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Summary. The effect of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the growth, yield and marketability of summer cabbage lettuce was studied in seventeen replicated field experiments.
Initial epinasty was produced by doses as low as 0.002 lb/ac a.e., and formative effects of the leaves developed at doses below 0.01 lb/ac. In plants treated at early or intermediate growth stages, two distinct types of formative effects occurred, With doses in the range 0.0025-0.03 lb/ac, a zone of characteristic abnormal leaves developed. This reduced the marketability of the crop and the maturity was delayed, but the weight per plant at harvest was not affected. At higher doses these a abnormal leaves were not evident but the whole plant became distorted, growth was suppressed and few marketable plants were produced. In plants treated at the hearting stage, plant weight and maturity were not affected, but the marketability was reduced at doses of 0.01 lb/ac and above. The effects produced by MCPA in cos and curly crisp lettuce were compared with those produced in cabbage lettuce.  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1964,4(4):319-337
Summary. The effects of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, mecoprop and 2,3,6-TBA were compared with those of MCPA on the morphology and yield of lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, carrot, parsnip, French and broad bean, red beet, spinach, turnip and onion. Although the relativie phytotoxicity of MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and mecoprop varied according to the crop, the morphological abnormalities produced by the different compounds were essentially similar, except that in lettuce and cabbage sperilic foliar symptoms appeared to be associated with 2,4-D. 2,3,6-TBA caused less epinasty and usually fewer root and stem abnormalities, but in some crops, notably French and broad bean, red beet and spinach, it produced severe injury symptoms which were different from those produced by the other compounds.
Effets de doses sub-léthales de MCPA. sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures légumirres VI. Comparaison avec le 2,4-D, le 2,4,5-T, le micoprop et le 2,3,6-TBA  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1963,3(2):98-108
Summary. The effect of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, growth and yield of carrots and parsnips was studied in twenty replicated field experiments. Slight epinasty was produced in carrots by doses as low as 0.002 lb/ac a.e., but formative effects were not usually seen below 0.01 lb/ac. Crop weight was only reduced by doses greater than 0.1 lb/ac, but abnormalities rendered a proportion of the roots unmarketable at doses below 0.05 lb/ac. Small plants were sometimes killed by 0.3 lb/ac, but larger plants survived treatment with up to 0.5 lb/ac. Tests on carrots which were unmarketable on grounds of appearance failed to reveal any effect of MCPA on flavour, sweetness or texture of the roots. The effects of MCPA on parsnips were similar to those on carrots, but the expression of injury symptoms was generally less marked.
Les effets de doses sub-létales de MCPA sur la morphologie et le rendement des cultures légumières III. Carottes et panais  相似文献   

Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology and yield of red beet, turnip and onion and on the morphology of spinach were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinastic responses of beet were seen at 0.003 lb/ac a.c., but no serious formative effects or yield reductions occurred below 0–07 lb/ac and plants were only killed by doses above 0–1 lb/ac. Spinach was affected at 0–06 lb/ac, the lowest dose used, but the plants were not killed at 0–33 lb/ac. Epinasty in turnip occurred at 0–002 lb/ac, and at 0–01 lb/ac many of the roots were abnormal, while spraying with 0–1 lb/ac and above resulted in severe distortion or death of the plants. Onion was the least affected of all the crops studied. When a welting agent was included in the spray epinasty occurred at 0–3 lb/ac, but there were no serious formative effects or yield reductions below 1–0 lb/ac. The symptoms of injury in onion were often transitory because the affected parts were replaced as the bulb developed.
Effets de doses sub-léthatles de MCPA sur la morphologie et If rendement des cultures légumiéres. V. Betteraves, Epinards, Navets et Oignons  相似文献   

