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Data were collected over four consecutive years from four, rotationally grazed, grassland management systems each with 15 spring-calving beef suckler cows and their progeny to 13 months of age. The Systems were high stocking rate (SR), high fertiliser nitrogen (N), 2 silage harvests — HH2; high SR, low N, 2 silage harvests — HL2; low SR, low N, 2 silage harvests — LL2, and low SR, low N, 1 silage harvest — LL1. High and low SR were 0.49 and 0.59 ha cow− 1 unit, respectively, and high and low N amounted to an annual input of 239 and 57 kg ha− 1 on the grazing areas, respectively. Where applicable, the four Systems received 114 and 80 kg of N ha− 1 for the first and second silage harvests, respectively. Equal areas of Systems HH2, HL2 and LL2 were conserved as silage (0.29 and 0.21 ha for first (24 May) and second (4 August) harvests, respectively cow− 1 unit) each year. Silage from System LL1 (0.37 ha cow− 1 unit) was conserved 14 days after the other first harvests. Following the final harvesting for silage within any System these areas of grassland were then grazed. During the winter all animals were housed and cows were offered grass silage and calves were offered silage plus 1 kg of concentrate per head daily. Good cow and calf performance at pasture were obtained at both high SR and high N or low SR and low N. At the high SR, increasing the level of fertiliser N application increased cow liveweight gain at pasture by 24 kg, improved body condition score (BCS) gain at pasture by 0.36 units and prolonged the grazing season by 7 days. Similarly, at the low level of fertiliser N, reducing the SR, increased cow liveweight gain at pasture by 21 kg, improved BCS gain at pasture by 0.23 units and prolonged the grazing season by 7 days. At the low SR all the winter silage requirements could be provided in one as opposed to two harvests thereby reducing the conservation area. However, delayed harvesting of silage resulted in lower silage digestibility and reduced calf performance in winter. The results indicate the specifications for a planned lower N grassland system, particularly where qualification for EU environmental schemes is dependent on moderate stocking densities.  相似文献   

Antibody titers were measured in serum and colostral whey of pregnant beef cows immunized with tetanus toxoid and chicken red blood cells while being fed diets either restricted or nonrestricted in protein and/or metabolizable energy during the last 150 days of gestation. Serum antibody titers were also measured in the colostrum-fed, cold and noncold stressed progeny that were actively immunized with dinitrophenol conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. In general, there were no major or sustained differences in humoral immune responses to injection of tetanus toxoid or chicken red blood cells between cows fed diets that were adequate or restricted in protein or metabolizable energy. In the few cases where serum antibody titers to tetanus toxoid or chicken red blood cells differed (P less than 0.05) between adequately fed or restricted cows, the differences were no greater than twofold. Anti-chicken red blood cell titers were uniformly low (P less than 0.05) by a magnitude of two to threefold in colostral whey of cows restricted in protein and/or metabolizable energy when compared to titers in cows fed adequate amounts of protein and metabolizable energy. With one exception, neither maternal dietary restriction nor cold exposure had a major effect on the ability of the calves to absorb antitetanus toxoid and chicken red blood cell antibodies from colostrum. The humoral immune responses of all calves to injection of keyhole limpet hemocyanin and dinitrophenol were similar in magnitude.  相似文献   

