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Actinomycin D: uptake by sea urchin eggs and embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Actinomycin D is excluded from unfertilized eggs and developing embryos of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata until the blastula hatches. The rate of uptake of actinomycin D by embryos doubles as development progresses after hatching to the gastrula stage.  相似文献   

A method was developed for isolating large quantities of micromeres from the 16-cell stage of the sea urchin, and measurements were made of their ability to incorporate C(14)-L-valine into protein as compared with that of a mixed suspension of micromeres, mesomeres, and macromeres. Per cell, the rate of incorporation was considerably less for the micromeres than for the suspension of mixed cells. Per unit volume, however, the two types of suspensions showed no significant differences.  相似文献   

After fertilization of the sea urchin egg the rate of protein synthesis by a cell-free ribosomal system increases markedly. This increase can be attributed to newly synthesized messenger RNA, since (i) the rate of polypeptide synthesis elicited by synthetic messenger polyribonucleotides changes only slightly after fertilization, and (ii) the enzymes for the formation of amino acyl transfer RNA's of phenylalanine and leucine and the polymerization of polypeptide are in excess in the unfertilized egg. Polypeptide synthesis has been characterized in development to the gastrula stage.  相似文献   

A sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) messenger RNA encoding a protein (SpEGF2) related to epidermal growth factor (EGF) was identified. The full-length complementary DNA sequence predicts a protein with an unusually simple structure, including four tandem EGF-like repeats and a hydrophobic leader, but lacking a potential transmembrane domain. Sequence similarities suggest that the peptides are homologous to two peptides from a different sea urchin species, which cause a classic developmental defect, exogastrulation, when added to the seawater outside of embryos. The SpEGF2 messenger RNA begins to accumulate at blastula stage, and in pluteus larvae it is distributed in discrete regions of ectoderm that are not congruent with known histological borders. One region corresponds to that expressing the homeodomain-containing protein, SpHbox1. The structure of the SpEGF2 protein and the pattern of accumulation of its messenger RNA suggest that it may have important functions as a secreted factor during development of sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

Viscosimetric evidence of alginase activity is given for the intestine and the intestinal contents of a sea urchin. The alginase activity of the gut wall and that of the contents of the gut differ in pH optima; this suggests that there may be two sources of alginase. The enzyme (or enzymes) depolymerizes algin.  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术研究了超低温冷冻保存对中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius精子超微结构的影响。结果表明:不加抗冻剂的情况下,精子线粒体和顶体结构不完整,质膜、鞭毛破损。加入保护剂后,多数精子结构完好,部分精子细胞器受损,表现为质膜褶皱或膨胀举起,与核膜的间隙明显增大;顶体肿胀、破裂或脱落;线粒体嵴间隙增大,内部出现空泡,甚至线粒体内膜破损,内嵴减少,呈弥散状;鞭毛被膜肿胀,呈波浪状,"9+2"型结构模糊;细胞核结构没有明显变化。应用单细胞凝胶电泳技术研究了精子冷冻保存前后DNA的损伤。结果表明,不加抗冻剂的冷冻组及添加抗冻剂的试验组精子DNA损伤情况与鲜精相比均无显著差异(P〉0.05),冷冻对精子结构的损伤是造成精子活力及受精率下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

对中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius精子的超低温保存技术进行了研究。以煮沸消毒海水为基础液,添加体积分数为10%的DMSO、体积分数为6%的甘油以及25 mmol/L海藻糖配制成冷冻保护液,与鲜精液按体积比以1∶1混合,在4℃下平衡15 min,于液氮面上方15、3 cm处分别停留3 min和5 min,然后浸入液氮保存。结果表明:用此方法保存的精子解冻后其存活率可达58.2%,受精率达24.7%;解冻后精子受精时,在受精海水中分别添加0、28、56、112、280 mmol/L的葡萄糖,56 mmol/L组的受精率高于其他组,受精率达26%;精子解冻后受精时,在受精海水中添加适量葡萄糖有助于提高受精率。本试验表明,冷冻过程中降温方式、冷冻保护液、平衡时间对精子的冷冻保存效果均有较大影响,各个因素通过优化组合可以大大提高解冻后精子的存活率和受精率。  相似文献   

