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Within-tree variation in fibre length and coarseness was studied in fifty trees of E. globulus and E. nitens to develop a non-destructive sampling strategy. Trees, aged 5 to 9 years, were sampled across a range of sites in southern Australia. Simulated core samples were removed at six fixed heights easily accessible from the ground (0.5, 0.7, ... 1.5 m) and at eight percentage heights (0, 10, 20, ... 70%). Whole-tree values, calculated from percentage height data, were correlated with the core data to determine the optimal sampling height. Core samples were found to be reliable predictors of whole-tree fibre length, but results were variable for fibre coarseness. Simulated cores taken from the recommended sampling heights explained 87% and 71% of variation in whole-tree fibre length for E. globulus and E. nitens respectively and 54% and 45% of the variation in whole-tree fibre coarseness. Fibre length at all fixed heights showed good correlations with whole-tree values at all sites for E. globulus. For E. nitens the correlations were slightly lower and variable across sites. Results for fibre coarseness varied across sampling heights and sites for both species. The recommended sampling height for fibre length is 1.5 m for both species, whilst for fibre coarseness, the recommended sampling heights are 0.9 and 1.1 m for E. globulus, and 0.9 and 1.3 m for E. nitens. Radial orientation of cores was not important and neither fibre length nor coarseness were related to tree size or basic density. To estimate stand mean fibre length to an accuracy of ±5% would require sampling 9 whole trees or taking cores from 13 trees for E. globulus and 4 whole trees or cores from 8 trees for E. nitens. For estimating stand mean fibre coarseness, 10 whole trees of E. globulus and 7 whole trees are needed for E. nitens. Core sampling for stand mean coarseness would require more trees: 13 to 21 for E. globulus and 11 to 16 trees for E. nitens. Received 17 September 1998  相似文献   

  Within-tree variation in kraft pulp yield, predicted using near infrared reflectance analysis, was studied in thirty trees of E. globulus and fifty trees of E. nitens to develop a non-destructive sampling strategy. Trees, aged 5 to 9 years, were sampled across a range of sites in southern Australia. Simulated core samples were removed at six fixed heights easily accessible from the ground (0.5, 0.7, ... 1.5 m) and at seven percentage heights (0, 20, 30, ... 70%). Whole-tree values, calculated from percentage height data, were correlated with the core data to determine the optimal sampling height. Core samples were found to be good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield for E. globulus, with simulated cores taken from the recommended sampling height (1.1 m) explaining more than 50% of variation in whole-tree pulp yield. Results for E. nitens were variable with large site differences apparent. On high quality sites, core samples from the recommended sampling height (0.9 m) were good predictors of whole-tree pulp yield, explaining around 60% of the variation. On poor quality sites, cores were poor predictors of whole-tree pulp yield. Radial orientation of cores was not important and predicted pulp yield was not related to tree size, basic density or fibre length. To estimate stand mean pulp yield to an accuracy of ±1% would require sampling 6 trees of E. globulus and 4 trees for E. nitens using either multiple discs or core samples. A single sampling height (1.1 m) is recommended for sampling for basic density, fibre length, fibre coarseness and predicted pulp yield in E. globulus. For E. nitens the recommended sampling height for basic density and fibre length is 0.7 m and 0.9 m is recommended for predicted pulp yield on good quality sites. Received 17 September 1998  相似文献   

In August 1990, a 2-ha plantation was established in an area where rainfall (about 515 mm year(-1)) was insufficient to meet evaporative demand. On nine occasions between September 1991 and April 1993, pressure-volume curves were constructed for irrigated and rainfed Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus Labill. and E. nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden trees. During the experiment, rainfed trees experienced six periods when predawn water potential was significantly lower than that of irrigated trees. In early spring of 1991 and 1992, osmotic potentials at full turgor and turgor loss point in the irrigated E. nitens were significantly lower than at other times of the year, probably because of winter hardening. Water stress reduced osmotic potential and increased bulk elastic modulus in E. nitens, whereas the reverse occurred in E. globulus. However, treatment differences with respect to changes in osmotic and elastic properties were commonly overshadowed by interspecific differences. These were most apparent at the end of the sixth period of water stress when osmotic potentials at full and zero turgor were significantly higher and bulk elastic modulus and relative water content at turgor loss point were significantly lower in E. globulus than in E. nitens. We conclude that the drought-tolerance responses of E. globulus make it a more suitable species than E. nitens for establishment on sites where moderate water stress is experienced.  相似文献   