A model to evaluate economic criteria involved when cattle are raised on high-forage diets prior to finishing or finished directly after weaning was developed using data from two experiments. In Exp. 1, each year for 3 yr, 136 Charolais-cross calves were weaned and allotted to either an intensive system, in which they were immediately finished on a high-grain diet, or an extensive system, in which they were wintered on crop residues, grazed on summer pasture and finished on a high-grain diet. In Exp. 2, 160 British breed steers were wintered, in one of eight different wintering systems utilizing crop residues, using supplemental protein and(or) alfalfa hay. After wintering, the steers grazed summer pasture and then were finished on a high-grain diet. Overall cost of gain and final "break-even" price were lower for cattle finished through the extensive system except when the price of corn was very low in relationship to other inputs. Interest costs were higher for cattle in the extensive system. Increasing the feeder calf purchase price had almost no effect on differences between the systems. Corn price and purchase price affected both systems similarly, whereas interest rate, wintering yardage and finishing yardage affected each system differently. Because of the additional weight produced through the extensive system, it yielded lower final "break-even" prices in most situations.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of interval feeding of whole sunflower seeds on the performance of beef cows and their progeny. During mid to late gestation, 144 multiparous, spring-calving beef cows (588 kg of initial BW; 5.6 initial BCS; 4 to 13 yr old) were individually fed 1 of 3 supplements 4 d/wk for a 76-d period. Supplements (DM basis) included: 1) 0.68 kg of soybean meal/feeding (NCON); 2) 3.01 kg of a soybean hull-based supplement/feeding (PCON); and 3) 1.66 kg of whole sunflower seeds high in linoleic acid/feeding (WSUN). Supplements were formulated to provide similar amounts of CP and ruminally degraded intake protein; PCON and WSUN were also formulated to be isocaloric. During the supplementation period, cows had free-choice access to bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) and tall-grass prairie hay. By the end of the 76-d supplementation period, cows fed PCON (P < 0.01) and NCON (P < 0.01) had gained more BW than cows fed WSUN (33, 23, and 10 kg, respectively). However, from the end of this supplementation period to the beginning of the breeding season 84 d later, cows supplemented with PCON had lost more (P < 0.01) BW than cows supplemented with WSUN (-123 kg vs. -111 kg). Cow BW change through weaning (-50 kg, P = 0.43) and final cow BW (536 kg, P = 0.70) at weaning were not different among supplement groups. Furthermore, cow BCS was similar among supplement treatment groups at the end of the supplementation period (5.3, P = 0.09), at the beginning of the breeding season (4.8, P = 0.38), and at weaning (4.7, P = 0.08). No difference among treatments was detected for calf birth weight (36 kg, P = 0.42), calf weaning weight (235 kg, P = 0.67), percentage of cows exhibiting luteal activity at the beginning of the breeding season (57%, P = 0.29), or pregnancy rate (88%, P = 0.44). However, first service conception rate was greater (P = 0.01) for cows fed PCON (79%) and tended (P = 0.07) to be greater for cows fed WSUN (74%) than for cows fed NCON (53%). After weaning, all steer calves were placed in a feedlot and fed a high-concentrate finishing diet for an average of 188 d. Supplements fed to dams during gestation did not influence feedlot performance or carcass characteristics. Prepartum energy supplementation, regardless of energy source or prepartum energy balance, resulted in improved conception rate, but other measures of reproduction, calf and feedlot performance, and carcass characteristics were not affected.  相似文献   



There have been few studies published internationally which document herd health management practices in suckler beef herds and no published Irish studies. The study objective was to document herd health status and management practices on sixteen Irish suckler beef herds over a two year period (2009–2010). The farms used in the study were part of the Teagasc BETTER farm beef programme. The mean (s.d.) herd size, stocking rate and farm size was 68 cows (27.6), 2.0 LU/ha (0.3) and 64.3 (21.6) adjusted hectares, respectively. Two questionnaires were designed; 1) a farmer questionnaire to collect information on farm background and current herd health control practices and 2) a veterinary questionnaire to collect information on the extent of animal health advice given by veterinarians to their clients and identification of any on-farm herd health issues.


Dystocia, calf pneumonia, and calf diarrhoea, in that order, were identified as the primary herd health issues in these Irish suckler beef herds. In addition, substantial deficiencies in biosecurity practices were also identified on these farms.


The findings of this study may serve as the focus for future research in animal health management practices in Irish suckler beef herds.  相似文献   



Calf output is a key element in determining the profitability of a suckler beef enterprise. Infectious agents such as Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD) virus, colostrum management and parasitic challenge can all affect calf output. Prior to the national BVD eradication programme, there was little published information on either the prevalence or effect of BVD in Irish beef herds. There is little published information on colostrum management practices in Irish commercial beef herds and there have also been few studies published on the prevalence of liver fluke or rumen fluke infection in Irish beef herds. Sixteen farms participating in the Teagasc/Farmers Journal BETTER farm beef programme were used in this study. Fourteen herds were screened for the presence of BVD virus in 2010 using RT-PCR. In 13 herds, blood samples were collected from calves (2–14 days of age) in November 2011 - April 2012 to determine their passive immune status using the zinc sulphate turbidity (ZST) test, while in 12 herds, blood and faecal samples were taken in order to determine the level of exposure to gastrointestinal and hepatic helminths.