Fertilization-induced changes in membrane fluidity of sea urchin eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By use of a spin label fatty acid, 5-doxylstearate, an increase in bulk membrane fluidity was observed after fertilization of two species of sea urchin eggs. Eggs partially activated by ammonia showed a similar effect. The data suggest that a structural change involving membrane lipids accompanies activation.  相似文献   

强壮弧菌Vibrio fortis是虾夷马粪海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius的一种致病菌.为建立强壮弧菌的PCR检测方法,根据强壮弧菌gyrB基因的高度变异区序列设计引物,筛选出特异性强的3对引物VF-6、VF-7及VF-8,分别对强壮弧菌S0907及20株参比菌株进行PCR扩增,结果显示,3对引物均对强壮弧菌扩增出与预期大小一致的目的基因片段且参考菌株无扩增条带.以不同稀释度的菌悬液制备的DNA模板进行PCR扩增,结果显示,3对引物VF-6、VF-7及VF-8可检测的最低细菌浓度分别为4.1×104、4.1×103、4.1 ×102cfu/mL;对不同稀释度的细菌DNA模板进行PCR扩增,结果显示,3对引物VF-6、VF-7及VF-8可检测的最低DNA含量分别为1.4、0.14、0.014 pg/μL.试验结果表明:3对引物的特异性均较好,但灵敏度存在差异,其中以VF-8为引物的PCR检测方法最佳;使用以VF-8为引物的PCR检测方法对实验室养殖海胆及其生境样品进行初步检测,健康海胆、养殖海水及投喂的海带均为阴性,而自然海域海水中带有一定量的强壮弧菌.  相似文献   

于2006年5、6、8月测定了光棘球海胆Strongylocentrotus nudus雌、雄个体性腺中氨基酸含量及组成。结果表明:光棘球海胆氨基酸含量为30.75%~48.52%(质量分数,下同),其中鲜味氨基酸含量为15.33%~21.84%,必需氨基酸含量占氨基酸总量的42.67%-52.50%,鲜味氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的43%以上。光棘球海胆中甘氨酸含量最高(3.76%~5.02%),谷氨酸含量(2.99%~4.79%)次之;雌、雄个体以及排放精、卵时其氨基酸组成变化较大;过熟及迟熟的海胆无论是氨基酸总量,还是必需氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸含量都低于早期成熟海胆;雄性海胆性腺鲜味氨基酸含量高于雌性,因此雄性更美味。研究表明,生产中采集海胆最好在海胆早期成熟阶段,在海胆成熟后期自然排放之前采收完毕。  相似文献   

马铃薯微型薯即由马铃薯脱毒组培苗经过炼苗、移栽、保护地隔离种植长出的薯型整齐、个头小而均匀的第一代种薯,俗称原原种。通过微型薯种出的后代因其脱毒高产、整齐均匀、商品性状好而倍受农民青睐,据调查目前微型薯生产市场缺口多达90%.制约其大规模工厂化生产的主要因素仍然是成本过高的问题。本文作者有多年的微型薯生产实践经验.  相似文献   

镉对中间球海胆精子发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了不同浓度镉离子(0.005、0.1、0.5、1.0 mg/L)对中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus interm edius精子发生的影响。结果显示:在光镜下观察,染毒第6、18 d后,各浓度组中间球海胆滤泡结构完好,生殖细胞发育情况同对照组基本一样;染毒第42 d后,0.5、1.0 mg/L Cd2 浓度组生精细胞排列混乱,滤泡膜破损;染毒第54 d后,各浓度组海胆性腺均出现滤泡解体现象。对染Cd2 54 d的0.5、1.0 mg/L组海胆精巢进行超薄切片观察,可见各级生精细胞亚显微结构变化明显,主要表现为核染色质异常凝集,核膜结构损伤,线粒体空泡化,精子形态畸形等。说明镉能影响中间球海胆的精子发生,导致精子质量下降。  相似文献   

