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To examine the effect of stigma position and size on seed productivity through pollination efficiency in radish, the numbers of self and cross pollen grains on the stigmas and the seed productivity under insect-pollination were compared among four bred lines. Lines with a small stigma or a high stigma relative to the anthers on long stamens tended to receive fewer self and total (self + cross) pollen grains but showed a higher cross-pollination percentage (ratio of cross pollen grains to total pollen grains on stigmas) than those with a large stigma or a lower stigma. Additionally, a higher cross-pollination percentage was associated with a higher outcrossing percentage. This result suggests that variations in the two stigma traits affect the outcrossing percentage via the cross-pollination percentage. Therefore, it should be possible to prevent loss of F1 purity by selecting new parental lines with floral morphology that favors cross-pollination percentage.  相似文献   

The S core and its flanking sequences were identified from two independent draft genome sequences of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). After gap-filling with PCR, the S core regions and full-length S receptor kinase (SRK) genes from two radish genomes were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis of the SRK genes clearly showed that one S core region belonged to the class I S haplotypes, but the other was included in the class II S haplotypes. Three sequences showing homology with known transposable elements were identified in the core regions, and one intact copia-type long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposon containing a 4125-bp open reading frame (ORF) was identified in the class I S haplotype. A total of 61 genes showing homology with the SRK genes were identified from two draft genome sequences. Among them, the RsKD1 showed the highest homology with the SRK genes. There was 90% nucleotide sequence identity between the RsKD1 and RsSRK1 genes in the kinase domains. The phylogenetic tree of SRK genes and 13 most closely related homologs showed that all homologs were more closely related to the class II SRK genes than to the class I SRKs. Physical mapping of radish SRK-homologous genes and their B. rapa orthologs showed that two radish homologs and their B. rapa orthologs were tightly linked to the SRK genes in radish and B. rapa genomes. Sequence information about multiple SRK-homologs identified in this study would be helpful for designing reliable primer pairs for faithful PCR amplification of the SRK alleles, leading to improvement of the S haplotyping system in radish breeding programs.  相似文献   

7–7365AB is a recessive genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line, which can be applied in a three-line system with the interim-maintainer, 7–7365C. Fertility of this system is controlled by two duplicate dominant epistatic genes (Bn;Ms3 and Bn;Ms4) and one recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bn;rf). Therefore an individual with the genotype of Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4Rf_ exhibits male sterility, whereas, plant with Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf shows fertility because homozygosity at the Bn;rf locus (Bn;rfrf) can inhibit the expression of two recessive male sterile genes in homozygous Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4 plant. A cross of 7–7365A (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4RfRf) and 7–7365C (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf) can generate a complete male sterile population served as a mother line with restorer in alternative strips for the multiplication of hybrid seeds. In the present study, molecular mapping of the Bn;Rf gene was performed in a BC1 population from the cross between 7–7365A and 7–7365C. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to the gene of interest. From a survey of 768 primer combinations, seven AFLP markers were identified. The closest marker, XM5, was co-segregated with the Bn;Rf locus and successfully converted into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, designated as XSC5. Two flanking markers, XM3 and XM2, were 0.6 cM and 2.6 cM away from the target gene, respectively. XM1 was subsequently mapped on linkage group N7 using a doubled-haploid (DH) mapping population derived from the cross Tapidor × Ningyou7, available at IMSORB, UK. To further confirm the location of the Bn;Rf gene, additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in linkage group N7 from the reference maps were screened in the BC1 population. Two SSR markers, CB10594 and BRMS018, showed polymorphisms in our mapping population. The molecular markers found in the present study will facilitate the selection of interim-maintainer.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is an indispensable trait for F1 hybrid seed production in bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.). Expansion of the cytoplasmic diversity of F1 hybrid cultivars by introduction of various CMS resources has great potential to eliminate vulnerability to cytoplasm type-specific diseases. This study aimed to evaluate appearance frequency of male sterile plants in several bunching onion accessions and to identify CMS resources. In eight (‘Nogiwa Aigara’, ‘Bansei Hanegi’, ‘Amarume’, ‘Kimnung’, ‘Zhangqiu’, ‘INT/CHN/1990/GOTOU’, ‘Natsunegi’ and ‘Guangzhou’) of 135 accessions collected from Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea and Taiwan, male sterile plants appeared with varied frequencies from 1.7% (‘Nogiwa Aigara’ and ‘Bansei Hanegi’) to 24.5% (‘Zhangqiu’). The inheritance mode of Zhangqiu- and Guangzhou-derived male sterility was confirmed to be CMS by sib-crossings and interbreed crossings. Microscopic examination of microsporogenesis in the CMS plants revealed that microspore protoplasm rapidly degenerated without mitotic division after the release of microspores from tetrads. The CMS germplasm described here would be useful for the development of “A” lines to be used in F1 hybrid seed production of bunching onion. Male fertility in ‘Nogiwa Aigara’, ‘Bansei Hanegi’, ‘Kimnung’, ‘INT/CHN/1990/GOTOU’ and ‘Natsunegi’ was verified to be controlled by a single fertility restoration locus.  相似文献   