The overall prevalence of BVD virus-positive cattle was 0.98% (range 0 - 3% per herd, range 0.6 - 3.0% per positive herd). Eighteen of the 82 calves (22%) sampled had ZST values less than 20 units (herd mean range 17.0 – 38.5 units) indicating a failure of passive transfer. The overall animal-level (herd-level) prevalence of liver fluke and rumen fluke infection in these herds was 40.5% (100%) and 20.8% (75%), respectively.


The potential costs associated with the presence of animals persistently infected with BVD virus through the increased use of antibiotics; the rate of failure of passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulins and the high prevalence of liver fluke infection in these herds highlight that some Irish suckler beef farms may not be realizing their economic potential due to a range of herd health issues. The use of farm-specific herd health plans should be further encouraged on Irish suckler beef farms.  相似文献   

Charolais-sired calves from three groups of beef cows, similar in growth potential and mature size but different in genetic potential for milk production (5.6, 7.7, 9.0 kg/d; low, medium, and high, respectively), were allotted to two beef production systems each year for 3 yr. At weaning, calves in an intensive (Int) system went directly into the feedlot for finishing (236 d); calves in an extensive (Ext) system were wintered on corn residues (195 d), grazed pasture (115 d) and then were finished (122 d). Postweaning effects of increased weaning weight due to increased level of milk were small and not affected by growing-finishing system. Only the steer calves from the low milk-producing cows showed evidence (P less than .01) of compensatory growth postweaning in response to reduced levels of milk during the suckling phase. Cattle from the Ext system were heavier (P less than .01) before (388 vs 233 kg) and after (595 vs 531 kg) the finishing phase than Int system cattle. During finishing, cattle from the Ext system made more rapid gains (1.70 vs 1.36 kg/d) and consumed more feed (12.4 vs 8.5 kg/d, 2.52 vs 2.19% of average BW) but were less efficient (.137 vs .160, gain/feed) than cattle from the Int system (P less than .05). Extensive systems of beef production produced more total kilograms of beef per animal but they were 196 d older at slaughter.  相似文献   

Over a 5-yr period, spring-calving cows were used in a carry-over design experiment to evaluate effects of calf age at weaning on cow and calf performance and production economics. Weaning management groups were early (n = 60, calf age 150 d, EW), traditional (n = 60, calf age 210 d, NW), and late (n = 60, calf age 270 d, LW). Cow body condition score (BCS) and weights at the last weaning date were different (P < .05) for EW (5.8, 583 kg), NW (5.5, 560 kg), and LW (5.2, 541 kg) management groups. Pregnancy rates among groups were similar. Days on feed for groups differed (P = .001) and was 247 for EW, 204 for NW, and 164 d for LW steers. Average daily gain in the feedlot differed (P = .01) among groups and averaged 1.5 kg for LW, 1.4 kg for NW, and 1.3 kg for EW steers. Dry matter intake while steers were in the feedlot was greater (P = .001) for LW than for NW and EW calves. Hot carcass weight was greater (P = .01) for EW (328 kg) and NW (332 kg) calves than for LW (321 kg) steers, and fat depth was greater (P = .05) for EW and NW steers than for LW steers. When carcass data for the NW and LW steers were adjusted to the fat depth of EW steers, carcass characteristics among groups were similar. Net income per steer at slaughter for the feedlot phase was greater (P < .001) for the EW ($75.36) and NW ($62.16) steers than for the LW ($10.09) steers. Again, when carcass data for the NW and LW steers were adjusted to the same fat depth of the EW steers, net income differences among groups were reduced. Replacement heifers were developed in a drylot and costs were higher (P < .001) for the EW than for NW and LW heifers. Annual cow costs were greater (P < .10) for the LW ($443.45) than for the EW ($410.09) and NW ($421.35) groups. Break-even for each system on a steer financial basis was not different between the NW and LW groups, and both the NW and LW groups had lower (P = .08) break-evens than the EW group. Age of the calf at weaning affects cow weight and BCS. Net income in each system is influenced by cow costs, month of the year that steer calves are purchased into the feedlot and finished steers are sold, month of the year cull cows are marketed, and replacement heifer development costs.  相似文献   