Longitudinal patterns of within tree variation for basic density were determined for plantation Eucalyptus globulus (ages 5 and 10 years) and E. nitens (ages 5, 10 and 15 years) growing in three geographic areas in Tasmania. Each tree was sampled by taking discs from a combination of percentage heights (0, 10, 20 ___ 70%) and fixed height samples (0.5 m, 0.7 m ___ 1.5 m). At each of the fixed heights, a single pilodyn reading was taken from each of 4 aspects. Weighted whole tree density was calculated from the percentage height samples and used for correlation and regression analysis with the fixed height samples. Both species showed an initial drop in density between the felling cut (zero height) and 0.5 m, followed by a linear increase in density between 10% and 70% of tree height. Slope of fitted regressions were parallel within species but differed significantly between the species (1.14 kg/m3 and 1.62 kg/m3 per 1% increase in height above 10% for E. globulus and E. nitens, respectively). Density at all fixed heights was highly correlated with whole tree values for E. globulus, but results were variable across sites for E. nitens. Both species were found to contain trees which produced aberrant pilodyn readings. For E. globulus, the optimal sampling height was 1.3 m above ground and the mean pilodyn reading was found to predict whole tree density with an accuracy of ±21 kg/m3. For E. nitens, optimal sampling height was 1.5 m above ground. However, pilodyn readings around the stem were not very repeatable and correlations with whole tree density were lower, resulting in the accuracy of prediction of whole tree density being ±26 kg/m3.  相似文献   

Intumescences or abnormal, non-pathogenic, blister-like protuberant growths, form on Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and, to a much lesser extent, Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden leaves when plants are grown in a high relative humidity environment. We examined the histology of intumescences and their effects on leaf photosynthetic processes. Intumescences were induced by placing E. globulus and E. nitens seedlings in a relative humidity of 80% in a greenhouse for 5 days. Symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves of plants with intumescence development were compared with leaves of control plants. Light-saturated carbon dioxide (CO(2)) assimilation (A(max)) and responses of CO(2) assimilation (A) to varying intercellular CO(2) partial pressure (C(i)) were measured. Symptomatic and asymptomatic leaf samples were fixed and sectioned and cellular structure was examined. Intumescences greatly reduced the photosynthetic capacity of E. globulus leaves and were associated with reduced electron transport rate and ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity. Tissue necrotization and cellular collapse of the palisade mesophyll and deposition of phenolic compounds in the affected areas, probably reduced light penetration to photosynthesizing cells as well as reducing the amount of photosynthesizing tissue. Photosynthetic capacity of E. nitens was unaffected. The intumescences resembled simple lenticels, both morphologically and developmentally. To our knowledge, this is the first time that lenticel-like structures developed in response to environmental conditions have been described on leaves.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the progressive changes in physical and chemical properties of Eucalyptus globulus wood under the action of a representative white rot fungus, Coriolus versicolor. Observations concerning the nature and relative effects on weight loss, hot water solubility, 1% sodium hydroxide solubility, Klason lignin, holocellulose, intrinsic viscosity and degree of polymerisation of holocellulose, pentosans, methoxyl value, neutral sugar composition and nitrobenzene oxidation products are discussed.The authors thank Dr. P. S. Rehill, the then Officer-in-Charge, Forest Pathology Branch, for valuable suggestions and providing facilities for decay experiments  相似文献   

The genus Mycosphaerella Johanson contains many pathogens capable of causing a severe impact on the growth of susceptible eucalypt species. The lack of knowledge about which species are present in Tasmania and their potential risk to the plantation industry prompted this study into the Mycosphaerella species occurring on Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens plantations in Tasmania. A total of 36 plantation and five road verge sites of E. globulus and E. nitens were sampled. Five Mycosphaerella species and three species from associated anamorph genera were isolated and identified in Tasmania; Mycosphaerella nubilosa, Mycosphaerella cryptica, Mycosphaerella tasmaniensis, Mycosphaerella grandis, Mycosphaerella vespa, Coniothyrium ovatum, Sonderhenia eucalypticola and Sonderhenia eucalyptorum. The most frequently isolated species with the highest incidence and severity of infection were M. cryptica and M. nubilosa. These two species appear to have the greatest potential to damage juvenile eucalypt plantations in Tasmania. A link between Mycosphaerella vespa and Coniothyrium ovatum is described for the first time.  相似文献   

