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The potential of hedgerow intecrropping with Leucaena leucocephala was explored on vertic Inceptisols over 4 years at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India. The study was conducted using a systematic layout involving different alley widths ranging from 1.35 to 4.95 m and with varying distances between hedge and crops. The alleys were cropped with alternate rows of sorghum and pigeonpea. Hedges composed double Leucaena hedgerows 60 cm apart were periodically harvested for fodder. Sole crops of all components and a sorghum/pigeonpea intercrop were included in all four replications of the study.Starting in the second year, Leucaena was progressively more competitive to annual crops, causing substantial yield reduction. Competition (primarily for moisture) was most severe in narrow alleys and was greatest on pigeonpea.The growth of Leucaena was not sufficient to compensate for reduced crop yields. Land equivalent ratios (LERs) calculated on the basis of grain yield of crops and Leucaena fodder yields showed that hedgerow intercropping (HI) was advantageous over sole crops only during the first two years using wide alleys, but disadvantegeous in the last two years. LERs calculated on the basis of total dry matter indicated only a small advantage for HI (13–17 percent) over sole crops in wider (>4 m) alleys. Average returns per year from HI exceeded those of the most productive annual crop system (sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping) by 8 percent in 4.05 m alleys, and by 16 percent in 4.95 m alleys. Fodder production during the dry season was 40 percent of the annual total in these alley widths. Thus hedgerow intercropping at 4–5 m alley width is not very attractive for farmers in semi-arid India, which has 600–700 mm of annual rainfall. There is a need to examine the potential of HI in wider alleys. The merits and limitations of the systematic design are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper describes a tree/crop interface (TCI) experiment designed to investigate the effects of row orientation using Leucaena leucocephala Lam. Each TCI plot consisted of a regularly pruned Leucaena hedge in the middle and 12 crop rows on either side. Eight such plots were arranged at 45° around a sole Leucaena plot with rows oriented in four compass directions viz., North-South, East-West, Northeast-Southwest and Northwest-Southeast.Results of four years from 1984 to 1987 did not show any effect of row orientation, and similarly, no effect was seen on crop rows due to their location on the windward or leeward side of the hedge. The TCI effect was positive on the first crop row in the first year because Leucaena grew slowly, but depressed the yield of the first 4 to 6 crop rows(1.8 to 2.7 m from hedge) in subsequent years. The negative effect of Leucaena was noted more on sunflower in a relatively dry year than on sorghum in other years.Results from the TCI plots were used to estimate the yield of five hedgerow intercropping (HI) systems with varying alley widths (2.7 to 9.9 m). Comparison with sole stands of Leucaena and crops indicated that HI was more productive particularly at close alley widths. For example, hedges spaced at 2.7 m and 3.6 m averaged 37% and 25% higher productivity than the respective sole stands; but this advantage may be an overestimation of the real potential.The relevance of TCI experiments for studying agroforestry systems, their merits and limitations, especially of the design employed in this study are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of root pruning and cutting interval ofLeucaena hedgerows on alley croppedrabi sorghum was investigated. Paired (60 cm)Leucaena hedgerows spaced 6.6 m wide were subject to either root pruning, using a country plough during mid-kharif season, or no root pruning. The cutting frequency ofLeucaena hedgerows ranged from one month to six months during therabi cropping period. The effect on soil moisture, crop growth, yield and yield components ofrabi sorghum was examined.Root pruning ofLeucaena hedgerows increased grain and stover yields of the alley croppedrabi sorghum by 33 and 17%, respectively, over root not pruned hedgerows. Similarly, shorter cutting intervals (one and two months) increased crop yields as compared with longer cutting intervals (three and six months). The growth (height and dry matter) of the crop was similarly influenced. Soil moisture studies indicated that the competition between crop and hedgerows was considerably reduced by the root pruning. The results clearly showed that the competition between hedgerows and arable crop can be reduced considerably by root pruning and frequent cutting (at one to two months interval) of the hedgerows.