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化学杀秧对马铃薯晚疫病防病效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1 前 言我国目前在生产上对早熟马铃薯品种的晚疫病防治主要以生育后期的化学药剂防治为主。但由于近些年来生产上广泛使用的瑞毒霉等系列药剂已使晚疫病菌产生了抗药性 ,造成了防治效果的下降 ,而且药剂防治会对环境造成一定程度的污染。因此如何在少量药防的基础上采取其它措施而不降低晚疫病的防治效果 ,显得尤为必要。而化学试剂杀秧对马铃薯晚疫病的防病效果国内已有过报道 ,但何时杀秧对晚疫病防效最佳 ,尚未见详细研究。2 材料与方法供试品种为尤金 (原种 1代 ) ,该品种的茎叶和块茎均感晚疫病。 2 0 0 2年试验在黑龙江省农科院马…  相似文献   

半干旱区马铃薯黑膜覆盖增温增产效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨半干旱区地膜覆盖对马铃薯土壤的增温和增产效果,以‘定薯1号’为试验材料,采用露地低垄、覆膜低垄、覆膜高垄杀秧、覆膜高垄有秧4种方式研究了覆膜对马铃薯耕层土壤的温度变化及产量的影响。结果表明;黑色地膜覆盖栽培具有增温作用,不同的覆膜起垄方式对土壤的增温效果不同,高垄有秧的土壤温度最高,达到14.01℃,高垄杀秧为13.49℃,低垄覆膜为12.63℃,对照低垄露地为11.80℃;覆膜高垄的产量显著高于低垄种植,其中覆膜高垄有秧产量达2 176 kg/667m2,增产效果显著。  相似文献   

20%顶秧乳油防除马铃薯田杂草效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省是我国马铃薯种植面积较大的省份之一 ,马铃薯田杂草的防治是生产上亟待解决的问题。目前有关马铃薯田杂草化学防除的报道较少 ,赵铁成 (2 0 0 2 )报道了 4 5 %图豆美乳油防除马铃薯田部分禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草的效果 ,但其总体防效只在 6 2 1%~ 79 0 % [1] 。为了寻找对马铃薯田杂草防效好又对马铃薯安全的除草剂 ,我们于2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年对安万特公司新开发的除草剂 2 0 %顶秧乳油进行了田间小区试验。1 材料与方法1 1 试验材料试验药剂 :2 0 %顶秧乳油 ,对照药剂 2 5 %农思它乳油。试验作物 :马铃薯品种克新 13号。试验在…  相似文献   

【目的】明确杂交稻70 g以下低播量精量穴播和条播对育秧效果及机插特性的影响,突破生产中杂交稻机插的技术瓶颈。【方法】以中浙优1号和甬优1540两个杂交稻品种为材料,利用机插标准9寸盘,设置机械穴播和条播两个精量播种方式,并以机械流水线撒播为对照,穴播规格为16(纵向)×34(横向)穴,条播为纵向16条,以穴播5粒、3粒及2粒的播种量进行播种试验。考查了低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗生长影响及配套取秧效果【结果】1)低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗成苗率的影响不大。2)降低播种量提高秧苗生长一致性,且穴播和条播秧苗生长一致性好于撒播。3)与撒播相比,精量穴播和条播能够在低播量下提高秧苗根系盘结力和成毯性,中浙优1号和甬优1540根系盘结力比撒播平均高75.4%和81.0%,播量每穴3粒时即能有效成毯,穴播和条播差异不大。4)精量穴播和条播能够显著降低低播量下机插漏秧率,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插漏秧率平均分别比撒播低76.3%和74.6%,穴播和条播下,两个品种每穴播量3粒的漏秧率均在1%以下,与撒播相比降幅在10个百分点以上。5)精量穴播和条播机插取秧苗数均匀度比撒播要好,两个品种预期取秧2~5苗(5粒)、1~3苗(3粒)和1~2苗(2粒)比例均达80%以上,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插苗数均匀度平均比撒播高121.2%和67.0%,其中,穴播机插取秧苗数均匀度及预期取秧苗数比例高于条播。【结论】精量穴播和条播可以解决目前杂交稻机插用种量大、漏秧率高和机插取秧苗数均匀度差的问题。  相似文献   

