了土壤中镉的存在状态并降低镉的活性所致。该研究结果为米渣的应用提供新的思路,可为其在废水除镉、镉污染土壤的修复等方面应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Amadoriase I is a fructosyl amine oxidase from Aspergillus fumigatus that catalyzes the oxidation of Amadori products (APs) producing glucosone, H2O2, and the corresponding free amine. All the enzymes of this family discovered so far only deglycate small molecular weight products and are inactive toward large molecular weight substrates, such as glycated BSA or ribonuclease A. Therefore, they cannot be used to reverse protein glycation occurring in diabetes or in foods. In this paper, the effect of Amadoriase I added during the in vitro reaction between glucose and peptides having different polarities or proteins with molecular weights ranging from to 5 to 66 kDa was tested. The formation of APs was monitored by ESI-MS of intact glycated protein or peptides and by measuring the Nepsilon-(1-deoxy-d-fructos-1-yl)-L-lysine and furosine concentrations. Results showed that the formation of APs is reduced up to 80% when peptides and glucose are incubated in the presence of Amadoriase. The effect is more evident for hydrophobic peptides. In protein-glucose systems, the effect was dependent on the molecular weight and steric hindrance being negligible for BSA and at a maximum for insulin, where the formation of APs was reduced up to 60%. These findings indicate new potential applications of Amadoriase I as an efficient tool for inhibiting protein glycation in real food systems.  相似文献   

The influence of globular protein denaturation after adsorption to the surface of hydrocarbon droplets on flocculation in oil-in-water emulsions was examined. n-Hexadecane oil-in-water emulsions (pH 7.0) stabilized by beta-lactoglobulin (1-wt % beta-Lg) were prepared by high-pressure valve homogenization. NaCl (0-150 mM) was added to these emulsions immediately after homogenization, and the evolution of the mean particle diameter (d) and particle size distribution (PSD) was measured by laser diffraction during storage at 30 degrees C for 48 h. No change in d or PSD was observed in the absence of added salt, which indicated that these emulsions were stable to flocculation. When 150 mM NaCl was added to emulsions immediately after homogenization, d increased rapidly during the following few hours until it reached a plateau value, while the PSD changed from monomodal to bimodal. Addition of N-ethylmaleimide, a sulfhydryl blocking agent, to the emulsions immediately after homogenization prevented (at 20 mM NaCl) or appreciably retarded (at 150 mM NaCl) droplet flocculation. These data suggests that protein unfolding occurred at the droplet interface, which increased the hydrophobic attraction and disulfide bond formation between droplets. In the absence of added salt, the electrostatic repulsion between droplets was sufficient to prevent flocculation, but in the presence of sufficient salt, the attractive interactions dominated, and flocculation occurred.  相似文献   

The effect of nonenzymatic glycation on the structural changes and gelling properties of hen ovalbumin (OVA) through the Maillard reaction was studied. OVA was incubated at the dry state with a rare ketohexose (D-psicose, Psi) and two alimentary sugars (D-fructose, Fru; D-glucose, Glc) at 55 degrees C and 65% relative humidity. To evaluate the modification of OVA by different reducing sugars during the glycation process, the extent of the Maillard reaction, aggregation processes, structural changes, and gelling behaviors were investigated. Reactivity of Psi with the protein amino groups was much lower than that of both Fru and Glc, whereas Psi induced production of browning and fluorescent substances more strongly than the two alimentary sugars did. Furthermore, OVA showed an increased tendency toward multimeric aggregation upon modifying with Psi through covalent bond. The modified OVAs with reducing sugar were similar to nonglycated control sample in Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) characteristics, but significantly decreased in intensity of tryptophan-related fluorescence. The results indicate that although glycation brought about similar changes in the secondary structure without great disruption of native structure, its influence on the side chains of protein in tertiary structure could be different. Breaking strength of heat-induced glycated OVA gels with Psi was markedly enhanced by the Maillard reaction. These results suggest that Psi had a strong cross-linking activity with OVA; consequently, the glycated OVA with Psi could improve gelling properties under certain controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The thermal degradation of D-glucose, maltose, and maltotriose in aqueous solution was investigated under caramelization (no glycine) and Maillard (with glycine) conditions. Degradation of the sugar and alpha-dicarbonyls product was monitored. Under both caramelization and Maillard reaction conditions, 3-deoxypentosulose was the predominating alpha-dicarbonyl compound formed from maltose and maltotriose. In the absence of an amino compound, however, 3-deoxypentosulose is formed in much lower concentration. It was concluded that 3-deoxypentosulose is formed by a pathway specific for oligo- and polysaccharides since this alpha-dicarbonyl is formed from the alpha-1-->4 glucans such as maltose and maltotriose but not from glucose. For its formation, a retro Claisen reaction of an enolization product of 1-amino-1,4-dideoxyhexosulose is proposed as the route to its formation. 1-Amino-1,4-dideoxyhexosulose could be formed by vinylogous alpha-elimination from the 2,3-enediol structure after Amadori rearrangement, favored by planar alignment of the bonds between C1 and C4. Subsequent rearrangement by keto-enoltautomerization leads to a 1-imino-3-keto structure. In this structure, attack of a hydroxyl anion, provided by water at neutral pH, could cause a splitting off of the C1. This reaction gives rise to formic acid or formamide and a pentose derivative, which reacts further to give 3-deoxypentosulose.  相似文献   

