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Three hundred (300) methanol extracts of barks, leaves, flowers and stems of 200 plant species from Alto Rio Grande and Vale do São Francisco regions, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared and submitted to an in vitro growth test with the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, causal agent of anthracnose in common bean. Extracts from 13 plant species (Astronium fraxinifolium, Inga marginata, Malva sylvestris, Matayba elaeagnoides, Miconia argyrophylla, Myrcia fallax, Ocimum gratissimum, Origanum vulgare, Rollinia emarginata, Siparuna arianeae, Styrax pohlii, Tabebuia serratifolia and Trichilia pallida) presented antifungal activity and were used in other in vitro assays. Extracts from M. argyrophylla, M. fallax, O. vulgare, S. arianeae and S. pohlii were the most promising for the inhibition of the mycelial growth while the extracts of M. argyrophylla, M. elaeagnoides and O. gratissimum presented the best results for the inhibition of conidial germination. Under greenhouse conditions, the extracts of M. argyrophylla and O. vulgare caused the greatest reductions (41.82% and 37.65%, respectively) in disease severity when a local effect assay was carried out. In the systemic effect assay, also in a greenhouse, the most promising extracts were those from I. marginata, M. argyrophylla, M. fallax, M. sylvestris, O. gratissimum, O. vulgare and S. arianeae, which reduced the severity of the anthracnose to values below 35% of the observed for the control. Therefore, future studies with these plant species should be carried out to develop new products to control the common bean anthracnose.  相似文献   

Bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) is a major field pest limiting common bean production in eastern Africa. The genetic enhancement of beans for resistance to insect pests is essential for minimizing yield losses arising from crop damage. The objectives of this study were to (1) assess combining ability for bean fly resistance and seed yield accumulation in common bean and (2) estimate genetic parameters associated with resistance for formulating further breeding strategy. Four parents with known reaction to bean fly were crossed with four locally adapted genotypes in an 8 × 8 half diallel mating design. Parents and F2 progenies were grown in an alpha-lattice design replicated twice in an open-field and subjected to natural populations of bean fly for two cropping seasons under semi-arid conditions. Similarly, two resistant and two susceptible parents were selected and crossed to produce populations for generation means and variances components analysis. Results revealed that both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were significant (p ≤ 0.05) for all four traits studied except SCA for stem damage during one cropping season. Among the parents, GBK 047858 was the best general combiner for all the traits studied across seasons except for stem damage during long rains (LR) 2009. Besides, genotypes GBK 047821 and Kat × 69 (a locally adapted variety) were generally good general combiners for resistance traits as well as seed yield. General predictability ratio (GPR) values ranging from 0.63 to 0.90 were obtained for plant mortality, stem damage, pupae in stem and seed yield across cropping seasons. These results established the predominance of additive gene effects (fixable variation) over the non-additive effects in controlling the traits. Low to moderate narrow sense heritability values ranging from 0.22 to 0.45 were obtained for pupae in stem. Such heritability estimates indicate that although additive gene components were critical in the inheritance of resistance for the trait, non-additive gene action were also important in addition to the environmental effects.  相似文献   

Due to adaptation to new ecological and manmade conditions, the large diversity evolved in the European common bean germplasm is of particular interest for plant breeding. The knowledge of the genetic relationships within and among races and gene pools and their performance per se will provide bean breeders with a starting point in designing crosses using contrasting and complementary parents to broaden the genetic base within the different commercial classes. A genetic study of seed size variation and protein markers in progeny derived from 16 intraracial, interracial and inter-gene pools European common bean populations was conducted. General and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA) values were significant for seed weight, indicating that both additive and nonadditive genetic effects were involved in conditioning seed weight. Interracial populations showed transgressive values due to the accumulation of large-seeded alleles. Genetic variation inside Andean germplasm, and Chile and Peru races in particular, exhibited useful genetic progress in these populations, providing lines with a large seed size, and so, an excellent market potential. The distribution of incompatibility between both gene pools (Mesoamerican and Andean) of the common bean was explored. Inter-gene pool populations provided lower means of inbred segregants than the mid-parent value. Therefore, a good option it would be select for large seed size according to a recurrent or congruity inbred-backcrossing selection programs. Analysis of allele markers frequencies in inter-gene populations showed segregation distortion with a higher than expected frequency of alleles from the Mesoamerican gene pool, many of which were fixed in the F7 lines. The presence of a great percentage of markers that showed segregation distortion in these populations (87%) indicated that this phenomenon can be amplified by using distance related common bean genotypes. In addition, a high percentage of heterozygotes for the Phs locus (for the seed storage protein phaseolin) was found, which suggest that the Andean homozygous TT could not be expressed in Mesoamerican genetic background due to the action of some form of female specific mechanisms that affected gene exchange between parental germplasm in inter-gene pool populations. The present work provides useful information in the establishment of large seed size germplasm that could have a great deal of interest among breeders and may offer some possibilities to exploit existing variation within and between common bean races.  相似文献   

Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV), a sweet potato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) transmitted begomovirus, causes serious yield losses to many sweet potato cultivars. Using experimental whitefly transmissions in a greenhouse (choice tests) and in a growth chamber (no-choice tests), we evaluated 111 plant species in 30 families to determine the host range of SPLCV. The host range was limited to plants in the genus Ipomoea within the family Convolvulaceae. In total, 38 of 45 Ipomoea species tested were susceptible to SPLCV infection. Surveys were conducted during the 2007-2009 sweet potato growing seasons in Mississippi and South Carolina to evaluate morning glory species as potential reservoir hosts for SPLCV. In the sweet potato experimental fields and surrounding areas, a large proportion of volunteer sweet potatoes, as well as a high percentage of annual and perennial morning glories tested positive for SPLCV. Understanding the host range and potential virus reservoir host plants will ultimately help in the development of an effective disease management strategy that is based on the consideration of agroecological factors.  相似文献   

Disease forecasting models assist producers in estimating the likely appearance of disease in their crops and in the selection and timing of preventative applications. The first objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a weather-driven model for predicting infection by Taphrina deformans in different peach-growing areas. In 12 peach-growing areas in the Prefecture of Imathia, Greece, and over two years, the timing of initial infections differed depending on differences in the microclimate (mainly in temperatures and leaf wetness). There was a difference up to 9 days in the date of disease onset predicted by differences in the microclimate between regions. The model accurately predicted the observed differences in date of first symptom appearance. There was also a good correlation between predicted risk and observed disease severity. In addition, differences were observed among areas in the level of risk and the intensity of symptoms with a trend that areas at higher risk having a higher intensity of symptoms. The second objective of this study was to investigate advantages arising from using the model for scheduling fungicide applications against peach leaf curl. In five years of trials, the use of the model reduced the number of sprays compared to conventional spray program while achieving similar level of control. The simple rule of "spray one day before first forecasted rain after bud break" also gave good results. Trials were set up in order to determine the risk threshold for spraying based on model predictions. The results indicated that spraying only when the predicted risk was between 40 and 60 (over a maximum of 100) might be the most effective rule, but further investigations should be conducted to clarify the relationship between the predicted risk, actual peach leaf curl incidence and, more importantly, yield in order to determine the time when fungicide sprays are economically justified.  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major globulin seed storage protein of common bean,Phaseolus vulgaris L., accounts for up to 50% of the total seed protein. The rapid accumulation of phaseolin in the maturing seeds begins about 14 days after flowering and continues for some 12–14 days longer. However, the amount and rate of phaseolin accumulation, related to variation in onset, length, termination, and rate of synthesis, have been shown to vary between genotypes.Only three phaseolin electrophoretic types, designated T, S, and C after the cultivars Tendergreen, Sanilac, and Contender, respectively, have been identified among over 100 cultivated accessions. The narrow ranges of molecular weights and isoelectric points of the 14 protein polypeptides of phaseolin, as well as the homology observed from peptide mapping, suggest that the phaseolin polypeptides are similar proteins. Based on the results of crosses among cultivars having the three electrophoretic patterns, the genes controlling the polypeptides of each of the phaseolin types appear to be tightly linked, inherited in a block and the alleles are codominant.Substantial variation in phaseolin content, based on estimations using rocket immunoelectrophoresis, has been found among bean lines. Although most segregating populations show continuous distributions and quantitative inheritance, some inbred backcross lines having enhanced phaseolin accumulation appear to carry a few genes with major effects. A single gene that reduces the amount of phaseolin to less than one-half of the normal levels has been identified recently in an accession of wildP. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Soybean rust, caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow, is a severe foliar disease of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] that occurs throughout most soybean producing regions of the world. The objective of this research was to evaluate selected soybean genotypes for resistance to soybean rust in Vietnam. Five field experiments in Vietnam were completed from 2006 to 2009. The area-under-the-disease-progress-curve (AUDPC) was calculated for each soybean genotype based on four disease assessments taken during the reproductive growth stages. AUDPC units among soybean genotypes in each experiment differed (P < 0.05). Over the five experiments, the resistant check DT 2000 was most often the genotype with the lowest AUDPC units while the sources of rust resistance (Rpp1-5) did not always have low AUDPC units in each experiment, although PI 230970 (Rpp2) appeared to be more stable. A few genotypes with non-characterized genes for resistance, such as PI 398998, PI 437323, and PI 549017, had the lowest AUDPC units in at least one of the experiments. These genetic resources may be useful for host plant resistance studies and breeding soybeans for rust resistance in Vietnam and other locations like Brazil and the United States that have more recently been inundated with soybean rust. A significant (P < 0.001) experiment × genotype interaction was found when the AUDPC data of 14 soybean genotypes tested in Experiments 1, 2, and 3 were combined and analyzed. This result indicates the potential importance of changing fungal races and/or biotypes that occur in the rust population.  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the important pulse crops grown in many parts of the world. Its production and productivity are affected by different biotic and abiotic stresses. Broomrape (Orobanche and Phelipanche spp.) causes yield losses of 7- 80% in major faba bean growing countries mainly in the Mediterranean Basin and Nile Valley countries. Host plant resistance is found to be the most effective and economic method of broomrape control. Efforts made at the International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas over many years to develop advanced breeding lines with acceptable resistance and tolerance levels to broomrape have resulted in the identification of several useful breeding lines. These lines were shared with National Agricultural Research Systems (Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia and Portugal) as part of the Faba Bean Orobanche International Nursery, in order to test their stability across three seasons (2005, 2006 and 2007). The results showed that Orobanche plant number, dry weight, Orobanche index, flowering date, maturing date and grain yield were significantly different among lines and locations. AMMI analysis showed that some lines derived from hybrid bulk populations “HBP/DS0/2000” and “HBP/ES0/2000” showed acceptable levels of yield stability in the presence of Orobanche infections across all environments compared with susceptible check. In highly infested soils, the tolerant and resistant lines gave acceptable levels of yield compared with the susceptible check. However, the yield potential of resistant and tolerant lines in non-infested soils was lower than the highly susceptible check.  相似文献   