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for two years (1989– 1991) on a Vertisol in Bijapur, India in a split-plot design, replicated four times, to evaluate the potential of alley cropping post-rainy season sorghum between Leucaena hedgerows. Leucaena produced on average 2.74 t per ha of prunings and 1.57 t per ha of wood annually. Alley cropping decreased sorghum yields by 28 to 45% when all Leucaena prunings were removed from the system and by 21 to 24%, when on average 1.92 t per ha prunings were applied to the soil annually. The reduction of sorghum yield increased as higher rates of N were applied to sorghum. Although alley cropping increased organic carbon by 21% and available N by 19% at the time of crop sowing, it did not result in increased crop yields because of competition for water between hedgerows and crops. Calculation of land equivalent ratios based on total Leucaena biomass indicated that alley cropping was more productive than sole cropping of sorghum only in one year, and that, too, when no N was applied to sorghum. Therefore, alley cropping of Vertisols with post-rainy season sorghum is not likely to have any advantage in the short term. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A major problem for small farmers in the semi-arid tropics is the chronic shortage of fodder for draft animals. Leucaena leucocephala has improved productivity in many places in India and in various cropping systems, usually as either a pure crop or in a hedgerow alley-cropping configuration. Mixed cropping with arboreal forms is seldom seen. For off-season fodder production, hedgerows have the disadvantage of being open to unmanaged browsing when unfenced (as is usual). Arboreal forms are generally far less vulnerable. In this paper, the components of production of sorghum and arboreal Leucaena are measured under different intensities of canopy lopping. The most productive management system of those examined was pollarding of the Leucaena at the time of under-sowing with sorghum. In a year with less than 50% of average seasonal rainfall, this system gave a yield of 4.6 tonnes/ha/yr fresh wt fodder and 3.8 tonnes/ha/yr dry wt. of fuel harvests, while increasing the standing crop of wood by 1.8 t/ha/yr and retaining a yield of sorghum grain equivalent to 46% of pure sorghum cropping; the LER of this system was 1.35. Cash values of the alternative management systems were estimated, including the discounted Net Present Value of the standing crop of timber. Maximum value was attained with unlopped pure crop Leucaena followed by pollarded Leucaena with sorghum; pure crop sorghum achieved a lower value. These results demonstrate both the high productivity of Leucaena/sorghum based systems, and the stability of production even in poor rainfall conditions. Pollarding transferred the high future value of Leucaena timber to the present value of sorghum grain and fuelwood.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken at Senehun — Kamajei, a high rainfall region in Sierra Leone, to assess the effects of Leucaena leucocephala, on the growth and productivity of maize, cowpea and sweet potato. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomised design with four replicates of each treatment. The treatments and controls were: (i) pure crops of maize, cowpea, sweet potato, Leucaena clean weeded and unweeded and (ii) intercrops of Leucaena with the food crops, both (iii) with and without applied fertilizers after the first year.The growth of Leucaena was slow but nevertheless tended to reduce grain yields of maize, and tuber and vine yields of sweet potato in the rows in the immediate vicinity of the trees, especially in the nitrogen-treated plots. The maize, in particular, caused an improvement in the early height growth of the trees.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for eight cropping seasons from 1988 to 1991 in semiarid Machakos, Kenya, to compare the productivity of shrubs and crops in intercropping (alleycropping) versus block (sole) planting systems. The study, conducted in a split-plot experiment with three replications, consisted of two tree species (Leucaena leucocephala andSenna siamea syn.Cassia siamea) in the main-plots and combinations of two planting systems (alleycropping and block planting of the shrubs and maize) with five different ratios of land allocation for the shrub and crop (1000, 1585, 2080, 2575, and 0100) in sub-plots. Thus, a sole maize and a sole tree were included in the subplot treatments. The spacing between hedgerows of shrubs in intercropping was 6.7, 5, and 4 m, respectively, corresponding to 15, 20, and 25% land allocation to shrubs. The trees were pruned to 0.5 m