A 3-yr experiment was conducted with cows and their calves to evaluate resource inputs, animal performance, and carcass characteristics of two production systems. In the control system, cows (CON; n = 99/yr) grazed pasture and were fed hay during the winter, and CON steer calves were finished in the feedlot for 211 d after weaning. In the treatment system (TRT; n = 100/yr), cows grazed pasture and crop residue during the winter and were fed hay. Treatment steer calves grazed crop residue after weaning, grazed pasture in the spring and summer, and were finished in the feedlot for 90 d. Body condition scores after TRT cows returned from crop residue grazing were greater (P < 0.01) for CON than for TRT cows. Calving rates were similar for both groups (CON = 91%; TRT = 93%). In the feedlot, CON steers had lower (P < 0.05) ADG and DMI, but were more efficient (P < 0.01) than TRT steers. Treatment steers had greater (P < 0.05) final weight, hot carcass weight and longissimus muscle area, and decreased marbling score. The cost per weaned calf and weaning breakeven were greater (P = 0.07) for the CON system than for the TRT system (CON = 455.12 dollars, 0.91 dollar/0.45 kg; TRT = 421.43 dollars, 0.84 dollar/0.45 kg). When steers were priced into the postweaning phase on an economic basis, slaughter breakeven was lower (P = 0.01), and profit potential tended (P = 0.14) to be greater for TRT steers when they were sold on a live basis. When steers were priced into the postweaning phase on a financial basis, slaughter breakeven was lower (P = 0.03) and profit potential from the sale of steers on a live basis was greater (P = 0.07) for TRT than for CON steers. Economic evaluation of the total system resulted in greater (P = 0.06) profit potential for the TRT system when steers were priced into the system on either an economic or a financial basis and when steers were sold on a live basis, but no differences were observed when steers were sold on a grid basis. Despite differences in cow weight and body condition, calving rates did not differ between systems. Although calves were herdmates, feedlot performance and carcass characteristics differed between systems. The TRT system had lower weaning and slaughter breakeven, lower cost per weaned calf, and greater profit potential when finished steers were sold on a live basis.  相似文献   

A 2 x 2 factorial study evaluated effects of cow wintering system and last trimester CP supplementation on performance of beef cows and steer progeny over a 3-yr period. Pregnant composite cows (Red Angus x Simmental) grazed winter range (WR; n = 4/yr) or corn residue (CR; n = 4/yr) during winter and within grazing treatment received 0.45 kg/d (DM) 28% CP cubes (PS; n = 4/yr) or no supplement (NS; n = 4/yr). Offspring steer calves entered the feedlot 14 d postweaning and were slaughtered 222 d later. Precalving BW was greater (P = 0.02) for PS than NS cows grazing WR, whereas precalving BCS was greater (P < 0.001) for cows grazing CR compared with WR. Calf birth BW was greater (P = 0.02) for CR than WR and tended to be greater (P = 0.11) for PS than NS cows. Prebreeding BW and BCS were greater (P 0.32) by PS. Calf weaning BW was less (P = 0.01) for calves from NS cows grazing WR compared with all other treatments. Pregnancy rate was unaffected by treatment (P > 0.39). Steer ADG, 12th-rib fat, yield grade, and LM area (P > 0.10) were similar among all treatments. However, final BW and HCW (P = 0.02) were greater for steers from PS-WR than NS-WR cows. Compared with steers from NS cows, steers from PS cows had greater marbling scores (P = 0.004) and a greater (P = 0.04) proportion graded USDA Choice or greater. Protein supplementation of dams increased the value of calves at weaning (P = 0.03) and of steers at slaughter regardless of winter grazing treatment (P = 0.005). Calf birth and weaning BW were increased by grazing CR during the winter. Calf weaning BW was increased by PS of the dam if the dam grazed WR. Compared with steers from NS cows, steer progeny from PS cows had a greater quality grade with no (P = 0.26) effect on yield grade. These data support a late gestation dam nutrition effect on calf production via fetal programming.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the effects of daily feeding (D) vs. feeding every third day (3D) on the performance of suckler cows and calves. In treatment 3D, the cows received the entire three-day feed portion on the first feeding day. The feeding regimens were imposed during the indoor feeding period in cold circumstances with grass silage and hay offered in the proportions of 1 : 1 on an energy basis for the cows. Thirty-two mature Hereford cows with an initial live weight (LW) of 787 kg and body condition score (BCS) of 3.33 were selected for the experiment. The experiment consisted of a winter feeding period and a grazing period averaging 225 and 96 days, respectively. Indoors the cows received a daily average 94 MJ metabolizable energy. The in vivo digestibility of dietary organic matter was similar in both treatments. No significant differences between the treatments were observed in cow LW, BCS, milk production and calf LW. Thirty-one cows were observed to be pregnant after the mating period. In the 3D treatment the serum concentrations of urea and long-chain fatty acids were increased on the third day after feeding compared to first and second days throughout the experiment, possibly due to activation of lipolysis and proteolysis. The 3D cows spent on average more (P < 0.001, 9.1% vs. 4.5%) time lying and less time (P < 0.05, 32.9% vs. 40.1%) outdoors than the D cows. On the basis of the results, feeding every third day is an acceptable winter feeding strategy for mature suckler cows if the cows receive enough energy for maintenance and milk production.  相似文献   