  • ? Environmental determinants of wood properties variation were examined in Eucalyptus globulus, a globally important hardwood plantation species, in southern Tasmania, Australia.
  • ? Radial variation in wood properties, measured with the SilviScan system, were re-scaled from distance to time abscissa using stem radial growth data measured with dendrometers. With this re-scaled data it was possible to evaluate how water availability and temperature affected wood density, microfibril angle (MFA) and fibre and vessel transverse dimensions in irrigated and non-irrigated trees.
  • ? Wood density, fibre radial diameter and MFA were sensitive to water availability. Wood density increased and fibre radial diameter decreased in response to reduced water availability. When high water availability was maintained, wood density was negatively correlated with temperature. Together, temperature and soil matric potential explained about 60% of temporal variation in wood density variation. In contrast MFA was not related to temperature but decreased with increasing water stress. Slower growing trees also had lower MFA than faster growing trees. Slower growing trees had a larger number of vessels per unit area of wood than faster growing trees within this even aged stand. However, vessel radius to the 4th power was significantly higher in faster growing trees than in slower growing trees.
  • ? Overall, E. globulus wood properties were sensitive to temporal changes in environmental conditions (particularly water availability) and associated growth rates. The data provided support for the hypothesis that growth rates are hydraulically mediated.
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    The formation of reaction and barrier zones was studied in the xylem of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens tree stems after wounding and artificial inoculation with two white rot fungi. The study had two objectives: to describe host responses in Eucalyptus spp. by light microscopy and to determine whether they would differ in a fungal treatment (wounding and inoculation by one of two fungal isolates) when compared to a control treatment (wounding only). Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens developed similar reaction and barrier zones. The E. globulus barrier zone was characterized by kino vein formation. In both hosts, the reaction zone was primarily influenced by content and distribution of living tracheids and parenchyma cells within the sapwood. By contrast, the anatomy of the barrier zone showed similarities to the basic xylem structure of each host, except for some cell types that were newly formed (sclereids, kino veins) or increased in number (parenchyma cells, tracheids). Other cell types were reduced in number or completely absent. Host response in terms of barrier zone width appeared to be greater in the fungal than control treatment. Both wood decay fungi appeared to induce a wider barrier zone in both species than that associated with non‐specific damage caused exclusively by wounding. However, the small number of replicates available for this study was possibly insufficient to provide statistical evidence for different barrier zone width between fungal and control treatments.  相似文献   

    The responses of juvenile leaves of two Eucalyptus species, with contrasting susceptibility to infection by Mycosphaerella leaf disease, were compared. The anatomical changes, accumulation of phenolics, suberin, lignin and anthocyanin and the retention of chlorophyll were studied in leaf lesions of varying developmental stages caused by species of Mycosphaerella. Enhanced resistance of Eucalyptus nitens in southern Australia was attributed to the formation of an effective lignified and suberized necrophylactic periderm, to restrict pathogen spread. Leaves of E. nitens contained isobilateral palisade which resulted in both abaxial and adaxial cell division and the initiation of a strong reinforced cellular zone from an early lesion stage. Eucalyptus globulus formed a slower, distorted necrophylactic periderm through hypertrophic changes to existing mesophyll and limited cell divisions of the single adaxial palisade layer. Deposits of lignin and suberin did not occur until later in lesion development, which were not effective in preventing further disease development. From this study it is hypothesized that tolerance of eucalypts to Mycosphaerella pathogens may be associated with constitutive mesophyll density.  相似文献   


    In the present work, Eucalyptus nitens was thermally modified in an open (atmospheric pressure) and a closed (under pressure) reactor system. The effect of the changes of the chemical composition on the mechanical properties was investigated. Hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin, extractives, acetic acid, formic acid, total phenols and the cellulose degree of polymerization (DP) as well as modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) were measured for each modification. The results indicated that the closed system modification, particularly at high pressure, presented stronger variations on the chemical structure of the modified wood than the modifications in the open system. In both modifications, MOR showed a better correlation with the chemical changes than the MOE, especially xylose, cellulose DP, lignin and total phenols. These correlations suggest a tendency of a more brittle wood in the closed system modification at high pressure than in the modifications in the open system. Results can be used as a reference for future applications of thermally modified E. nitens wood.  相似文献   

    This paper represents the first part of the results from a glasshouse experiment designed to compare the competition of ECM and VAM fungi on root colonization and effects on growth of two Eucalyptus species (E.globulus and E.urophylla).One ECM fungus(Laccaria lateritia) and three VAM fungi belonging to genera Glomus,Acaulospora and Scutellospora,along with field soil as well,were used to inoculate Eucalyptus seedlings alone or in combination.Both ECM and VAM fungi colonized and formed mycorrhizal associations on roots of inoculated seedlings,though infective rates of VAM and ECM tips per meter varied according to inoculant fungi and plant ages. There were some regressive interactions for colonization between the two fungi,as a general trend for ECM root colonization levels to increase with time at the expense of VAM colonization was observed during 16 weeks. The effect of phosphorus levels in soils on mycorrhizal formation was discussed.  相似文献   