height four times a year. Intercropped hedgerows of senna and leucaena produced 10% and 24% more biomass than their respective block planting systems. On average, leucaena produced more biomass than senna. Maize alleycropped with leucaena yielded 16% less grain than sole-crop maize, whereas senna intercropping caused hardly any maize-yield reduction. Compared with the respective sole-crop systems, leucaena intercropping did not affect land equivalent ratio (LER), whereas LER increased by 28% with senna intercropping. The different tree:crop land occupancy ratios did not affect the production of either the component species or of the total system, except that LER declined with incrreased spacing between hedgerows. It is concluded that in semiarid highlands of Kenya, leucaena and crops should better be grown in sole blocks, not in alleycropping. In the case of slow-growing species such as senna, intercropping is worthwhile to consider only if the additional labour needed does not pose a serious problem for management, and the species has fodder value.  相似文献   

Farmers in the Eastern Province of Zambia are faced with problems common to other parts of the tropics: increased pressure to expand food production leading to accelerated forest clearing, decrease in traditional fallow periods, increased soil erosion, and reductions in soil fertility. Of special concern are shortages of labor during their growing season, a shortage of staple foods during January through March, pest (termite) problems, and seasonal fires. Alleycropping appears able to solve some of the farmers' problems. Both on-farm and experiment station trials were initiated to screen potential agroforestry species. Perennial pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., a species indigenous to the Province, showed particular promise. Cultivars grew over 3 m tall and produced up to 4.8 tons/ha dry matter (in 7 months after pruning) for green manure. Farmers reacted favorably to their experience with the on-farm trials. Ease of establishment and production of food (green pod and grain) make perennial pigeonpea a special agroforestry option in the Province, deserving additional research.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the soil chemical and physical properties in seven-year-old alley cropping trial containingLeucaena leucocephala andFlemingia congesta in Northern Zambia is described. There was a strong correlation between the maize yield and the total amount of nitrogen applied, both from prunings and fertiliser, suggesting that a major reason for the observed benefit from alley cropping, particularly withLeucaena, was due to an improvement in nitrogen supply.Leucaena produced significantly more biomass, and its leaves had higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and lower C/N and C/P ratios than did those ofFlemingia. There was also evidence that the trees had a beneficial effect on other soil chemical properties; under the hedgerows, particularly those ofLeucaena, there were higher levels of organic carbon, Mg, K and ECEC, and pH values were also highest.It is suggested that higher levels of organic carbon in the alley crop treatments were responsible for the improvements observed in soil physical properties. Lower bulk density, lower penetration resistance, and a higher infiltration rate and pore volume fraction were measured in the alley crops, although there was no significant change in the soil water release parameters.A deteriorating effect of constant applications of nitrogen fertiliser on soil fertility was observed; as the level of urea application increased, there were significant decreases in Mg, K and pH, increases in Al and soil acidity, and higher penetrometer resistance. These results highlight the urgent need for further research on biological methods of maintaining soil fertility.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

The effects of spacings between hedgerows (alley widths) and the spacings of trees within hedgerows ofGliricidia sepium on growth and grain yield of maize were investigated at Senehun in southern Sierra Leone. Four between-row spacings (2, 4, 6 and 8 m) were combined with three within-row spacings (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 m) in a split block design. Maize, at densities of 20,000, 40,000 and 53,333 plants ha–1, was established in the alleys and also as pure crops. N, P and K fertilizers were applied to all plots before pruning of the trees began. When pruning started, only the pure maize plots received fertilizer; prunings from the hedgerows were returned to the appropriate alleys in the other plots.Plots with the highest maize populations consistently gave the best yields before pruning started, but lower populations gave improved yields after pruning. Yields of maize increased with increasing alley widths before the start of pruning, after which the narrower alleys of 2 and 4 m outyielded the wider ones by almost double, probably because of the large amount of nutrients applied in prunings. Lack of light limited grain yields before the start of pruning, when there was some shading by the hedgerows. Alleys of 2–4 m wide, planted no closer than 0.50 m within rows, resulted in more than twice the yields of maize than in the 8-m alleys planted at 0.25 m within rows, once the hedgerows were well established and were being managed.  相似文献   