Unavailable carbohydrates in cotyledon flour were quantified from four varieties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) belonging to the Canario group. The pectin content, as percentage of anhydrogalacturonic acid, ranged between 1.57% and 2.3%. Percentages of hemicellulose A and B were similar, with average values of 2.81% and 2.61%, respectively. The polysaccharide extracted with 10% trichloroacetic acid was determined; its yield was 3.17%. This value dropped to 2.35% when the cotyledon flour was previously hydrolyzed with polygalacturonase. The average value of cellulose was 1.36%.  相似文献   

Imazamox plus bentazon has the potential to provide broad spectrum weed control in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Field trials were conducted in Ontario over a two year period (2003 and 2006) to evaluate the effect of imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence at 25 + 600 and 50 + 1200 g ai ha−1 on black, brown, cranberry, kidney, otebo, pinto, white and yellow eye beans. Treatments included a non-treated check. All treatments were maintained weed free during the growing season. The eight market classes responded similarly to imazamox plus bentazon. Imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence caused less than 4% visible injury at 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment. Imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence did not have any effect on plant height, shoot dry weight, seed moisture content and yield of dry bean. Based on these results, imazamox plus bentazon at the proposed maximum use dose can be safely used for weed management in black, brown, cranberry, kidney, otebo, pinto, white and yellow eye bean production in Ontario. Additional research is needed to determine if cultivars within a market class of dry bean differ in their response to imazamox plus bentazon.  相似文献   

Coffee leaf scorch caused by Xylella fastidiosa is widespread in major coffee-growing regions of Brazil. This study was done to quantify the yield loss caused by this disease. The severity data of the disease were collected during the 2006, 2007 and 2008 seasons at commercial plantations growing Coffea arabica ‘Catuaí’ in São Gotardo-MG in 250 plants of three blocks of 7000 coffee plants each. Fifty selected plants per block with different disease severities were determined. The linear regression showed a significant relationship (P < 0.01) between disease severity and bean yield and between disease severity and grain size in all years. The relationship between yield and the disease severity was significant (P < 0.01). For each 1% increase in the disease severity, there was a decrease of 1.22, 1.34 and 2.02 bags of bean yield/ha in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, thus showing the importance of the disease in reducing coffee bean yields.  相似文献   

Four varieties of common bean seeds stored at 4°C, 80% relative humidity, for one to eight years showed no differences in proximal chemical composition, Seeds 5–6 years old absorbed more water than 1 to 4 year-old seeds. The cooking time required for five year-old seeds was 6 hours, while the fresh seeds needed 3/4-to-one hour cooking time. The most remarkable difference was in phytic acid content, which decreased 94% to 98% during long storage.  相似文献   

