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A diphallus was found in a German Holstein calf. Clinical examination revealed a duplication of glands penis, corpus penis and urethra, but no further anomalies were observed. Possibly, this congenital anomaly is caused by a chromosomal aberration.  相似文献   

A case of ectopia cordis pectoralis was diagnosed in a black and white coloured German Holstein calf. The heart and pericard were displaced through a fissure in the breastbone. The heart was connected with the thoracic cavity by its large vessels. Besides of the ectopia cordis no other defects of the heart were noticed. The liver was deformed and many organs showed passive hyperaemia. The calf was well developed and died under birth. The lungs were not ventilated. The malformed calf was inbred on a bull used for artificial insemination with an inbreeding coefficient of 3.125%. The ectopia cordis probably resulted from the fissure of the breastbone.  相似文献   

A female German Holstein calf was not able to stand up after birth. Resting the animal was lying in normal position and could lift its head. Sensory stimuli like auditory or tactile impulses induced myoclonic jerking of the whole body. Afterwards it calmed down quickly. The signs observed correspond to the clinical findings of congenital myoclonus in poll Hereford calves. The pathological examination revealed no indications for changes in organs. The inbreeding coefficient of the calf was 1.56 %. The present type of congenital myoclonus in the calf examined is likely to be genetically determined, even if the point mutation in exon 2 of the glycin receptor alpha 1 gene was not confirmed.  相似文献   

Aphakia and further malformations of both eyes were diagnosed in a female German Holstein calf. Besides aphakia of the left eye, the calf exhibited microphthalmia, glaucoma and a hypoplastic uveoscleral tissue. Additional findings in the right eye were buphthalmus and glaucoma. Instead of aphakia, pathohistological and investigations revealed a very small (microphakia) and luxated lens. Neither the clinical nor the pathological examination revealed further malformations of other organs. A BVD infection could be excluded as cause for the ocular malformations observed. A deficiency or excess of vitamine A was unlikely because this would have also applied to all other calves born at the same time on the farm. An inbreeding coefficient of 3.168% for the malformed calf and the exclusion of environmental causes for these malformations of the eyes let us suppose a hereditary problem.  相似文献   

A black and white German Holstein calf displayed a complex double malformation in shape of a thoracopagus parasiticus. By means of a molecular genetic investigation the genesis of the malformation from one zygote could be demonstrated. Both vertebral columns showed a pronounced lordosis, with the vertebral column of one animal ending in a rudimentary head. Close to this rudiment two derivates of branchial arches were found. The two thoracic cavities merged into one "thorax". In the shared thoracic cavity one heart was found. In its right atrium, a cherry-sized structure was found in which heart- and vascular smooth muscles were demonstrated histologically. The aorta split shortly after its origin to provide both animals with one aorta each. The larger pair of lungs was connected with a trachea leading to the head while the smaller pair of lungs originated from a trachea deriving from the rudimentary head. The diaphragm jejunum and split afterwards. The pedigree of the affected animal showed neither inbreeding nor any other affected animal.  相似文献   

A female German Holstein twin calf showed polydactyly in both front limbs and in one of the hind limbs. In three limbs an additional medial toe was seen. No malformations of the limbs were present in the male twin partner and four maternal half sibs. The analysis of the pedigree revealed that the affected calf had common ancestors. The coefficient of inbreeding of the affected calf was 1.312%. As a monogenic or digenic inheritance was suspected in similar cases, it may be probable that the polydactyly observed here has a genetic background.  相似文献   

In 8 black and white German Holstein calves syndactyly was observed. The affected calves were born in different farms between 1995 und 2002. The number of feet affected varied from one, several to all four. All syndactylous calves could be traced back to a common ancestor, which was already identified as a carrier bull for the mulefoot gene. The pedigree was consistent with a monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and variable expressivity.  相似文献   

Congenital defects occur infrequently in cattle. In this report, a stillborn Holstein calf was presented for unusual nodules in the skin. Necropsy and histopathologic findings aided in the diagnosis of systemic mastocytoma, or mast cell tumor. The diagnosis of congenital mastocytoma in this case is extremely rare and unique.  相似文献   

A German Fleckvieh calf was diagnosed with cyclopia in shape of united eye sockets in one orbit. However, two fully developed eye balls were present while the nostril was not developed. The malformed calf was inbred on a bull used for artificial insemination (AI) with an inbreeding coefficient of 3.125%. Teratogenic plant alkaloids were unlikely to be responsible for the malformation of this calf. Neither in the five progeny of the dam nor in the descendants of the AI-bull with a total of 8083 calvings, calves with such anomalies were found.  相似文献   

A stillborn premature Holstein calf was necropsied. The calf had severely reduced body weight and shortening of the vertebral column. The limbs appeared long and thin. Radiography and computer tomography scanning were performed, demonstrating malformation of the vertebral column. In addition, malformation of the kidneys, testicles, and heart was found at necropsy. Histologically, absence or incomplete development of intervertebral discs and complete or partial fusion of the epiphyses of adjacent vertebrae were found. In some areas, diaphyses of adjacent vertebrae were fused due to absence of epiphyses and intervertebral discs. Disturbed ossification of epiphyses in the appendicular skeleton was also present. The etiology of this syndrome was not identified. An inherited cause is possible due to a close relationship between the parents.  相似文献   

A 24-hour-old Holstein bull calf with notomelia was donated to the Atlantic Veterinary College. The extra limb was on the right side of the caudal neck adjacent to the withers. The limb was surgically removed under general anesthesia. The calf was adopted and discharged with no complications.  相似文献   

Necropsy of a 3-day-old Holstein heifer revealed proximal megacolon and distal colorectal hypoplasia. Histologically, the hypoplastic distal colon and rectum lacked submucosal and myenteric ganglia. Clinical history, physical examination, and pathologic findings were consistent with intestinal aganglionosis, a congenital anomaly well documented in humans and foals but not previously reported in cattle.  相似文献   

A 2-week-old Holstein Friesian female calf was presented with profuse diarrhea and abdominal distension. Clinicopathological findings included marked hypoproteinemia, hypoglycemia and leucopenia, mild hyperlactatemia, and hyperfibrinogenemia. On abdominal ultrasonography, features were consistent with portomesenteric venous gas (PVG), a rare condition reported in the medical literature. The PVG in this calf was associated with severe gastrointestinal illness and sepsis.  相似文献   

Perosomus elumbis is an occasionally found congenital anomaly of unknown etiology and is characterized by partial or complete agenesis of lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae and ankylosis of the hindlimbs. A 2-day-old female Holstein calf presented nearly normal forelimbs but flexure and ankylosis of the hindlimbs. The vertebrae and pelvic malformations and agenesis were radiographed and then necropsied. Mild ankylosis of the hindlimbs, absence of cauda equina, left scoliosis in state of fusion of T11 and T12 and complete fusion of L4 and L5, narrowed pelvic canal and misshapen ilium were confirmed. However, abnormal development or agenesis was not observed in the urogenital and intestinal system in this calf.  相似文献   

In 11 German Holstein cattle with black and white or red and white coat colour short tails could be observed. All affected animals were born in different farms. A clinical examination could not reveal further congenital anomalies of other organs. The parents of the affected animals showed no abnormalities of the tail. The pedigree data showed that all short tailed animals were related with each other and this fact provides evidence that brachyury is an inherited congenital anomaly. The coefficients of relationships were between 0.20 and 25%. The pedigree indicated a monogenic or oligogenic autosomal recessive inheritance. Environmental factors causing short tails in these animals were not obvious.  相似文献   

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