In many organisms, interactions between cells play a critical role in the specification of cell fates. In the sea urchin embryo, primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) regulate the developmental program of a subpopulation of secondary mesenchyme cells (SMCs). The timing of this cell interaction was analyzed by means of a fluorescence photoablation technique, which was used to specifically ablate PMCs at various stages of development. In addition, the PMCs were microinjected into PMC-depleted recipient embryos at different developmental stages and their effect on SMC fate was examined. The critical interaction between PMCs and SMCs was brief and took place late in gastrulation. Before that time, SMCs were insensitive to the suppressive signals transmitted by the PMCs.  相似文献   

中间球海胆雌核发育单倍体胚胎的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用不同剂量(30~330mJ/cm^2)的紫外线对中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius精子进行照射失活,获得了雌核发育的单倍体胚胎。测定了照射组与对照组的受精率、单倍体诱导率、2~4细胞期的畸形率和破膜囊胚成活率,探明了精子灭活的紫外线适宜剂量为270mJ/cm^2;并进行了早期胚胎地衣红压片观察和早期囊胚染色体数分析,观察到照射组早期胚胎的精核具有DCB小体,对照组早期囊胚的染色体数为2n=42,照射组雌核发育单倍体胚胎的染色体数为n=21。  相似文献   

采用分子生物学方法成功克隆了虾夷马粪海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius CYP17基因。该基因的cDNA全长为1 570 bp,其中开放阅读框1 482 bp,编码493个氨基酸;CYP17蛋白的相对分子质量约为55 540,等电点为8.068,信号肽断裂位点位于第18和第19个氨基酸残基之间;虾夷马粪海胆的CYP17氨基酸序列与紫球海胆S.purpuratus的同源性为97%,与光棘球海胆S.nudus的同源性为96%。用RT-PCR技术对CYP17基因在虾夷马粪海胆生殖腺不同发育时期的表达差异进行了分析。结果表明:在虾夷马粪海胆3个家系的雄性个体生殖腺中,CYP17基因在1-3家系的表达量最高,依次为10-3家系、6-2家系,而在雌性个体生殖腺中,CYP17基因在10-3家系的表达量最高,依次为1-3家系、6-2家系;在4-1家系海胆3个不同发育时期,CYP17基因在雄海胆性腺中的表达量随着日龄的增加而增加,而雌海胆性腺在发育第430天到第447天时表达量略有增加,发育到第512天时表达量明显增加。本研究表明,CYP17基因在海胆雌、雄个体生殖腺中转录水平上的表达差异明显,雄性的表达量明显高于雌性。  相似文献   

Despite its potential toxicity, H2O2 is used as an extracellular oxidant by Stronglylocentrotus purpuratus eggs to cross-link their fertilization envelopes. These eggs contain 5 mM 1-methyl-N alpha,N alpha-dimethyl-4-mercaptohistidine (ovothiol C), which reacts with H2O2. In consuming H2O2 and being reduced by glutathione, ovothiol acts as a glutathione peroxidase and replaces the function of the enzyme in eggs. The ovothiol system is more effective than egg catalase in destroying H2O2 at concentrations produced during fertilization and constitutes a principal mechanism for preventing oxidative damage at fertilization.  相似文献   

Sea urchin histone genes contained in a recombinant plasmid pSp102 were microinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized eggs of Xenopus laevis. By the late blastula stage, plasmid DNA sequences were detected comigrating with the high molecular weight cellular DNA (greater than 48 kilobases). Analysis of the DNA from injected embryos digested with various restriction endonuclease demonstrated that the injected DNA was integrated into the frog genome. Clones of embryos containing the pSp102 DNA sequences were produced by means of nuclear transplantation. Individuals of the same clone contain the pSp102 sequences integrated into similar chromosomal locations. These sites vary between different clones.  相似文献   

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