On highly-weathered Ultisols of the Georgia (USA) Piedmont, a combination of no-till agriculture and alley cropping presents an option for rapidly increasing soil nitrogen availability while restoring long-term soil fertility. Three years after the establishment of Albizia julibrissin hedgerows and no-till agriculture trials, we measured inorganic soil nitrogen (NO3 -–N and NH4 -–N) and net nitrogen mineralization during a 4-month field study and a 14-day laboratory study . We also measured the influence of tree leaf amendments on grain sorghum production and N uptake. Soil nitrate increased four-fold within two weeks of adding Albizia leaf mulch. Soil ammonium did not increase as rapidly nor to the same extent after tree mulch addition. Averaged over the 4-month study, soil nitrate and ammonium were 2.8 and 1.4 times higher in the alley-cropped than in the treeless no-till plots. Net nitrification and mineralization were no higher in the alley cropping plots, during either field or laboratory incubations. Tree mulch additions enhanced crop biomass production and N uptake 2 to 3.5 times under both high and low soil moisture conditions. Our study demonstrates the dramatic short-term impacts of Albizia mulch addition on plant available nitrogen. Combined with no-till practices, alley cropping with Albizia hedges offers Piedmont farmers an option for reducing reliance upon chemical N fertilizer while improving soil organic matter levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of no-tillage and alley cropping withCassia spectabilis hedgerows on soil properties and crop yields in a Typic Kandiudult of the humid forest zone of Central Africa were studied over the period 1990–1992 in southern Cameroon. The experimental treatments were no-tillage and hand tillage, both of which were either alley cropped withC. spectabilis hedgerows at interhedgerow spacings of 6 m or not alley cropped (control). A maize + cassava intercrop was planted in all plots at the commencement of each growing season.No-tillage had no significant effects on soil physical properties except to decrease soil temperature. In comparison to hand tillage, no-tillage increased soil organic C and total N in both years and pH in 1991. Mean organic C and total N with no-tillage were 1.77% and 0.174%, respectively, whereas with hand tillage were 1.35% and 0.145%, respectively. Notillage also resulted in a greater proportion ofC. spectabilis roots occurring in the topsoil. Alley cropping caused significant reductions in dry season soil temperature, surface seal formation and cassava root growth, and increases in exchangeable Ca, effective CEC and water infiltration compared with non-alley cropped controls. Infiltration rate at 2 h after commencing measurements were greater by 75% with alley cropping. Lowest maize cob and cassava tuber yeilds were observed when no-tillage was combined with alley cropping whereas highest yields occurred with no-tillage alone.  相似文献   

The response of corn (Zea mays) to incorporated leaf and twig mulches ofLeucaena leucophala, Gliricidia sepium andCassia siamea, andGrevillea robusta as a non-legume comparison was investigated in a 10-week pot trial and a concurrent soil incubation study to evaluate the suitability of various agroforestry trees as mulch sources.Leucaena contributed to the highest N uptake and biomass production of these corn plants, reflecting the benefits of organic mulching.Cassia-treated plants also performed better than the unmulched controls, butGrevillea incorporation suppressed corn growth probably because of the relatively high Mn status of this mulch. Manganese toxicity was confirmed by comparative vector diagnosis of plant nutrient status.Cliricidia mulching resulted in seedling mortality after germination possibly from high soil pH and ammonium toxicity. Mineral N production in mulched soils during the laboratory incubation was well correlated with N uptake in corn shoots. The results suggest that the nutritional effects of agroforestry tree mulches on growth of companion crops may be effectively screened by a combined soil test, pot trial, and plant analysis approach.  相似文献   

