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小麦品种复壮30抗白粉病基因RAPD标记的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
冬小麦品种复壮30中具有一对抗白粉病隐性基因,该基因对我国流行的白粉病生理小种表现为高抗或免疫,虽尚未定名,却已受到国内外的重视。我们分别以复壮30、感病品种农大015、京花一号的DNA为模板,采用300个RAPD引物(UBC400-UBC699)进行PCR扩增,其中UBC405(CTC TCG TGC G)可在抗、感品种之间扩增出一多态性片段(628bp),定名为UBC405-628。通过对F2  相似文献   

由白粉病菌(Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritci)引起的小麦白粉病是严重影响小麦安全生产的主要病害之一.本研究将来自以色列的野生二粒小麦(Triticum dicoccoides)WE27的坏白粉病基因通过杂交和连续回交,导入普通小麦遗传背景中,育成高抗白粉病小麦新品系3D256(其系谱为燕大1817/WE27//农大015/3/941,F6).将3D256和高感小麦白粉病的普通小麦品系薛早配制杂交组合,对其F_1、F_2分离群体和F_3 家系进行白粉病抗性鉴定和遗传分析.结果表明,3D256携带抗白粉病显性单基因,暂命名为MlWE27.利用集群分离分析法(RSA)和分子标记分析,发现3个SSR标记(Xwmc243、Xwmc 154和Xbarc318)、1个EST-SSR标记(Xdp357)、1个AFLP转化的SCAR标记(XCAUG1)和1个RFLP探针转化的STS标记(XWG516-1)与抗白粉病基因MlWE27连锁,在连锁图上的顺序为Xdp357-Mlwe27-XCAUG1-XWG516-1-Xwmc243-Xwmc154-Xbarc318.利用中国春缺体-四体系、双端体系和缺失系将抗白粉病基因MlWE27定位于染色体2B短臂的末端Bin0.84-1.00上.这一普通小麦抗白粉病种质资源的创制及其连锁分子标记的建立为小麦抗病基因分子标记辅助选择、基因积聚和分子育种提供了新的物质基础.  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病分子育种研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
小麦白粉病是小麦生产的主要病害之一,应用抗病品种是防治该病的十分经济、有效的措施。近年来分子标记技术的发展为小麦抗白粉病基因的研究提供了极大的方便。目前为止,小麦基因组中已定名抗白粉病主效基因有38个,其中有41个基因位点的57个抗白粉病基因被标记和作图。本文详细叙述了小麦抗白粉病基因的来源、抗病基因利用及其分子标记研究现状,介绍了国内外分子育种研究最新进展,旨在为我国抗小麦白粉病分子育种提供参考。  相似文献   

赵勤  白罗  傅体华 《核农学报》2011,25(4):679-683
由小麦白粉病菌引起的白粉病是世界上很多小麦种植区的主要病害之一。本研究对稳定抗白粉病品系2-26中的抗病基因采用常规遗传方法进行了分析。结果表明,2-26中存在一对显性抗白粉病基因,暂命名为Pm2-26。运用RAPD方法对白粉病抗感亲本和抗感池进行DNA多态性分析,获得2个紧密连锁的RAPD标记(SBSC2和SBSI2...  相似文献   

利用核辐射诱发小麦抗白粉病突变新种质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验采用不同剂量的γ射线、电子束、NaN_3与 EMS 处理3个小麦品种,在总剂量不变的情况下,用γ射线间歇辐照;用育种常用剂量(250~300Gy)辐照16个品种和12个杂种,诱发小麦抗白粉病突变,在 M_2进行苗期抗性突变体的筛选。结果表明,丁射线、电子束、NaN_3与 EMS 均为诱发小麦抗白粉病突变的有效诱变剂,而且电子束与 NaN_3的诱变效果更好。不同诱变剂诱发白粉病抗性的适宜剂量:丫射线300~350GV,电子束100~200Gy,NaN_31~3mmol/L,EMS 0.3%左右,品种间略有差异。γ射线间歇辐照较连续辐照的突变频率高,杂合材料较纯合材料的诱变效果更好。利用核辐射获得86份抗白粉病的中间材料。  相似文献   

