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Standard limb, six lead (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF) electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded in 10 awake mature rock partridges (Alectoris graeca) and 10 chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar). Durations and amplitudes of P and T waves and QRS complexes, durations of P-Q and Q-T intervals, and mean heart rates were calculated from the lead II ECGs. All observable P and T waves were negative in aVR and aVL, whereas they were positive in all remaining leads. The most frequent forms of QRS complex were r-s (r-S) and q-r (q-R). A Q wave was observed in all aVR and aVL leads in both species. Chukar partridges had significantly higher amplitudes of P and T waves and QRS complexes than rock partridges. Mean heart rates were 310+/-15 beats/min and 317+/-19 beats/min for chukar partridges and rock partridges, respectively. Mean electrical axes, calculated from leads II and III, were -99+/-6.3 degrees and -95+/-1.7 degrees for chukar partridges and rock partridges, respectively. Clear ECGs were easily obtainable without anesthesia or sedation.  相似文献   

Seven live 5-to-6-wk-old chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) were examined because of increased lacrimation, swollen eyelids, and increased mortality. Gross lesions consisted of mildly enlarged and mottled white spleens, swollen eyelids with external scab formation, and watery intestinal contents. Microscopically, there were increased numbers of mononuclear phagocytic system cells in the spleen, some of which contained faintly staining basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies, blepharoconjunctivitis, enteritis associated with coccidia and crop mycosis. Transmission electron microscopy of the spleen revealed icosahedral virus particles 65 to 75 nm in diameter, consistent with the morphology of adenovirus. Three out of seven chukars were positive for hemorrhagic enteritis virus by serology.  相似文献   

Caprine coccidiosis, affecting mainly young goat kids around the weaning period, is worldwide the most important disease in the goat industry. Control of caprine coccidiosis is increasingly hampered by resistances developed against coccidiostatic drugs leading to an enhanced need for anticoccidial vaccines. In the current study we conducted an oral immunization trial with live attenuated sporulated Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae oocysts. Sporulated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts were attenuated by X-irradiation technique. The experimental design included a total of 18 goat kids divided into the following groups: (i) animals immunized with attenuated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts at 5 weeks of age and challenged 3 weeks later with non-irradiated homologous oocysts (group 1); (ii) animals infected with non-attenuated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts at 5 weeks of age and challenged 3 weeks later with non-attenuated homologous oocysts (group 2); (iii) animals primary-infected with untreated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts at 8 weeks of age (control of the challenge infection, group 3); (iv) non-infected control animals (group 4). Goat kids immunized with live attenuated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts (group 1) excreted significantly less oocysts in the faeces (95.3% reduction) than kids infected with non-attenuated ones (group 2). Furthermore, immunization with live but attenuated oocysts resulted in ameliorated clinical coccidiosis compared to goat kids infected with untreated oocysts (group 2) and resulted in equally reduced signs of coccidiosis after challenge infection compared to acquired immunity driven by non-attenuated oocysts. Overall, the present study demonstrates for the first time that live attenuated E. ninakohlyakimovae oocysts orally administered showed almost no pathogenicity but enough immunogenicity in terms of immunoprotection. Importantly, vaccinated animals still shed low amounts of oocysts, guaranteeing environmental contamination and consecutive booster infections to sustain ongoing immunity.  相似文献   

An outbreak of infectious catarrhal enteritis, associated with the flagellated protozoan Spironucleus meleagridis (syn. Hexamita meleagridis), is reported from a commercial flock of chukar partridges in California. The disease affected birds between the ages of 4 and 6 wk and resulted in diarrhea, listlessness, depression, and high mortality. Concurrent infection with other intestinal pathogens, including Cryptosporidia, group E Salmonella, long-segmented filamentous microorganisms (LSFMOs), and Rotavirus-like virus particles, was found in some but not all affected birds. Dermatitis of the face, shanks, and feet, suggestive of B-complex vitamin deficiency, was present in most affected birds as well. Flagellated protozoan parasites could be found in the lumen of the duodenum and jejunum and in the intestinal crypts. In some cases the flagellates were wedged between epithelial cells or were located intracellularly within cells of the mucosal epithelium and the intestinal lamina propria.  相似文献   