为了深入了解蛋白氧化对凝胶特性的影响,以此探讨乳清蛋白氧化对其功能性质的影响机制,该文主要研究了氧化对乳清蛋白凝胶质地、流变学特性和微观结构变化的影响。试验采用羟基自由基氧化体系,在不同H2O2浓度(1~20mmol/L)及不同FeCl3浓度(0.1~1mmol/L)对乳清蛋白分别氧化3h,通过质构仪、流变仪和扫描电镜对凝胶特性和微观结构进行研究。结果显示:同未氧化乳清蛋白相比,在所有氧化条件下,凝胶硬度降低了90%以上,贮藏模量(G')值降低了17%以上,复合模量(G*)值降低了20%以上;高浓度氧化条件下,弹性降低了20%以上。氧化明显改变了凝胶的微观结构,随着氧化剂的加入,导致了疏松多孔且不规则凝胶的形成。上述结果表明,氧化对蛋白凝胶质地和凝胶形成能力起着很大的破坏作用,并影响着其微观结构。  相似文献   

Moisture-induced protein aggregation through intermolecular interactions such as disulfide bonding can occur in a high-protein-containing food matrix during nonthermal processing and storage. The present study investigated the effect of moisture-induced whey protein aggregation on the structure and texture of such high-protein-containing matrices using a protein/buffer model system. Whey proteins in the protein/buffer model systems formed insoluble aggregates during 3 months' storage at temperatures varying from 4 to 45 degrees C, resulting in changes in microstructure and texture. The level of aggregation that began to cause significant texture change was an inverse function of storage temperature. The protein conformation and the state of water molecules in the model system also changed during storage, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. During storage, the model system that had an initially smooth structure formed aggregated particles (100-200 nm) as measured by scanning electron microscopy, which lead to an aggregation network in the high-protein-containing matrix and caused a harder texture.  相似文献   

Although a thorough characterization of binding parameters is essential for application of beta-lactoglobulin as a carrier for a variety of small hydrophobic ligands, the binding parameters derived in various studies using various techniques are inconsistent. The bindings of several small ligands as detected by fluorometry and equilibrium dialysis were compared. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that beta-ionone, retinol, and fatty acid lactones all bound in the vicinity of a tryptophan residue. Retinol and fatty acid lactone competed for the same binding site. Exclusively for ligands that quench the beta-lactoglobulin fluorescence through a resonance energy transfer mechanism, fluorometry yielded a systematically higher binding affinity than equilibrium dialysis. The binding overestimation in fluorometric measurements can be explained by oligomer formation of protein, together with an underestimation of the limiting quenching level at saturating ligand concentrations due to the use of a limited set of data points.  相似文献   