The germplasm with exotic genomic components especially from Sea Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L. Gb) is the dominant genetic resources to enhance fiber quality of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L., Gh). Due to low efficiency of phenotypic evaluation and selection on fiber quality, genetic dissection of favorable alleles using molecular markers is essential. Genetic dissection on putative Gb introgressions related to fiber traits were conducted by SSR markers with mapping populations derived from a cross between Luyuan343 (LY343), a superior fiber quality introgression line (IL) with genomic components from Gb, and an elite Upland cotton cv. Lumianyan#22 (LMY22). Among 82 polymorphic loci screened out from 4050 SSRs, 42 were identified as putative introgression alleles. A total of 29 fiber-related QTLs (23 for fiber quality and six for lint percentage) were detected and most of which clustered on the putative Gb introgression chromosomal segments of Chr.2, Chr.16, Chr.23 and Chr.25. As expected, a majority of favorable alleles of fiber quality QTLs (12/17, not considering the QTLs for fiber fineness) came from the IL parent and most of which (11/12) were conferred by the introgression genomic components while three of the six (3/6) favorable alleles for lint percentage came from the Gh parent. Validation of these QTLs using an F8 breeding population from the same cross made previously indicated that 13 out of 29 QTLs showed considerable stability. The results suggest that fiber quality improvement using the introgression components could be facilitated by marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding program.  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a major cucurbit vegetable species whose genetic base has been drastically reduced during its domestication. The crop’s narrow genetic base (3–12% DNA polymorphism) has resulted from the use of limited genetic material and intense selection during plant improvement. Recently, however, interspecific hybridization has been successful in Cucumis via mating of C. hystrix Chakr. and C. sativus, which resulted in the amphidiploid C. hytivus. We report herein a marker-assisted strategy for increasing genetic diversity in cucumber through introgression backcrossing employing C. hytivus. The comparatively late-flowering but high-yielding, indeterminate, monoecious line WI 7012A (P1; donor parent) derived from a C. hytivus × C. sativus-derived line (long-fruited Chinese C. sativus cv. Beijingjietou) was initially crossed to the determinate, gynoecious C. sativus line WI 7023A (P2; recurrent parent 1), and then advanced backcross generation progeny (BC2) were crossed with the gynoecious indeterminate line WI 9-6A (P3; recurrent parent 2). More specifically, a single F1 individual (P1 × P2) was backcrossed to P2, and then BC progeny were crossed to P2 and P3, where marker-assisted selection (MAS) for genetic diversity (8 mapped and 16 unmapped markers; designated Sel) or no selection (designated NSel) was applied to produce BC3P2 (Sel) and BC3P3 (Sel), and BC2P2 (NSel) and BC2P2S1 (NSel) progeny. Relative vegetative growth, number of lateral branches (LB), days to flowering (DF), yield (fruit number), and fruit quality [as measured by length:diameter (L:D) and endocarp:total diameter (E:T) ratios] were assessed in parents and cross-progeny. DF varied from ~20 (BC3P2Sel) to ~25 days (BC2P3Sel) among the populations examined, where progeny derived from P2 possessed the shortest DF. Differences in cumulative yield among the populations over six harvests were detected, varying from ~8 fruits per plant in BC3P2 (Sel) to ~39 fruits per plant in BC2P3 (Sel). Although the vigorous vegetative growth of line P1 was observed in its backcross progeny, highly heterozygous and polymorphic backcross progeny derived from P3 were comparatively more vigorous and bore many high-quality fruit. Response to selection was detected for LB, DF, L:D, and E:T, but the effectiveness of MAS depended upon the parental lines used. Data indicate that the genetic diversity of commercial cucumber can be increased by introgression of the C. hystrix genome through backcrossing.  相似文献   