J. M. WAY 《Weed Research》1963,3(4):312-321
Summary. The effects of sub-lethal doses of MCPA-sodium on the morphology, yield and maturity of French beans, and on the morphology of broad beans, were studied in field and glasshouse experiments. Epinasty in French beans developed at 0.002 lb/ac a.e., but formative effects were not seen at less than 0–1 lb/ac. With doses up to 0.4 lb/ac there was no significant reduction in yield or haulm weight, but at 1.0 lb/ac and above, yield was reduced and some of the plants sprayed at an early stage of growth were killed. There were characteristic modifications of the roots and stems and of those leaves which were at a susceptible stage of development when sprayed. Broad beans were only slightly injured by 0.2 lb/ac but were generally killed by 2.0 lb/ac. Abnormalities were noted in the germination of seed produced by affected plants.
Effets de doses sub-léthales de MCPA sur la morphologic et le rendement des cultures légumières IV. Haricots verts et fèves  相似文献   

Summary. Trials in 1959, 1960 and 1961 failed to show significant differences in yield between potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) of three varieties receiving from seven to nine separate tractnr cultivations and similar potatoes in which the weeds were well controlled by pre-emergence applications of a mixture of dinoseb(6.0 lb/ac)*and dalapon (2.5-5.0 lb/ac), With less effective herbicide treatments. including simazinc and 2,4-DES, there were significant reductions in yield.
Preliminary taint tests in 1959 on cooked tubers suggested that slight tainting might have been caused by one of the treatments, but tests on potato crisps made from the 1959 and 1960 crops were completely inconclusive. Tubers from all the treatments in the 1959 and 1960 trials sprouted normally in the spring after harvest.
Le désherbage des pommes de terre par des herbicides de pré-émergence  相似文献   

Summary. Diquat and sodium monochloroacetate (SMA) were used to desiccate seed crops of red beet in experiments from 1963 to 1965. The seed plants became brown and dry about 7 days after spraying and were then judged suitable for combine harvesting, although this was not done in these experiments. Yields of seed 7 days after spraying were as good as those from the control plants, but were lower than the control yields when harvested 14 days after spraying. In laboratory tests in moist sand at 20° C the percentage of the embryos which germinated was not markedly affected by diquat or SMA treatment. The emergence of seedlings in the field, however, was affected adversely by treatment of the seed crop with 11 and 22 oz/ac of diquat ion in 1963 and by SMA at 20 lb/ac in 1964 and 1965. Diquat at 6·6 oz/ac in 120 gal/ac water in 1964 and 1965 had no serious adverse effects on embryo emergence. Residues of diquat ion in seed varied from 2 to 4 ppm, but the impairment of embryo emergence by diquat was believed to be due to the premature arrest of growth of the seed on the desiccated plants.
It is concluded that when harvesting conditions are poor, desiccants could be valuable.
Influence des traitements dessicants et de la date de récolte sur le rendement et la qualité de la sentence de betterave rouge  相似文献   

The use of growth regulators to induce specific modifications in the growth of crops produced for processing is discussed. Increases in yield may be obtained by some treatments but more important effects on uniformity, quality, ease of harvesting and short-term storage may also be achieved. The results of experiments on stem extension of calabrese, chemical stopping and defoliation of Brussels sprouts, root/shoot ratio modification of root crops and short-term storage of green vegetables are presented. It is concluded that although so far, few commercial applications have been discovered, the requirements for growth regulation justify the search for new, more reliable synthetic growth regulators by improving screening tests and more efficient field trials. The use of herbicides on crops grown for processing is also discussed briefly and it is concluded that the prime requirement is for more efficient post-emergence herbicides.  相似文献   