    蓝桉、直干桉扦插繁殖试验是从优良个体选择,幼化处理,插穗的选择及剪取方法,生长素的运用,环境和时效控制等方面进行研究。试验结果表明:用营养器官在5~9月进行扦插,50~60天生根,生长素采用预_2+H_2或预_2+H_7,插穗选自3年生以上母树的2~3个月生肥壮萌条,保留2/3叶片一对,插穗剪口为斜口或平口,基质采用珍珠砂或蛭石,空气温度为自然温度,空气湿度90%左右,基质湿度:蛭石为32%~36%,珍珠砂湿度20%~24%,最佳处理生根率达50%以上。  相似文献   

    The influence of a commercial laccase on the grafting of 4-chloro-2-methoxyphenol, a model compound, onto Eucalyptus globulus sapwood was evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The grafting was carried out on extracted and non-extracted wood samples. The extraction procedure modified the surface composition due to extractives removal but with high data dispersion. The laccase-mediated grafting of the chlorophenol was demonstrated by the decrease in O/C ratio and the presence of Cl in wood surface after the enzymatic wood treatment. Laccase seemed to be adsorbed suggesting a possible competition between adsorption and grafting processes. The extractive compounds have no effect on the enzymatic grafting since similar Cl amount was analyzed in extracted and non-extracted wood. This enzymatic grafting methodology opens up new possibilities for wood surface modification in order to obtain new wood products with sustainable technologies and mild conditions.  相似文献   

    Summary The kinetics of HCl-catalysed delignification of Eucalyptus globulus wood by 70% (w/w) acetic acid solution were satisfactorily explained by a model in which 5% of the lignin fraction could not be eliminated and the remaining 95% was eliminated by a single process which, in view of the activation energy calculated from the data was attributed to the hydrolysis of -aryl ether bonds. The selectivity of the process was effectively independent of HCl concentration and operating temperature for pulp yields >50%. At high temperature (160 °C) and catalyst concentration (0.027 MHCl), lignin condensation and precipitation became significant and the data were better fitted by a model comprising two consecutive processes: lignin solubilization followed by lignin condensation.The authors are grateful to the CICYT for financial support of this work (Project AGF93-0605) and also to the DGICYT for a research grant awarded to J. González  相似文献   

    1994年在昆明、玉溪两试验点营造的直干桉和蓝桉无性系测定林,根据1999年的生长数据分析后看出两地的测定林都是直干桉比蓝桉生长好,玉溪两个树种的生长都比昆明好.在直干桉无性系中两试验点的生长性状差异均达显著或极显著水平,而蓝桉无性系在两试验点都不显著.在昆明试验点测定林保存完好的无性系中,直干桉有5个、蓝桉有3个无性系的材积超过对照(实生木),其中超过30%有6个(直干桉4个,蓝桉2个).玉溪试验点参试的7个直干桉无性系有6个的材积超过对照,其中材积显著大于对照的有两个;蓝桉3个无性系中没有1个超过对照.根据云南省目前的经济技术水平,走选优、建园的遗传改良途径更为积极稳妥.  相似文献   

    Within-tree variations of derived wood properties of Runkel ratio, Luces shape factor, slenderness ratio, and solids factor were examined for Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus globulus trees and the tendency difference in the within-tree variations between individuals and between species, in both radial and axial directions by statistical data analysis. These properties are important for quality breeding of pulpwood. In both species, within-tree variations were generally observed as higher values in the upper and outer parts compared with other parts of the trunk for Runkel ratio and Luces shape factor. In E. camaldulensis, within-tree variations were observed as higher values in the upper and outer parts compared with other parts of the trunk for slenderness ratio and solids factor. In E. globulus, within-tree variations were observed as higher values in the outer parts compared with other parts for slenderness ratio and solids factor. However, significant difference of tendency was observed in radial variation between individuals of E. globulus for Runkel ratio and in both radial and axial variations between species for solids factor. Furthermore, within-tree variations of derived wood properties were analyzed to determine a sampling height in the trunk which can be used to represent whole-tree values. Representative heights of derived wood properties from two trees were found to be 2.8m in E. camaldulensis (except for Runkel ratio and Luces shape factor) and 1.8m in E. globules (except for Runkel ratio), regardless of differences in tree height (growth rate) and in tendency of within-tree variation of derived wood properties.  相似文献   

    对30株蓝桉、36株直干桉胸高圆盘上不同方向、年龄及树干不同高度的木材纤维长度所作的测定分析表明:两树种株内木材纤维在不同方向的差异不显著,年龄间、高度间的差异极其显著(P<0001)。在11年生以前,纤维长度随年龄的增长几乎是直线上升,其变异可用对数曲线描述。纤维长度以胸高圆盘的平均值最短,其次为树高的3/4处,树干中部纤维较长。2年生与主伐时(8年)的纤维长度相关极显著(达0.01水平)。两树种间纤维长度差异均极其显著,区组间差异却不显著。蓝桉家系间差异显著(P<0.05),直干桉家系间差异却不显著。  相似文献   

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