The effects of inter-row spacing of Leucaena leucocephala in an alley cropping system on the incidence and severity of diseases on intercropped beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their yield were examined over two years (1993 and 1994) at Chepkoilel Campus in Kenya. Each experiment consisted of three randomized blocks with treatments of three alley widths (2 m,4 m and 8 m) and a treeless control with two intra-row spacings of Leucaena (0.5 m and 1.0 m). Hedgerows were coppiced at 1.0 m height and pruned subsequently at two-to-three months intervals. No fertilizer was applied but Leucaena loppings were incorporated as green leaf manure. Incidence of angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) on beans were assessed at three growth stages in each season, using the Centro International de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) scales. Microclimate was monitored in treatments, in 1994. Angular leaf spot and anthracnose decreased with increasing alley width and were more severe in bean rows adjacent to hedgerows. Light availability and diurnal temperaturereaching the bean canopy increased with alley width but relative humidity and leaf wetness duration decreased. Proximity to hedgerows also had markedly reduced light levels, lower temperatures and higher relative humidity. Higher incidence and severity of angular leaf spot and anthracnose on beans in alleys than on beans in treeless plots were examined in relation to microclimate, inoculum survival and dispersal. The pattern of the diseases was best explained by microclimate changes induced by Leucaena hedgerows, especially effects of humidity. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of leucaena hedgerows, mulching with leucaena foliage (0,50 and 100% of harvested foliage), cowpea intercropping and adition of dairy cattle slurry (55 t ha–1 per maize crop) on the yield of maize from a sandy soil were assessed. The four-year results from five maize crops are reported.Except in the first year, yields of maize grain and stover were significantly reduced by 30% in the presence of leucaena hedgerows. Use of leucaena mulch eliminated this effect; application of all the harvested leucaena mulch (100%) increased the total maize grain yield of the five crops by 44% over sole maize. Hedgerow and mulching management required an additional 36 mandays labour ha–1 which was more than compensated by the increased maize yields. Furthermore leucaena hedgerows substantially depressed the growth of weeds between cropping seasons.Intercropping with cowpea significantly depressed yields of maize grain and stover when both crops were sown together, but not in later seasons when cowpea was sown four weeks after the maize. Application of slurry increased the total yields of maize grain and stover by 35 and 37%, respectively. The grain yield of maize in leucaena hedgerow treatments fertilized with slurry did not respond to application of more than 50% of leucaena foliage, which suggested that half of the foliage could be spared for feeding to livestock. The cumulative yield of maize grain from the highest yielding organic system was 85% of the yield from the fertilizer treatment.The study, which is continuing, demonstrates that large increases in agricultural productivity are possible through the intercropping of maize with woody forage and grain legumes and the integration of dairy cattle production into the system. It thus shows the importance of exploiting crop/livestock interactions.  相似文献   

Three trials investigating the potential of alley cropping to improve the traditional systems of cultivation, chitemene and fundikila, in the Northern Province of Zambia are described. Flemingia congesta, Tephrosia vogelii, and Sesbania sesban, were grown in association with finger millet, groundnut, cowpea, and maize in various traditional cropping sequences. The indigenous species Tephrosia vogelii and Sesbania sesban were not able to withstand repeated pruning and the long following dry season, and were replaced with Calliandra calothyrsus, and Cassia spectabilis.Over a four year period, there was no benefit by alley cropping with any of the tree species on crop yields, and yields in alley crop treatments even dropped significantly below the control treatments in the fourth year, casting doubt on the potential of alley cropping for sustainable production. There was also no consistent effect on soil chemical characteristics in any of the trials. It was suggested that this lack of beneficial response to alley cropping was due to low tree biomass production low quality of prunings, and an inappropriate cropping sequence. There was no evidence that alley cropping contributed to enhanced nutrient recycling, despite substantial localised pools of soil nutrients, particularly in the chitemene, with which recycling could potentially occur.