Summary. Eight experiments were carried out on a range of pasture lypes under different management and in different years to lest the reaction of white clover ( Trifolium repens in grasstand to doses of up to 4 lb/ac of the herbicides MCPA-sodium or-potassium and 2,4-D-amine. The initial effect of the treatments was to reduce the amount of dover in the sward, the size of the reduction varying greatly from field to field for any one dose. In general, the higher the dose, the more severe was the depression of the clover 1 month after spraying. Both herbicides at 2 and 4 lb/ac caused substantial depressions on some of the fields. The growth of the treated clover was examined during the year following spraying. The ability of the clover to recover from the initial depression varied considerably in the different fields; on some, recovery started in the year of spraying and on others in the following year. Quick recovery was usually associated with a high initial resistance but there were fields in which the clover showed contrasting rates of recovery following similar depressions. The experiments produced no clear-cut evidence as to why the initial resistance and speed of recovery varied in different fields. In one experiment the effects of MCPB-sodium and 2,4-D-amine on white clover were compared separately and in a series of mixtures. An examination made 6 weeks after spraying showed that MCPB at up to 8 lb/ac had no significant effect on the clover, whereas 2,4-D at 1 lb/ac caused a 22% reduction. Mixtures containing up to 0.37 lb 2,4-D and up to 6 lb MCPB caused no reduction while those containing 0.75 lb 2,4-D and 4 lb MCPB were not significantly different from 1 lb 2,4-D alone.
Reaction de Trifolium repens (L.) en prairie au 2,4-D, au MCPA, et aux mélanges de1, 2,4-D et de MCPB  相似文献   

甘蓝蚜[Brevicoryne brassicae (Linné)]是烏魯木齐地区十字花科蔬菜上最主要的蚜虫。从9月下旬开始,在晚甘藍、晚苤藍及大白菜等蔬菜靠近地面的根、茎凹陷处,以及叶柄基部和叶片上产卵。蚜卵既可随寄主在菜窖里越冬;也可在菜株残体上露地越冬。露地越冬蚜卵,一般不能成为早春的有效蚜源,因其孵化率极低;孵化出来的少数干母,由于不能及时得到食料或因气候不适合,难以存活。越冬蚜卵于4月下旬孵化,5月中旬末产生有翅蚜,主要先在越冬寄生及冬蘿卜留种株上繁殖;到5月下旬至6月初,才陆續迁飞到春、夏十字花科蔬菜及春油菜上,大量繁殖和为害。7月下旬至8月初,晚甘藍与晚苤藍上的蚜虫便成为大白菜和冬蘿卜苗期的主要蚜源。甘藍蚜在烏魯木齐地区,无論是在菜窖里,或是在露地残株上,均不能以成蚜越冬。  相似文献   

马铃薯品种对枯萎病菌的抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内接种试验与田间接种试验,调查评价供试马铃薯品种对枯萎病菌的抗性。结果显示,供试的马铃薯品种中没有免疫品种,脱毒组培苗接种病原菌测定的19个品种中,表现为中抗的品种有2个,占供试品种的10.53%;表现为中感的品种有10个,占供试品种的52.63%;表现为高感的品种7个,占供试品种的36.84%。田间接种病原菌测定的20个品种中,中抗及以上品种有9个,占供试品种的45%,中感及高感品种11个,占供试品种的55%。  相似文献   

Summary. The preparation of ioxynil, bromoxynil, and their salts is described, and information on solubilities and stability to storage is summarized. Although the toxicology of the herbicides is to be reported in greater detail, a preliminary statement is made here. Evidence of herbicidat activity under glasshouse conditions is indicated briefly, and supports the conclusion that both compounds are effective when applied to the foliage of a wide range of dicotyledon weed species. Seedlings of some weed species resistant to the phenoxy alkanoic acids are controlled under glasshouse conditions at doses as low as 0.125 lb/ac, and ioxynil has a wider range of activity than bromoxynil at these low doses. Graminaceous species tolerate 4–8 lb/ac of both herbicides without injury, and certain leguminous crops tolerate one or other herbicide at doses of 0.5–0.75 lb/ac. The contact action of the herbicides is rapid, there are also slower systemic effects, and seed germination is inhibited. In susceptible species the level of post-emergence activity is shown to be influenced by the growth stage of the weed, the distribution of herbicide on the foliage, and environmental factors of which light intensity appears to be most important.
Propriétés chimiques et biologiques de deux nouveaux herbicides: ioxynil et bromoxynil  相似文献   