Vaccines composed of either virulent or attenuated Eimeria spp. oocysts have been developed as an alternative to medication of feed with ionophore drugs or synthetic chemicals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of gel-beads containing a mixture of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella oocysts as a vaccine against coccidiosis. Newly hatched chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) were either sprayed with an aqueous suspension of Eimeria oocysts or were allowed to ingest feed containing Eimeria oocysts-incorporated gel-beads. Control day-old chicks were given an equivalent number of Eimeria oocysts (10(4) total) by oral gavage. After 3 days, chicks were randomly assigned to individual cages, and feces were collected between days 5 and 8 postinfection. All samples were processed for total Eimeria oocysts. At 4 wk of age, all chickens and a control nonimmunized group received a high-dose E acervulina, E maxima, and E. tenella challenge infection. Oocyst excretion by chicks fed gel-beads or inoculated by oral gavage was 10- to 100-fold greater than that of chicks spray-vaccinated with the Eimeria oocysts mixture (log 6.3-6.6 vs. log 4.8). Subsequent protection against challenge as measured by weight gain and feed conversion efficiency was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in gel-bead and oral gavage groups compared with spray-vaccinated or nonimmunized groups. Also, gel-bead and oral gavage groups showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in weight gain and feed conversion efficiency compared with nonchallenged controls. These findings indicate that incorporation of Eimeria spp. oocysts in gel-beads may represent an effective way to deliver live oocyst vaccines to day-old chicks for preventing subsequent outbreaks of coccidiosis in the field.  相似文献   

Hauck R  Hafez HM 《Avian diseases》2012,56(1):238-242
There are only a few reports about the occurrence of coccidia in peafowl and no reports about the occurrence of Eimeria spp. in peafowl kept in Europe. Here, we describe the occurrence of Eimeria pavonina in diseased peafowl from Germany. In January 2011, one young peacock kept in an aviary showed a marked depression. No parasites were detected in samples from the diseased bird, but in samples of birds from the same and other aviaries, coccidian counts were between 400/g and 66,000/g. All peacocks were treated with toltrazuril. After treatment, the clinical condition of the diseased bird improved but, two weeks afterwards, other birds in the aviary were still shedding coccidia in their feces. Based on morphology, the coccidia were identified as E. pavonina. Parts of the 18s rRNA gene and the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox-1) gene were sequenced. A phylogenetic tree based on the 18s rRNA sequence placed the Eimeria sp. from peafowl closest to Eimeria spp. found in pheasants and partridges as well as to Eimeria meleagrimitis. A phylogenetic tree based on the sequence of cox-1 in contrast suggested a closer relationship to Eimeria necatrix and Eimeria tenella.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sunflower oil supplementation (0%, 3%, 6% and 9%) to partridge chicks (Alectoris chukar) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass characteristics. Feed consumption and live weight gain were responsive to dietary sunflower oil inclusion during the starter period, but not during the grower period. Increasing sunflower oil level linearly increased crude protein and fat digestibilities. Except for abdominal fat, weights of inedible parts and edible organs remained unchanged by the diets. The treatments linearly decreased weight and efficiency of carcass and weights of wings and breast and did not alter weights of thighs and neck. Breast meat saturated fatty acids decreased linearly by 17.9% and unsaturated fatty acids increased linearly by 10.6%, as sunflower oil level increased in the diets. Monounsaturated fatty acids decreased linearly by 27.3%, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids increased linearly by 51%. Overall, n‐3 (0.78% vs. 0.59%) and n‐6 (42.6% vs. 29.8%) were greater in breast meat in treatment groups than in control group. In conclusion, sunflower addition into diets has minimal effects on performance of growing partridges, but significantly alters meat fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Thirty 5-month-old red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) reared in battery were divided into five groups: 4 birds in group A, 14 birds in group B, 4 birds in group C, 4 birds in group D and 4 birds in group E, and were inoculated orally with 10, 50, 10(2), 10(3) and 10(4) oocysts of the OV-51/95 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, respectively. During the experiment, blood samples from all birds were drawn every 3-7 days and at necropsy. Serologic response was measured by the modified agglutination test (MAT) and the latex agglutination test (LAT). One bird from each group was killed at 44, 58, 65 and 72 days after inoculation (DAI). From 72 DAI to the end of the experiment, surviving partridges from group B were killed at weekly intervals. The last partridges were sacrified 100 DAI. MAT was the most sensitive and specific test for detecting T. gondii antibodies in the birds. First positive titers were detected by MAT in all sera on 7 DAI, but titers by LAT did not appear until 13 DAI. Antibody titers detected by MAT on 7 DAI were higher in the partridges with the largest inocula (10(3) or 10(4) oocysts) than those inoculated with 10, 50 or 10(2) oocysts. All surviving birds developed a serologic response to T. gondii, with maximum titers of 512-32,768 in the MAT on 13-17 DAI, and positive titers persisted at least until 100 DAI. To the contrary, LAT reveals only very low antibody titers even in partridges inoculated with the highest dose of T. gondii.  相似文献   