Downy mildew (DM; Hyaloperonospora brassicae) is one of the most serious diseases in radish and responsible for high production losses. The objectives of this study were (1) to identify new sources of DM resistance at the cotyledon stage; (2) to determine the inheritance of the resistance; and (3) to clarify the histological and cellular response involved in DM infection. We screened 200 radish accessions for DM resistance at the cotyledon stage. Radish accessions Rd001, Rd004, Rd048 and Rd150 showed a complete resistance response (hypersensitive reaction), and accession Rd193 exhibited a partial resistance with confined sporulation. The highly susceptible accession Rd197 was then crossed with all resistant genotypes for a genetic analysis. F2 segregation analysis suggested that cotyledon resistance in Rd001, Rd004, Rd048 and Rd150 is conferred by a single dominant gene while resistance in Rd193 is polygenic. Genetic data suggests Rd193 resistance might be conferred by two dominant genes with complementary action, althought further experiments are needed to confirm this hypothesis. To conduct a histological study using light and fluorescence microscopy, we collected cotyledons from three genotypes with either differing levels of resistance (Rd004 and Rd193) and high susceptibility (Rd197) at ten different time points, from 3 h to 7 days post inoculation. Tissue necrosis was responsible for the inhibition and reduction of H. brassicae growth in Rd004 and Rd193 within 24 h of inoculation. For susceptible accession Rd197, the first evidence of necrotic cells appeared 48 h post inoculation. Callose deposition associated with intercellular H. brassicae growth occurred 3 h post inoculation for all genotypes and was the lowest in resistant accession Rd004. Cotyledon resistance to DM identified in radish is of high commercial interest and has the potential to be used in breeding programs.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) can be improved by the introgression of β-carotene (i.e., provitamin A and/or orange flesh) genes from “Xishuangbanna gourd” (XIS; Cucumis sativus var. xishuangbannanesis Qi et Yuan) into US pickling cucumber. However, the genetics of β-carotene content has not been clearly defined in this US market type. Thus, three previous populations derived from a US pickling cucumber (‘Addis’) × XIS mating were evaluated for β-carotene content, from which the high β-carotene inbred line (S4), ‘EOM 402-10’, was developed. A cross was then made between the US pickling cucumber inbred line ‘Gy7’ [gynoecious, no β-carotene, white flesh; P1] and ‘EOM 402-10’ [monoecious, possessing β-carotene, orange flesh; P2] to determine the inheritance of β-carotene in fruit mesocarp and endocarp tissue. Parents and derived cross-progenies (F1, F2, BC1P1, and BC1P2) were evaluated for β-carotene content in a greenhouse in Madison, Wisconsin. While F1 and BC1P1 progeny produced mature fruits possessing white, light-green, and green (0.01–0.02 μg g−1 β-carotene) mesocarp, the F2 and BC1P2 progeny mesocarp segregated in various hues of white, green, yellow (0.01–0.34 μg g−1 β-carotene), and orange (1.90–2.72 μg g−1 β-carotene). Mesocarp and endocarp F2 segregation adequately fit a 15:1 [low-β-carotene (0.01–0.34 μg g−1): high-β-carotene (1.90–2.72 μg g−1)] and 3:1 (low-β-carotene: high-β-carotene) ratio, respectively. Likewise, segregation of carotene concentration in mesocarp and endocarp tissues in BC1P2 progeny adequately fit a 3:1 (low-β-carotene: high-β-carotene) and 1:1 (low-β-carotene: high-β-carotene) ratio, respectively. Progeny segregations indicate that two recessive genes control the β-carotene content in the mesocarp, while one recessive gene controls β-carotene content in the endocarp. Single marker analysis of F2 progeny using the carotenoid biosynthesis gene Phytoene synthase determined that there was no association between this gene and the observed β-carotene variation in either fruit mesocarp or endocarp.  相似文献   

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a severe threat for cucumber production worldwide. At present, there are no cultivars available in the market which show an effective resistance or tolerance to CGMMV infection, only wild Cucumis species were reported as resistant. Germplasm accessions of Cucumis sativus, as well as C. anguria and C. metuliferus, were mechanically infected with the European and Asian strains of CGMMV and screened for resistance, by scoring symptom severity, and conventional RT-PCR. The viral loads of both CGMMV strains were determined in a selected number of genotypes using quantitative RT-PCR. Severe symptoms were found following inoculation in C. metuliferus and in 44 C. sativus accessions, including C. sativus var. hardwickii. Ten C. sativus accessions, including C. sativus var. sikkimensis, showed intermediate symptoms and only 2 C. sativus accessions showed mild symptoms. C. anguria was resistant to both strains of CGMMV because no symptoms were expressed and the virus was not detected in systemic leaves. High amounts of virus were found in plants showing severe symptoms, whereas low viral amounts found in those with mild symptoms. In addition, the viral amounts detected in plants which showed intermediate symptoms at 23 and 33 dpi, were significantly higher in plants inoculated with the Asian CGMMV strain than those with the European strain. This difference was statistically significant. Also, the amounts of virus detected over time in plants did not change significantly. Finally, the two newly identified partially resistant C. sativus accessions may well be candidates for breeding programs and reduce the losses produced by CGMMV with resistant commercial cultivars.  相似文献   