以杂交稻品种中浙优1号和甬优1540为供试材料,以撒播为对照,研究了精量条播的种子分布、漏秧率及机插苗数的均匀性。试验结果表明,杂交稻精量条播种子分布均匀性较撒播提高82.0%;条播能够显著降低低播量下的漏秧率,条播下中浙优1号和甬优1540漏秧率分别比撒播方式平均降低76.2%和85.5%;精量条播下中浙优1号和甬优1540的机插苗数均匀度比撒播方式平均提高53.5%和46.5%。采用杂交稻精量条播技术能够解决目前杂交稻机插漏秧率高和机插苗数不均匀的问题。  相似文献   

为探讨插前寄秧措施对水稻秧苗素质、产量的影响,黑龙江北大荒农业股份有限公司2020年在16个分公司的试验田开展了水稻插前寄秧试验。结果表明,插前进行寄秧有利于缓苗、增加根量、促进早生分蘖,对产量形成有利;寄秧处理还能减少插后本田空穴少,减少了本田补苗用工量。其中,寄秧4 d的处理效果最好,产量比对照(现起现插)增产7.5 kg/667 m2,净增效益48.0元/667 m2。  相似文献   

我们地区杂交晚稻有搞两段育秧的习惯,在两段育秧中,进行了多效唑浸秧根效果试验,结果表明:寄秧秧苗用多效唑浸秧根后比不浸的两段秧,苗高降低10~15厘米,控长率达15~20%,单株分蘖增加3~4个,增蘖率达50~65%,亩有效穗增加1.5万,结实率提高3%,产量提高12.3%。 施用方法;在寄秧时,配制100ppm多效唑液盛在桶内,把秧根浸在多效唑药液中10~20分钟后取出寄插。一亩寄秧田约需30~35公斤药液,根据寄秧面积多少进行配药,随配随用。多效唑浸秧根效果好@陆省三$浙江省武义县农科所  相似文献   

江苏太湖地区单季稻栽植以人工手插为主 ,劳动强度大且效率低 ,为了探索省工、节本、低耗、稳产、高产的水稻种植机械化途径 ,农业部南京农业机械化研究所研制了2ZU6型水稻播秧机。该播秧机集移栽成行与抛秧浅植一体 ,且比小苗带土插秧机机械结构简单、制造成本低、作业方便、秧苗栽深浅、无钩伤苗、栽插质量高。与抛秧机相比 ,秧苗田间分布均匀有序、通风透光、有利田间施肥打药收割等作业。为了比较系统地阐明播秧稻的生育规律 ,加快此项新技术推广 ,作者开展了单季稻机播秧栽培技术的初步研究。一、播秧稻的特点1.播秧稻的高产稳产…  相似文献   

水稻商品化集中育供秧是将规模育供秧技术和组织管理方式融合发展形成的新型社会化服务产业体系。该体系适应市场发展需求,采取集约化经营、专业化生产,面向农户提供优质育供秧服务,可促进水稻机插轻简栽培技术推广。以水稻生产大县江苏省宿迁市沭阳县为例,通过调查2019年商品化集中育供秧服务生产情况,分析生产优势和面临问题,提出加强市场培育管理、制定育供秧规程、壮大服务主体、建立大苗机插新型服务体系的发展对策建议。  相似文献   

湖南早稻育秧方法几经改进,逐步形成了目前薄膜水秧、大酋洗插为主的格局。但这种方法仍不免有烂种、烂秧现象,加上扯秧、洗秧、缚秧、运秧、抛秧和分秧几个环节的机械损伤,不仅成秧率低(一般在70%以下),而且插到大田以后有返青期,因而缩短了本来有限的有效分率期,使大田很难达到高产苗穗数,制约了早稻的单产。为了解决这一问题,“湖南水稻生产高效技术工程研究”课题组从1995年开始采用中苗带上移栽的方式进行试验、示范,取得了可喜的效果。湖南省望城县开始有三个乡镇参加示范,面积共18.3hm2。结果,同一品种的中苗带土秧比…  相似文献   

