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Spatial patterns of spear rot in oil palm plantations in Surinam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the aetiology of spear rot of oil palm is unknown, indirect methods were applied to study its putative infectiousness by analysing data from commercial oil palm plantations in Surinam. Geostatistics and gradient analysis were used to examine the spatial variation of spear rot disease in 13 blocks at two plantations. In two blocks, which had low spear rot incidence initially, the variogram indicated that affected trees were not spatially related, suggesting that infection came from various distant sources. Later, the semivariances in one of these two blocks and in seven others, calculated for successive dates, showed a linear increase with distance. The variograms for four blocks showed a nonlinear increase in variance. Over the years, the variograms suggested that the variation in spear rot was anisotropic, with more spatial dependence in a westerly direction. Classical analysis of disease gradients over time confirmed that there was a preferential direction of disease spread. The data are compatible with the following hypotheses: (1) spear rot is an infectious disease; (2) the causal agent of spear rot is vector-borne, the vector being displaceable by wind; and (3) spear rot appears in two distinct phases, phase 1 being characterized by few randomly scattered trees, phase 2 by focal spread of disease starting from such scattered trees. The trigger of the change from phase 1 to phase 2 remains unknown.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of spear rot and ‘marchitez sorpresiva’ epidemics in oil palm in Surinam were analyzed using geostatistics. Semivariogram analysis generally led to linear and spherical graphs of respectively, spear rot and marchitez incidence in areas where the diseases were not yet under control. In both, spear rot and marchitez, semivariograms indicated focal development in the initial stage of the epidemics, illustrated through disease maps and described by gradient analysis. In case of spear rot, the linear model of semivariograms suggested a disease dispersal with a spreading mechanism which operated over long distances within sampled area. Disease dispersal in marchitez was localized, suggesting tree to tree transmission within the range of the spherical semivariograms.  相似文献   

The presence of the flagellatePhytomonas leptovasorum, Stahel in the phloem vessels ofCoffea liberica Bull. ex Hiern., suffering from phloem necrosis, was once more demonstrated. The association of the organism with the multiple division of sieve tubes in affected trees was confirmed. The different nature of a wilting disease caused by the fungusCeratocystis fimbriata Ellis et Halst. has again been established.No viruses, bacteria and nematodes could be detected as pathogenes of phloem necrosis.Although phloem necrosis is found almost exclusively in mature trees, it was possible to infect young ones by root grafting thesymptoms were, however, less acute here than in older trees. Other species ofCoffea can be affected, either by natural infection or by artificial inoculation, but there too, the symptoms—internal as well as external—are less severe than in, mature trees ofC. liberica. The way of natural infection is still unknown. Hemipteran insects are suspected to transmit the disease, since such insects are known to be vectors ofPhytomonas (=Leptomonas) davidi Lafont inEuphorbia spp. Attempts to grow the organism in pure culture have failed and hence its pathogenicity could not be established. However, the absence of any evidence towards fungi, viruses, nematodes or bacteria supports the hypothesis thatPhytomonas leptovasorum Stahel is the causal agent of the phloem necrosis disease ofCoffea liberica in Surinam.Samenvatting Het voorkomen van de flagellaatPhytomonas leptovasorum Stahel in het floëem van bomen vanCoffea liberica, die de typische verschijnselen van de zeefvatenziekte vertonen, is opnieuw aangetoond (Tabel 1). De flagellaat komt alleen voor in bomen met een abnormale deling (=multipele deling) van de zeefvaten (Fig. 1–6). Deze anatomische afwijking is kenmerkend voor de floëemnecrose en treedt niet op bij de verwelkingsziekte, veroorzaakt door de schimmelCeratocystis fimbriata (=Ophiostoma coffeae). Het onderzoek naar een mogelijke rol van virussen, nematoden en bacteriën heeft geen positieve resultaten opgeleverd.De ziekte komt in de natuur alleen voor in volwassen bomen (Fig. 7), maar het is opnieuw mogelijk gebleken om door middel van wortelenten deziekte op jonge bomen over te brengen (Tabel 2 and 3). De ziekteverschijnselen zijn dan echter minder extreem en het ziekteverloop niet fataal. Ook andereCoffea-soorten kunnen zowel natuurlijk als kunstmatig door de floëemnecrose worden aangetast. De verschijnselen zijn minder opvallend en de aangetaste bomen schijnen zich na, verloop van tijd te herstellen.Het is nog onbekend op welke wijze de ziekte in de natuur wordt overgebracht. Het vermoeden bestaat dat een insekt van de Hemiptera-groep de overbrenger is, aangezien deze insektenPhytomonas (=Leptomonas) davidi inEuphorbia spp. kunnen overbrengen. Pogingen om de flagellaten in reincultuur te kweken zijn mislukt. Het uiteindelijke bewijs datP. leptovasorum het pathogeen is kan daarom nog niet worden geleverd.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Stahel, whose meticulous observations proved to be correct after 30 years.  相似文献   