杨华  任佐华  宋琼  黄露  刘二明 《植物保护》2015,41(3):143-148
为了弄清湖南省白菜和红菜薹根肿病菌生理小种组成和分布,2013年采集长沙、湘潭、益阳、怀化4个地区的十字花科作物白菜、红菜薹根肿病株27个,用Williams根肿病鉴别品种对其进行生理小种鉴定。初步鉴定出5个生理小种,即1号、5号、8号、9号和11号,它们在湖南病区中出现的频率分别为22.3%、18.5%、14.8%、33.3%和11.1%。按寄主生理小种组成,湖南白菜根肿病菌生理小种有1号、5号、9号、11号,红菜薹根肿病菌为8号、9号和11号;按地区生理小种分布,长沙白菜根肿病菌生理小种为5号和9号,湘潭白菜和红菜薹根肿病菌生理小种分别1号、8号和11号,怀化白菜根肿病菌为生理小种9号;益阳白菜和红菜薹根肿病菌分别为生理小种1号、11号、8号和9号。目前,在湖南4个市白菜和红菜薹根肿病菌生理小种是9号。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen an increasing requirement throughout the United Kingdom (UK) for accurate, timely information on pesticide usage on fresh produce such as vegetables to satisfy government legislation and provide data as part of the registration and review process of pesticides. These data, collected by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affair's Pesticide Usage Survey Group (PUSG), provide information on current and past usage patterns and allow the impact of use on the environment, operator and consumer to be more accurately assessed from actual usage patterns rather than worst-case scenarios. Surveys of commercially grown carrot, Brussels sprouts and onion crops in Great Britain were undertaken at regular intervals between 1986 and 1999, using fully stratified samples of growers. Only on Brussels sprouts was there a significant decline in pesticide use over this period, but the frequency of treatments increased on all three crops, reflecting the recent introduction of more active molecules and lower dose rates. The implications for growers of EU Directive 91/44 are discussed if active ingredients are lost because they fail to achieve Annex 1 listing.  相似文献   

Summary. Applications of several herbicides -were made to roots and to the bases of shoots of peas, cucumber, mustard and barley grown in soil, sand or water culture.
Localized applications (variation horizontal) of atratone and MCPA to roots of peas and barley in soil produced effects similar to those observed in water euluire, described in Pan I. Airatone killed the plants whether available to the whole or to only a portion of the root system whereas MCPA affected only the roots with which it was in direct contact, and growth continued when a portion of the root system was in herbicide-free environment.
In water culture, MCPA was more effective when applied to the lower (younger) roots with the upper (older) roots kept dry than when twice the concentration was applied evenly to the whole root system in water. When all the roots were kept wet the effect of application to the upper roots was greater than the effect of application to the lower roots. The response of plants to atratone was not appreciably altered whether applications were made to the upper or lower parts of the root system in water culture. Variations in water level had little effect.
Even when the herbicide solution was confined to the stem or hypocotyl, atratone and DNOC were little, if any, less effective than when applied to roots. MCPA, both as ester and sodium salt, was significantly less effective.
Partial replacement of solution in the root zone by sand and air did not reduce the activity of atratone at a given concentration. Similar replacement in the zone of the stem or hypocotyl greatly reduced the effectiveness of all herbicides. When sand of low water content was used, atratone and MCPA-sodium became quite ineffective via the stem, but DNOC and MCPA-ethyl ester remained active.
Études sur les réactions de certaines plantes á des herbicides appliqués aux racines II. Observations nouvelles sur l'effet de l'application localisée.  相似文献   