The effects of size, management and size x management interactions on reproduction in beef cattle were determined by using 3,126 breeding and calving records from 1980 to 1985. Cows were from three synthetic lines that differed in mature size (small, medium and large). The lines differed also in the percentages of Jersey, Angus and Simmental. Each line was replicated in two herds. One herd (Rhodes) followed a spring calving schedule and weaned calves at about 180 d of age. The other herd (McNay) calved cows in the fall and weaned calves early at about 45 d of age. Cycling rate, conception rate, abortion rate and calving rate were each evaluated for first-, second- and third-parity dams. An important interaction (P less than .05) was found between lines and management in heifers. Cycling rate and calving percentage were almost identical for all three lines in the Rhodes herd, but small heifers in the McNay herd had about 20% higher cycling (83.8 vs 63.1%) and calving rates (73.8 vs 53.0%) than large heifers. Line x management interactions were not significant in second- and third-parity dams, but line did remain a significant source of variation in calving rate. Calving rates in second-parity dams were 85.0, 78.1 and 70.7% for small, medium and large cows, respectively. In third-parity dams, small cows had a higher calving rate (P less than .05) than either medium or large cows (80.9 vs 66.1 or 68.7%, respectively).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of copper supplementation on the copper status of 40 late-pregnant Aubrac beef cows grazing a copper-deficient pasture and later fed a marginally deficient diet were studied for five months. They were divided into four equal groups; the control group received no copper supplement, groups 1 and 2 received copper as copper sulphate at 10 and 30 mg/kg of diet dry matter (DM), respectively, for five months, and group 3 received 120 mg/kg of diet dry matter for 10 days. Plasma copper concentration and the activity of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (eSOD) were measured at the beginning of the experiment, in the cows and calves during weeks 1 and 3 after calving, and in the calves before they were turned out to pasture at a mean (sd) age of 51 (26) days. In spite of the low dietary copper content (4.2 mg/kg of DM), the plasma copper concentration of the control cows increased during the winter. All the copper supplements resulted in normal and similar plasma copper concentrations in the cows after calving, but the concentration decreased slightly between weeks 1 and 3 after calving in the group supplemented for 10 days. The treatments did not affect the eSOD of the cows. The calves born to the four groups showed the same patterns of plasma copper and eSOD. Compared with the cows, the calves had low plasma copper concentrations at week 1 and values in the normal range at week 3; their eSOD was high at weeks 1 and 3 but decreased after week 3.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨联户放牧模式的概念、理论根源以及基于该模式对退化草原治理的实施效果,并针对当前草地管理模式存在的问题,提出未来草原管理政策的可行性建议。结果表明:面对草原退化,我国政府相继采取了草原管理政策,草原退化的趋势并没有被完全抑制。联户放牧模式的出现, 为遏制草原退化提供了一条创新途径,为实现草场高质量发展提供了实践视角。作为牧区地方治理的新模式,它虽然在一定程度上可以克服草原管理政策的缺陷,但仍缺乏国家政策的保护和政府的支持。 因此,在未来草地管理制度设计中应注重考虑 4 个方面:(1)牧区本土知识的应用;(2)新型职业牧民的培育;(3)基于自然解决方案的内容设计;(4)围栏拆建的科学性。  相似文献   