The recessive mutation of the XANTHA gene (XNT) transforms seedlings and plants into a yellow color, visually distinguishable from normal (green) rice. Thus, it has been introduced into male sterile lines as a distinct marker for rapidly testing and efficiently increasing varietal purity in seed and paddy production of hybrid rice. To identify closely linked markers and eventually isolate the XNT gene, two mapping populations were developed by crossing the xantha mutant line Huangyu B (indica) with two wild type japonica varieties; a total of 1,720 mutant type F2 individuals were analyzed for fine mapping using polymorphic InDel markers and high dense microsatellite markers. The XNT gene was mapped on chromosome 11, within in a fragment of ~100 kb, where 13 genes are annotated. The NP_001067671.1 gene within the delimited region is likely to be a candidate XNT gene, since it encodes ATP-dependent chloroplast protease ATP-binding subunit clp A. However, no sequence differences were observed between the mutant and its parent. Bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that four chlorophyll deficient mutations that were previously mapped on the same chromosome are located outside the XNT region, indicating XNT is a new gene. The results provide useful DNA markers not only for marker assisted selection of the xantha trait but also its eventual cloning.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid with an ABC genome constitution, produced from an interspecific cross between Brassica napus (AACC genome) and B. nigra (BB genome), was used as source material for chromosome doubling. Two approaches were undertaken for the production of hexaploids: firstly, by self-pollination and open-pollination of the triploid hybrid; and secondly, by application of colchicine to axillary meristems of triploid plants. Sixteen seeds were harvested from triploid plants and two seedlings were confirmed to be hexaploids with 54 chromosomes. Pollen viability increased from 13% in triploids to a maximum of 49% in hexaploids. Petal length increased from 1.3 cm (triploid) to 1.9 cm and 1.8 cm in the two hexaploids and longest stamen length increased from 0.9 cm (triploid) to 1.1 cm in the hexaploids. Pollen grains were longer in hexaploids (43.7 and 46.3 μm) compared to the triploid (25.4 μm). A few aneuploid offsprings were also observed, with chromosome number ranging from 34 to 48. This study shows that trigenomic hexaploids can be produced in Brassica through interspecific hybridisation of B. napus and B. nigra followed by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Genetic male sterility (GMS) genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) can be used for commercial hybrid seed production. A new wheat GMS mutant, LZ, was successfully used in the 4E-ms system for producing hybrid wheat, a new approach of producing hybrid seed based on GMS. Our objective was to analyse the genetic mechanism of male sterility and locate the GMS gene in mutant LZ to a chromosome. We firstly crossed male sterile line 257A (2n = 42) derived from mutant LZ to Chinese Spring and several other cultivars for determining the self-fertility of the F1 hybrids and the segregation ratios of male-sterile and fertile plants in the F2 and BC1 generations. Secondly, we conducted nullisomic analysis by crossing male sterile plants of line 257A to 21 self-fertile nullisomic lines as male to test the F1 fertilities and to locate the GMS gene in mutant LZ to a chromosome. Thirdly, we conducted an allelism test with Cornerstone, which has ms1c located on chromosome 4BS. All F1s were male fertile and the segregation ratio of male-sterile: fertile plants in all BC1 and F2 populations fitted 1:1 and 1:3 ratios, respectively. The male sterility was stably inherited, and was not affected by environmental factors in two different locations or by the cytoplasm of wheat cultivars in four reciprocal cross combinations. The results of nullisomic analysis indicated the gene was on chromosome 4B. The allelism test showed that the mutant LZ was allelic to ms1c. We concluded that the mutant LZ has common wheat cytoplasm and carries a stably inherited monogenic recessive gene named ms1g.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop diallel population hybrids by crossing selected germplasm and to determine the gene effects and genetic control of yield and yield components using diallel analysis. A complete diallel including reciprocals was made during 2003 and 2004 between five alfalfa cultivars of different geographic origin. For each pairwise cross, five plants were chosen at random from each of the two cultivars (~100 florets per plant) to obtain the F1 generation. A spaced plant field was established in 2006 which included the five alfalfa cultivars (parents) and their 20 diallel hybrids (F1). The results of the diallel analysis suggest that the genetic control of major agronomic traits is determined by both additive gene action (accumulation of frequency of desirable alleles represented by significant GCA effects) and nonadditive gene action (complementary gene interactions represented by significant SCA effects). This type of gene action expression in alfalfa also determines the way in which breeding is carried out and brings about changes in the methods used and has given rise to the idea of the semi-hybrid breeding of this crop. The concept involves: breeding alfalfas within the population, identification of heterotic germplasm, and the production of seed of the population hybrid (PH).  相似文献   