Astringency is one of the most important organoleptic qualities of numerous beverages, including red wines. It is generally thought to originate from interactions between tannins and salivary proline-rich proteins (PRPs). In this work interactions between a glycosylated PRP, called II-1, and flavan-3-ols were studied in aqueous solutions and at a colloidal level, by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The flavan-3-ols were a monomer, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and polymerized flavan-3-ol fractions extracted from grape seeds. In aqueous solutions containing EGCG and protein II-1, protein aggregation took place when protein concentration and the EGCG/protein ratio exceeded a threshold. The aggregates had a small size, comparable with the dimensions of protein monomers, and formed stable dispersions (no phase separation). Most proteins remained free in solution. This behavior is in sharp contrast with the phase separation observed for nonglycoslated PRP in the same conditions. Moreover, this slight aggregation of II-I in the presence of EGCG was disrupted by the addition of 12% ethanol. Increasing the flavan-3-ol molecular weight strongly enhanced II-I/tannin aggregation: the threshold was at a lower protein concentration (0.2 mg/mL) and a lower tannin/protein ratio. Still, in most cases, and in contrast with that observed with a nonglycosylated PRP, the aggregates remained of discrete size and stable. Only at low ethanol content (2%) did the addition of tannin polymers finally lead to phase separation, which occurred when the molar ratio of tannins to proteins exceeded 12. This systematic effect of ethanol confirmed the strong effect of cosolvents on protein/tannin interactions.  相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at 500 MPa and 50 degrees C induces beta-LG into the molten globule state. Retinol, cis-parinaric acid (CPA), and 1-anilino-naphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence from pH 2.5 to 10.5 in the presence of the native and molten globule states of beta-LG indicate that retinol binds to beta-LG in the calyx, CPA at the surface hydrophobic site, and ANS in multiple hydrophobic sites. HHP treatment results in a decrease of beta-LG affinity for retinol and CPA, suggesting conformational changes in the calyx and surface hydrophobic site of beta-LG during HHP treatment. beta-LG treated by HHP in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) retains retinol affinity, suggesting that NEM protects the calyx conformation of beta-LG during HHP treatment. HHP treatment of beta-LG in the presence of KIO(3) exhibits a great decrease of CPA affinity compared to HHP-treated beta-LG in the absence of KIO(3), suggesting the formation of non-native disulfide bonding at the CPA binding site.  相似文献   

The effects of formaldehyde fumigation and pesticide drenching with Bavistin, Cuman, Copperthom, Sulfex, Furadon, and Termix at recommended rates on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonisation and Rhizobium sp. nodules were assessed regularly for a period of 90 days in the legumes Cajanus cajan, Dolichos biflorus, Vigna mungo, and V. unguiculata under field conditions. The fumigant and the pesticides initially reduced VAM fungal colonisation and the number of spores in all plants. Following the initial decrease there was a slow recovery, but by 90 days after emergence, root colonisation was either parallel to or still lower than the control, and the number of spores was still well below control levels for all species except C. cajan, which had more VAM spores than the control in all treatments except fumigation and Furadon. Although the number of nodules did not differ from control levels at 30 days after emergence, differences were evident during the later stages of plant growth for all species except V. unguiculata. The effect of pesticides on VAM fungi and root nodulation varied with the associated host plant species. Plant tissue P and VAM colonisation were significantly correlated in all host plants. The pesticide treatments had no marked effect on plant growth, but accumulations of nutrients in pesticide-treated plants were lower than those in untreated plants. Growth and nutrient status of the legumes varied with VAM fungal colonisation.  相似文献   

Microbial mats have been developed to sequester heavy metals from contaminated water. Mixed populations of photosynthetic and heterotrophic bacteria, dominated by Scillatoria spp., were developed for metal tolerance and integrated into a durable, self-sustaining community of microbes stimulated by and attached to ensiled grass. The mat was immobilized on glass wool and layered in flow-through baffled tanks. After allowing 8 weeks for the maturation of the mat, mixed solutions of Zn and Mn (15–16 mg L?1) were passed through a three-tank experimental series. Effluent from each tank was first sampled and then applied to the next tank. This procedure was repeated in triplicate and with six applications of new metal solution per three-tank series. By the third tank, the target metal concentration <1 mg L?1 was always achieved. Mean percentages of the initial influent concentration removed by tanks 1, 2 and 3, respectively, were 72, 93 and 98 for Zn and 78, 97 and 99 for Mn. Mean metal concentrations in the effluents (average of 6 applications) were, for tank 1: Zn (mg L?1) 5.0, Mn (mg L?1) 4.2; for tank 2: Zn 1.6, Mn 0.75; for tank 3: Zn 0.53, Mn 0.19. Mean effluent concentrations from each of the three sequential treatments (average of 6 applications per tank) were for Zn (mg L?1) 5.0, 1.6 and 0.53; for Mn (mg L?1) were 4.2, 0.75 and 0.19. Thus target concentrations were reached in experimental tank 2 for Mn and tank 3 for Zn. Metal removal in the control tank series, containing glass wool only, was 37% for Zn and 5% for Mn (average of 6 applications). Oxygen and redox potential analyses of the mat/glass wool matrix revealed a heterogenous structure of anoxic and oxic zones. Zeta potential analysis of the mat samples identified a mat surface charge ranging from ?12.3 to ?69.2 mV. Various metal removal mechanisms possibly involved with metal sequestering include surface binding to the mat or to mat exudates trapped within the glass wool, precipitation of the metals with anions present in the oxic/anoxic zones, mat mediation of the water conditions in favor of metal-oxide precipitation and active transport of the metals into the cell.  相似文献   

