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<正> 1987年11月我随商业部饲料考察组对美国北卡罗来纳州的Goldshoro饲料和食品加工公司、Carroll食品公司进行了考察.Goldshoro公司是火鸡的饲料加工、养殖、屠宰加工、销售一体化的专业公司。该公司产品除在国内销售外,还出口国外。美国年养火鸡2.5亿只,其中北卡罗来纳州养5千万只,在各州中占第一位。美国养禽业年产值为12.97亿元,其中火鸡占25%.美国上市的火鸡  相似文献   

2001年5月,某特禽养殖场使用霉变饲料后出现大量的火鸡死亡,经济损失惨重,现报告如下.  相似文献   

火鸡的生产力不仅决定于配合饲料的营养物质和生物活性物质的平衡,而且也决定于配合饲料的结构。当蛋氨酸添加到标准水平时用大豆代替动物性饲料对火鸡的生产力并没有不良的影响。在配合饲料中加入饲用酵母而不是动物性饲料则能降低火鸡的产蛋量,并使蛋壳的品质变坏。  相似文献   

在畜禽日粮中加入一定数量的鱼粉,可以提高饲料利用率,增加产品生产。但是,由于国内蛋白饲料奇缺,进口鱼粉价格昂贵,来源不足。为降低饲料成本,摆脱饲养业依靠进口鱼粉的被动局面,我所自1982年以来先后进行了肉鸡和蛋鸡无鱼粉配合饲料的研究,获得满意效果。但是,由于火鸡体型大,生长迅速,营养需要量高于一般家禽,用其它蛋白饲料取代鱼粉是否可  相似文献   

使用 5月龄和 7月龄的蓝孔雀和火鸡及成年公鸡比较了饲料纤维成分的消化性能在月龄及 3种动物之间的差异。结果表明 :蓝孔雀在两个月龄段对饲料纤维的消化率显著高于火鸡和公鸡 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;蓝孔雀对粗纤维(CF)、中性洗涤纤维 (NDF)及酸性洗涤纤维 (ADF)的消化率因月龄的增加而显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。本试验结果表明 ,蓝孔雀、火鸡及成年公鸡在各月龄段对CF、NDF及ADF均有不同程度的消化 ,蓝孔雀对各纤维组分的消化率显著高于火鸡和成年公鸡 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,特别随着月龄的增加蓝孔雀对纤维组分的消化能力显著提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

Aviagen Turkeys 公司(以下简称“ATL”)提供了获得不同火鸡品种目标性能所需的营养规范指南,然而为了使火鸡对饲料营养密度做出积极反应,它们需要定期消耗所需的饲料量来达到这一目标。  相似文献   

90年代亚洲饲料工业取得了空前的发展,饲料产量从90年代初的9000万t,增加到高峰时的1.4亿t。亚洲饲料工业的增长超过了其他所有地区,仅在中国饲料产量就翻了一番,达到了5600万t,成为亚洲第一、世界第二的饲料生产大国。 亚洲饲料工业和养殖业的增长源于其经济的快速增长和人民收入的提高,人们需要更好的食品,尤其需要本地产的鲜肉。这里动物产品出  相似文献   

鸡、火鸡和产蛋母鸡的商业生产以舍饲方式进行已有70多年的历史,它们被用作试验用动物至少也有同样长的历史了。所以,人们对于其为保持令人满意的生产率而对养分的需要量也已有了相当详尽的了解。  相似文献   

去盲肠和未去盲肠公鸡氨基酸代谢率的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究应用Sibbald强饲快速法,测定并比较了去盲肠和未去盲肠公鸡对3种蛋白质饲料氨基酸的代谢率,结果表明,未去盲肠鸡对3种蛋白质饲料的氨基酸表观和真代谢率均高于去盲肠鸡(P〈0.05)。豆粕的氨基酸代谢率均高于其它2种蛋白质饲料(P〈0.05),从总体来看,去盲肠和去盲肠公鸡豆粕的蛋氨酸(MET),酪氨酸(TYR),组氨酸(HIS)精氨酸(ARG),胱氨酸(CYS)等氨基酸的表观及真代谢率差异  相似文献   

畜牧业生产的一项持续不断的挑战,就是提高饲料的利用率,为达到这一目的,要求我们了解畜禽生长和营养需要,了解畜禽食欲潜力和消化率,以及日粮中各种原料特点,从最广泛的角度应用一些新技术,来达到较理想的饲料利用率。一、开发应用新的饲料添加剂。1.酶制剂为了提高饲料中能量、蛋白质和磷的消化率,现已开发出适合畜禽生理特点的效价高、酶系全、耐热性能好的复合酶制剂,邓跃林等(1993年)报道,在28日龄断奶仔猪日粮中添加国产复合酶制剂,其增重比不加酶制剂组提高6%,提高饲料利用率11%。现在发展到利用酶来解除植物质的毒…  相似文献   