A series of field trials combining cultivars with different levels of resistance to Phythophtora infestans and different haulm killing methods was conducted in 1997, 1998 and 1999 to assess the contamination potential of the haulm. In addition, the frequency of tubers with late blight was assessed after harvest and storage, combining effects of pretreatment infection, infection by the haulm at harvest and the development of the disease during storage. Haulm killing was performed by diquat (200, 400, 600 g a.i. ha-1), half cutting of the haulm in combination with diquat (100, 200, 300 g a.i. ha-1) or full cutting of the haulm. In those treatments where haulm killing was performed purely chemically the haulm remnants’ contamination potential tended to increase at reduced doses. Full mechanical destruction gave as low a contamination potential as application of the full dose of chemical haulm killer. However, there were no consistent differences between the haulm killing treatments in the frequency of blighted tubers after harvest and storage. This indicates that the input of chemical haulm killers may be reduced. There was a large difference between years in tuber blight after harvest and storage, which confirms that climatic factors are of major importance for tuber infection. The large difference found between the cultivars in the frequency of tuber blight indicates that tuber resistance should be an important part of integrated late blight disease management.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2001,69(1):69-79
Chronological and physiological age of seed tubers have major impacts on potato yields. This paper presents a new, simple and reliable physiological age index (PAI) that considers and reconciles the effects of chronological and physiological age. PAI calculation is based on the haulm killing date of the seed crop (T0) and the end of the incubation period of seed tubers, measured under standardized conditions. The PAI formula is T1/T2, where T1 is the time from haulm killing date (T0) to possible planting date and T2 the time from T0 to the end of the incubation period. The PAI expresses physiological ageing of seed potato tubers within a range from 0 (for physiologically young) to 1 (old) tubers. To test the PAI existing data were re-evaluated and re-elaborated and specific experiments regarding seed origin and storage conditions for different cultivars were performed during 1994–1999. The PAI proved useful in assessing differences due to differences in growing conditions, cultivar, haulm killing, seed origin and storage system, and pre-planting treatments. For example, for cv. Spunta 6 days after haulm killing the PAI was 0.025 and after 100-storage days the PAI was 0.56, 0.52 and 0.49 for seed tubers stored in heaps in the field, at relatively high temperatures, natural diffuse light and a cold (4°C) and ventilated store, respectively. The PAI is related to ground cover duration and yield of the future crop. For a PAI of 0.55 tuber yield was 55 t ha−1, while for a PAI of 0.80 tuber yield was 40 t ha−1. The PAI is easy to measure, non-invasive, objective, reproducible and reliable and could be used for modelling purposes to describe performance of seed tubers.  相似文献   

Summary The production of healthy and high yielding seed potatoes is closely related to the control of virus diseases and to other cultural practices, like those modifying the physiological age of tubers. Seed crops from cv. Bonaerense La Ballenera MAA, were defoliated early in 3 seasons, 1983/84, 84/85 and 85/86. After harvest, the seed tubers were stored in heaps in the field and, later, their sprouting capacity and physiological age, and their tuber yield were evaluated. Results showed that early haulm killing did not affect these variables nor diminish the quality of the seed potatoes obtained.  相似文献   

Summary In the Netherlands seed potato crops are harvested when still green, the haulm being destroyed before harvest. We compared the effect on the contamination of seed potatoes byErwinia carotovora subsp.atroseptica (Eca) andE. chrysanthemi (Ech) of the common method of haulm destruction by flailing and chemically destroying remaining stems, with the recently developed green crop lifting method. After chenical haulm destruction the levels of contamination with both Eca and Ech surviving cold storage were found not to differ significantly from those after green crop lifting. Losses due to watery wound rot (Pythium ultimum) were considerable in the warm and humid conditions during 1991, especially after green crop lifting.  相似文献   

