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通过借鉴接受美学对读者的接受研究成果,提出了思想政治教育的接受性内涵,并分析了思想政治教育自身的可接受性,具体从接受美学中的"读者参与"、"审美经验"和"期待视野"、"第二文本"3个方面进行借鉴,以提高思想政治教育的接受效果。  相似文献   

内容提要对于读者和文本来说,起着桥梁和引荐的作用.针对目前编目工作中忽视内容提要的现象,就如何以精练的文字做好书籍的内容提要,揭示书内最主要的文本信息,更好地服务读者等问题做了一些探讨.  相似文献   

A new system for publishing and presenting Braille text is delineated. The system requires a new device for actual "reading." Experiments to determine reader preference and acceptance of the device are presented, and performance criteria on the device are listed.  相似文献   

通过对景观题名和景观本身、景观题名和作者读者、景观题名与社会时代之间关系的研究,探究景观题名的功能和意义,对其命名依据和表现进行系统的分析。从景观题名与景观本身的关系看,景观题名往往能直接反映或间接影射出景观本身的内容或主题,实现能指功能;从阐释性层面来考察二者之间的意义可分为写实与象征2种类型;从景观题名涵盖景观内容范围不同则表现为标志和隐蕴2个方面。从景观题名和作者读者关系看,景观题名是作者创作的一部分,反映作者的心理和意图,同时也将读者因素考虑在内;从景名中有无感情成分来考察可以分为有我与无我;从景名是否首次被创作出来方面看可以分为单篇与系列。文学惯例和与从众心理使景名在社会时代的影响下表现出一种趋同的特征,景名对社会时代也会产生反作用,表现出效益与功利。因此,景观题名可以看作是景观的延伸,阅读者可以从景观题名观照其背后的信息,将它作为看待景观作品的又一视角。参11  相似文献   

Genes, genetics, and epigenetics: a correspondence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wu Ct  Morris JR 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5532):1103-1105
Over the past months, as this special issue took shape, the Editors of Science have monitored an exchange of seven letters initiated by three queries from M. Bacon. These queries concern the popular definitions of "genes," "genetics," and "epigenetics." Below, we reprint excerpts from these letters, referring interested readers to www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/293/5532/1103/DC1 for the complete text and additional references.  相似文献   

《大学英语》第二册Lessons from Jefferson一文,作为精读课文其结束语未能紧扣主题,且有多余之嫌,对归纳、强调该文的主题尤其不利,可考虑去掉课文的最后两段或最后三段。  相似文献   

Delphi语言作为全面支持面向对象的语言,在程序设计中引入了类、对象、封装、继承、多态和抽象等概念。本文把Delphi所支持面向对象的特性作以全面探讨,并给出部分例子,仅供读者参考。  相似文献   

工程制图课程试卷由于图形、文字混排,是一个值得研究的技术问题,本文就工程制图试题库的设计和实现方法进行了研究。在AutoCAD为图形支持软件的条件下,利用该软件提供的二次开发手段,开发实现了自动生成试卷的试题库。  相似文献   

儿童文学是作者(成人)与读者(儿童)对话交流的中介,儿童文学本身所具有的跨学科的文化特性使文本与存在的外部语境形成了密切联系。因此要研究儿童文学的叙事特色,必须结合文本语境研究。20世纪80年代以来西方兴起的后经典叙事学理论为重新审视儿童文学叙事提供了很好的思路。儿童文学的特殊性使作者与读者形成复杂的权力关系,同时,作者与读者、成人与儿童又努力在这种权力关系中寻找不同的对话途径和表达方式。这种复杂的叙事语境直接决定了儿童文学文本的叙事特色。  相似文献   

动物食品安全可溯源系统读写器的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
读写器的设计是动物食品安全可溯源系统的硬件基础和关键技术之一.本文介绍了基于RFID技术的动物食品安全可溯源系统构建方法,并提出基于2.4GHz微波芯片的动物食品安全可溯源系统读写器的设计方案.该读写器可通过USB接口灵活组成基站式读写器或手持式读写器,大大提高动物食品安全可溯源系统的兼容性和可移植性.  相似文献   