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping vegetable crops with Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit for two seasons on a sandy loam Oxic paleustalf in southwestern Nigeria. Four vegetable crops (Amaranthus cruentus L.; Celosia argentea L.; Okra, Hibiscus esculentus L.; and tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown in control plots and in 4-m wide alleys between established Leucaena hedgerows without and with fertilizer (30 N-13 P-24 K kg ha–1). Leucaena prunings yielded large dry biomass and nutrients during both seasons. Yield of four vegetable crops responded more to fertilizer in control than in alley cropped treatments. Better yield of vegetables in alley cropped plots was in part due to following effect of the Leucaena hedgerows. Fertilizer application increased mean yields of Amaranthus, Celosia, okra and tomato by 325, 164, 47 and 94% in control plots and by 36, 26, 4 and 20% in alley cropped plots, respectively. For both seasons, yields were not significantly different between alley cropped with and without fertilizer and the control with fertilizer treatments. Yield was least in control without fertilizer. Alley cropping with Leucaena can reduce fertilizer requirement for vegetable production. Cost and return analysis using 1988 prices indicated that alley cropping with vegetable crops can be profitable.c/o Miss Maureen Larkin, L. W. Lambourn & Company, 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon CR9 3EE, England  相似文献   

Theee trials to evaluat the potential of alley cropping in maize production on the low fertility, acidic soils in Northern Zambia are described. Leucaena leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, Sesbania sesban, Albizia falcataria, Fleminga congesta, and Cassia spectabilis, were grown in alley crops with hybrid maize and soybean. All trials received recommended rates of P and K fertiliser; N fertiliser was applied at three rates as a subplot treatment. One trial received lime before establishment.Only in the limed trial was there a significant improvement in maize yields through alley cropping; when no N fertiliser was applied, incorporation of Leucaena leucocephala prunings resulted in an increase of up to 95% in yields, with a smaller improvement being produced by Flemingia congesta. There was a significant correlation between the quantity of prunings biomass applied and the proportional increase in maize yields over the control treatment. It is suggested that the lack of effect of most of the tree species on crop yields was due to low biomass production.An economic analysis showed that alley cropping with limed Leucaena was only profitable when fertiliser costs were high in relation to maize prices. However, lime is both expensive and difficult to obtain and transport for most small scale farmers in the region, and is therefore not a practical recommendation. It is suggested that future alley cropping research should focus on screening a wider range of tree species, including other species of Leucaena, for acid tolerance and higher biomass production.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the semi-arid regions of Haryana, in Northern India, to see the effect of Azadirachta indica, Prosopis cineraria, Dalbergia sissoo and Acacia nilotica on the yield of irrigated wheat crop. Data on crop yield for each tree species at different distances (1, 3, 5 and 7 m) and four directions (east, west, north and south) from the tree bases and control (no trees) were collected. Results indicate that A. indica and P. cineraria did not show any significant difference in the wheat yield while the other two species (D. sissoo and A. nilotica) showed a reduction in wheat yield. A. nilotica had the most significant and prominent effect, and a reduction of nearly 40 to 60% wheat yield was observed. The effect of this tree species was observed even beyond the spread of the crown. D. sissoo reduced yield by 4 to 30% but the reduction was only up to a distance of 3 m. In general, the impact of trees on wheat yield was observed up to 3 m distance and there is little, if any, impact up to 5 m distance and almost no impact at 7 m distance. In all the tree species, the wheat yield was reduced to a maximum on the north side of the trees and had almost no effect in the southern direction. Crop maturity was observed to be delayed by three weeks under A. nilotica, by 9–10 days under D. sissoo, and only by 6–7 days under P. cineraria and A. indica.  相似文献   

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