Genic male sterility (GMS) has long been used as a tool for hybrid seed production in chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). We developed DNA markers linked to the GMS ms 3 gene in a segregating population using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) techniques. The segregating population was subjected to BSA-AFLP with 512 primer combinations. Three AFLP markers (Eagg/Mccc276, Eagc/Mctt178, and Ecag/Mtgc204) were identified as tightly linked to the ms 3 locus. Among them, we converted the AFLP marker Ecag/Mtgc204 to the cleavage amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker, named GMS3-CAPS, based on sequencing analysis of internal and flanking regions for the markers between male-fertile and sterile plants. This marker will be useful for pepper breeding using the GMS system.  相似文献   

A self-incompatible (SI) line, S-1300, and its maintainer 97-wen135, a self-compatible (SC) line, were used to study the inheritance of maintenance for self-incompatibility in B. napus. The ratio of SI plants to SC plants from S-1300 × 97-wen135 F2 and (S-1300 × 97-wen135) × 97-wen135 was 346:260 and 249:232, fitting the expected ratio of 9:7 and 1:1, respectively. Based on these observations, here we propose a genetic model in which two independent loci, S locus and S suppressor locus (sp), are predicted to control the inheritance of maintenance for self-incompatibility in B. napus. The genotypes of S-1300 and 97-wen135 are S 1300 S 1300 sp 1300 sp 1300 and S 135 S 135 sp 135 sp 135 , respectively. S 135 is dominant to S 1300 , but coexistence of sp 1300 and sp 135 fails to suppress S locus. Both S 1300 and S 135 can be suppressed by sp 135 , while sp 1300 can suppress S 135 but not S 1300 . The model contains two characteristics: that a dominant S locus exists in self-compatible B. napus, and that co-suppression will occur when sp loci are heterozygous. The model has been validated by the segregation of S phenotypes in the (S-1300 × 97-wen135) × S-1300, the progenies of SC S-1300 × 97-wen135 F2 plants and DH population developed from S-1300 × 97-wen135 F1. This is the first study to report co-suppression of S suppressor loci in B. napus. The genetic model will be very useful for developing molecular markers linked to maintenance for self-incompatibility and for dissecting the mechanism of SI/SC in B. napus.  相似文献   

Grain yield under post-anthesis drought stress is one of the most complex traits, which is inherited quantitatively. The present study was conducted to identify genes determining post-anthesis drought stress tolerance in bread wheat through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) analysis. Two cultivated bread wheat accessions were selected as parental lines. Population phenotyping was carried out on 133 F2:3 families. Two field experiments and two experiments in the greenhouse were conducted at IPK-Gatersleben, Germany with control and post-anthesis stress conditions in each experiment. Thousand-grain weight was recorded as the main wheat yield component, which is reduced by post-anthesis drought stress. Chemical desiccation was applied in three experiments as simulator of post-anthesis drought stress whereas water stress was applied in one greenhouse experiment. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the F2:3 families. The molecular genetic linkage map including 293 marker loci associated to 19 wheat chromosomes was applied for QTL analysis. The present study revealed four and six QTLs for thousand-grain weight under control and stress conditions, respectively. Only one QTL on chromosome 4BL was common for both conditions. Five QTLs on chromosomes 1AL, 4AL, 7AS, and 7DS were found to be specific to the stress condition. Both parents contributed alleles for drought tolerance. Taking the known reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 4AL/7BS into account, the importance of the short arms of homoeologous group 7 is confirmed for drought stress.  相似文献   