Summary. The purpose of this paper is firstly to describe the background of an investigation started in 1961 to develop new herbicides for the control of weeds in agricultural kale, Brassica oleracea vars. acephala D.C. and fruticosa Metz, and secondly to present the results of four experiments concerned with the effects of weeds on the yield of kale. The results of the herbicide investigation are to be presented in subsequent papers.
Kale as grown in the United Kingdom is a valuable fodder crop and relatively easy to grow, but beset by weeds against which existing mechanical and chemical methods of control have not usually been successful. The effect of weed competition on the yield of four farmers'crops was investigated in 1961 and 1962. When grown entirely free of weeds, the crops provided yields in the range of 20.9–34.5 tons of green material per acre. Where no attempt was made to control the weeds, the yields were reduced by 9.4, 14.5 and 18.9 tons/ac, respectively, in three experiments. In no case did kale, hoed only between the rows, produce as high a yield as the weed-free crop. Although variable in effect, uncontrolled weed growth early in the life of the crop always lowered the yield of kale.
Le développement de l'usage des herbicides selectifs pour le chou fourrager dans le Royaume-Uni. La plante cultivée, les mauvaises herbes et le problème  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of four isolates ofFusarium oxysporum obtained from infected cultivated rocket (Eruca vesicaria) and wild (sand) rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) was tested on the following cruciferous hosts: stock, radish, wild and cultivated rockets, and various species in the cabbage tribe: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.sabauda), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var.botrytis), Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var.italica), turnip (Brassica rapa var.rapa). The results indicated that isolates ofF. oxysporum from cultivated and wild rocket belong to theforma specialis raphani. The isolates from rocket were pathogenic on cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnip, radish and stock; isolates ofF. oxysporum conglutinans from cabbage and radish, and the isolate ofF. oxysporum f.sp.raphani from rape obtained from the ATCC collection, were pathogenic on both cultivated and wild rocket.  相似文献   

Summary. The experiments reported show that weed competition throughout growth reduced kale yields by up to 89%. Competition until the 4-leaf stage reduced yields by about 12%. Application of nitrogen had little effect on the actual loss of yield. The same yield could be obtained by controlling weeds from emergence and giving little nitrogen, or by delaying weed control until the 4-leaf stage and giving a higher level of nitrogen, but kale crops that had suffered weed competition until the 4-Ieaf stage appeared to be incapable of achieving the same yield as crops clean-weeded from emergence. Data on nitrogen percentage and content suggest that competition between weeds and kale was not solely for i
Effets du desherbage et du taux de fertilisation azoiée sur le rendement et la teneuren azote du chou fourrager  相似文献   

A greenhouse screening method for resistance to ringspot (Mycosphaerella brassicicola) inBrassica oleracea is described. High infection levels were achieved by spraying young plants by mycelial inoculum enriched with 3% sucrose. The screening method was tested on three Brussels sprouts, three cabbage and three cauliflower cultivars, with known reactions to ringspot in the field. Resistance was expressed both in cotyledons and true leaves by a lower number of lesions than the susceptible control and/or by hypersensitive reactions. Results of the seedling tests reflected differences in resistance in the field. Under controlled conditions the new test can be applied year-round to young plants, thus accelerating selection procedures.  相似文献   

R. GROVER 《Weed Research》1967,7(2):155-163
Summary. Studies were undertaken to determine the tolerance of three conifer species to repeated applications of several herbicides over a 2-year period and the degree of weed control required to obtain optimal growth.
The results indicated that: (1) 60% or more weed control was required to obtain optimal growth of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss and P. pungens Engelm., while Pinus sylvestris L. showed optimal growth with average weed control as low as 40%; (2) weed competition did not affect the percentage survival of any of the three species under irrigated nursery conditions; (3) absence of visual injury symptoms was not an indication of the tolerance of a species to a herbicide; (4) severe weed competition caused an overall reduction in growth with significant reductions in stem diameter and in height and fresh weight of shoots; (5) herbicidal toxicity caused reductions in height, fresh weight or stem diameter but not necessarily of all three; (6) initial survival was affected only by those herbicides that were highly toxic at the doses applied; and (7) significant differences in growth, due either to weed competition or to herbicidal toxicity were apparent, in most instances, after the 2nd year's growth.
The treatments that gave 70% or more control each year with no apparent growth retardation over the 2-year period of the three species tested were: single yearly applications of neburon 4 lb/ac or linuron 2 lb/ac, two applications each year of DCPA (dimethyl 2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalate) 10 lb/ac and directed application of sodium pentachlorophenate 15 lb/ac.  相似文献   

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