Bean fly is a significant pest of common bean in semi-arid areas of East Africa. Apart from inadequate moisture in the dry land, bean fly simultaneously contributes negatively thereby adversely affecting bean productivity. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify sources of resistance to bean fly available in landraces, (2) confirm stability of host plant resistance in drought stress and (3) determine the effect of drought stress and seasonal variation on common bean genotypes in relation to bean fly attack for adaptability to the semi-arid areas of East Africa. Sixty four genotypes including landraces, bean fly resistant lines and local checks were evaluated for seed yield, 100-seed weight, days to maturity, plant mortality and pupae in stem in an alpha lattice design with two replications. This was under drought stressed (DS) and non-stressed (NS) environments and two treatments (insecticide sprayed and natural infestation) for three cropping seasons between 2008 and 2009. Genotypes differed in their reaction to natural bean fly attack under drought stressed (DS) and non-stressed (NS) environments over different cropping seasons. However, the effect of bean fly appeared to vary between the long rains (LR) and short rains (SR). It was observed that an increase in number of pupae per stem resulted in a higher plant mortality. The range of seed yield was from 345 to 1704 kg ha−1 under natural infestation and from 591 to 2659 kg ha−1 under insecticide protection. Seed yield loss ranged from 3 to 69%. The resistance of most of the bean fly resistant lines seemed to break down in presence of DS owing to their dismal performance. Screening of genetic resources in common bean to breed for host plant resistance to bean fly offers high potential of success if researchers take full advantage of the diversity available within the landraces.  相似文献   

Faba bean is an excellent candidate crop to provide nitrogen input into temperate agricultural systems. However, its growth is hampered by several factors including environmental stresses and the presence of anti-nutritional factors. To solve these limitations, breeding programs have been initiated that were successful for monogenic traits but not so for multigenic traits. The large genome size of faba bean has slowed down breeding processes. Several other legumes have emerged as model legumes including Medicago truncatula, Lotus japonicus, Glycine max and Pisum sativum. The establishment of these models has already boosted our understanding of important processes such as the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic interaction. The high level of synteny and collinearity existing between legumes makes possible the transfer of key knowledge from model legumes to faba bean. Here we review the most recent knowledge gained from model legumes on grain quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, nitrogen-fixing symbiosis and how this knowledge can be employed for faba bean breeding.  相似文献   

Broomrape management in faba bean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Broomrapes (Orobanche spp. and Phelipanche spp.) are weedy root parasites that represent a major constraint for faba bean (Vicia faba) cultivation in the Mediterranean area. Control methods are being developed that comprise techniques ranging from agronomical practices to precision farming, including chemical and biological control, genetic and induced resistance, modelling, and probably nanotechnology in a nearby future. However, the main concern is that to date, no single method of control provides complete protection against these parasites. For that reason, an integrated approach is needed in which a variety of such techniques are combined, in order to maintain parasite populations below threshold levels of damage.  相似文献   