Seven new species of feather mites belonging to families Analgidae, Falculiferidae, Pterolichidae, Pteronyssidae and Xolalgidae are described from Columbiformes, Cuculiformes, Piciformes and Passeriformes of Surinam.  相似文献   

The nature of a reductive system which actively degrades mexacarbate in the rat intestine and liver was investigated. The system is characterized by its stability against heat and protease treatments and its requirements for a flavin cofactor and an acidic pH for a maximum activity. As a result of purification and spectroscopic identification attempts the system responsible for the above reductive activity was identified to be flavoprotein. Under anerobic conditions such flavoproteinflavin cofactor systems degrade mexacarbate first to 4-N-desmethylmexacarbate and then to polar water-soluble metabolites.  相似文献   

西北地区冬季室内三种常绿植物的光合特性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Li-6400XT便携式气体交换系统的红蓝光源和液化CO_2钢瓶注入系统,模拟冬季室内较密闭环境下存在较高CO_2浓度且为弱光环境,设置CO_2浓度为600μmol·mol~(-1),并以400μmol·mol~(-1)作为对照组(CK),对绿萝(Scindapsus aureus)、鹅掌柴(Scheffera octophlla(Lour).Harins)和燕子掌(Crassula agenten Thunb.)进行光响应(Pn-PAR)曲线的测定。结果显示:在CO_2浓度600μmol·mol~(-1)下,三种植物的光饱和点(LSP)均比(CK)更早出现,绿萝和鹅掌柴总体的净光合速率(Pn)比(CK)高,燕子掌比(CK)低;绿萝的最大光合速率(Pmax)、光饱和点(LSP)和表观量子效率(YAQ)均最高,分别为5.62±0.145μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)、373.51±24.15μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)和0.041±0.003μmol·μmol~(-1),但暗呼吸速率(Rd)较低(-0.51±0.14μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1));鹅掌柴和绿萝的水分利用率(WUE)和蒸腾速率(Tr),极显著高于燕子掌(P<0.01);绿萝的叶绿素SPAD值最高(70.03±4.18),极显著高于其余两种(P<0.01)。研究表明,绿萝对光照具有最强的利用能力,且能在高CO_2浓度且干旱的环境里健康生长,并能对室内环境起到较强的增湿效应,是西北地区冬季较为理想的室内植物。  相似文献   

利用祁连山老虎沟地区海拔4200m气象观测站2010年的观测资料,采用FAO Penman-Monteith公式,再利用作物系数法,对高寒草甸生长季(5月22-9月22)的蒸散发量进行估算和分析。结果发现:研究期共有124天,蒸散发总量为238.3mm,日均为1.87mm·d-1。生长初期、生长中期、生长末期的蒸散发总量依次为22.6mm,179.1mm,36.6mm,依次占研究期总量的8.4%,75.2%,15.3%。5月下旬至6月中旬,日均蒸散发量以较低水平缓慢上升;6月下旬迅速增加;6月末至7月中旬猛然回落;7月中旬至8月末,日均蒸散发量迅速上升且维持在较高水平;此后直到9月22日,缓慢减少。5-9月月蒸散发总量依次为6.6mm,46.4mm,74.5mm,77.6mm,33.1mm。  相似文献   

