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湿地松引种栽培在冷水滩区受到广大林农的喜爱。为了提高对湿地松育苗的成活率,对截根育苗方法进行了研究,并开展其造林成活率的试验。结果表明,湿地松通过截根育苗比常规育苗长势旺盛、粗壮、侧根发达,造林成活率比常规苗高11.1%。 相似文献
湿地松芽苗截根育苗技术研究胡世才,沈根度,曹志荣,陈里娥,夏锡凤,蒋彦章,叶卫(江西景德镇市枫树山林场333000)良种壮苗是营造速生丰产林的关键措施,这是多年生产实践的科学总结。良种育出壮苗必须有育法。什么才是壮苗?阳含熙先生等在“杉木速生丰产规律... 相似文献
通过火炬松截根菌根化育苗及造林试验,结果表明:火炬松菌根化育苗及造林不仅能促进林木生长、降低造林成本,而且还能提高林木对矿物质、有机质等营养万分的有效分解、吸收和循环,增强植物体的抗早、抗病、抗虫害能力。建议在世行贷款造林项目中广泛应用。 相似文献
火炬松,湿地松芽苗截根菌根化育苗技术研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
火炬松,湿地松芽苗截根菌根化育苗,能促进苗木根系的发育,苗木生长好,质量高,可使造林成活率达98%以上,一级苗出苗率达95%。 相似文献
南蛇藤育苗和栽培技术 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
南蛇藤 (celastrusorbiculatus) ,又名落霜红、霜红藤、南蛇风 ,属卫矛科 ,南蛇属。南蛇藤在我国分布很广 ,除华南地区外 ,自东北至陕西、甘肃、四川、云南、广东、广西、福建均有分布 ;日本、朝鲜也有。垂直分布可达海拔 180 0m ,常野生于石质山坡、沟谷杂木林缘及灌木丛中。南蛇藤植株姿态优美 ,茎、蔓、叶、果都具有较高的观赏价值 ,特别是秋季叶片经霜变红或变黄时 ,美丽壮观 ;成熟的累累硕果 ,竞相开裂 ,露出鲜红色的假种皮 ,宛如颗颗宝石。作为攀援绿化材料 ,南蛇藤宜植于棚架、墙垣、岩壁等处 ;如在湖畔、塘边… 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):473-482
Root growth capacity (RGC) in Scots pine seedlings was studied from the time of sowing and during the following two growing seasons. The method used for measuring RGC is also described. In the first growing season root growth was intense during the period mid‐July to mid‐September with an earlier peak for early sowing dates. After a period of low growth activity during winter, RGC rose sharply in early spring. During periods of intensive shoot elongation in May and June root growth was depressed. After shoot elongation was completed, RGC rose again before declining during the autumn. During winter and the second growing season, higher RGC levels were obtained for seedlings sown in June compared to the ones sown in April. This result is discussed with regard to differences in cultivation regimes. 相似文献
该文报道了薄壳山核桃大田播种育苗和火箭盆、无纺布、塑料钵容器等育苗方式对苗木生长及根系结构的影响。结果表明:不同育苗方式对薄壳山核桃苗木高度和地径生长影响显著,其中火箭盆容器培育的苗高、地径生长量最大,为39.14 cm和0.96 cm;无纺布容器苗和大田播种苗次之;塑料钵容器苗的苗高、地径生长量最小。多重比较分析表明,不同育苗方式对薄壳山核桃苗木的主根长度、主根直径、1级侧根数、1级侧根平均长度、根鲜质量、根干质量、茎鲜质量、茎干质量、根茎鲜质量比和根茎干质量比等指标影响显著,火箭盆容器和无纺布容器培育的苗木侧根系发达,根系质量好;而大田播种苗和普通塑料容器苗的主根发达,侧根少,根系质量较差。 相似文献
W. J. Rietveld 《New Forests》1989,3(2):181-189
Three growing systems commonly used to evaluate root growth potential (RGP) are soil, hydroponic, and aeroponic culture. Aeroponic RGP testing is a relatively new technique that has not been adequately compared to conventional methods. This paper reports the results of an experiment designed to compare the amount and variability of root growth of jack pine seedlings in soil, hydroponic, and aeroponic culture. New root length in aeroponic culture was significantly greater at 10, 14, 17, and 21 days and was less variable than that in soil and hydroponic culture. However, the patterns of root growth over time in the three systems are strongly related, so the testing methods provide the same diagnostic information. Root zone temperature differed significantly among locations within each system, but the actual differences were small and did not significantly affect root growth. 相似文献
艳山姜的育苗及栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
艳山姜 [Alpiniazerumbet (pers)Burttetsinith],多年生草本 ,具燥湿祛寒、健脾暖胃之效 ,经济价值高 ,宜种植房前屋后、田坎、地边、路边 ,是发展庭园经济优选经济药用作物。笔者通过几年来的生产实践和观察 ,现将其育苗、栽培、管理技术介绍如下。1 育 苗1 1 种子采集及处理艳山姜种子成熟多在白露前后 ,由青变橙红时 ,选取植株生长健壮、果实较均匀的果序 ,用刀割下该枝果序 ,摘下球果、去壳 ,放入温水或清水中浸泡。待种衣和蜡质层松软后 ,用手搓洗 ,再去杂 ,用筛子沥干 ,将种子放在阴凉处或混砂贮… 相似文献
W. J. Rietveld 《New Forests》1989,3(2):191-199
Root growth of tree seedlings was quantified as change in root area index by using a video camera and digitizing area meter system that sums scanning line and root intersections. Number and total length of roots 0.5 cm and area index change were measured over a wide range of values. Linear regressions indicated that the automated and manual quantification methods yield essentially the same result. The automated method reduces measurement time, minimizes observer subjectivity, and estimates all new root growth. However, the equipment is costly, and the method does not provide information on the origin or size of new roots. 相似文献
The influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) symbiosis on the transport of cytokinins from the root to the shoot of Citrus jambhiri Lush. seedlings inoculated with cultures of Glomus etunicatum (Becker and Gerd.), G. fusciculatum (Thaxt.) Gerd. and Trappe, or G. mosseae (Nichol. and Gerd.) was investigated. Cytokinins collected from root exudates over a 90-day period were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and a bioassay. The flux of cytokinins was independent of root exudate flux. Seedlings inoculated with G. fasciculatum or G. mosseae yielded a greater flux of zeatin, dihydrozeatin and zeatin riboside than non-inoculated seedlings. The flux of zeatin riboside was significantly greater than the flux of zeatin in seedlings inoculated with VAM symbionts. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal relationships apparently contributed to, or influenced, the export of cytokinins from the root. The elevated cytokinin flux of inoculated seedlings was associated with improved tissue phosphorus nutrition and a significant increase in seedling biomass. 相似文献