Proof of concept was demonstrated for a practical, off-the-shelf bioassay to monitor for tobacco budworm resistance to pyramided Bt cotton using plant filtrates. The bioassay was based on a previously described feeding disruption test using hydrateable artificial diet containing a blue indicator dye, a diagnostic dose of insecticide and novel assay architecture. Using neonate larvae from a Bt-susceptible, laboratory reared tobacco budworm strain, a diagnostic dose for Bollgard II and WideStrike cotton was obtained that limited neonate blue fecal production to 0-2 pellets in 24 h (Bt-resistant larvae produced >2 fecal pellets). The bioassay was tested with three different field populations of tobacco budworm collected from tobacco in central North Carolina (USA) and shown to accurately diagnose susceptibility to Bt. The diagnostic doses were also successfully evaluated with two Bt-resistant, laboratory reared tobacco budworm strains. Shelf life studies showed the assay could be stored for at least 6 months at room temperature (longer storage times were not studied). The application of the bioassay as an easy to use monitoring tool is discussed.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ten fungicides against Mycosphaerella nawae, the causal agent of circular leaf spot (CLS) of persimmon, was evaluated in vitro and in field experiments. Field trials were conducted in 2009 and 2010 to investigate the comparative efficacy of the fungicides alone or combined using alternating sequences in spray programmes based on two, three or four applications. Disease incidence was assessed by estimating the percentage of affected leaves, which included leaves showing at least one necrotic spot and defoliation. Fenpropimorph, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and thiophanate-methyl were the most effective fungicides in inhibiting mycelial growth of M. nawae isolates (EC50 < 2 ppm). In field experiments, the most effective fungicides using two spray applications were captan, chlorothalonil, mancozeb and pyraclostrobin which significantly reduced disease incidence compared with untreated plots. Regarding the number of spray applications, two applications of captan and mancozeb were less efficient than three to control the disease. However, the percentage of affected leaves provided by three applications of captan and mancozeb alone or combined with pyraclostrobin using alternating sequences in spray programmes, was not significantly different from that provided by four applications. Experimental results demonstrated that spray programmes based on three applications of these fungicides could effectively control CLS of persimmon. The advantages of spray programmes based on alternated use of strobilurins and protective fungicides are discussed.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia rot caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most serious and damaging diseases of oilseed rape and there is keen worldwide interest to identify Brassica genotypes with resistance to this pathogen. Complete resistance against this pathogen has not been reported in the field, with only partial resistance being observed in some Brassica genotypes. Introgression lines were developed following hybridization of three wild crucifers (viz. Erucastrum cardaminoides, Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum) with B. napus or B. juncea. Their resistance responses were characterized by using a stem inoculation test. Seed of 54 lines of B. napus and B. juncea obtained from Australia, India and China through an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) collaboration programme were used as susceptible check comparisons. Introgression lines derived from E. cardaminoides, D. tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum had much higher levels (P < 0.001) of resistance compared with the ACIAR germplasm. Median values of stem lesion length of introgression lines derived from the wild species were 1.2, 1.7 and 2.0 cm, respectively, as compared with the ACIAR germplasm where the median value for stem lesion length was 8.7 cm. This is the first report of high levels of resistance against S. sclerotiorum in introgression lines derived from E. cardaminoides, D. tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum. The novel sources of resistance identified in this study are a highly valuable resource that can be used in oilseed Brassica breeding programmes to enhance resistance in future B. napus and B. juncea cultivars against Sclerotinia stem rot.  相似文献   

The incidence of Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV), a Begomovirus, on sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Convolvulaceae), in South Carolina, U.S.A. has increased rapidly in recent years. This is likely due to the use of infected propagating materials and the increasing population of its vector, the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). In this study, we demonstrated in field experiments that SPLCV infection reduced the yields of most heirloom sweetpotato lines relative to the yields of non-infected plants. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology specific to several common sweetpotato viruses was used to determine the virus infection status in 69 selected accessions of heirloom sweetpotato lines. Meristem tip culture technology was used to regenerate virus-free plants from these materials. To ensure the virus-free status, each mericlone was evaluated using real-time PCR and graft bio-indexing on the indicator species, Ipomoea setosa Ker Gawl. Mericlones of 27 cultivars were found to be free of the viruses. The 27 cultivars were included in a field test to determine the effect of SPLCV infection on yield. Yields of virus-free plants of the cultivars ranged from 10 to 80% greater than the yields of SPLCV-infected plants. However, the yield differences between virus-free and infected plants were diminished in the second year of the field experiment due to a rapid re-infection by SPLCV. These results demonstrate the importance of using certified, virus-tested seed roots or cuttings. The rapid re-infection of the virus-tested sweetpotato plants with SPLCV observed in these studies suggests that management of the whitefly population should be a critical element in control of this important virus.  相似文献   

The nematicidal effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pichia guilliermondii and Calothrix parietina singly or in combination was tested against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Treatments with P. fluorescens and P. lilacinus caused mortality of M. incognita as 45% and 30% of juveniles after 48 h of exposures, respectively compared to water control in vitro. Under greenhouse conditions, all treatments reduced the disease severity and enhanced plant growth compared to untreated control. Application of P. fluorescens, P. lilacinus and P. guilliermondii Moh 10 was more effective compared to C. parietina. There was a negative interaction between C. parietina and either P. lilacinus or P. guilliermondii. Fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots of plants were significantly reduced as a result of infection with M. incognita, however application of biocontrol agents singly or in mix recovered this reduction. Moreover, they enhanced the growth parameters compared with the control. Our results proved that application of different biocontrol agents (P. fluorescens, P. lilacinus and P. guilliermondii) not only has a lethal effect on nematode, but also enhances the plant growth, supplying many nutritional elements and induction the systemic resistance in plants. Presence of C. parietina as a soil inhabitant cyanobacterium could antagonize biocontrol agents leading to the reduction of their practical efficiency in soil.  相似文献   

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