应用花粉管通道法进行小麦抗白粉病转基因的研究初报   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了提高优良小麦品种北农6号的白粉病抗性,采用花粉管通道法将抗白粉病小麦品种复壮30的DNA导入北农6号,获得76株后代。通过白粉病抗性鉴定和分子鉴定,证明其中9株的477株D2代中有8株抗白粉病,并且表型与北农6号相同。  相似文献   

海藻糖合成酶基因导入小麦研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海藻糖主要存在于一些低等生物体内,它对许多处于逆境的低等生物维持生命、抵抗不良环境胁迫起着重要作用.高等生物虽然具有许多复杂的抗逆机制,但尚无象海藻糖那样具有多种功能且高效的抗逆产物.据此,人们开始尝试利用海藻糖来提高高等植物的抗逆能力.Oscar等将大肠杆菌中的ostA,ostB基因转入烟草及马铃薯,获得了良好的抗逆效果[1].陈红漫等在国内首次将酵母中海藻糖合成酶基因克隆并转入烟草,发现海藻糖对叶片中细胞器的膜结构具有较好的保护作用[2].可见,海藻糖在双子叶植物中具有较好的抗逆效果,但其在禾谷类作物中的作用还有待于进一步的研究.本试验旨在将海藻糖合成酶基因转入普通小麦,研究其在小麦中的作用,以期提高小麦的抗逆性.  相似文献   

选用农家品种白大头与感病品种铭贤169和辉县红组合亲本及F1、F2代材料,在成株期自然诱发条件下进行白粉病抗性评价和遗传分析。结果表明,农家品种白大头在田间表现中抗白粉病,田间病级3~4级;亲本铭贤169和辉县红表现中感和高感,田间病级分别为5~6级和7~8级。两组合F1代植株均表现抗病,田间病级2~4级。301株白大头/辉县红组合F2代植株中,抗感分离比为214R ∶ 87S,符合3R ∶ 1S的理论比值;286株白大头/铭贤169组合F2代植株中,抗感分离比为201R ∶ 85S,亦符合3R ∶ 1S的理论比值。表明农家品种白大头成株期对白粉病的抗性由1对显性抗性基因控制。  相似文献   


The formation of yield in two different combinations: vetch with wheat or oats, and the effect of vetch on yield potential of cereals has been investigated in Estonian field experiments over three years. We found that the inclusion of vetch seed in cereal seed and increase of its seed density led to considerable decrease in the yield of the cereal component (R=0.980–0.998). The adverse effect of vetch on cereal yield led to a reduction in wheat yield by up to 1861?kg?ha?1 on average for the three years, and in oats yield by up to 1413?kg?ha?1. One reason for the decreases in cereal yields was the formation of smaller grains in cereals under increased vetch seed densities. As a three-year average, the wheat 1000-seed weight decreased by up to 6.3 g while the corresponding figure for oats under identical conditions was 2.5 g. The inclusion of vetch in a crop and the increase of its seed density led to a substantial increase in the protein content of cereal grains. In oats, the change in grain protein content was smaller. At the same time, the maximum protein yield per area unit in cereals was obtained from their monocultures. In a mix with vetch, the amounts of nitrogen consumed by cereals decreased and protein yield of cereals per area unit reduced at higher vetch seed densities. Vetch-cereal mixes had an advantage over cereal monocultures as far as protein yield was concerned. In vetch-wheat and vetch-oats mixes the maximum protein yield was 500?kg?ha?1 and 438?kg?ha?1, respectively, on average for the three years. Of the two combinations, vetch-oats mixed crop gave the highest yield of grain, whereas the higher mixed crop yield resulted from the oats component. Oats is somewhat more competitive with vetch than wheat. Vetch-wheat mixed crop gave the highest protein yield because the protein content of wheat grains was higher than oat grains. Legume-cereal mixes are particularly suited for the conditions of organic farming as they ensure a relatively good harvest and a high protein yield.  相似文献   