[目的]试验旨在研究不同蛋白源饲料对秦川肉牛日增重、屠宰性能及肉品质的影响。[方法]选择20头体重相近、健康状况良好的12月龄左右的秦川肉牛(母牛)为试验动物,随机将试验牛分为5组,各组分别饲喂5种不同精饲料。试验结束后,对照组(31%豆粕组)、试验Ⅰ组(36%菜籽粕组)和试验Ⅳ组(42%紫苏饼组)各选3头参试牛进行屠宰。[结果]试验Ⅳ组的全期总增重、平均日增重和屠宰率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);试验Ⅳ组背最长肌中干物质和粗蛋白含量均高于其他两组,但各组间均差异不显著(P>0.05);对照组和试验Ⅰ组大理石花纹均是3级,试验Ⅳ组大理石花纹是4级。[结论]本试验条件下,精饲料中添加42%的紫苏饼能够提高肉牛日增重和屠宰率,能够提高牛肉中氨基酸的含量和粗蛋白水平。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted between May 2003 and January 2004 on 130 households and 655 (246 indigenous and 409 crossbred) cattle to determine the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and assess risk factors associated with prevalence in smallholder dairy and traditionally managed herds in the Tanga region of North-eastern Tanzania. Random sampling, single intradermal tuberculin (SIT), comparative intradermal tuberculin (SCIT) tests and a questionnaire were used to gather individual animal and herd level information. From 642 animal tested by SIT, 35 (5.4%) were positive reactors for tuberculosis. Out of those 35 bTB positive reactors, eight (1.25%) proved to be positive reactors for tuberculosis upon further testing by SCIT. Based on the SCIT test, individual animal prevalences of bTB in the smallholder dairy and traditionally managed cattle was 2% and 0%, respectively. The corresponding overall herd prevalence was 5.7% and 0%, respectively. In conclusion, bTB prevalence seems low; however, its potential risk to public health is of concern; underscoring the need for further research, active surveillance to better understand the epidemiology of the disease in different cattle production systems in Tanzania.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to estimate the usefulness of turkey females derived from two commercial strains for the extensive system of feeding and management. The experiment included 100 female turkeys from each of two commercial lines, BUT9 and BIG6, which, after the 6th week of rearing, were randomly divided into two groups: the control (C) and the extensive (E), with five replications in each. In the 7th week of life, birds from the E groups were transferred to a building with an open access to runs. All birds were given balanced diets appropriate to their age. Birds from the E group were fed the balanced diets diluted with crushed wheat in various proportions and were additionally given green fodder and steamed potatoes. During the experiment, the production effects of birds: body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and survival rate were registered. Turkeys were slaughtered after 16 weeks of rearing. Before slaughter, blood samples were collected for haematological and serum biochemical indices determination. The European efficiency factor, protein conversion ratio and the mean cost of feeding were calculated. Significantly smaller body weight gains were observed in the heavier line in treatment E, suggesting the lighter birds may be more useful for the extensive rearing system. This fact could show better usefulness of middle heavy turkeys for the extensive rearing system. The influence of the rearing system on haematological parameters of turkey blood, demonstrated by a bigger number of red blood cells and the decrease of mean corpuscular volume in the blood of experimental birds, was stated. As well as the rearing conditions influenced level of aspartate, total protein and glucose; their level was higher, whereas the levels of lactate dehydrogenase, cholesterol, uric acid, phosphorous and iron were lower in the blood serum of birds from the E groups.  相似文献   

Data from 321 spring-calving cows (mean calving date March 27) were used to assess the effects of body condition, live weight, cow age (from 4 to 13 yr), and breed (237 Hereford x Friesians and 84 Blue-Greys) and time of calving on the proportion of cows that became pregnant, the number of days from the start of mating to pregnancy, and calving interval. Mating started at turn-out to pasture in mid-May and lasted 9 to 10 wk. Body condition at calving and breed were the most significant animal factors affecting reproductive performance. Cows calving in higher body condition had shorter (P less than .001) calving intervals (11.2 d per unit of body condition at calving). Blue-Grey cows became pregnant in a higher proportion (90%) and calving interval was shorter (364 d) than in Hereford x Friesians (83%; 374 d). Body condition at the start of mating was less important and body condition at the end of mating had no effect. Live weight at calving and changes in live weight from calving to the start of mating and during the mating period had no significant effect. The proportion of cows becoming pregnant decreased significantly with age in Hereford x Friesian cows older than 7 yr. The variance in calving interval accounted for by calving date, body condition at calving, breed, and age was 42%.  相似文献   

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