Cowpea is an important legume in sub-Saharan Africa where its protein rich grains are consumed. Insect pests constitute a major constraint to cowpea production. Flower bud thrips (FTh) is the first major pest of cowpea at the reproductive stage and if not controlled with insecticides is capable of reducing grain yield significantly. Information on the inheritance of resistance to FTh is required to facilitate breeding of resistant cultivars. The genetics of resistance was studied in crosses of four cowpea lines. Maternal effect was implicated while frequency distributions of the F2 and backcross generations suggest quantitative inheritance. Additive, dominance and epistatic gene effects made large contributions and since improved inbred lines are the desired product, selection should not be too severe in the early generations to allow for desirable gene recombination. This study suggested that some of the genes involved in the control of resistance to FTh are different in TVu1509 and Sanzi. Broad sense heritability ranged from 56% to 73%. Choice of maternal parent in a cross will be critical to the success of resistance breeding.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii R. Alef, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber was assessed by challenge inoculation and by natural infection of CMV. Among the 31 genotypes of C. sativus var. hardwickii collected from 21 locations in India the lowest mean percent disease intensity (PDI) was recorded in IC-277048 (6.33%) while the highest PDI was observed in IC-331631 (75.33%). All the four cultivated varieties (DC-1, DC-2, CHC-1 and CHC-2) showed very high PDI and susceptible disease reaction. Based on mean PDI, 8 genotypes were categorized as resistant, 13 as moderately resistant, 9 as moderately susceptible and one as susceptible. A chi-square test of frequency distribution based on mean PDI in F2 progenies of six resistant × susceptible crosses revealed monogenic recessive Mendelian ratio 1(R):3(S) to be the best fit. This monogenic recessive model was further confirmed by 1(R):1(S) ratio as the best fit for back cross with resistant parent and no fit for either 3:1 or 1:1 in the back cross with the susceptible parent. The results revealed that CMV resistance in C. sativus var. hardwickii was controlled by a single recessive gene. Considering the cross compatibility between C. sativus var. hardwickii and cultivated cucumber, the resistance trait can be easily transferred to cultivated species through simple backcross breeding.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important source of carbohydrates and protein in the diet in sub-Saharan Africa. The objectives of this study were to (i) estimate general (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) of 13 new quality protein maize (QPM) lines in a diallel under stress and non-stress conditions, (ii) compare observed and predicted performance of QPM hybrids, (iii) characterize genetic diversity among the 13 QPM lines using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and assess the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance, and (iv) assess diversity and population structure in 116 new QPM inbred lines as compared to eight older tropical QPM lines and 15 non-QPM lines. The GCA and SCA effects were significant for most traits under optimal conditions, indicating that both additive and non-additive genetic effects were important for inheritance of the traits. Additive genetic effects appeared to govern inheritance of most traits under optimal conditions and across environments. Non-additive genetic effects were more important for inheritance of grain yield but additive effects controlled most agronomic traits under drought stress conditions. Inbred lines CKL08056, CKL07292, and CKL07001 had desirable GCA effects for grain yield across drought stress and non-stress conditions. Prediction efficiency for grain yield was highest under optimal conditions. The classification of 139 inbred lines with 95 SNPs generated six clusters, four of which contained 10 or fewer lines, and 16 lines of mixed co-ancestry. There was good agreement between Neighbor Joining dendrogram and Structure classification. The QPM lines used in the diallel were nearly uniformly spread throughout the dendrogram. There was no relationship between genetic distance and grain yield in either the optimal or stressed environments in this study. The genetic diversity in mid-altitude maize germplasm is ample, and the addition of the QPM germplasm did not increase it measurably.  相似文献   

Fruit spine size is one of the importantly external quality traits effected the economic value of cucumber fruit. Morphological–cytological observation of the fruit spine size phenotype indicated that large spine formation arises from an increasing of spiny pedestal cell number caused by cell division, and best periods to accurately score fruit spine size trait was 4th day before flowering to 7th day after flowering according the continuous observation. Genetic analysis showed that a single dominant gene determined the fruit spine size trait in cucumber. BC1 population (189 individuals) of two inbred lines (large spine PI197088 and small spine SA0422) was used for primary mapping of the SS/ss locus with 7 markers covering an interval of 37.1 cM. An F2 segregating population of 1032 individuals constructed from the same two parents (PI197088 and SA0422) was used to fine mapping of the SS/ss locus. Six new markers linked to the gene were successfully screened for construction of a fine linkage map, in which the SS/ss locus was located in the region flanked by marker SE1 (3 recombinants) and SSR43 (2 recombinants) with a 189 kb physical distance. Markers from this study will be valuable for candidate gene cloning and marker-assisted selection for cucumber breeding.  相似文献   

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