Summary The production of large volumes of vitroplantlets and greenhouse tubers for increasing the rate of multiplication at the start of seed programmes provides the opportunity of reducing the total number of field generations grown before the seed moves into commerce. This implementation is especially useful for countries where high quality potato seed tubers cannot be produced because there are no vector-free production areas. This review covers the following steps: a) laboratory production of microplantlets and microtubers; b) minituber production in the glasshouse; c) storage and dormancy of micro- and minitubers; d) field performance of micro- and minitubers compared with conventional seed tubers; e) incorporation of the mentioned propagules in seed production systems. Many optimized protocols are already available for propagating plantlets, inducing microtubers and obtaining minitubers in the glasshouse at all periods of the year. Advanced molecular approaches techniques (RFLP and RAPD) to detect genetic variation in the progeny of these propagules have been described. Investigations carried out in this field have shown genetic stability, with the propagules usually reproducing plants true-to-type and tubers without deviants. By contrast, variations were demonstrated in DNA extracted from old suspension cell culture. Field trials assessed a lower yield potential crops from in vitro propagules compared with conventional seed tubers., mainly due to slow early crop development and the failure of plants caused by early stress after emergence. This may cause problems when the growing season is short because of the necessity for planting late to avoid night frosts and the mandatory haulm killing dates, common in many seed producing areas. Strategies for improving the field performance of micro- and minitubers are discussed. The most promising crop husbandry techniques appear to be: a) using tubers of a suitable physiological age, properly presprouted and encapsulated; b) optimizing the time application of fertilizer and irrigation, and c) using floating films. Outside the classical seed tuber areas of Northern Europe where the length of the growing period for pre-basic seed is usually not more than 80 days, the growing season is long enough to obtain reasonable yields even from micro- and minitubers.  相似文献   

为了研究马铃薯种植农户的生产效益,通过对云南省马铃薯种植投入产出入户调查数据分析,认为马铃薯种植能够获得较好的投资收益,马铃薯不同品种间的产量、投入、产出和利润存在明显差异;可以通过品种的选择,提高产量,降低成本,增加收益;在减少马铃薯投入成本方面,机械化程度的提高是降低马铃薯种植人工成本的最好途径;发展当地的种薯培育基地,降低种薯的购买价格,能较大地降低马铃薯种植成本。  相似文献   

Summary A two year field experiment was conducted twice to assess effects of chemical soil disinfection at planting and methods of harvesting potatoes on stem infection withRhizoctonia solani in the subsequent year. In the first year of the experiments seven methods. including one with soil disinfection at planting, were applied in August. In the following year,R. solani stem and stolon infection (disease severity) on potato plants were assessed in June. Soil treatment at planting with pencycuron resulted in lowest disease severity in the following year. Compared with chemical haulm killing and haulm pulling. immature-crop-harvesting also resulted in a lower disease severity, but only when black scurf was scarce on tubers at harvest in the preceding year.  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒试管苗生产是马铃薯脱毒微型薯产业化的重要环节,但组培苗生产成本较高,严重制约了脱毒种薯产业化的发展。本文以工厂化生产组培苗直接成本与间接成本为线索,从经营管理与技术更新上提出一些既能保证试管苗质量,又能降低生产成本的有效管理措施,对非机械化生产组培室有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Precision agriculture is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. In this paper, we focus on responding to intra-field variability in potato crops and analyse variable rate applications (VRAs). We made an overview of potential VRAs in potato crop management in The Netherlands. We identified 13 potential VRAs in potato, ranging from soil tillage to planting to crop care to selective harvest. We ranked them on availability of ‘proof of concept’ and on-farm test results. For five VRAs, we found test results allowing to make a cost-benefit assessment. These five VRAs were as follows: planting, soil herbicide weed control, N side dress, late blight control and haulm killing. They use one of two types of spatial data: soil maps or biomass index maps. Data on costs and savings of the VRAs showed that the investments in VRAs will pay off under practical conditions in The Netherlands. Savings on pesticide use and N-fertilizer use with the VRAs were on average about 25%, which benefits the environment too. We foresee a slow but gradual adoption of VRAs in potato production. More VRAs will become available given ongoing R&D. The perspectives of VRAs in potatoes are discussed.  相似文献   

Minitubers have become important components of seed potato production systems. Minituber production methods and yields affect costs. We used data from the University of Wisconsin seed potato program to estimate minituber production costs by variety in 2009, 2010, and 2011. Labor is identified as the most significant operating cost, while salaries represent the greatest fixed cost. The 3 year average total cost per minituber across all varieties was estimated at $0.47. Of the varieties grown in all 3 years of analysis Langlade had the highest average yield and lowest cost. Yukon Gold and Pike had the lowest yields and highest costs.  相似文献   

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