Aetiology of Rhizoctonia in sheath blight of maize in Sichuan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhizoctonia isolates obtained from maize grown in commercial fields in 33 representative counties (or cities) in Sichuan province in China were characterized according to colony morphology, hyphal anastomosis and pathogenicity. Of 141 isolates, 116 were identified as R. solani , 23 as R. zeae and two as binucleate Rhizoctonia . The isolates of R. solani were assigned to four anastomosis groups (AG): AG-1-IA (101 isolates, accounting for 71.6% of the total), AG-1-IB (2, 1.4%), AG-4 (9, 6.4%) and AG-5 (4, 2.8%). The two isolates of binucleate Rhizoctonia belonged to AG-K. On maize, isolates of AG-1-IA caused typical sheath blight symptoms. Lesions produced by isolates of AG-4, AG-5, AG-1-IB and AG-K were darker than those of AG-1-IA. Rhizoctonia zeae usually caused discontinuous lesions with a dark brown margin and a brown centre on the leaf sheaths, as well as ear rot. Isolates of AG-1-IA were the most virulent to maize, with an average lesion length of approximately 15 cm. Isolates of R. zeae produced lesions approximately 12 cm long, while those of AG-4, AG-5, AG-1-IB and AG-K were progressively shorter. On potato dextrose agar (PDA; pH 6.4), the minimum temperature for mycelial growth of R. zeae isolates was 14–18°C, the maximum 38–40°C and optimum 30°C. Isolates of R. zeae did not grow on PDA (28°C) at pH 2.0, the optimum for growth being pH 6.4.  相似文献   

本文通过对2012年山西省蔬菜农药残留监测结果的分析,找出造成山西蔬菜农药残留问题原因,并针对性的提出了解决问题的对策,为蔬菜生产提供依据。  相似文献   

安礼如  邢华  许乾 《杂草科学》2001,(1):23-25,28
超级耕夫WP是江苏安邦电化有限公司最新开发的稻田除草剂 ,有效成分为耕夫 (醚黄隆 )和二氯喹啉酸 ,用于对水稻田禾本科、莎草科及阔叶杂草的防除。为明确其对稻田杂草的防除效果和对水稻的安全性 ,1 998~1 999年在安徽合肥、江苏仪征进行了田间药效试验。1 材料与方法1 1 供试药剂40 %超级耕夫WP(江苏安邦电化有限公司产 )、5 0 %二氯喹啉酸WP(江苏安邦电化有限公司产 )、1 0 %耕夫WP(江苏安邦电化有限公司产 )。1 2 试验概况仪征试验田土壤为马肝土 ,pH6 7,肥力中等。前茬为小麦 ,水稻为常规粳稻。田间杂草以稗草为主 ,…  相似文献   

2000年天等县玉米锈病暴发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天等县 2 0 0 0年秋玉米锈病暴发 ,发生面积达1 0 0 0 hm2 ,占秋玉米面积的 2 9.9%。锈病初发期在 9月底至 1 0月初 ,正值玉米吐丝授粉时期。病害发生后 ,田间病情很快流行 ,仅仅十多天时间 ,玉米从叶片、叶鞘、苞叶到雄花均长满铁锈粉状物 ,远看一片黄褐色 ,严重的整株玉米早衰枯死。1 0月 1 8日调查 ,龙茗镇益山村、华隆乡稻香村以及洞宁玉米场等1 33hm2 多的制种玉米均严重感染锈病 ,病叶率达1 0 0 %。面上大田的龙马、独山村等地玉米锈病发生也相当普遍 ,只是病情较轻 ,病叶率 30 %~ 70 %。如此严重的玉米锈病在天等县历史上尚无记载 ,…  相似文献   

环流特征量指数在新疆汛期降水趋势预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
利用中国气象局气候中心下发的74类环流特征量值,通过相关分析,建立了新疆10个区域的汛期降水预测模型。结果表明:预测模型对新疆汛期降水趋势有一定的预报能力,尤其是在新疆洪涝灾害多发的伊犁及博尔塔拉蒙古自治州、北疆沿天山一带、天山山区,建立的3个区域预测模型可以作为汛期降水预测的主要工具。  相似文献   

2003年江苏省小麦赤霉病致灾原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小麦赤霉病犤Gibberellazeae(Schw.)犦是困扰我国长江中、下游地区小麦生产持续发展的重要因素之一。江苏河网交错,春雨较多,赤霉病流行频率高。2003年赤霉病见病时间早、发生范围广、自然为害重,是江苏历史上的第九个大流行年。12003年小麦赤霉病流行概况江苏淮南往年是小麦赤霉病的主要流行区域;淮北属于偶发区,基本上不作为主要防治对象。2003年全省以沿江、苏南局部及丘陵地区发病最重,自然发病病穗率高达60%~80%;其次是沿淮及江淮地区,自然发病病穗率40%~60%;再次是徐州、宿迁、连云港3市,自然发病病穗率在10%以下。据各地调查,赤霉…  相似文献   