刘晓鹏 《安徽农业科学》2013,(29):11904-11905,11923
破碎文件的拼接在司法物证复原、历史文献修复以及军事情报获取等领域都有着重要的应用、传统的拼接复原工作需由人工完成,效率很低,采用Matlab软件对采集到的文档碎片进行像素数值矩阵的读取,运用各个图片碎片的图片特征值对大量混合文字碎片进行快速的特征分类,对同一类的文字碎片进行顺序拼接,结合人工干预的操作较为快速的完成大量文字图片的拼接复原,获取珍贵的文字信息,可节约时间和精力  相似文献   

文学翻译研究不能只局限于对翻译结果静态的、微观的文本分析,还要展开对翻译全过程和翻译主体、接受主体的动态、宏观的文学和文化研究.文章结合文学、文化和翻译主体分析的方法,解析"杨宪益现象",兼论文学翻译者主体性要素的构成.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure identified from single sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Errors in the identification of objects have been made frequently because of faulty interpretation of their flat images or sections. Such errors are perpetuated through a strange psychological chain reaction. 1) The first author who observes sections of an object, although presenting faithful pictures of sections of it, identifies its shape incorrectly. Such an initial mistake may be due to identification of the flat image with the object itself or to failure to consider the shape of the image as a function of the shape of the real object and the angle and level of cutting. 2) The first author describes verbally his personal concept of the object. 3) The reader reads the text of a publication before or without examining the pictorial evidence. 4) The reader's belief in the authority of the printed word immunizes him against critical evaluation of the evidence. 5) The reader regards a published opinion as a "fact." 6) A mechanism of suppression of new evidence is set up in the brain of the reader in favor of previously published, verbalized concepts. His brain unconsciously rejects new concepts that might arise intracerebrally. The printed word supersedes visual evidence. 7) A secondary mechanism parallels steps 3 to 6. An observer notices an unfamiliar figure in the microscope. Following established procedures for scientific investigations, he refrains from forming an opinion about his observation. Instead he rushes to the library searching for similar, published observations. If he finds a previous report about a similar shape, he accepts it as a "fact" and he "confirms" the previously printed viewpoint. Let me interject a personal experience concerning this mechanism. I investigated the arrangement of blood vessels in the human liver by means of corrosion preparations. The work was divided between an assistant and me. He was assigned the task of preparing drawings of two specimens. In his drawings he showed a structure which was absent from the specimens but had been described in a previous publication. This article shows simple ways for correct initial identification of shape and structure and for the breaking of the reverberating circuit of erroneous thinking.  相似文献   

近年来我国图书馆读者培训研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了近年来我国读者培训的发文情况,描述了读者培训研究的主要内容,归纳了读者培训研究的主要特点。  相似文献   

Subjects searched a rapid sequence of computer-produced letter arrays for the presence of a numeral in one of the arrays. The subjects' scanning rates were computed from their precentage of correct detections of the location of the numeral. Scanning rates were very high and approximately the same for a wide variety of conditions; the highest scanning rates (125 and 75 letters per second for two subjects) occurred when there were 9 or 16 letters in each of the arrays and when new arrays were presented every 40 to 50 milliseconds. Giving the subject advance knowledge of the numeral to be presented made little difference in the scores.  相似文献   

介绍了lib2.0在图书馆各个方面的应用及实例.分析了在lib2.0环境下图书馆员面临的技术、理念和服务方式变换的挑战,图书馆员首先必须适应这种改变,进而通过自己的不懈努力掌握和运用lib2.0工具,为读者提供更加有效、便捷的服务.  相似文献   

当前,大部分有关RFID的文章,都在探讨RFID在提高产品物流速度和信息采集质量方面的作用或研究有关RFID硬件设备,而有关RFID阅读器的驱动及接口技术方面的研究很少。主要介绍了RFID阅读器的驱动模块及模块工作原理,同时介绍阅读器与上层数据管理器之间的接口设计。  相似文献   

运用精细化管理理论与方法,将读者需求研究与实践工作结合起来,分析了图书馆实施面向需求的读者服务精细化管理的必要性、实现途径,同时对如何有效落实进行了探讨,使图书馆能真正站在读者角度,用心打造服务细节,努力提升读者服务质量。  相似文献   

系统收集整理了771种杂草的图文资料,包含了成株分科检索、幼苗分科检索及杂草模糊识别三大功能模块.软件在Visual Basic 6.0支撑下开发,使用可视化与面向对象编程技术,拥有良好的界面,操作简单,调试和维护方便,大大提高了农田杂草鉴别的效率和可靠性.  相似文献   

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