Repeated inoculation (immunization) of 2-week-old white leghorn chickens with 10(6) oocysts of the turkey coccidia Eimeria adenoeides or E. meleagrimitis partially protected chickens against moderate challenge with E. tenella or E. acervulina oocysts, but not with E. necatrix oocysts. After challenge, mean weight gains of the immunized chickens and the unchallenged controls did not differ significantly, but weight gains of unimmunized chickens were significantly lower. The mean feed-conversion ratio of the immunized challenged chickens was 3.14, as compared with 4.42 for unimmunized challenged control chickens. In general, immunization did not markedly reduce intestinal lesions. Repeated inoculation of chickens with the turkey coccidium E. gallopavonis failed to produce statistically significant protection against challenge with E. tenella, E. acervulina, or E. necatrix, as determined by weight gain, feed-conversion efficiency, and lesion scores. Antibody profiles of individual chickens did not correlate with protection.  相似文献   

Eimeria gruis and Eimeria reichenowi are common coccidial parasites of a number of species of cranes. Until recently, little was known about either the site for invasion or the dynamics of early development of the crane coccidia because of the difficulty of identifying sporozoites and early developmental stages of these parasites by conventional staining methods. In the present study, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) elicited against Eimeria spp. of chickens and turkeys were found to cross-react with sporozoites and developmental stages of E. reichenowi in the tissues of Florida sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis). With these Mabs, E. reichenowi sporozoites were found in specimens taken at 6 hr postinoculation (PI) from just proximal to Meckel's diverticulum in the jejunum to the ileocecal juncture. Fewer were found in the ceca and rectum and none in the duodenal loop. At 24 hr PI, there were markedly fewer sporozoites and their location had shifted to the duodenum. No stages were seen in intestinal cells at 5 days PI (DPI), but trophozoites had developed in the liver and spleen. At 10 DPI, sexual stages were detected in the intestine from the duodenal loop through Meckel's diverticulum but not in other organs. By 14 DPI, numerous developmental stages were detected in the intestine (ceca and jejunum), liver, and lungs but not in the heart, kidney, or brain. The number, location, and maturity of the stages in the ceca differed markedly from those in the jejunum.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) infection was diagnosed in captive juvenile chukars (Alectoris chukar), and captive juvenile Impeyan pheasants (Lophophorus impeyanus) on the basis of necropsy, histopathology, polymerase chain reaction, and immunohistochemistry. The chukars were kept in a game bird farm that experienced two outbreaks with approximately 25% mortality in hundreds of chukars between September and October 2002 and during the same months in 2003. The submitted pheasants were part of a group of 15 juvenile Impeyan pheasants that all died within approximately 2 wk at the end of August 2002. The macroscopic lesions in the pheasants were dominated by mucosal hemorrhage at the proventricular to ventricular junction and cecal ulcers, whereas the gross lesions in the chukar partridges were nonspecific. The predominant microscopic lesion in the chukar partridges was myocardial necrosis, whereas fibrinous and necrotizing splenitis was prominent in the pheasants. Viral antigen was usually widespread in animals of both species. Spontaneously occurring WNV infection should be considered a differential diagnosis in cases of mortality among select species of galliform birds.  相似文献   

We examined exogenous and endogenous development of Eimeria procera in experimentally infected grey partridges (Perdix perdix). Our examination included data on morphology, localization, duration of schizogony and gametogony and morphology of sporulated oocysts. The endogenous stages of E. procera developed in large numbers within the epithelial cells of caecal crypts. The asexual development comprised three generations of schizonts. The first fully developed macrogametes and microgamonts were observed on Day 5 post-infection (p.i.) in histologic section. The patent period began on Day 6 p.i. and ended on Day 11 p.i. with peak production of oocysts on Days 7 and 8. Long oval oocysts of E. procera measured 25.78–28.13 μm in length and 14.06–15.24 μm in width, sporulation time ranged from 18 to 24 h at 25°C and from 36 to 48 h at 20°C.  相似文献   