The effect of protein, nonprotein-soluble components, and lactose concentrations on the irreversible denaturation of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) and alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) in reconstituted skim milk samples was studied over a wide temperature range (75-100 degrees C). The irreversible thermal denaturation of beta-LG had a reaction order of 1.5 and that of alpha-LA had a reaction order of 1.0 in all systems and under all conditions. The rates of irreversible denaturation of beta-LG and alpha-LA were markedly dependent upon the composition of the milk. At all temperatures, the irreversible denaturations of beta-LG and alpha-LA were enhanced at a higher protein concentration and were retarded when the nonprotein-soluble components and lactose concentrations were increased. The effects of increasing the concentrations of lactose and nonprotein-soluble components were interpreted using the preferential hydration theory and allowed for the interpretation of the changes in the denaturations of beta-LG and alpha-LA when the milk total solids concentration was increased.  相似文献   

The influence of sucrose (0--40 wt %) on the thermal denaturation and gelation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in aqueous solution has been studied. The effect of sucrose on heat denaturation of 1 wt % BSA solutions (pH 6.9) was measured using ultrasensitive differential scanning calorimetry. The unfolding process was irreversible and could be characterized by a denaturation temperature (T(m)), activation energy (E(A)), and pre-exponential factor (A). As the sucrose concentration increased from 0 to 40 wt %, T(m) increased from 72.9 to 79.2 degrees C, E(A) decreased from 314 to 289 kJ mol(-1), and ln(A/s(-1)) decreased from 104 to 94. The rise in T(m) was attributed to the increased thermal stability of the globular state of BSA relative to its native state because of differences in their preferential interactions with sucrose. The change in preferential interaction coefficient (Delta Gamma(3,2)) associated with the native-to-denatured transition was estimated. The dynamic shear rheology of 2 wt % BSA solutions (pH 6.9, 100 mM NaCl) was monitored as they were heated from 30 to 90 degrees C, held at 90 degrees C for either 15 or 120 min, and then cooled to 30 degrees C. Sucrose increased the gelation temperature due to thermal stabilization of the native state of the protein. The complex shear modulus (G) of cooled gels decreased with sucrose concentration when they were held at 90 degrees C for 15 min because the fraction of irreversibly denatured protein decreased. On the other hand, G of cooled gels increased with sucrose concentration when they were held at 90 degrees C for 120 min because a greater fraction of irreversibly denatured protein was formed and the strength of the protein-protein interactions increased.  相似文献   

The photochemical formation of Fe(II) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) coupled with humic acids (HA) was studied to understand the significance of iron cycling in the photodegradation of atrazine under simulated sunlight. The presence of HA significantly enhanced the formation of Fe(II) and H 2O 2, and their subsequent product, hydroxyl radical ( (*)OH), was the main oxidant responsible for the atrazine photodegradation. During 60 h of irradiation, the fraction of iron presented as Fe(II) (Fe(II)/Fe(t)) decreased from 20-32% in the presence of the Fe(III)-HA complex to 10-22% after adding atrazine. The rate of atrazine photodegradation in solutions containing Fe(III) increased with increasing HA concentration, suggesting that the complexation of Fe(III) with HA accelerated the Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycling. Using fluorescence spectrometry, the quenching constant and the percentage of fluorophores participating in the complexation of HA with Fe(III) were estimated by the modified Stern-Volmer equation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) offered the direct evidence that Fe(III)-carboxylate complex could be formed by ligand exchange of HA with Fe(III). Based on all the information, a possible reaction mechanism was proposed.  相似文献   

Ovalbumin (OVA) was phosphorylated by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate at pH 4.0 and 85 degrees C for 1 and 5 days, and the physicochemical and structural properties of phosphorylated OVA were investigated. The phosphorus content of OVA increased to 1.01% by phosphorylation, and the electrophoretic mobility of PP-OVA also increased. Although the solubility of dry-heated OVA decreased, the decrease was slightly depressed by phosphorylation. The circular dichroism spectra showed that the change of the secondary structure in the OVA molecule, as measured by alpha-helix content, was mild by phosphorylation. The exchange reaction between the sulfhydryl and disulfide groups was enhanced and the surface hydrophobicity of OVA increased by phosphorylation. The tryptophan fluorescence intensity of OVA decreased by phosphorylation, suggesting that the conformational change occurred in the OVA molecule by phosphorylation. Although the differential scanning calorimetry thermograms of OVA showed a lowering of the denaturation temperature from 78.3 to 70.1 degrees C by phosphorylation, the stability of OVA against heat-induced insolubility at pH 7.0 was improved. The results indicated molten (partially unfolded) conformations of OVA formed by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

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