A total number of 180 1‐day old native turkey chicks were chosen in this study, for evaluating the impacts of using different attracting colours and forms of the offered feed on growth performance, carcass traits and some of health aspects, in a 3 × 2 factorial experimental design. The birds were allocated into three main groups according to feed colour (non‐coloured, orange and green feeds), then each main group was divided to three subgroups corresponded to feed form (mash and crumbles feed) respectively. The obtained results indicated that feed colours and forms changed significantly the final body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion, gizzard percentage, meat juiciness, plumage conditions and mortality rate. However, there were no significant differences among the treatments in carcass traits, meat quality (percentages of heart, liver, abdominal fat colour, flavour and tenderness) and body temperature. Significant interactions of feed colours × forms groups were existed in most studied traits except in feed consumption, giblets, meat quality traits, plumage conditions and body temperature. Finally, considering the obtained results, it was observed that the native turkeys prefer green feed as crumbles over non‐coloured or mash feed. Consequently, feeds for turkey chicks should be in green mash or crumbles during the growing period to maximize the profit.  相似文献   

A study was conducted with male broilers to determine the effects of early and late feed restriction or feed withdrawal. In the experiment five treatments were represented by three replicate floor pens, each containing 20 broilers. The experimental procedure was a completely randomized design. The treatments were ad libitum (AL), 25% (FR-25) and 50% (FR-50) feed-restricted or 8 h (FW-8) and 16 h (FW-16) feed withdrawal regimes, respectively. FW-16 regime significantly reduced weight gain to 21 days of age compared to AL or FR-25 regimes (P<0.05). However, the overall weight gains between 9 days and 42 days of age were not significantly affected by the treatments. FW-8 and FW-16 broilers consumed significantly less feed than either AL or FR broilers between 9 and 21 days (P<0.05), however FW-8 and FW-16 broilers had similar feed intake to AL or FR-25 and FR-50 broilers between 9 and 42 days of age. Feed: gain, abdominal fat pad and heart weights, mortality, death due to ascites, and the incidence of leg disorders were unchanged by feeding regimes, although the incidence of ascites in FW-16 was significantly (P<0.05) lower than AL fed broilers. Blood constituents, such as albumin, total cholesterol, ketone bodies, glucose, chlorine, lactate dehydrogenase, alanine aminotransferase and creatine were also significantly affected by feeding regimes (P<0.05).  相似文献   

剩余采食量(RFI)是实际采食量与预测采食量的差值,是衡量肉牛饲料效率的新指标。文章简要介绍了RFI的概念、测定方法、应用RFI的益处,以及影响肉牛RFI的一些生理因素,包括采食量、消化率、体组织代谢、活动量、体温调节等。最后,文章讨论了RFI在肉牛生产实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the relationship among the level of feed intake, chewing pattern, and diet digestibility in sheep fed a moderate‐concentrate diet. The first experiment was conducted using six male lambs at a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate diet digestibility and microbial N synthesis according to the level of intake: ad libitum, or restricted to either 70 or 55% of the ad libitum intake. In the second experiment, fifteen male lambs were housed in individual stalls, in a completely randomized design, and fed one of the three levels of dry matter intake (DMI). Chewing patterns were then evaluated for 24 h using a regular 5‐min interval observation technique, two times during the experimental period. Decreasing level of feed intake resulted in increased apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fibre, as well as of the true digestibility of organic matter. Total time spent eating and ruminating decreased with feed restriction. However, lambs fed at restricted levels of intake presented a higher rate of eating (g DMI/min) than those fed ad libitum, and spent more time ruminating each gram of DM (min/g DMI). In conclusion, our results suggest that a more effective chewing during rumination activity can have an important role on feed digestion in animals submitted to feed restriction.  相似文献   

苹果渣作为饲料资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍了苹果渣的营养价值,不同方法调制苹果渣饲料的特点和饲用方法以及苹果渣在畜禽生产上的应用效果。  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外关于石斑鱼的营养需要和饲料利用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Performance test results of 3250 sire candidates were used to estimate the genetic parameters of growth and feed utilization traits in Japanese Black cattle. Growth traits analyzed were six body measurements at the end of the performance test and daily gain (DG) during the test. Feed utilization traits were intakes and conversions of concentrate, roughage, digestible crude protein and total digestible nutrient (TDN). Genetic (co)variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood procedure using an expectation maximization algorithm under the two‐trait animal model. Heritabilities for growth traits ranged from 0.40 to 0.70 and for feed utilization traits from 0.21 to 0.74. Genetic correlations of DG were positive with feed intake (0.15–0.77) and negative with feed conversions (?0.63 to ?0.30). These relationships indicate that the selection based on DG improves feed efficiency but it simultaneously increases feed intake. Feed conversions showed genetic correlations ranging from ?0.09 to 0.03 with total available energy consumption, TDN intake. Thus the results suggested that feed conversions were not efficient selection criteria to decrease TDN intake and to improve comprehensive feed utilization ability.  相似文献   

养猪需要能量用于维持和生产,饲料应根据其能量需求提供准确的可用能量.考虑到总能在消化和代谢过程中的损失,猪饲料中可用能量被定义为消化能、代谢能或净能.在这些能量值中,净能系统被认为提供了最接近动物可利用能量的含量和日粮能量值,因为其考虑了饲料消化利用和代谢的热量增量.但日粮净能值和部分营养素是动态变化的,因此,没有一个...  相似文献   

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