建国以来黑龙江省春小麦抗白粉病基因检测及其组成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解黑龙江省春小麦抗白粉病基因的组成及分布规律,本研究利用已开发的Pm2、Pm3b、Pm4、Pm8、Pm13和Pm21抗白粉病基因分子标记对黑龙江省推广的123份小麦品种进行了检测和分析。结果表明,在123份小麦品种中分布4种抗白粉病基因,其中Pm2、Pm3和Pm13分布频率较高,分别为95.1%、95.1%和94.3%,Pm8分布频率较低,仅为0.01%,且不存在抗白粉病基因Pm4和Pm21;黑龙江省春小麦抗白粉病基因组合共有7种类型,其中Pm2/Pm3b/Pm13类型所占比例最高,为88.6%,其次为Pm2/Pm3b、Pm2/Pm13和Pm3b/Pm13,所占比例分别为3.3%、2.4%和2.4%,Pm2和Pm2/Pm3b/Pm8/Pm13所占比例最低,为0.8%。本试验结果明确了建国后黑龙江省春小麦品种抗白粉病基因的组成和分布频率,为高效开展小麦抗白粉病育种提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

为探究大麦白粉病抗性遗传,定位其抗性QTL,本研究以抗病品种Gairdner和感病品种扬饲麦1号杂交F1花药培养构建的DH群体及亲本为材料,对大麦白粉病抗性进行鉴定与遗传分析,并利用91对在亲本间多态性好的SSR标记构建了群体的遗传连锁图谱,采用Windows QTL IciMapping 4.0软件中的完备区间-加性模型对大麦白粉病抗性QTL进行定位。结果表明,DH群体各系间存在丰富的大麦白粉病抗性遗传变异。共检测到5个与大麦白粉病抗性相关的QTLs。其中3个时期均检测到qPM-2Ha位于Bmag0711-AWBMS56区间,可解释的表型变异为7.48%~12.50%;qPM-4Ha位于EBmac0906-HVM68区间,可解释的表型变异为23.07%~32.09%;2个时期均检测到qPM-2Hb位于Bmag0749-GBM1475区间,可解释的表型变异为6.22%~8.13%。qPM-2HaqPM-4HaqPM-2Hb白粉病抗性基因均来源于抗病亲本Gairdner, qPM-3HaqPM-4Hb白粉病抗性基因来源于感病亲本扬饲麦1号,qPM-2HbqPM-3Ha可能是2个新的大麦白粉病抗性QTLs位点。本研究结果为大麦白粉病抗性基因的发掘、精细定位、克隆及分子标记辅助选择育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Microbes have developed high-affinity uptake mechanisms to assimilate iron (Fe) and other metals such as aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), chromium (Cr), and copper (Cu). Siderophores, which are metal chelating compounds, and membrane receptor proteins are involved in these specialized mechanisms. A few siderophore-producing microorganisms associated with plant roots also influence the uptake of some metals. In this study, the potential microbial-assisted Cu and Fe uptake by Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) plants was evaluated. Seedlings of cultivated common bean varieties Bayo-INIFAP (B) and Negro-150 (N) and wild types yellowish (WY) and black (WB) were developed in the presence of a Cu and Fe solution and associated with the siderophore-producing microorganisms R. leguminosarumbv. Phaseoli (strains 19, 44, and 46); Pseudomonas fluorescens(strain Avm), and Azospirillum brasilense (strain 154). Seedlings of cultivated variety N and black wild type WB inoculated with the strain CPMex.44 accumulated 71% and 30% more Fe than the un-inoculated plants, respectively; however, the wild black bean accumulated the highest absolute amount of Fe (221.56 mg/kg of dry matter) as compared with the cultivated black variety N (126.16 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). In the wild type WY seedlings, the highest Fe accumulation was observed when the seeds were inoculated with the Pseudomonas strain Avm (206 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). The interaction of Pseudomonas strain Avm with seedlings of the cultivated B variety and the wild type WB promoted the highest accumulation of Cu (51 and 54 mg/kg of dry matter, respectively), 7 and 14 mg more than in the respective non-inoculated seedlings. No promotion of Fe accumulation was observed in the seedlings of the cultivated B variety and in roots; instead, less Fe was accumulated. The wild type WY did not show any improvement in Cu accumulation. In this study, Rhizobiumstrains promoted Fe but not Cu uptake in P. vulgaris seedlings while Pseudomonas strains promoted the uptake of both Cu and Fe.  相似文献   

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