Eight calves were immunized with live auxotrophic Salmonella typhimurium mutants (aro -SL 1479, gal E 3821) and twelve calves with phenol-killed whole-cell S. typhimurium vaccine, respectively. The clinical status of the animals was followed and serial reisolation of vaccine and challenge strains from faeces was attempted. The immunization of calves with the live aro- auxotrophic S. typhimurium SL 1479 mutant proved to be unsuitable due to the death of calves after revaccination. The calves immunized with live auxotrophic gal E S. typhimurium CCM 3821 mutant proved to be protected against challenge with virulent S. typhimurium 4/5 strain administered orally at a dose of 10(6) colony forming units (CFU). The postvaccination complications showed serious shortcomings. The immunization of calves with three doses of whole-cell inactivated vaccine containing 5 strains of S. typhimurium was effective against oral challenge with virulent S. typhimurium 4/5 at a dose of 10(6) CFU.  相似文献   

给18日龄鸡胚接种一定剂量的柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eim eria tenella)和/或堆形艾美耳球虫(E.acervulina)孢子化卵囊,出雏后在无球虫环境中笼养,1~10日龄每天收集各组粪便样本,计数克粪便卵囊数(OPG),并于14日龄时以大剂量同源孢子化卵囊攻虫,以相对增重率(RWG)、饲料转化率(FCR)、相对卵囊产量(ROP)评价免疫保护效果。结果显示,以E.tenella或E.acervulina卵囊免疫18日龄鸡胚,其卵囊排出的潜隐期及达到峰值的时间与1日龄雏鸡接种组相一致,有相似的排卵囊曲线,提示其诱导免疫的建立是在出雏后开始建立的。攻虫后各免疫组的RWG由攻虫对照组的31.9%~51.7%提高到了76.5%~83.6%,RCR由攻虫对照组的4.11~4.89改善为2.72~2.96,ROP降至4.7%~23.5%。结果表明以一定剂量E.tenella和E.acervulina卵囊单独或混合经羊膜腔免疫18日龄鸡胚都可以建立起针对出雏后14日龄同源攻虫的良好免疫保护力。比较混合免疫E.tenella和E.acervulina卵囊组与单一接种E.tenella或E.acervulina卵囊组的免疫效果发现,混合免疫组的各项指标均稍优于后者。  相似文献   

Erbeck DH  Nunn SA 《Avian diseases》1999,43(4):798-803
In a flock of 12,000 bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) and 7200 chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar), the owner had 100% morbidity and 40%-50% mortality in birds between the ages of 2 and 4 wk. Affected birds were stunted and anorexic and had yellow/green diarrhea. Two- and 4-wk-old birds submitted for necropsy all had slight nasal discharge. Histopathologic examination revealed mild (bobwhite) to severe (chukar) rhinitis. Immunohistochemistry was positive for Chlamydia psittaci in all birds. Chlamydia psittaci organisms were demonstrated histopathologically in hematoxylin and eosin and Gimenez-stained slides. Management sanitation and treatment with chlortetracycline stopped further excessive losses. The owners were also infected. Treatment by their local physician with tetracycline alleviated symptoms.  相似文献   

1. A total of 400 Alectoris chukar partridges were reared in either barn or free-range production systems and slaughtered at 14, 16 or 18 weeks of age in order to determine the effects of production system, age and gender on carcass traits (live weight, carcass weight, carcass yield, carcass part and edible inner organ percentages at slaughtering) and meat quality (L*, a* and b* meat colour and pH).

2. Production system had a significant effect on both slaughter traits and meat quality.

3. Partridges raised in barn conditions had higher live weights and carcass weights whereas meat quality was better in birds raised in the free-range system.  相似文献   

Previous findings, viz. that mice can be successfully immunized against infection with Salmonella dublin with either live or inactivated vaccine, were confirmed. Immunity lasted for at least 12 weeks in mice which had been immunized with inactivated alum-precipitated vaccine. The immunogenicity of inactivated vaccine gradually decreased on storage at 4 degrees C, but this was only detectable if a single injection was used for immunization: 2 injections virtually eliminated this phenomenon. The immunogenicity of live vaccine in mice was not enhanced by levamizole or the simultaneous injection of inactivated organisms. Both live and inactivated vaccines provided immunity in calves. A single injection of lyophilized vaccine, prepared from live rough Salmonella dublin strain (HB 1/17),protected 3 out of 6 calves, while 2 injections of a formalin-inactivated, alum-precipated vaccine, containing 1% packed cells of S. dublin strain 2652 V, protected 5 out of 6 calves against intraduodenal challenge with 2 x 10(9), S. dublin strain 2652 V. Two calves which had been immunized with an inactivated oil adjuvant vaccine were also solidly immune to this challenge. Serum antibody response in calves was poor when measured by the tube agglutination and the haemagglutination tests. Similarly, the sera had only marginal protective values when tested by means of a passive protection test in mice. Antibody titres alone are not a valid measure therefore, for the immune status of immunized animals.  相似文献   

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