Surveys were conducted during the cool-dry months of June–August 1997 and June–July 1998 for the presence of viruses in irrigated wheat in Central, Copperbelt, Lusaka and Southern Provinces of Zambia in 14 commercial farms and four wheat cultivar plots. Virus symptoms were observed on nine wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum 'Deka', 'Gamtoos', 'Lorie II', 'MM2', 'Nata', 'Nkwazi', 'P7', 'Scan' and 'Sceptre') of South African, Zambian and Zimbabwean origin. Several viruses were identified on the basis of field symptomatology, symptoms developing on mechanically inoculated indicator plant species or cultivars and serology (DAS-ELISA). The study revealed the occurrence of Brome mosaic virus (BMV), Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV), Barley yellow dwarf virus and its strains (BYDV-PAV and RPV), Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV), Wheat dwarf virus (WDV), Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) and Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV). DSA-ELISA tests confirmed these identifications. The prevalence of viruses varied annually and from field to field. BSMV, BYDV-PAV, SBWMV, WDV, WSMV and WSSMV were found to be the most prevalent viruses. Viruses generally occurred in mixed infections of 3–6 viruses and the most common virus complex consisted of 4 viruses (50%), viz. BYDV, SBWMV, WDV and WSSMV. Five- and six-virus complexes were relatively less common (20% each) whereas 3-virus complex was noticed in only 10% cases. SBWMV and WSSMV have been found to be new to Africa and Zambia and are reportedly vectored by a fungal protist – Polymyxa graminis . BYDV strains MAV and SGV were also tested but gave negative results against their antisera.  相似文献   

A whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) resistance crisis climaxed in 1995 in Arizona cotton and prompted the development of an integrated resistance management strategy adapted from a program implemented in Israel in 1987. The strategy incorporated two new major elements: once-per-year use of the insect growth regulators (IGRs) pyriproxyfen and buprofezin, and measures to delay use of pyrethroids for as long into the growing season as possible. A three-stage chemical use recommendation was formulated comprising IGRs (Stage I), other non-pyrethroid insecticides (Stage II), and synergized pyrethroid insecticides (Stage III). Results from use of the strategy in the 1996 season were very promising. Insecticide use for control of whiteflies was reduced substantially. State-wide monitoring of whitefly susceptibility revealed significant reductions in resistance to synergized pyrethroids as well as increased susceptibility to amitraz. Susceptibility of Lygus bugs to key insecticides changed correspondingly with increases and decreases in whitefly resistance from 1994 through 1996. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Delays of 40 or 60 days in weeding peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) gave lower yields and fewer pods per plant but did not affect seed number per pod. Yield, pod number per plant, seeds per pod and mean weight per seed were all less in unweeded plots. In three herbicide trials crop yields were not closely correlated with crop vigour scores made several weeks before crop maturity, or with weediness scores. Correlations between yields and weed dry weights were better, but certain high-yielding herbicide treatments gave poor weed control and in some cases had low crop vigour scores. Most yield differences reflected differences in pod number per plant, with additional smaller compensating or additive effects on the other components. Certain herbicides apparently gave high mean seed weights without diminishing seed numbers per pod. Pre-emergence alachlor was the most promising herbicide, combined with preplant incorporated vernolate if nutgrass was serious. Napropamide and metobromuron merit further testing.  相似文献   

A new laboratory technique combining shoot-tip grafting in vitro and biological indexing on indicator plants was explored for the detection of citrus exocortis and related viroids. Τhree in vitro laboratory methods were used and compared with the classical biological method. With the classical in vivo method, diagnosis is based on the expression of symptoms on indicators 11–14 weeks after inoculation. In contrast, with the first in vitro method, microindexing in vitro of citron seedlings by graft inoculation, diagnosis was possible 12 days after inoculation; with the second method, microindexing in vitro of citron cuttings by graft inoculation, 20 days after inoculation; and with the third method, microindexing in vitro of citron cuttings by injection inoculation, 40 days after inoculation. Inoculated Etrog citron plantlets grown in vitro and tested by RT-PCR showed the same viroid content as the source plants. Of the three in vitro viroid indexing methods, microindexing on cuttings by grafting was easier and more reliable than microindexing either on seedlings or on cuttings by injection.  相似文献   

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